From c797925d080b2e6faaeb70aa1bdd56d0a18e109d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Tom Merrow Date: Sun, 20 Sep 2020 17:04:17 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] Suppress checking specialization in classic. --- Main.lua | 4078 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------- 1 file changed, 2039 insertions(+), 2039 deletions(-) diff --git a/Main.lua b/Main.lua index 167ef9a..694ff9c 100644 --- a/Main.lua +++ b/Main.lua @@ -1,2039 +1,2039 @@ --- Raven is an addon to monitor auras and cooldowns, providing timer bars and icons plus helpful notifications. --- Author: Tomber --- Copyright 2010-2019, All Rights Reserved - --- Main.lua contains initialization and update routines supporting Raven's core capability of tracking active auras and cooldowns. --- It includes special cases for weapon buffs, stances, and trinkets. --- It works primarily by tracking events that indicate when auras and spell casts occur. It maintains internal --- tables of active auras to facilitate seamless tracking of auras, including casts that refresh ongoing auras. --- In addition, it tracks combat log events in order to detect auras that the player has cast on multiple targets. --- And, for cooldowns, it monitors events related to spells going onto cooldown. - --- Exported functions: --- Raven:CheckAura(unit, name, isBuff) checks if an aura is active on a unit, returning detailed info if found --- Raven:IterateAuras(unit, func, isBuff, p1, p2, p3) calls func for each active aura, parameters include a table with detailed aura info --- Raven:CheckCooldown(name) checks if cooldown with the specified name is active, returning detailed info if found --- Raven:IterateCooldowns(func, p1, p2, p3) calls func for each active cooldown, parameters include a table with detailed cooldown info --- Raven:UnitHasBuff(unit, type) returns true and table with detailed info if unit has an active buff of the specified type (e.g., "Mainhand") --- Raven:UnitHasDebuff(unit, type) returns true and table with detailed info if unit has an active debuff of the specified type (e.g., "Poison") - -Raven = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("Raven", "AceConsole-3.0", "AceEvent-3.0") -local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale("Raven") -local media = LibStub("LibSharedMedia-3.0") -local MOD = Raven -local MOD_Options = "Raven_Options" -local _ -local addonInitialized = false -- set when the addon is initialized -local addonEnabled = false -- set when the addon is enabled -local optionsLoaded = false -- set when the load-on-demand options panel module has been loaded -local optionsFailed = false -- set if loading the option panel module failed - -MOD.isClassic = (WOW_PROJECT_ID == WOW_PROJECT_CLASSIC) -MOD.updateOptions = false -- set this to cause the options panel to update (checked every half second) -MOD.LocalSpellNames = {} -- must be defined in first module loaded -local LSPELL = MOD.LocalSpellNames -MOD.frame = nil -MOD.db = nil -MOD.ldb = nil -MOD.ldbi = nil -- set when using DBIcon library -MOD.LibLDB = nil -MOD.myClass = nil; MOD.localClass = nil -MOD.myRace = nil; MOD.localRace = nil -MOD.lockoutSpells = {} -- spells for testing lock out of each school of magic for current player -MOD.classConditions = {} -- stores info about pre-defined conditions for each class -MOD.talents = {} -- table containing names and talent table location for each talent -MOD.talentList = {} -- table with list of talent names -MOD.runeSlots = {} -- cache information about each rune slot for DKs -MOD.runeCount = 0 -- current number of available runes -MOD.updateActions = true -- action bar changed -MOD.updateDispels = true -- need to update dispel types -MOD.knownBrokers = {} -- table of registered data brokers -MOD.brokerList = {} -- table of brokers suitable for a selection list -MOD.cooldownSpells = {} -- table of spell ids that have a cooldown to track, updated when spellbook changes -MOD.chargeSpells = {} -- table of spell ids with max charges -MOD.petSpells = {} -- table of pet spell ids with a cooldown to track -MOD.professionSpells = {} -- table of profession spell ids with a cooldown to track -MOD.bookSpells = {} -- table of spells currently available in the spell book -MOD.suppress = true -- this is set when certain special effects are to be disabled (e.g., at start up) -MOD.combatTimer = 0 -- if not 0 then this is set to the time when the player last entered combat -MOD.status = {} -- global status info cached by conditions module on every update - -local doUpdate = true -- set by any event that can change bars (used to throttle major updates) -local forceUpdate = false -- set to cause immediate update (reserved for critical changes like to player's target or focus) -local suppressTime = nil -- set when addon code is loaded -local updateCooldowns = false -- set when actionbar or inventory slot cooldown starts or stops -local units = {} -- list of units to track -local mainUnits = { "player", "pet", "target", "focus", "targettarget", "focustarget", "pettarget", "mouseover" } -- ordered list of main units -local partyUnits = { "party1", "party2", "party3", "party4" } -- optional party units -local bossUnits = { "boss1", "boss2", "boss3", "boss4", "boss5" } -- optional boss units -local arenaUnits = { "arena1", "arena2", "arena3", "arena4", "arena5" } -- optional arena units -local nameplateUnits = {} -- cache of 40 nameplate unit ids -local eventUnits = { "targettarget", "focustarget", "pettarget", "mouseover" } -- can't count on events for these units -local tagUnits = { player = true, target = true, focus = true, pet = true, targettarget = true, focustarget = true, pettarget = true, mouseover = true } -- for hash tag generation -local unitUpdate = {} -- boolean for each unit that indicates need to update auras -local unitStatus = {} -- status of each unit set on every update (0 = no unit, 1 = unit exists, "unit" = unit is other unit) -local unitBuffs = {} -- indexed by GUID for tracking buffs cast by player -local unitDebuffs = {} -- indexed by GUID for tracking debuffs cast by player -local activeBuffs = {} -- active buffs for each unit -local activeDebuffs = {} -- active debuffs for each unit -local tagBuffs = {} -- cache of buff tags for each unit -local tagDebuffs = {} -- cache of debuff tags for each unit -local cacheBuffs = {} -- cache of active buff names -local cacheDebuffs = {} -- cache of active debuff names -local cacheUnits = {} -- cache of unit IDs, indexed by GUID -local refreshUnits = {} -- unit id cache used to optimize refresh -local tablePool = {} -- pool of available tables -local activeCooldowns = {} -- spells/items that are currently on cooldown -local internalCooldowns = {} -- tracking entries for internal cooldowns -local spellEffects = {} -- tracking entries for spell effects -local spellAlerts = {} -- tracking entries for spell alerts -local spellAlertCounter = 0 -- incremented with each spell alert -local spellAlertClassColors = nil -- set on first reference to table of class color hex strings -local lastTime = 0 -- time when last update happened -local lastTrackers = 0 -- time when last looked at trackers on major units -local lastWeapons = 0 -- time when last looked at weapon buffs -local elapsedTime = 0 -- time in seconds since last update -local updateCounter = 0 -- update counter included for testing -local refreshTime = 0 -- time since last animation refresh -local refreshCounter = 0 -- refresh counter included for testing -local throttleTime = 0 -- secondary throttle that resets once per second -local throttleCounter = 0 -- throttle counter included for testing -local throttleTracker = 0 -- throttle max count seen included for testing -local now = 0 -- refresh time value set at combat log and update events -local bufftooltip = nil -- used to store tooltip for scanning weapon buffs -local mhLastBuff = nil -- saves name of most recent main hand weapon buff -local ohLastBuff = nil -- saves name of most recent off hand weapon buff -local iconGCD = nil -- icon for global cooldown -local iconPotion = nil -- icon for shared potions cooldown -local iconElixir = nil -- icon for shared elixirs cooldown -local iconRune = nil -- icon for death knight runes -local lastTotems = {} -- cache last totems in each slot to see if changed -local lockedOut = false -- true if currently locked out of at least one spell school -local lockouts = {} -- schools of magic that we are currently locked out of -local lockstarts = {} -- start times for current school lockouts -local talentsInitialized = false -- set once talents have been initialized -local matchTable = {} -- passed from MOD:CheckAura with list of active auras -local startGCD, durationGCD = nil -- detect global cooldowns -local raidTargets = {} -- raid target to GUID -local petGUID = nil -- cache pet GUID so can properly remove trackers for them when dismissed -local enteredWorld = nil -- set by PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD event -local trackerMarker = 0 -- used for mark/sweep in AddTrackers -local professions = {} -- temporary table for profession indices -local summonedCreatures = {} -- table of guids to expire time pairs used for tracking warlock creatures so they despawn properly -local minionTypes = {} -- temporary table for sorting minions by type -local minionCounts = {} -- temporary table for counting minions by type -local activeBrokers = {} -- table of brokers that trigger update events -local hiding = {} -- used to track elements of the UI so don't keep trying to show them -local bagCooldowns = {} -- table containing all the bag items with cooldowns -local inventoryCooldowns = {} -- table containing all the inventory items with cooldowns -local nullFunction = function() end -- used to disable Blizzard frames - -local alertColors = { -- default colors for spell alerts - EnemySpellCastAlerts = { r = 1, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1 }, - FriendSpellCastAlerts = { r = 0, g = 1, b = 0, a = 1 }, - EnemyBuffAlerts = { r = 1, g = 1, b = 0, a = 1 }, - FriendDebuffAlerts = { r = 1, g = 0, b = 1, a = 1 }, -} - -local UnitAura = UnitAura -MOD.LCD = nil -if MOD.isClassic then - MOD.LCD = LibStub("LibClassicDurations", true) - if MOD.LCD then - MOD.LCD:Register(Raven) -- tell library it's being used and should start working - UnitAura = MOD.LCD.UnitAuraWrapper - end -end - -local band = -- shortcut for common bit logic operator - --- UnitAura no longer works with spell names in xxBfAxx so this function searches for them by scanning --- While not the most efficient way to do this, it is generally used with a filter that should limit the depth of the search --- This is only called for combat log events related to spell auras -function MOD.UnitAuraSpellName(unit, spellName, filter) - local name, icon, count, btype, duration, expire, caster, isStealable, nameplateShowSelf, spellID, apply, boss - if type(spellName) == "string" then -- sanity check only being called with a spell name - for i = 1, 100 do - name, icon, count, btype, duration, expire, caster, isStealable, nameplateShowSelf, spellID, apply, boss = UnitAura(unit, i, nil, filter) - if name == spellName then break end - end - end - return name, icon, count, btype, duration, expire, caster, isStealable, nameplateShowSelf, spellID, boss, apply -end - --- This table is used to fix the "not cast by player" bug for Jade Spirit, River's Song, and Dancing Steel introduced in 5.1 --- and the legendary meta gem procs Tempus Repit, Fortitude, Capacitance, and Lucidity added in 5.2 -local fixEnchants = { [104993] = true, [120032] = true, [118334] = true, [118335] = true, [116660] = true, - [137590] = true, [137593] = true, [137331] = true, [137323] = true, [137247] = true, [137596] = true } - --- Initialization called when addon is loaded -function MOD:OnInitialize() - if addonInitialized then return end -- only run this code once - addonInitialized = true - - MOD.localClass, MOD.myClass = UnitClass("player") -- cache the player's class - MOD.localRace, MOD.myRace = UnitRace("player") -- cache the player's race - LoadAddOn("LibDataBroker-1.1") - LoadAddOn("LibDBIcon-1.0") - LoadAddOn("LibBossIDs-1.0", true) - MOD.MSQ = LibStub("Masque", true) - now = GetTime() -- start tracking time - suppressTime = now -- start suppression period for certain special effects -end - --- Print debug messages with variable number of arguments in a useful format -function MOD.Debug(a, ...) - if type(a) == "table" then - for k, v in pairs(a) do print(tostring(k) .. " = " .. tostring(v)) end -- if first parameter is a table, print out its fields - else - local s = tostring(a) -- otherwise first argument is a string but just make sure - local parm = {...} - for i = 1, #parm do s = s .. " " .. tostring(parm[i]) end -- append remaining arguments converted to strings - print(s) - end -end - --- Hide or show a frame after checking settings -local function HideShow(key, frame, check, options) - if not frame then return end -- added because not supported in classic but okay regardless - - local hideBlizz = MOD.db.profile.hideBlizz - local hide, show = false, false - local visible = frame:IsShown() - if visible then - hide = check and hideBlizz - else - if hideBlizz then show = not check else show = hiding[key] end - end - -- MOD.Debug("hide/show", key, "hide:", hide, "show:", show, "vis: ", visible) - - if not options then - if hide then frame:Hide(); frame.Show = nullFunction; hiding[key] = true - elseif show then frame.Show = nil; frame:Show(); hiding[key] = false end - elseif options == "noshow" then - if hide then frame:Hide(); frame.Show = nullFunction; hiding[key] = true - elseif show then frame.Show = nil; hiding[key] = false end - elseif options == "unreg" then - if hide then frame:Hide(); frame.Show = nullFunction, frame:UnregisterAllEvents(); hiding[key] = true - elseif show then frame.Show = nil; frame:RegisterAllEvents(); hiding[key] = false end - elseif options == "buffs" then - if hide then BuffFrame:Hide(); TemporaryEnchantFrame:Hide(); BuffFrame:UnregisterAllEvents(); hiding[key] = true - elseif show then BuffFrame:Show(); TemporaryEnchantFrame:Show(); BuffFrame:RegisterEvent("UNIT_AURA"); hiding[key] = false end - end -end - --- Show or hide the blizzard frames, called during update so synched with other changes -local function CheckBlizzFrames() - if not MOD.isClassic and C_PetBattles.IsInBattle() then return end -- don't change visibility of any frame during pet battles - - HideShow("buffs", _G.BuffFrame, MOD.db.profile.hideBlizzBuffs, "buffs") - HideShow("enchants", _G.TemporaryEnchantFrame, MOD.db.profile.hideBlizzBuffs, "enchants") - HideShow("player", _G.PlayerFrame, MOD.db.profile.hideBlizzPlayer) - HideShow("castbar", _G.CastingBarFrame, MOD.db.profile.hideBlizzPlayerCastBar, "noshow") - HideShow("mirror1", _G.MirrorTimer1, MOD.db.profile.hideBlizzMirrors, "unreg") - HideShow("mirror2", _G.MirrorTimer2, MOD.db.profile.hideBlizzMirrors, "unreg") - HideShow("mirror3", _G.MirrorTimer3, MOD.db.profile.hideBlizzMirrors, "unreg") - - if MOD.myClass == "DEATHKNIGHT" then HideShow("runes", _G.RuneFrame, MOD.db.profile.hideRunes) end - - local isDruid = (MOD.myClass == "DRUID") - local isCat = isDruid and (GetShapeshiftForm(2) == 2) - if isCat or (MOD.myClass == "ROGUE") then HideShow("combo", _G.ComboPointPlayerFrame, MOD.db.profile.hideBlizzComboPoints) end - if isDruid and not isCat then HideShow("combo", _G.ComboPointPlayerFrame, MOD.db.profile.hideBlizzComboPoints, "noshow") end - - if MOD.myClass == "MONK" then - HideShow("chi", _G.MonkHarmonyBarFrame, MOD.db.profile.hideBlizzChi) - if GetSpecializationInfoByID(268) then HideShow("stagger", _G.MonkStaggerBar, MOD.db.profile.hideBlizzStagger) end - end - - if (MOD.myClass == "PRIEST") and GetSpecializationInfoByID(258) then HideShow("insanity", _G.InsanityBarFrame, MOD.db.profile.hideBlizzInsanity) end - - if MOD.myClass == "WARLOCK" then HideShow("shards", _G.WarlockPowerFrame, MOD.db.profile.hideBlizzShards) end - - if MOD.myClass == "MAGE" then HideShow("arcane", _G.MageArcaneChargesFrame, MOD.db.profile.hideBlizzArcane) end - - if MOD.myClass == "PALADIN" then HideShow("holy", _G.PaladinPowerBarFrame, MOD.db.profile.hideBlizzHoly) end - - local totems = false; for i = 1, MAX_TOTEMS do if GetTotemInfo(i) then totems = true end end - if totems then HideShow("totems", _G.TotemFrame, MOD.db.profile.hideBlizzTotems) end -end - -local function CheckCastBar(event, unit) - if unit == "player" then HideShow("castbar", _G.CastingBarFrame, MOD.db.profile.hideBlizzPlayerCastBar, "noshow") end -end - -local function CheckMirrorFrames() - HideShow("mirror1", _G.MirrorTimer1, MOD.db.profile.hideBlizzMirrors, "unreg") - HideShow("mirror2", _G.MirrorTimer2, MOD.db.profile.hideBlizzMirrors, "unreg") - HideShow("mirror23", _G.MirrorTimer3, MOD.db.profile.hideBlizzMirrors, "unreg") -end - --- Functions called to trigger updates -local function TriggerPlayerUpdate() unitUpdate.player = true; updateCooldowns = true; doUpdate = true end -local function TriggerCooldownUpdate() updateCooldowns = true; doUpdate = true end -local function TriggerActionsUpdate() MOD.updateActions = true; doUpdate = true end -function MOD:ForceUpdate() doUpdate = true; forceUpdate = true end - --- Event called when the player changes talents or specialization -local function CheckTalentSpecialization() talentsInitialized = false; unitUpdate.player = true; doUpdate = true end - --- Function called to detect global cooldowns -local function CheckGCD(event, unit, spell) - if unit == "player" and spell then - local name = GetSpellInfo(spell) -- added verification of spell argument due to error seen while testing 1/1/2019 - if name and (name ~= "") then - local start, duration = GetSpellCooldown(spell) - if start and duration and (duration > 0) and (duration <= 1.5) then startGCD = start; durationGCD = duration; TriggerCooldownUpdate() end - end - end - if event == "UNIT_SPELLCAST_START" then CheckCastBar(event, unit) end -end - --- Function called for successful spell cast -local function CheckSpellCasts(event, unit, lineID, spellID) - CheckGCD(event, unit, spellID) - local name = GetSpellInfo(spellID) - if name and (name ~= "") and then MOD:DetectSpellEffect(name, unit) end -- check if spell triggers a spell effect -end - --- Create and delete routines for managing tables, using a recycling pool to minimize garbage collection -local function AllocateTable() local b = next(tablePool); if b then tablePool[b] = nil else b = {} end return b end -local function ReleaseTable(b) table.wipe(b); tablePool[b] = true; return nil end - --- Compare unit and global ids, updating cache with latest info -local function CheckUnitIDs(uid, guid) - local id = UnitGUID(uid) - if id == guid then return uid end - if id then cacheUnits[id] = uid end - return nil -end - --- Add or update a tracker entry, including an optional marker useful for mark/sweep type garbage collection -local function AddTracker(dstGUID, dstName, isBuff, name, icon, count, btype, duration, expire, caster, isStealable, spellID, boss, apply, marker) - doUpdate = true - local tracker = isBuff and unitBuffs[dstGUID] or unitDebuffs[dstGUID] -- get or create the aura tracking table - if not tracker then tracker = AllocateTable() if isBuff then unitBuffs[dstGUID] = tracker else unitDebuffs[dstGUID] = tracker end end - local id = name .. tostring(spellID or "") -- append spellID if known to the tracker so can track multiple with same name (e.g., sacred shield) - local t = tracker[id] -- get or create a tracker entry for the spell - if not t then t = AllocateTable(); tracker[id] = t end -- create the tracker if necessary - local vehicle = not MOD.isClassic and UnitHasVehicleUI("player") - - local tag = isBuff and "T-Buff:" or "T-Debuff:" -- build a unique tag for this aura (this is a bit simpler than the AddAura version) - local guid = UnitGUID(caster) - if guid then tag = tag .. guid .. ":" elseif caster then tag = tag .. caster .. ":" end -- include caster in unique tag, prefer guid when it is known - if not tagUnits[caster or "unknown"] and expire and expire > 0 then tag = tag .. tostring(math.floor((expire * 100) + 0.5)) .. ":" end -- add expire time with 1/100s precision - if spellID then tag = tag .. tostring(spellID) .. ":" end - - t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4], t[5], t[6], t[7], t[8], t[9], t[10], t[11], t[12], t[13], t[14], t[15], t[16], t[17], t[18], t[19], t[20], t[21], t[22] = - true, 0, count, btype, duration, caster, isStealable, icon, tag, expire, "spell id", spellID, name, spellID, - boss, UnitName("player"), apply, nil, vehicle, dstGUID, dstName, marker -end - --- Remove tracker entries for a unit, if marker is specified then only remove if tracker tag not equal -function MOD:RemoveTrackers(dstGUID, marker) - doUpdate = true - local tracker = unitBuffs[dstGUID] -- table of buffs currently applied to this GUID - if tracker then - for id, t in pairs(tracker) do if not marker or t[22] ~= marker then tracker[id] = ReleaseTable(t) end end - if not next(tracker) then unitBuffs[dstGUID] = ReleaseTable(tracker) end -- release the debuffs associated with the GUID - end - local tracker = unitDebuffs[dstGUID] -- table of auras currently applied to this GUID - if tracker then - for id, t in pairs(tracker) do if not marker or t[22] ~= marker then tracker[id] = ReleaseTable(t) end end - if not next(tracker) then unitDebuffs[dstGUID] = ReleaseTable(tracker) end -- release the table associated with the GUID - end -end - --- Remove trackers for all units that match the name of the designated unit -function MOD:RemoveMatchingTrackers(dstGUID) - local name = nil - local tracker = unitBuffs[dstGUID] -- find name by looking at active trackers - if tracker then for id, t in pairs(tracker) do name = t[21]; if name then break end end end - if not name then - tracker = unitDebuffs[dstGUID] - if tracker then for id, t in pairs(tracker) do name = t[21]; if name then break end end end - end - MOD:RemoveTrackers(dstGUID) -- start by removing the trackers for the unit passed in - if name then - local guids = {} -- build list of guids to remove - for id, tracker in pairs(unitBuffs) do - if tracker then for _, t in pairs(tracker) do if t[21] == name then guids[id] = true break end end end - end - for id, tracker in pairs(unitDebuffs) do - if tracker then for _, t in pairs(tracker) do if t[21] == name then guids[id] = true break end end end - end - for id in pairs(guids) do MOD:RemoveTrackers(id) end - end -end - --- Check tracker entries for a unit to see if one already exists for a spell -local function CheckTrackers(isBuff, dstGUID, name, spellID) - local tracker = isBuff and unitBuffs[dstGUID] or unitDebuffs[dstGUID] -- get the aura tracking table - if tracker then - local id = name .. tostring(spellID or "") -- append spellID if known - local t = tracker[id] - if t then - if t[13] == name then return t end - end - end - return nil -end - --- Add trackers for a unit -function MOD:AddTrackers(unit) - local dstGUID, dstName = UnitGUID(unit), UnitName(unit) - if dstGUID and dstName and not refreshUnits[dstGUID] then - refreshUnits[dstGUID] = true - local name, icon, count, btype, duration, expire, caster, isStealable, _, spellID, boss, apply - trackerMarker = trackerMarker + 1 -- unique tag for this pass - local i = 1 - repeat - name, icon, count, btype, duration, expire, caster, isStealable, _, spellID, apply = UnitAura(unit, i, "HELPFUL|PLAYER") - if name and caster == "player" then - AddTracker(dstGUID, dstName, true, name, icon, count, btype, duration, expire, caster, isStealable, spellID, nil, apply, trackerMarker) - MOD.SetDuration(name, spellID, duration) - MOD.SetSpellType(spellID, btype) - end - i = i + 1 - until not name - i = 1 - repeat - name, icon, count, btype, duration, expire, caster, isStealable, _, spellID, apply, boss = UnitAura(unit, i, "HARMFUL|PLAYER") - if name and caster == "player" then - if spellID ~= 146739 or duration ~= 0 or InCombatLockdown() then -- don't add Corruption if out-of-combat - AddTracker(dstGUID, dstName, false, name, icon, count, btype, duration, expire, caster, isStealable, spellID, boss, apply, trackerMarker) - MOD.SetDuration(name, spellID, duration) - MOD.SetSpellType(spellID, btype) - end - end - i = i + 1 - until not name - MOD:RemoveTrackers(dstGUID, trackerMarker) -- takes advantage of side-effect of saving current trackerMarker with each tracker - end -end - --- Check if currently tracking a unit -local function IsBeingTracked(dstGUID) return unitBuffs[dstGUID] and unitDebuffs[dstGUID] end - --- Validate cached ids, garbage collect any that are out-of-date -local function ValidateUnitIDs() - for guid, uid in pairs(cacheUnits) do if UnitGUID(uid) ~= guid then cacheUnits[guid] = nil end end -end - --- Get a unit id suitable for calling UnitAura from a GUID -local function GetUnitIDFromGUID(guid) - if not guid then return nil end - local uid = cacheUnits[guid] -- look up the guid in the cache and if it is there make sure it is still valid and then return it - if uid then if guid == UnitGUID(uid) then return uid else uid = nil end end - for _, unit in ipairs(units) do uid = CheckUnitIDs(unit, guid); if uid then break end end -- first check primary units - local inRaid = IsInRaid() - if not uid and not inRaid then -- check party, party pet, and party target units - for i = 1, GetNumGroupMembers() do - uid = CheckUnitIDs("party"..i, guid); if uid then break end - uid = CheckUnitIDs("partypet"..i, guid); if uid then break end - uid = CheckUnitIDs("party"..i.."target", guid); if uid then break end - end - end - if not uid and inRaid then -- check raid, raid pet, and raid target units - for i = 1, GetNumGroupMembers() do - uid = CheckUnitIDs("raid"..i, guid); if uid then break end - uid = CheckUnitIDs("raidpet"..i, guid); if uid then break end - uid = CheckUnitIDs("raid"..i.."target", guid); if uid then break end - end - end - if not uid then -- check nameplates as last resort - for i = 1, 40 do - local np = nameplateUnits[i] - local id = UnitGUID(np) - if not id then break end - if id == guid then uid = np; break end - end - end - cacheUnits[guid] = uid - return uid -end - --- Parse a guid into fields and return them in a table -local parseTable = {} -local function ParseGUID(guid) - table.wipe(parseTable) -- reused this since never nest calls to the function - local start = 1 - local s = guid .. "-" - local length = string.len(s) - repeat - local nextdash = string.find(s, "-", start) - table.insert(parseTable, string.sub(s, start, nextdash - 1)) - start = nextdash + 1 - until start > length - return parseTable -end - -local function SpellAlertFilter(alerts, spellName, spellID, srcFlags, dstGUID) - local spellNum = spellID and ("#" .. tostring(spellID)) -- string to look up the spell id in lists - local list = alerts.spellList and[alerts.spellList] - local listed = list and (list[spellName] or (spellNum and list[spellNum])) -- check to see if spell is in the spell list - if (alerts.blackList and listed) or (not alerts.blackList and not listed) then return false end - - local controlledBy = band(srcFlags, COMBATLOG_OBJECT_CONTROL_MASK) - local byPlayer = (controlledBy == COMBATLOG_OBJECT_CONTROL_PLAYER) - local byNPC = (controlledBy == COMBATLOG_OBJECT_CONTROL_NPC) - local srcTarget = (band(srcFlags, COMBATLOG_OBJECT_TARGET) == COMBATLOG_OBJECT_TARGET) - local srcFocus = (band(srcFlags, COMBATLOG_OBJECT_FOCUS) == COMBATLOG_OBJECT_FOCUS) - local dstTarget, dstFocus, dstPlayer = false, false, false - if dstGUID ~= "" then - dstTarget = (dstGUID == UnitGUID("target")) - dstFocus = (dstGUID == UnitGUID("focus")) - dstPlayer = (dstGUID == UnitGUID("player")) - end - -- MOD.Debug("alert!", spellName, dstGUID, byPlayer, byNPC, srcTarget, srcFocus, dstTarget, dstFocus, dstPlayer) - - if alerts.include then - local found = (alerts.isTarget and srcTarget) or (alerts.isFocus and srcFocus) or - (alerts.isPlayer and byPlayer) or (alerts.isNPC and byNPC) or - (alerts.includeTarget and dstTarget) or (alerts.includeFocus and dstFocus) or (alerts.includePlayer and dstPlayer) - if not found then return false end - end - - if alerts.exclude then - local found = (alerts.notTarget and srcTarget) or (alerts.notFocus and srcFocus) or - (alerts.notPlayer and byPlayer) or (alerts.notNPC and byNPC) or - (alerts.excludeTarget and dstTarget) or (alerts.excludeFocus and dstFocus) or (alerts.excludePlayer and dstPlayer) - if found then return false end - end - return true -end - -local function AddSpellAlert(alertType, event, spellName, spellID, srcName, srcGUID, dstName, dstGUID) - local alert = AllocateTable() - alert.alertType = alertType; alert.event = event - alert.start = now; alert.duration = or 3; alert.expire = now + alert.duration - alert.spellName = spellName; alert.spellID = spellID; alert.icon = MOD:GetIcon(spellName, spellID) - alert.srcName = srcName; alert.srcGUID = srcGUID; alert.srcUnit = GetUnitIDFromGUID(srcGUID) - alert.dstName = dstName; alert.dstGUID = dstGUID; alert.dstUnit = GetUnitIDFromGUID(dstGUID) - spellAlertCounter = spellAlertCounter + 1 - spellAlerts[spellAlertCounter] = alert - -- MOD.Debug("alert", spellAlertCounter, alert.alertType, alert.event, alert.spellName, alert.icon, alert.srcName, alert.dstName) - TriggerPlayerUpdate() -end - --- Remove any spell cast alerts for the guid -local function EndCastAlert(guid) - for id, alert in pairs(spellAlerts) do - if (alert.srcGUID == guid) and (alert.event == "SPELL_CAST_START") then spellAlerts[id] = ReleaseTable(alert); TriggerPlayerUpdate() end - end -end - --- Remove any spell alert entries that have expired -local function CheckSpellAlerts() - for id, alert in pairs(spellAlerts) do - if now >= alert.expire then spellAlerts[id] = ReleaseTable(alert); TriggerPlayerUpdate() end - end -end - --- Get label and color info for the spell alert -local function GetSpellAlertInfo(alert) - local opts = - local label, spacer, showTarget, color = "", "", opts.labelTarget, alert.color - local caster = alert.srcName - local target = alert.dstName - - if not opts.showRealm then - if caster then - local i = string.find(caster, "-", 1, true) - if i and (i > 1) then caster = string.sub(caster, 1, i - 1) end - end - if target then - local i = string.find(target, "-", 1, true) - if i and (i > 1) then target = string.sub(target, 1, i - 1) end - end - end - - if not spellAlertClassColors then - spellAlertClassColors = {} -- generate table of class colors - for class, c in pairs(RAID_CLASS_COLORS) do spellAlertClassColors[class] = string.format("%02x%02x%02x", c.r * 255, c.g * 255, c.b * 255) end - end - - if opts.labelSpells then label = alert.spellName; spacer = " : " end - - if opts.labelCaster and caster then - if alert.srcUnit then - if opts.nameUnit then caster = alert.srcUnit end - local _, class = UnitClass(alert.srcUnit) - if class then - local s = spellAlertClassColors[class] - if s then caster = "|cff" .. s .. caster .. "|r" end - end - end - label = label .. spacer .. caster - spacer = " > " - if opts.casterMatch and (alert.srcGUID == alert.dstGUID) then label = label .. " <<"; showTarget = false end - end - - if opts.ignoreTargets and opts.ignoreList then - local list =[opts.ignoreList] - local listed = list and (list[alert.spellName] or list[alert.spellID]) -- check to see if spell is in the ignore list - if listed then showTarget = false end - end - - if showTarget and target then - if alert.dstUnit then - if opts.nameUnit then target = alert.dstUnit end - local _, class = UnitClass(alert.dstUnit) - if class then - local s = spellAlertClassColors[class] - if s then target = "|cff" .. s .. target .. "|r" end - end - end - label = label .. spacer .. target - end - - if not color then color = alertColors[alert.alertType] end - - return color, label -end - -local eventKill = { UNIT_DIED = true, UNIT_DESTROYED = true, UNIT_DISSIPATES = true, PARTY_KILL = true, SPELL_INSTAKILL = true, } -local eventAura = { SPELL_AURA_APPLIED = true, SPELL_AURA_APPLIED_DOSE = true, SPELL_AURA_REMOVED_DOSE = true, SPELL_AURA_REFRESH = true, } -local eventInternal = { SPELL_AURA_APPLIED = true, SPELL_AURA_APPLIED_DOSE = true, SPELL_AURA_REFRESH = true, SPELL_ENERGIZE = true, SPELL_HEAL = true, } -local eventEndCast = { SPELL_CAST_START = true, SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS = true, SPELL_CAST_FAILED = true, SPELL_MISSED = true } - --- Function called for combat log events to track hots and dots -local function CombatLogTracker() -- no longer passes in arguments with the event - local timeStamp, e, hc, srcGUID, srcName, sf1, sf2, dstGUID, dstName, df1, df2, spellID, spellName, spellSchool, auraType, amount = CombatLogGetCurrentEventInfo() - - local isMine = band(sf1, COMBATLOG_OBJECT_AFFILIATION_MASK) == COMBATLOG_OBJECT_AFFILIATION_MINE - if isMine then -- make sure event controlled by the player - -- MOD.Debug(e, srcGUID, srcName, sf1, sf2, dstGUID, dstName, df1, df2, spellID, spellName, spellSchool, auraType, tostring(amount)) -- display all events - doUpdate = true - now = GetTime() - if e == "SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS" or e == "SPELL_CAST_FAILED" then -- check for special cases involving spell casts - if spellID == 104318 then - local tyrant = false - for guid, gt in pairs(summonedCreatures) do if gt.spell == 265187 then tyrant = true end end - if not tyrant then -- if tyrant is not active then all imps reduce their energy by 1, if they reach 0 then remove them - local gt = summonedCreatures[srcGUID] - if gt and then -- only imps have energy limit field defined - = - 1 - if <= 0 then summonedCreatures[srcGUID] = ReleaseTable(gt) end -- delete entry for this imp - end - end - end - if e == "SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS" then - if spellID == 33763 then - e = "SPELL_AURA_APPLIED"; auraType = "BUFF" -- Lifebloom refreshes don't always generate aura applied events - elseif spellID == 265187 then -- summon demonic tyrant extends duration of all warlock minions - for guid, gt in pairs(summonedCreatures) do - gt.expire = gt.expire + 15; gt.duration = gt.duration + 15 - end - elseif spellID == 196277 then -- implosion destroys all current warlock wild imps - for guid, gt in pairs(summonedCreatures) do - local pt = ParseGUID(guid) - if pt[1] == "Creature" and ((pt[6] == "55659") or (pt[6] == "143622")) then -- found a wild imp! - summonedCreatures[guid] = ReleaseTable(gt) - end - end - elseif spellID == 980 then -- Agony refresh does not always generate aura refresh event, even if debuff just expired - local t = CheckTrackers(false, dstGUID, spellName, spellID) - if t then - t[10] = now + t[5] -- extend the time on current tracker (preserves the dose amount) - else - e = "SPELL_AURA_REFRESH" -- event not generated automatically by Agony - end - end - end - elseif eventAura[e] then - local name, icon, count, btype, duration, expire, caster, isStealable, boss, sid, apply, _ - local isBuff, dst = true, GetUnitIDFromGUID(dstGUID) - if dst and UnitExists(dst) then - name, icon, count, btype, duration, expire, caster, isStealable, _, sid, apply = MOD.UnitAuraSpellName(dst, spellName, "HELPFUL|PLAYER") - if not name and (srcGUID ~= dstGUID) then -- don't get debuffs cast by player on self (e.g., Sated) - isBuff = false - name, icon, count, btype, duration, expire, caster, isStealable, _, sid, apply, boss = MOD.UnitAuraSpellName(dst, spellName, "HARMFUL|PLAYER") - end - if sid and spellID and spellID ~= sid then name = nil end -- not a match so must be a duplicate name - if name then MOD.SetDuration(name, spellID, duration); MOD.SetSpellType(spellID, btype) end - end - if not spellID then spellID = MOD:GetSpellID(spellName) end - if spellID and not icon then icon = MOD:GetIcon(spellName, spellID) end - if not name then - name = spellName; count = 1; btype = MOD.GetSpellType(spellID); duration = MOD.GetDuration(name, spellID); isBuff = (auraType == "BUFF") - if duration > 0 then expire = now + duration else duration = 0; expire = 0 end - if e == "SPELL_AURA_APPLIED_DOSE" or e == "SPELL_AURA_REMOVED_DOSE" then -- may be refresh of existing spell's stack count (e.g., Agony) - count = amount - local t = CheckTrackers(isBuff, dstGUID, name, spellID) - if t then duration = t[5]; expire = t[10]; btype = t[4] end - end - caster = "player"; isStealable = nil; boss = nil; apply = nil - end - if name and caster == "player" and (isBuff or (srcGUID ~= dstGUID)) then - AddTracker(dstGUID, dstName, isBuff, name, icon, count, btype, duration, expire, caster, isStealable, spellID, boss, apply, nil) - end - if dstGUID == UnitGUID("target") and not IsBeingTracked(dstGUID) then ValidateUnitIDs() end -- refresh all auras when target changes - if then MOD:DetectInternalCooldown(spellName, false) end -- check internal cooldowns - elseif e == "SPELL_ENERGIZE" or e == "SPELL_HEAL" then - if then MOD:DetectInternalCooldown(spellName, false) end -- check internal cooldowns - elseif e == "SPELL_AURA_REMOVED" then - local tracker = unitBuffs[dstGUID] -- table of buffs currently applied to this GUID - if tracker then - local id = spellName .. tostring(spellID or "") - local t = tracker[id] -- get tracker entry for the spell, if one exists - if t then tracker[id] = ReleaseTable(t) end -- release the tracker entry - if not next(tracker) then unitBuffs[dstGUID] = ReleaseTable(tracker) end -- release table when no more entries for this GUID - end - tracker = unitDebuffs[dstGUID] -- table of debuffs currently applied to this GUID - if tracker then - local id = spellName .. tostring(spellID or "") - local t = tracker[id] -- get tracker entry for the spell, if one exists - if t then tracker[id] = ReleaseTable(t) end -- release the tracker entry - if not next(tracker) then unitDebuffs[dstGUID] = ReleaseTable(tracker) end -- release table when no more entries for this GUID - end - elseif e == "SPELL_SUMMON" then - if MOD.myClass == "MAGE" and spellID == 99063 then -- special case for mage T12 2-piece - local name = GetSpellInfo(99061) -- T12 bonus spell name - if name and name ~= "" then - if then MOD:DetectInternalCooldown(name, false) end - if then MOD:DetectSpellEffect(name, "player") end - end - elseif MOD.myClass == "WARLOCK" and dstGUID and spellID then - local duration = MOD.warlockCreatures[spellID] - if duration then - local gt = AllocateTable() -- use table pool for minion tracking - gt.expire = duration + now; gt.duration = duration; = dstName; gt.icon = GetSpellTexture(spellID); gt.spell = spellID - if duration == 22 then = 5 end -- imps have 22 second duration and also are subject to energy limit for 5 casts - summonedCreatures[dstGUID] = gt -- summoned creature table contains expire time, duration, name and icon - end - end - end - elseif dstGUID == UnitGUID("player") then - if eventInternal[e] then - if then MOD:DetectInternalCooldown(spellName, true) end -- check aura triggers or cancels an internal cooldown - end - end - - if eventKill[e] then - MOD:RemoveTrackers(dstGUID) -- remove the trackers currently associated with this GUID - cacheUnits[dstGUID] = nil -- release the unit cache entry for this GUID - local gt = summonedCreatures[dstGUID] -- remove GUID if on minion list for warlocks (probably only fires if someone kills a minion) - if gt then summonedCreatures[dstGUID] = ReleaseTable(gt) end -- only release table when entry found - end - - if and spellID and not isMine then -- check for spell alerts only if have a spell id and non-player event - local stat, opts, pst = MOD.status,, "solo" - if GetNumGroupMembers() > 0 then if IsInRaid() then pst = "raid" else pst = "party" end end - if ((stat.inArena and opts.showArena) or ((pst == "solo") and opts.showSolo) or ((pst == "party") and opts.showParty) or ((pst == "raid") and opts.showRaid)) and - (stat.inInstance or opts.showNotInstance) then -- check if spell alerts are enabled given player's current status - - if eventEndCast[e] then EndCastAlert(srcGUID) elseif eventKill[e] then EndCastAlert(dstGUID) end -- end spell cast alerts when complete or interrupted - if (e == "SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS") or ((e == "SPELL_CAST_START") and not then - local reaction = band(sf1, COMBATLOG_OBJECT_REACTION_MASK) - if and (reaction == COMBATLOG_OBJECT_REACTION_HOSTILE) then -- check for enemy spell casts - if SpellAlertFilter(, spellName, spellID, sf1, dstGUID) then - AddSpellAlert("EnemySpellCastAlerts", e, spellName, spellID, srcName, srcGUID, dstName, dstGUID) - end - end - if and (reaction == COMBATLOG_OBJECT_REACTION_FRIENDLY) then -- check for friend spell casts - if SpellAlertFilter(, spellName, spellID, sf1, dstGUID) then - AddSpellAlert("FriendSpellCastAlerts", e, spellName, spellID, srcName, srcGUID, dstName, dstGUID) - end - end - elseif e == "SPELL_AURA_APPLIED" then - local reaction = band(df1, COMBATLOG_OBJECT_REACTION_MASK) - if (auraType == "BUFF") and and (reaction == COMBATLOG_OBJECT_REACTION_HOSTILE) then -- check for buffs on enemies - if SpellAlertFilter(, spellName, spellID, sf1, dstGUID) then - AddSpellAlert("EnemyBuffAlerts", e, spellName, spellID, srcName, srcGUID, dstName, dstGUID) - end - end - if (auraType == "DEBUFF") and and (reaction == COMBATLOG_OBJECT_REACTION_FRIENDLY) then -- check for debuffs on friends - if SpellAlertFilter(, spellName, spellID, sf1, dstGUID) then - AddSpellAlert("FriendDebuffAlerts", e, spellName, spellID, srcName, srcGUID, dstName, dstGUID) - end - end - end - end - end -end - --- Check if there is a raid target on a unit -local function CheckRaidTarget(unit) - local id = UnitGUID(unit) - if id then - local index = GetRaidTargetIndex(unit) - for k, v in pairs(raidTargets) do if (v == id) and (k ~= index) then raidTargets[k] = nil end end - if index then raidTargets[index] = id end - end -end - --- Check raid targets on all addressable units -local function CheckRaidTargets() - doUpdate = true - for _, unit in pairs(units) do CheckRaidTarget(unit) end -- first check primary units - if IsInRaid() then - for i = 1, GetNumGroupMembers() do CheckRaidTarget("raid"..i); CheckRaidTarget("raidpet"..i); CheckRaidTarget("raid"..i.."target") end - else - for i = 1, GetNumGroupMembers() do CheckRaidTarget("party"..i); CheckRaidTarget("partypet"..i); CheckRaidTarget("party"..i.."target") end - end -end - --- Check raid target on mouseover unit -local function CheckMouseoverRaidTarget() CheckRaidTarget("mouseover"); CheckRaidTarget("mouseovertarget"); doUpdate = true end - --- Return the raid target index for a GUID -function MOD:GetRaidTarget(id) for k, v in pairs(raidTargets) do if v == id then return k end end return nil end - --- Event called when addon is enabled -function MOD:OnEnable() - if addonEnabled then return end -- only run this code once - addonEnabled = true - - MOD:InitializeProfile() -- initialize the profile database - MOD:InitializeLDB() -- initialize the data broker - MOD:RegisterChatCommand("raven", function() MOD:OptionsPanel() end) - MOD.Nest_Initialize() -- initialize the graphics module - MOD:InitializeConditions() -- initialize condition evaluation module - MOD:InitializeValues() -- initialize functions used for value bars - MOD:BAG_UPDATE("OnEnable") -- initialize bag cooldowns - MOD:UNIT_INVENTORY_CHANGED("OnEnable", "player") -- initialize inventory cooldowns - - -- Create a frame so that updates can be registered - MOD.frame = CreateFrame("Frame") - -- Set frame level high so visible above other addons - MOD.frame:SetFrameLevel(MOD.frame:GetFrameLevel() + 8) - -- Register events called prior to starting play - self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD") - self:RegisterEvent("UNIT_AURA") - self:RegisterEvent("UNIT_POWER_UPDATE") - self:RegisterEvent("UNIT_PET") - self:RegisterEvent("UNIT_TARGET") - self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED") - self:RegisterEvent("SPELLS_CHANGED") - self:RegisterEvent("BAG_UPDATE") - self:RegisterEvent("UNIT_INVENTORY_CHANGED") - self:RegisterEvent("RAID_TARGET_UPDATE", CheckRaidTargets) - self:RegisterEvent("UPDATE_MOUSEOVER_UNIT", CheckMouseoverRaidTarget) - self:RegisterEvent("UPDATE_SHAPESHIFT_FORM", TriggerPlayerUpdate) - self:RegisterEvent("MINIMAP_UPDATE_TRACKING", TriggerPlayerUpdate) - self:RegisterEvent("SPELL_UPDATE_COOLDOWN", TriggerCooldownUpdate) - self:RegisterEvent("ACTIONBAR_UPDATE_COOLDOWN", TriggerCooldownUpdate) - self:RegisterEvent("BAG_UPDATE_COOLDOWN", TriggerCooldownUpdate) - self:RegisterEvent("PET_BAR_UPDATE_COOLDOWN", TriggerCooldownUpdate) - self:RegisterEvent("ACTIONBAR_SLOT_CHANGED", TriggerActionsUpdate) - self:RegisterEvent("ACTIONBAR_PAGE_CHANGED", TriggerActionsUpdate) - self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_TOTEM_UPDATE", TriggerPlayerUpdate) - self:RegisterEvent("MIRROR_TIMER_START", CheckMirrorFrames) - self:RegisterEvent("UNIT_SPELLCAST_START", CheckGCD) - self:RegisterEvent("UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED", CheckSpellCasts) - self:RegisterEvent("UNIT_SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_START", CheckCastBar) - self:RegisterEvent("COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED", CombatLogTracker) - - if MOD.isClassic then -- register events specific to classic - if MOD.LCD then -- in classic, add library callback so target auras are handled correctly - MOD.LCD.RegisterCallback(Raven, "UNIT_BUFF", function(e, unit) - if unit ~= "target" then return end - MOD:UNIT_AURA(e, unit) - end) - end - else -- register events that are not implemented in classic - self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_FOCUS_CHANGED") - self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_TALENT_UPDATE", CheckTalentSpecialization) - self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED", CheckTalentSpecialization) - self:RegisterEvent("VEHICLE_UPDATE") - self:RegisterEvent("RUNE_POWER_UPDATE", TriggerCooldownUpdate) - end - - MOD:InitializeBars() -- initialize routine that manages the bar library - MOD:InitializeMedia(media) -- add sounds to LibSharedMedia - MOD.LibBossIDs = LibStub("LibBossIDs-1.0", true) - = "7" -- version number for database validation -end - --- Event called when addon is disabled but this is probably never called -function MOD:OnDisable() end - --- Cache icons for special purposes such as shared cooldowns -local function InitializeIcons() - iconGCD = GetSpellTexture(28730) -- cached for global cooldown (using same icon as Arcane Torrent, must be valid) - iconPotion = GetItemIcon(31677) -- icon for shared potions cooldown - iconElixir = GetItemIcon(28104) -- icon for shared elixirs cooldown - - MOD:SetIcon(L["Rune"], GetSpellTexture(48266)) -- cached for death knight runes (this is for Frost Presence) -end - --- Updates will be driven by the new timer function, compute elapsed time since last update -local function UpdateHandler() - now = GetTime() - local elapsed = now - lastTime -- seconds since last call to update - if elapsed > 1.0 then elapsed = 1.0 end -- should only happen during initialization - MOD:Update(elapsed) - lastTime = now - C_Timer.After(0.001, UpdateHandler) -- register to be called for next frame -end - --- Initialize list of units that are tracked -function MOD:InitializeUnits() - table.wipe(units) - for i, k in pairs(mainUnits) do units[i] = k end - if then for _, k in pairs(partyUnits) do table.insert(units, k) end end - if then for _, k in pairs(bossUnits) do table.insert(units, k) end end - if then for _, k in pairs(arenaUnits) do table.insert(units, k) end end - for i = 1, 40 do nameplateUnits[i] = "nameplate"..i end -end - --- Initialize when play starts, deferred to allow system initialization to complete -function MOD:PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD() - if not enteredWorld then - MOD:InitializeUnits() -- initialize list of units to track (this requires /reload to update) - for _, k in pairs(units) do -- initialize tables used to track each unit's status and auras - unitUpdate[k] = true; activeBuffs[k] = {} activeDebuffs[k] = {} - tagBuffs[k] = {}; tagDebuffs[k] = {}; cacheBuffs[k] = {}; cacheDebuffs[k] = {} - end - updateCooldowns = true -- start tracking cooldowns - MOD:InitializeBuffTooltip() -- initialize tooltip used to monitor weapon buffs - InitializeIcons() -- cache special purpose icons - MOD:InitializeOverlays() -- initialize overlays used to cancel player buffs - MOD:InitializeInCombatBar() -- initialize special bar for cancelling buffs in combat - MOD:UpdateAllBarGroups() -- final update before starting event-based updates - CheckBlizzFrames() -- check blizz frames and hide the ones selected on the Defaults tab - enteredWorld = true; doUpdate = true - UpdateHandler() -- register for calls on every frame - end - if not InCombatLockdown() then collectgarbage("collect") end -- recover deleted preset data but not if in combat -end - --- Event called when an aura changes on a unit, returns the unit name -function MOD:UNIT_AURA(e, unit) - if unit and (unitUpdate[unit] ~= nil) then - if unit == "vehicle" then unitUpdate.player = true end -- any time vehicle updates, also update player - unitUpdate[unit] = true; doUpdate = true - end -end - --- Event called when a unit's power changes -function MOD:UNIT_POWER_UPDATE(e, unit) if unit == "player" then unitUpdate[unit] = true; doUpdate = true end end - --- Event for when vehicle info changes -function MOD:VEHICLE_UPDATE() TriggerPlayerUpdate() end - --- Event called with a unit's target changes -function MOD:UNIT_TARGET(e, unit) - if unit == "player" then - = true; doUpdate = true - elseif unit == "target" then - unitUpdate.targettarget = true; doUpdate = true - elseif unit == "focus" then - unitUpdate.focustarget = true; doUpdate = true - elseif unit == "pet" then - unitUpdate.pettarget = true; doUpdate = true - end -end - --- Event called when a pet changes -function MOD:UNIT_PET() = true; unitUpdate.pettarget = true; doUpdate = true end - --- Event called when the focus is changed -function MOD:PLAYER_FOCUS_CHANGED() unitUpdate.focus = true; unitUpdate.focustarget = true; doUpdate = true; forceUpdate = true end - --- Event called when the player's target is changed -function MOD:PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED() = true; unitUpdate.targettarget = true; doUpdate = true; forceUpdate = true end - --- Event called when spells in spell book change -function MOD:SPELLS_CHANGED() MOD:SetCooldownDefaults(); updateCooldowns = true; doUpdate = true end - --- Event called when equipment in a unit's inventory changes -function MOD:UNIT_INVENTORY_CHANGED(e, unit) - TriggerCooldownUpdate() - if unit == "player" then - -- update inventory cooldown table - table.wipe(inventoryCooldowns) -- update inventory item cooldown table - for slot = 0, 19 do -- check each inventory slot for usable items - local itemID = GetInventoryItemID("player", slot) - if itemID then - local _, spellID = GetItemSpell(itemID) - if spellID then inventoryCooldowns[itemID] = slot end - end - end - end - -- for k, v in pairs(inventoryCooldowns) do local name = GetItemInfo(k); MOD.Debug("slot", name, v) end -end - --- Event called when content of the player's bags changes -function MOD:BAG_UPDATE(e) - TriggerCooldownUpdate() - table.wipe(bagCooldowns) -- update bag item cooldown table - for bag = 0, NUM_BAG_SLOTS do - local numSlots = GetContainerNumSlots(bag) - for slot = 1, numSlots do - local itemID = GetContainerItemID(bag, slot) - if itemID then - local _, spellID = GetItemSpell(itemID) - if spellID then bagCooldowns[itemID] = spellID end - end - end - end - -- for k, v in pairs(bagCooldowns) do local name = GetItemInfo(k); MOD.Debug("bag", name, v) end -end - --- Create cache of talent info -local function InitializeTalents() - if MOD.isClassic then talentsInitialized = true; return end -- not supported in classic - - local tabs = GetNumSpecializations(false, false) - if tabs == 0 then return end - - local currentSpec = GetSpecialization() - local specGroup = GetActiveSpecGroup() - talentsInitialized = true; doUpdate = true - table.wipe(MOD.talents); table.wipe(MOD.talentList) - - local select = 1 - for tier = 1, MAX_TALENT_TIERS do - for column = 1, NUM_TALENT_COLUMNS do - local talentID, name, texture, selected = GetTalentInfo(tier, column, specGroup) -- player's active talents - if name then - MOD.talents[name] = { tab = currentSpec, column = column, tier = tier, icon = texture, active = selected } - MOD.talentList[select] = name - select = select + 1 - end - end - end - - table.sort(MOD.talentList) - for i, t in pairs(MOD.talentList) do - MOD.talents[t].select = i - end - MOD.updateDispels = true -end - --- Check if the options panel is loaded, if not then get it loaded and ask it to toggle open/close status -function MOD:OptionsPanel() - if not optionsLoaded then - optionsLoaded = true - local loaded, reason = LoadAddOn(MOD_Options) - if not loaded then - print(L["Failed to load "] .. tostring(MOD_Options) .. ": " .. tostring(reason)) - optionsFailed = true - end - end - if not optionsFailed then MOD:ToggleOptions() end -end - --- If the options panel is loaded then update it so it reflects any changes made thru anchors, etc. -function MOD:UpdateOptionsPanel() - if optionsLoaded and not optionsFailed and not IsMouseButtonDown("LeftButton") then MOD:UpdateOptions(); MOD.updateOptions = false end - doUpdate = true -end - --- Add a registered data broker -local function RegisterDataBroker(event, name, broker) - -- MOD.Debug("ldb_register", event, name, key, value) - MOD.knownBrokers[name] = broker - - table.wipe(MOD.brokerList) -- recreate the broker list table - local i = 1 - for k, v in pairs(MOD.knownBrokers) do MOD.brokerList[i] = k; i = i + 1 end - table.sort(MOD.brokerList) -end - --- Update event handler for an activated data broker -local function UpdateDataBroker(event, name, key, value, dataobj) - -- MOD.Debug("ldb_update", event, name, key, value) - doUpdate = true -end - --- Activate a registered data broker when creating a custom bar reference (no need to deactivate since only used for updates) -function MOD:ActivateDataBroker(name) - if not activeBrokers[name] then -- first time reference - -- MOD.Debug("ldb_activate", name) - activeBrokers[name] = true - MOD.LibLDB.RegisterCallback("MyAnonCallback", "LibDataBroker_AttributeChanged_" .. name, UpdateDataBroker) - doUpdate = true - end -end - --- Tie into LibDataBroker -function MOD:InitializeLDB() - MOD.LibLDB = LibStub("LibDataBroker-1.1", true) - if not MOD.LibLDB then return end - MOD.ldb = MOD.LibLDB:NewDataObject("Raven", { - type = "launcher", - text = "Raven", - icon = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Nature_RavenForm", - -- icon = [[Interface\AddOns\Raven\Raven]], - OnClick = function(_, msg) - if msg == "RightButton" then - if IsShiftKeyDown() then - MOD.db.profile.hideBlizz = not MOD.db.profile.hideBlizz - else - MOD:ToggleBarGroupLocks() - end - elseif msg == "LeftButton" then - if IsShiftKeyDown() then - MOD.db.profile.enabled = not MOD.db.profile.enabled - else - MOD:OptionsPanel() - end - end - doUpdate = true - end, - OnTooltipShow = function(tooltip) - if not tooltip or not tooltip.AddLine then return end - tooltip:AddLine(L["Raven"]) - tooltip:AddLine(L["Raven left click"]) - tooltip:AddLine(L["Raven right click"]) - tooltip:AddLine(L["Raven shift left click"]) - tooltip:AddLine(L["Raven shift right click"]) - end, - }) - MOD.ldbi = LibStub("LibDBIcon-1.0", true) - if MOD.ldbi then MOD.ldbi:Register("Raven", MOD.ldb, end - - for name, broker in MOD.LibLDB:DataObjectIterator() do RegisterDataBroker("register", name, broker) end - MOD.LibLDB.RegisterCallback("MyAnonCallback", "LibDataBroker_DataObjectCreated", RegisterDataBroker) -end - --- See if totems have changed since last update because can't count on events for totems -local function CheckTotemUpdates() - local cl = MOD.myClass - if cl == "SHAMAN" or cl == "DRUID" or cl == "MAGE" then - local changed = false - for i = 1, MAX_TOTEMS do - local haveTotem, name, startTime, duration = GetTotemInfo(i) - if haveTotem and name and name ~= "" and now <= (startTime + duration) then - if not lastTotems[i] or name ~= lastTotems[i] then changed = true end - lastTotems[i] = name - else - if lastTotems[i] then changed = true end - lastTotems[i] = nil - end - end - if changed then updateCooldowns = true; unitUpdate.player = true; doUpdate = true; forceUpdate = true end - end -end - --- Check for possess bar and vehicle updates which are not triggered by events -local function CheckMiscellaneousUpdates() - if not MOD.isClassic then - if IsPossessBarVisible() or UnitHasVehicleUI("player") then updateCooldowns = true; unitUpdate.player = true; doUpdate = true end - end -end - --- Update routine called before each frame is displayed, throttled to minimize CPU usage -function MOD:Update(elapsed) - local elapsedTarget = or 0.2 - local refreshTarget = or 0.03 - local throttleRate - if InCombatLockdown() then - throttleRate = - if MOD.combatTimer == 0 then MOD.combatTimer = now end - else - throttleRate = - MOD.combatTimer = 0 - end - local throttleTarget = elapsedTarget * (throttleRate or 5) - - if elapsedTime < 0 then elapsedTime = elapsed else elapsedTime = elapsedTime + elapsed end -- timer for update cycles - if refreshTime < 0 then refreshTime = elapsed else refreshTime = refreshTime + elapsed end -- timer for refresh cycles - throttleTime = throttleTime + elapsed -- timer for things that need to happen about once per second - if throttleTime >= throttleTarget then -- equal to zero once per second - throttleTime = 0; doUpdate = true - if not suppressTime or ((now - suppressTime) > 3) then MOD.suppress = false end -- suppress special effects for several seconds at start - end - - if MOD.db.profile.enabled then - if forceUpdate or (elapsedTime >= elapsedTarget) then -- limit update rate - if forceUpdate then doUpdate = true; forceUpdate = false end - updateCounter = updateCounter + 1; refreshCounter = refreshCounter + 1; throttleCounter = throttleCounter + 1 - if throttleCounter > throttleTracker then throttleTracker = throttleCounter end -- tracker for actual throttle maximums - if not talentsInitialized then InitializeTalents() end -- retry until talents initialized - CheckTotemUpdates() -- check if totems have changed since last update - CheckSpellAlerts() -- update spell alert timers - CheckMiscellaneousUpdates() -- check for update requirements that don't have events - MOD:UpdateInternalCooldowns() -- check for expiring internal cooldowns - MOD:UpdateCooldownTimes() -- check for expiring normal cooldowns - if doUpdate or MOD:CheckTimeEvents() then -- only do major updates when events warrant it (but at least once a second) - MOD:UpdateSpellEffects() -- update spell effect timers - MOD:UpdateAuras() -- update table containing current auras (actual processing is deferred until needed) - MOD:UpdateTrackers() -- update aura trackers for multiple targets - MOD:UpdateCooldowns() -- update table containing current cooldowns on spells and trinkets - MOD:UpdateConditions() -- update table containing currently triggered conditions - MOD.Nest_CheckDisplayDimensions() -- check display dimensions and update anchors if they have changed - MOD:UpdateBars() -- update timer bars for auras and cooldowns - MOD:UpdateInCombatBar() -- update the in-combat bar if necessary - MOD.Nest_Update() -- update the display using the Nest graphics package - else - MOD:RefreshBars() -- update any value bars requiring frequent updates - MOD:RefreshInCombatBar() -- update in-combat bar animations only - MOD.Nest_Refresh() -- refresh bars in the Nest graphics package (helps smooth animations) - end - elapsedTime = elapsedTime - elapsedTarget; refreshTime = refreshTime - refreshTarget; doUpdate = false - else - if refreshTime >= refreshTarget then -- limit animation refesh rate - MOD:RefreshBars() -- update any value bars requiring frequent updates - MOD:RefreshInCombatBar() -- update in-combat bar animations only - MOD.Nest_Refresh() -- refresh bars in the Nest graphics package (helps smooth animations) - refreshTime = refreshTime - refreshTarget; refreshCounter = refreshCounter + 1 - end - end - else - if throttleTime == 0 then -- check occasionally to make sure everything is in the right state - elapsedTime = 0; refreshTime = 0 -- reset these counters once per second as well - MOD:HideBars() - MOD:HideInCombatBar() - end - end - if throttleTime == 0 then - -- if IsAltKeyDown() then MOD.Debug("update", updateCounter, "refresh", refreshCounter, "throttle", throttleTracker); throttleTracker = 0 end - updateCounter = 0; refreshCounter = 0; throttleCounter = 0 -- these counters are only used for testing purposes - if optionsLoaded and MOD:OptionsOpen() then -- check if options panel is open - CheckBlizzFrames() -- need to check blizz settings occasionally when the options panel is open - if MOD.updateOptions then MOD:UpdateOptionsPanel() end -- update the open option panel once per second, if requested - end - end -end - --- Aura tables have this structure: --- b[1] = isBuff, b[2] = timeLeft, b[3] = stackCount, b[4] = auraType, b[5] = duration, b[6] = caster, b[7] = isStealable/effectCaster, b[8] = icon, --- b[9] = hashTag, b[10] = expireTime, b[11] = tooltipType, b[12] = tooltipArgument, b[13] = name, b[14] = spellID, b[15] = isBoss, b[16] = casterName, --- b[17] = castable, b[18] = casterIsNPC, b[19] = casterVehicle, b[20] = barColor, b[21] = barLabel - --- Calculate aura time left from expiration time and current time, this is always done before returning aura descriptors --- If no duration or has expired then set to 0 (Blizzard may not yet have sent aura update event so could sit at 0 for a moment) -local function SetAuraTimeLeft(b) if b[5] > 0 then b[2] = b[10] - now if b[2] < 0 then b[2] = 0 end else b[2] = 0 end end - --- Check if a GUID belongs to a boss per LibBossIDs -function MOD.CheckLibBossIDs(guid) - if type(guid) == "string" then - local id - _, _, _, _, _, id = string.match(guid, "(%a+)%-(%d+)%-(%d+)%-(%d+)%-(%d+)%-(%d+)") - if id then - id = tonumber(id) - if id and MOD.LibBossIDs.BossIDs[id] then return true end - end - end - return false -end - --- Add an active aura to the table for the specified unit -local function AddAura(unit, name, isBuff, spellID, count, btype, duration, caster, steal, boss, apply, icon, expire, tt_type, tt_arg, tt_color, tt_label) - local auraTable = isBuff and activeBuffs[unit] or activeDebuffs[unit] - local tagCache = isBuff and tagBuffs[unit] or tagDebuffs[unit] - local auraCache = isBuff and cacheBuffs[unit] or cacheDebuffs[unit] - if auraTable then - local b = AllocateTable() -- get an empty aura descriptor - local guid, cname, isNPC, vehicle = nil, nil, false, false - if caster then - guid = UnitGUID(caster); cname = UnitName(caster); vehicle = not MOD.isClassic and UnitHasVehicleUI(caster) - if guid then - local unitType = string.match(guid, "(%a+)%-") - isNPC = (unitType == "Creature") or (unitType == "Vignette"); vehicle = vehicle or (unitType == "Vehicle") - if isNPC and MOD.LibBossIDs then boss = boss or MOD.CheckLibBossIDs(guid) end - end - end - local tag = isBuff and "Buff:" or "Debuff:" -- build a unique tag for this aura - if guid then tag = tag .. guid .. ":" elseif caster then tag = tag .. caster .. ":" end -- include caster in unique tag, prefer guid when it is known - if tt_type == "Minion" then tag = tag .. "Minion" .. tt_arg .. ":" end -- for warlock minions add the minion's guid to the tag - if not tagUnits[caster or "unknown"] and expire and expire > 0 then tag = tag .. tostring(math.floor((expire * 100) + 0.5)) .. ":" end -- add expire time with 1/100s precision - if spellID then tag = tag .. tostring(spellID) .. ":" elseif (tt_type == "weapon") or (tt_type == "tracking") then tag = tag .. tt_arg .. ":" end - local n = (tagCache[tag] or 0) + 1; tagCache[tag] = n; tag = tag .. tostring(n) -- tag must be unique for multiples of same aura - - b[1], b[2], b[3], b[4], b[5], b[6], b[7], b[8], b[9], b[10], b[11], b[12], b[13], b[14], b[15], b[16], b[17], b[18], b[19], b[20], b[21] = - isBuff, 0, count, btype, duration, caster, steal, icon, tag, expire, tt_type, tt_arg, name, spellID, boss, cname, apply, isNPC, vehicle, tt_color, tt_label - - auraTable[#auraTable + 1] = b - if auraCache then auraCache[name] = true end - if icon then MOD:SetIcon(name, icon) end -- cache icon for this aura - end -end - --- Empty the aura tables for a unit by releasing all entries (except weapon buffs) -local function ReleaseAuras(unit) - local buffTable, debuffTable, buffCache = activeBuffs[unit], activeDebuffs[unit], cacheBuffs[unit] - table.wipe(buffCache); table.wipe(cacheDebuffs[unit]); table.wipe(tagBuffs[unit]); table.wipe(tagDebuffs[unit]) - if buffTable then for index, b in pairs(buffTable) do if b[11] ~= "weapon" then buffTable[index] = ReleaseTable(b) else buffCache[b[13]] = true end end end - if debuffTable then for index, b in pairs(debuffTable) do debuffTable[index] = ReleaseTable(b) end end -end - --- Check if aura(s) with given name are active on the unit (if isBuff is true only check buffs, otherwise only debuff) --- Return a table with matching aura descriptors, potentially empty if none are found --- The returned table is only valid until the next call to MOD:CheckAura since it is reused each time -function MOD:CheckAura(unit, name, isBuff) - table.wipe(matchTable) - if unit and name then - unit = MOD:UnitStatusUpdate(unit) - if unit then - local auraTable = isBuff and activeBuffs[unit] or activeDebuffs[unit] - local auraCache = isBuff and cacheBuffs[unit] or cacheDebuffs[unit] - if auraTable then - if auraCache and auraCache[name] then - for _, b in pairs(auraTable) do if b[13] == name then SetAuraTimeLeft(b); matchTable[#matchTable + 1] = b end end - elseif string .find(name, "^#%d+") then -- check if name is in special format for specific spell id (i.e., #12345) - local id = tonumber(string.sub(name, 2)) -- extract the spell id - if id then for _, b in pairs(auraTable) do if b[14] == id then SetAuraTimeLeft(b); matchTable[#matchTable + 1] = b end end end - end - end - end - end - return matchTable -end - --- For all active auras on a given unit (if isBuff is true only buffs, otherwise only debuff), call the function that --- is passed in with the unit, aura name, aura descriptor table, isBuff, and two optional parameters passed in -function MOD:IterateAuras(unit, func, isBuff, p1, p2, p3) - local auraTable - if unit == "all" then -- special case to get auras cast by player on multiple targets - auraTable = isBuff and unitBuffs or unitDebuffs - for _, tracker in pairs(auraTable) do - for _, t in pairs(tracker) do - SetAuraTimeLeft(t) -- update timeLeft from current time - if t[13] then func(unit, t[13], t, isBuff, p1, p2, p3) end - end - end - else - unit = MOD:UnitStatusUpdate(unit) - if unit then - auraTable = isBuff and activeBuffs[unit] or activeDebuffs[unit] - if auraTable then - for _, b in pairs(auraTable) do - SetAuraTimeLeft(b) -- update timeLeft from current time - if b[13] then func(unit, b[13], b, isBuff, p1, p2, p3) end - end - end - end - end -end - --- Release a particular player buff, including multiple copies, used for weapon buffs and tracking due to non-standard detection -local function ReleasePlayerBuff(name) - local auraTable = activeBuffs.player - if auraTable then - for index, b in pairs(auraTable) do if b[13] == name then auraTable[index] = ReleaseTable(b) end end - end -end - --- Check all buffs on the unit to see if the specified buff type is currently active, return true and the first found -function MOD:UnitHasBuff(unit, btype) - unit = MOD:UnitStatusUpdate(unit) - if unit then - local auraTable = activeBuffs[unit] - if auraTable then - for _, b in pairs(auraTable) do if (btype == "Steal") and (b[7] == 1) or (b[4] == btype) then SetAuraTimeLeft(b); return true, b end end - end - end - return false, nil -end - --- Check all debuffs on the unit to see if the specified debuff type is currently active, return true and the first found -function MOD:UnitHasDebuff(unit, btype) - unit = MOD:UnitStatusUpdate(unit) - if unit then - local auraTable = activeDebuffs[unit] - if auraTable then - for _, b in pairs(activeDebuffs[unit]) do if (b[4] == btype) then SetAuraTimeLeft(b); return true, b end end - end - end - return false, nil -end - --- Initialize tooltip to be used for determining weapon buffs --- This code is based on the Pitbull implementation -function MOD:InitializeBuffTooltip() - bufftooltip = CreateFrame("GameTooltip", nil, UIParent) - bufftooltip:SetOwner(UIParent, "ANCHOR_NONE") - local fs = bufftooltip:CreateFontString() - fs:SetFontObject(_G.GameFontNormal) - bufftooltip.tooltiplines = {} -- cache of font strings for each line in the tooltip - for i = 1, 30 do - local ls = bufftooltip:CreateFontString() - ls:SetFontObject(_G.GameFontNormal) - bufftooltip:AddFontStrings(ls, fs) - bufftooltip.tooltiplines[i] = ls - end -end - --- Return the temporary table for storing buff tooltips -function MOD:GetBuffTooltip() - bufftooltip:ClearLines() - if not bufftooltip:IsOwned(UIParent) then bufftooltip:SetOwner(UIParent, "ANCHOR_NONE") end - return bufftooltip -end - --- No easy way to get this info, so scan item slot info for mainhand and offhand weapons using a tooltip --- Weapon buffs are usually formatted in tooltips as name strings followed by remaining time in parentheses --- This routine scans the tooltip for the first line that is in this format and extracts the weapon buff name without rank or time -local function GetWeaponBuffName(weaponSlot) - local tt = MOD:GetBuffTooltip() - tt:SetInventoryItem("player", weaponSlot) - for i = 1, 30 do - local text = tt.tooltiplines[i]:GetText() - if text then - local name = text:match("^(.+) %(%d+ [^$)]+%)$") -- extract up to left paren if match weapon buff format - if name then - name = (name:match("^(.*) %d+$")) or name -- remove any trailing numbers - return name - end - else - break - end - end - return nil -end - --- Get weapon buff duration, since this is not supplied by Blizzard look at current detected duration --- and compare it to longest previous duration for the given weapon buff in order to find maximum ever detected -local function GetWeaponBuffDuration(buff, duration) - local maxd = MOD.db.profile.WeaponBuffDurations[buff] - if not maxd then maxd =[buff] end -- backward compatibility - if not maxd or (duration > maxd) then - MOD.db.profile.WeaponBuffDurations[buff] = math.floor(duration + 0.5) -- round up - else - if maxd > duration then duration = maxd end - end - return duration -end - --- Reset the weapon buff duration cache since it will be restored when buff is cast again -local function ResetWeaponBuffDuration(buff) MOD.db.profile.WeaponBuffDurations[buff] = nil;[buff] = nil end - --- Add player weapon buffs for mainhand and offhand to the aura table -local function GetWeaponBuffs() - -- old weapons buffs are now out-of-date so release them before regenerating - if mhLastBuff then ReleasePlayerBuff(mhLastBuff) end - if ohLastBuff then ReleasePlayerBuff(ohLastBuff) end - - -- first check if there are weapon auras then, only if necessary, use tooltip to scan for the buff names - local mh, mhms, mhc, mx, oh, ohms, ohc, ox = GetWeaponEnchantInfo() - if mh then -- add the mainhand buff, if any, to the table - local islot = INVSLOT_MAINHAND - local mhbuff = GetWeaponBuffName(islot) - if not mhbuff then -- if tooltip scan fails then use fallback of weapon name or slot name - local weaponLink = GetInventoryItemLink("player", islot) - if weaponLink then mhbuff = GetItemInfo(weaponLink) end - if not mhbuff then mhbuff = L["Mainhand Weapon"] end - end - local icon = GetInventoryItemTexture("player", islot) - local timeLeft = mhms / 1000 - local expire = now + timeLeft - local duration = GetWeaponBuffDuration(mhbuff, timeLeft) - AddAura("player", mhbuff, true, nil, mhc, "Mainhand", duration, "player", nil, nil, 1, icon, expire, "weapon", "MainHandSlot") - mhLastBuff = mhbuff -- caches the name of the weapon buff so can clear it later - elseif mhLastBuff then ResetWeaponBuffDuration(mhLastBuff); mhLastBuff = nil end - - if oh then -- add the offhand buff, if any, to the table - local islot = INVSLOT_OFFHAND - local ohbuff = GetWeaponBuffName(islot) - if not ohbuff then -- if tooltip scan fails then use fallback of weapon name or slot name - local weaponLink = GetInventoryItemLink("player", islot) - if weaponLink then ohbuff = GetItemInfo(weaponLink) end - if not ohbuff then ohbuff = L["Offhand Weapon"] end - end - local icon = GetInventoryItemTexture("player", islot) - local timeLeft = ohms / 1000 - local expire = now + timeLeft - local duration = GetWeaponBuffDuration(ohbuff, timeLeft) - AddAura("player", ohbuff, true, nil, ohc, "Offhand", duration, "player", nil, nil, 1, icon, expire, "weapon", "SecondaryHandSlot") - ohLastBuff = ohbuff -- caches the name of the weapon buff so can clear it later - elseif ohLastBuff then ResetWeaponBuffDuration(ohLastBuff); ohLastBuff = nil end -end - --- Add buffs for the specified unit to the active buffs table -local function GetBuffs(unit) - local name, icon, count, btype, duration, expire, caster, isStealable, nameplatePersonal, spellID, apply, boss, castByPlayer, showOnNameplate - local i = 1 - repeat - name, icon, count, btype, duration, expire, caster, isStealable, nameplatePersonal, spellID, apply, boss, castByPlayer, showOnNameplate = UnitAura(unit, i, "HELPFUL") - if name then - if not caster then if spellID and fixEnchants[spellID] then caster = "player" else caster = "unknown" end -- fix Jade Spirit, Dancing Steel, River's Song - elseif caster == "vehicle" then caster = "player" end -- vehicle buffs treated like player buffs - if caster == "player" then MOD.SetDuration(name, spellID, duration); MOD.SetSpellType(spellID, btype) end - AddAura(unit, name, true, spellID, count, btype, duration, caster, isStealable, boss, apply, icon, expire, "buff", i) - end - i = i + 1 - until not name - - if unit ~= "player" then return end -- done for all but player, players also need to add vehicle buffs - if MOD.isClassic or not UnitHasVehicleUI("player") then return end - i = 1 - repeat - name, icon, count, btype, duration, expire, caster, isStealable, _, spellID, apply, boss = UnitAura("vehicle", i, "HELPFUL") - if name then - if not caster then caster = "unknown" elseif caster == "vehicle" then caster = "player" end -- vehicle buffs treated like player buffs - if caster == "player" then MOD.SetDuration(name, spellID, duration); MOD.SetSpellType(spellID, btype) end - AddAura(unit, name, true, spellID, count, btype, duration, caster, isStealable, boss, apply, icon, expire, "vehicle buff", i) - end - i = i + 1 - until not name -end - --- Add debuffs for the specified unit to the active debuffs table -local function GetDebuffs(unit) - local name, icon, count, btype, duration, expire, caster, isStealable, nameplatePersonal, spellID, apply, boss, castByPlayer, showOnNameplate - local i = 1 - repeat - name, icon, count, btype, duration, expire, caster, isStealable, nameplatePersonal, spellID, apply, boss, castByPlayer, showOnNameplate = UnitAura(unit, i, "HARMFUL") - if name then - if not caster then caster = "unknown" elseif caster == "vehicle" then caster = "player" end -- vehicle debuffs treated like player debuffs - if caster == "player" then MOD.SetDuration(name, spellID, duration); MOD.SetSpellType(spellID, btype) end - AddAura(unit, name, false, spellID, count, btype, duration, caster, isStealable, boss, apply, icon, expire, "debuff", i) - end - i = i + 1 - until not name - - if unit ~= "player" then return end -- done for all but player, players also need to add vehicle debuffs - if MOD.isClassic or not UnitHasVehicleUI("player") then return end - i = 1 - repeat - name, icon, count, btype, duration, expire, caster, isStealable, _, spellID, apply, boss = UnitAura("vehicle", i, "HARMFUL") - if name then - if not caster then caster = "unknown" elseif caster == "vehicle" then caster = "player" end -- vehicle debuffs treated like player debuffs - if caster == "player" then MOD.SetDuration(name, spellID, duration); MOD.SetSpellType(spellID, btype) end - AddAura(unit, name, false, spellID, count, btype, duration, caster, isStealable, boss, apply, icon, expire, "vehicle debuff", i) - end - i = i + 1 - until not name -end - --- Add tracking auras (updated for Cataclysm which allows multiple active tracking types) -local function GetTracking() - if MOD.isClassic then return end -- not supported in classic - - local notTracking, notTrackingIcon, found = L["Not Tracking"], "Interface\\Minimap\\Tracking\\None", false - for i = 1, GetNumTrackingTypes() do - local tracking, trackingIcon, active = GetTrackingInfo(i) - if active then - found = true - AddAura("player", tracking, true, nil, 1, "Tracking", 0, "player", nil, nil, nil, trackingIcon, 0, "tracking", tracking) - end - end - if not found then - AddAura("player", notTracking, true, nil, 1, "Tracking", 0, "player", nil, nil, nil, notTrackingIcon, 0, "tracking", notTracking) - end -end - --- Check if the spell triggers a spell effect -function MOD:DetectSpellEffect(name, caster) - local ect =[name] -- check for new spell effect triggered by this spell - if ect and not ect.disable and MOD:CheckCastBy(caster, ect.caster or "player") then - local duration = ect.duration - if not duration then return end -- safety check - if ect.talent and not MOD.CheckTalent(ect.talent) then return end -- check required talent - if ect.buff then local auraList = MOD:CheckAura("player", ect.buff, true); if #auraList == 0 then return end end -- check required buff - if ect.optbuff and ect.optduration then -- check optional buff and test safety for the duration - local auraList = MOD:CheckAura("player", ect.optbuff, true) - if #auraList > 0 then duration = ect.optduration end - end - if ect.condition and not MOD:CheckCondition(ect.condition) then return end -- check required condition - local ec = spellEffects[name] - if ec and ect.renew then spellEffects[name] = ReleaseTable(ec); ec = nil end -- check if already active spell effect and optionally renew - if not ec then ec = AllocateTable(); ec.start = now; ec.expire = ec.start + duration; ec.caster = caster; - spellEffects[name] = ec; TriggerPlayerUpdate() end - end -end - --- Remove any spell effect entries that have expired -function MOD:UpdateSpellEffects() - for id, ec in pairs(spellEffects) do if now >= ec.expire then spellEffects[id] = ReleaseTable(ec); TriggerPlayerUpdate(); TriggerCooldownUpdate() end end -end - --- Check if any spell effects are active and add them to the player auras -local function GetSpellEffectAuras() - for name, ec in pairs(spellEffects) do - local ect =[name] - if ect and not ect.disable and ect.kind ~= "cooldown" then - local spell = ect.spell or name - AddAura("player", spell, not ect.kind,, 1, nil, ect.duration, ec.caster, nil, nil, nil, ect.icon, ec.expire, "effect", name) - end - end -end - --- Automatically generate alert bars -local function GetSpellAlertAuras() - for id, alert in pairs(spellAlerts) do - local kind =[alert.alertType].kind - if kind ~= "cooldown" then - local color, label = GetSpellAlertInfo(alert) - -- MOD.Debug("alertaura", id, (kind == nil) and "buff" or kind, alert.alertType, alert.event, alert.spellName, alert.srcName, alert.dstName, label) - AddAura("player", alert.spellName, not kind, alert.spellID, 1, nil, alert.duration, "player", nil, nil, nil, alert.icon, alert.expire, "alert", alert.spellID, color, label) - end - end -end - --- Create an aura for class-specific power buffs: soul shards, holy power, shadow orbs, etc. -local function GetPowerBuffs() - local power, id = nil, nil - local myClass = MOD.myClass - if myClass == "PALADIN" and IsSpellKnown(35395) then power = UnitPower("player", Enum.PowerType.HolyPower); id = 85247 - elseif myClass == "PRIEST" and IsSpellKnown(8092) then power = UnitPower("player", Enum.PowerType.Insanity); id = 57496 - elseif myClass == "WARLOCK" then power = UnitPower("player", Enum.PowerType.SoulShards); id = 138556 - elseif myClass == "SHAMAN" and IsSpellKnown(193786) then power = UnitPower("player", Enum.PowerType.Maelstrom); id = 190185 - elseif myClass == "MAGE" then - if IsSpellKnown(116011) then -- rune of power - local haveTotem, name, startTime, duration, icon = GetTotemInfo(1) - if haveTotem and name and name ~= "" and now <= (startTime + duration) then - local sp = GetSpellInfo(52623) - AddAura("player", sp, true, 52623, 1, "Power", duration, "player", nil, nil, 1, icon, startTime + duration, "text", sp) - end - end - if IsSpellKnown(30451) then power = UnitPower("player", Enum.PowerType.ArcaneCharges); id = 190427 end - elseif myClass == "DEMONHUNTER" then - if IsSpellKnown(203720) then -- vengeanance - power = UnitPower("player", Enum.PowerType.Pain); id = 185244 - else -- havoc - power = UnitPower("player", Enum.PowerType.Fury); id = 67671 - end - elseif myClass == "MONK" and IsSpellKnown(100780) then -- only windwalker has chi now - local chi = UnitPower("player", Enum.PowerType.Chi) - local _, pToken = UnitPowerType("player") - local name = _G[pToken] - local icon = GetSpellTexture(179126) - if chi and chi > 0 then - AddAura("player", name, true, nil, chi, "Power", 0, "player", nil, nil, nil, icon, 0, "text", name) - return - end - elseif myClass == "DRUID" then - if IsSpellKnown(145205) then -- restoration druid has one mushroom linked to Efflorescence - local haveTotem, name, startTime, duration, icon = GetTotemInfo(1) - if haveTotem and name and name ~= "" and now <= (startTime + duration) then - AddAura("player", name, true, 145205, 1, nil, duration or 0, "player", nil, nil, nil, icon, (startTime or 0) + (duration or 0), "text", name) - return - end - elseif IsSpellKnown(190984) then -- balance druid has astral power - local ap = UnitPower("player", Enum.PowerType.LunarPower) - local _, pToken = UnitPowerType("player") - local name = _G[pToken] - local icon = GetSpellTexture(164686) -- dark eclipse - AddAura("player", name, true, nil, ap, "Power", 0, "player", nil, nil, nil, icon, 0, "text", name) - return - end - end - if power and power > 0 then - local name, _, icon = GetSpellInfo(id) - if name and (name ~= "") then - AddAura("player", name, true, id, power, "Power", 0, "player", nil, nil, nil, icon, 0, "text", name) - end - end -end - --- Get buffs for shaman totems if option is selected -local function GetTotemBuffs() - if MOD.myClass == "PALADIN" then -- consecration totem - local haveTotem, name, startTime, duration, icon = GetTotemInfo(1) - if haveTotem and name and name ~= nil and now <= (startTime + duration) then - AddAura("player", name, true, nil, 1, "buff", duration, "player", nil, nil, nil, icon, startTime + duration, "totem", 1) - end - elseif MOD.myClass == "SHAMAN" then - for i = 1, MAX_TOTEMS do - local haveTotem, name, startTime, duration, icon = GetTotemInfo(i) - if haveTotem and name and name ~= "" and now <= (startTime + duration) then -- generate buff for an active totem in the slot - AddAura("player", name, true, nil, 1, "Totem", duration, "player", nil, nil, nil, icon, startTime + duration, "totem", i) - end - end - end -end - --- Get buffs for warlock minions, verifying not already expired and sorted so only one per type of minion -local function GetMinionBuffs() - if MOD.myClass == "WARLOCK" then -- minions are tracked in the summonedCreatures table by combat log events - local mh = minionTypes -- temporary table for sorting minions by type - local mc = minionCounts -- temporary table for counting minions by type - table.wipe(mh) -- table entries are type->guid - table.wipe(mc) -- table entries are type->count - for guid, gt in pairs(summonedCreatures) do -- find soonest to expire for each type of minion - if gt.expire and (now < gt.expire) then -- make sure has not expired already - local mtype = -- name of creature is type - mc[mtype] = (mc[mtype] or 0) + 1 -- increment count of this minion type - local m = mh[mtype] -- get guid of currently soonest to expire of this minion type - if not m or (gt.expire < summonedCreatures[m].expire) then mh[mtype] = guid end - end - end - for name, guid in pairs(mh) do -- add a buff for each type of minion - local gt = summonedCreatures[guid] - if gt then - AddAura("player", name, true, nil, mc[name], "Minion", gt.duration, "player",, nil, nil, gt.icon, gt.expire, "minion", guid) - end - end - end -end - --- Update unit auras if necessary (deferred until requested) -function MOD:UnitStatusUpdate(unit) - local status = unitStatus[unit] - if status ~= 0 then - if status ~= 1 then unit = status end - if unitUpdate[unit] then -- need to do an update for this unit - ReleaseAuras(unit); GetBuffs(unit); GetDebuffs(unit) - if unit == "player" then GetTracking(); GetSpellEffectAuras(); GetSpellAlertAuras(); GetPowerBuffs(); GetTotemBuffs(); GetMinionBuffs() end - unitUpdate[unit] = false - end - return unit - end - return nil -end - --- Check unit status, return 0 if doesn't exist, 1 if valid unit, "unit" if mirroring another unit -function MOD:ValidateUnit(unit) - if UnitExists(unit) then - for _, k in pairs(units) do - if unit == k then return 1 end -- found unique unit - if UnitIsUnit(unit, k) then return k end -- found match to higher priority unit - end - end - return 0 -- not a valid unit -end - --- Check all the tracker entries and remove any that have expired -function MOD:UpdateTrackers() - for _, tracker in pairs(unitBuffs) do - for k, t in pairs(tracker) do SetAuraTimeLeft(t); if (t[5] > 0) and (t[2] == 0) then tracker[k] = ReleaseTable(t) end end - end - for _, tracker in pairs(unitDebuffs) do - for k, t in pairs(tracker) do SetAuraTimeLeft(t); if (t[5] > 0) and (t[2] == 0) then tracker[k] = ReleaseTable(t) end end - end - - if MOD.myClass == "WARLOCK" then -- check if warlock's summoned creatures have expired - for guid, gt in pairs(summonedCreatures) do - if gt.expire and gt.expire <= now then - MOD:RemoveTrackers(guid) -- remove the trackers currently associated with this GUID, if any - cacheUnits[guid] = nil -- release the unit cache entry for this GUID too - summonedCreatures[guid] = ReleaseTable(gt) -- release table back to pool - end - end - if not InCombatLockdown() then -- if out of combat then release unlimited duration trackers for Corruption (needed for Absolute Corruption talent) - local corruption = GetSpellInfo(172) -- use localized string for Corruption instead of spell id, in case multiple ids are involved - for _, tracker in pairs(unitDebuffs) do - for k, t in pairs(tracker) do if (t[13] == corruption) and (t[5] == 0) then tracker[k] = ReleaseTable(t) end end - end - end - end - - if (lastTrackers == 0) or ((now - lastTrackers) > 0.5) then -- things to do every half second... - lastTrackers = now - ValidateUnitIDs() - table.wipe(refreshUnits) -- table of guids to prevent refreshing multiple times - MOD:AddTrackers("player"); MOD:AddTrackers("target"); MOD:AddTrackers("focus") - if IsInRaid() then - for i = 1, GetNumGroupMembers() do MOD:AddTrackers("raid"..i); MOD:AddTrackers("raidpet"..i); MOD:AddTrackers("raid"..i.."target") end - else - for i = 1, GetNumGroupMembers() do MOD:AddTrackers("party"..i); MOD:AddTrackers("partypet"..i); MOD:AddTrackers("party"..i.."target") end - end - local pgid = UnitGUID("pet") - if petGUID and (petGUID ~= pgid) then MOD:RemoveTrackers(petGUID) end - petGUID = pgid; if pgid then MOD:AddTrackers("pet") end - for i = 1, 40 do -- nameplate scanning improves accuracy dramatically - local np = nameplateUnits[i] - if UnitExists(np) then MOD:AddTrackers(np) else break end - end - end -end - ---[[ -function MOD.DebugTrackers(whence) - MOD.Debug("Trackers: ", whence) - for id, tracker in pairs(unitBuffs) do for k, t in pairs(tracker) do MOD.Debug("buff", id, t[13]) end end - for id, tracker in pairs(unitDebuffs) do for k, t in pairs(tracker) do MOD.Debug("debuff", id, t[13]) end end -end -]]-- - --- Update aura table with current player, target and focus auras and debuffs, include player weapon buffs -function MOD:UpdateAuras() - for _, k in pairs(units) do unitStatus[k] = MOD:ValidateUnit(k) end -- set current unit status, defer actual update until referenced - for _, k in pairs(eventUnits) do unitUpdate[k] = (unitStatus[k] == 1) end -- can't count on events for these units - if (lastWeapons == 0) or ((now - lastWeapons) > 1.0) then -- things to do every second... - lastWeapons = now - GetWeaponBuffs() -- get current weapon buffs, if any (less useful since WoD since no longer track shaman weapon enchants or rogue poisons) - end -end - --- Cooldown tables have this structure (name of the cooldown is the index into the activeCooldowns table): --- b[1] = timeLeft, b[2] = icon, b[3] = startTime, b[4] = duration, b[5] = tooltipType, b[6] = tooltipArgument, b[7] = unit, b[8] = id, b[9] = count - --- Check if valid cooldown table, if so then calculate time left from start time and duration and invalidate if cooldown has expired --- Returns either the updated cooldown table or nil if not valid -local function ValidateCooldown(b) - if b and b[1] ~= nil then - b[1] = b[3] + b[4] - now -- calculate timeLeft from start time and duration - if b[1] > 0 then return b end -- check if the cooldown has expired - b[1] = nil -- this cooldown is no longer valid (what about if this cooldown has charges?) - updateCooldowns = true; doUpdate = true - end - return nil -end - --- Add a cooldown to the current list of active cooldowns, cached info includes icon, start time, duration, tt_type, tt_arg, unit -local function AddCooldown(name, id, icon, start, duration, tt_type, tt_arg, unit, count, tt_color, tt_label) - if lockedOut then -- check if this spell is on same cooldown as any lockout spell - for ls, ld in pairs(lockouts) do if ld == duration and lockstarts[ls] == start then return end end - end - local t = activeCooldowns -- shared for player and pet cooldowns - if not t[name] then - MOD:SetIcon(name, icon) -- cache icon for this spell or item name - t[name] = { 0, icon, start, duration, tt_type, tt_arg, unit, id, count } - else - local b = t[name] - b[1], b[2], b[3], b[4], b[5], b[6], b[7], b[8], b[9], b[10], b[11] = 0, icon, start, duration, tt_type, tt_arg, unit, id, count, tt_color, tt_label - end -end - --- Check if the named spell or item is on cooldown, return a cooldown table -function MOD:CheckCooldown(name) - if name and name ~= "" then -- make sure valid name provided, could be spell name, number, or #number - local id = nil - if string.find(name, "^#%d+") then id = tonumber(string.sub(name, 2)) else id = tonumber(name) end - if id then name = GetSpellInfo(id) end -- may need to convert from spell id to name - if name and name ~= "" then return ValidateCooldown(activeCooldowns[name]) end -- make sure cooldown is still valid - end - return nil -end - --- Check if name is a spell in the spell book and, therefore, known to the player --- If usable is true then verify it is not passive and has sufficient resources (e.g., mana, insanity, soul shards) --- If ready is true then make sure it is not on cooldown or out of charges -function MOD:CheckSpellStatus(name, usable, ready) - local result = false - if name and name ~= "" then -- make sure valid name provided, could be spell name, number, or #number - local id = nil - if string.find(name, "^#%d+") then id = tonumber(string.sub(name, 2)) else id = tonumber(name) end - if id then name = GetSpellInfo(id) end -- may need to convert from spell id to name - if name and name ~= "" then - local spellID = MOD.bookSpells[name] - if spellID then -- spell is known by the player - if usable then - result = not IsPassiveSpell(spellID) and IsUsableSpell(name) -- check non-passive and has resources - else - result = true - end - end - end - end - if result and ready then - local cd = ValidateCooldown(activeCooldowns[name]) -- look up in the active cooldowns table - result = not cd or (cd[1] == nil) or (cd[4] == nil) or (cd[9] and cd[9] > 0) -- check if ready - end - return result -end - --- Iterate over current cooldowns, calling the function with cooldown name, cooldown table, and optional parameters -function MOD:IterateCooldowns(func, p1, p2, p3) - for n, cd in pairs(activeCooldowns) do if ValidateCooldown(cd) then func(n, cd, p1, p2, p3) end end -end - --- Release all spell cooldowns from active cooldowns table by setting first field to nil to indicate not active -local function ReleaseCooldowns() for _, cd in pairs(activeCooldowns) do cd[1] = nil end end - --- Update the expiration time for cooldowns, releasing any that have lapsed -function MOD:UpdateCooldownTimes() for _, b in pairs(activeCooldowns) do ValidateCooldown(b) end end - --- Get cooldown info for an inventory slot -local function CheckInventoryCooldown(itemID, slot) - local start, duration, enable = GetInventoryItemCooldown("player", slot) - if start and (start > 0) and (enable == 1) and (duration > 1.5) then - local spell = GetItemSpell(itemID) - local name, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, equipSlot, icon = GetItemInfo(itemID) - if spell and equipSlot ~= "INVTYPE_TRINKET" then name = spell end - if name and icon then AddCooldown(name, slot, icon, start, duration, "inventory", slot, "player") end - end -end - --- Update info about the rune slots and add rune cooldowns -local function CheckRunes() - local count = 0 - for i = 1, 6 do - local rune = MOD.runeSlots[i] - local start, duration, ready = GetRuneCooldown(i) - if not rune then - rune = { start = start, duration = duration, ready = ready } - MOD.runeSlots[i] = rune - else - rune.start = start; rune.duration = duration; rune.ready = ready - end - if ready then count = count + 1 end - end - MOD.runeCount = count -end - --- Check if the spell is on cooldown because a rune is not available, return true only if on real cooldown -local function CheckRuneCooldown(name, duration) - local runes = MOD.runeSpells[name] - if runes and runes.count then - if MOD.runeCount >= runes.count then return true end -- runes are available so real cooldown - if duration <= 10 then return false end -- no spells that use runes have duration less than 10 seconds - end - return true -end - --- Check if an item is on cooldown -local function CheckItemCooldown(itemID) - local start, duration = GetItemCooldown(itemID) - if (start > 0) and (duration > 1.5) then -- don't include global cooldowns or really short cooldowns - local name, link, _, _, _, itemType, itemSubType, _, _, icon = GetItemInfo(itemID) - if name then - local found = false - if itemType == "Consumable" and (itemID ~= 86569) then -- check for shared cooldowns for potions/elixirs/flasks (special case Crystal of Insanity) - if itemSubType == "Potion" then - found = true - if not ValidateCooldown(L["Potions"]) then - AddCooldown(L["Potions"], nil, iconPotion, start, duration, "text", L["Shared Potion Cooldown"], "player") - end - elseif (itemSubType == "Elixir") or (itemSubType == "Flask") then - found = true - if not ValidateCooldown(L["Elixirs"]) then - AddCooldown(L["Elixirs"], nil, iconElixir, start, duration, "text", L["Shared Elixir Cooldown"], "player") - end - end - end - if not found then - AddCooldown(name, itemID, icon, start, duration, "item id", itemID, "player") - end - end - end -end - --- Check if the aura either triggers or cancels an internal cooldown --- Internal cooldown table indexed by aura that triggers the cooldown -function MOD:DetectInternalCooldown(name, caster) - local up = false - for id, cd in pairs(internalCooldowns) do -- check if cancels any active internal cooldowns - if cd.cancel then - for _, aura in pairs(cd.cancel) do if name == aura then internalCooldowns[id] = ReleaseTable(cd); up = true; break end end - end - end - local ict =[name] -- check for new internal cooldown triggered by this aura - if ict and not ict.disable and ((ict.caster == true) == caster) and (not ict.class or ict.class == MOD.myClass) and not internalCooldowns[name] then - local cd = AllocateTable() -- get an empty tracker table - cd.start = now; cd.expire = cd.start + ict.duration; cd.cancel = ict.cancel - internalCooldowns[name] = cd - up = true - end - if up then TriggerCooldownUpdate() end -end - --- Remove any internal cooldown entries that have expired -function MOD:UpdateInternalCooldowns() - for name, cd in pairs(internalCooldowns) do if now >= cd.expire then internalCooldowns[name] = ReleaseTable(cd); TriggerCooldownUpdate() end end -end - --- Check for any internal cooldowns that are active -local function CheckInternalCooldowns() - for name, cd in pairs(internalCooldowns) do - local ict =[name] - if ict and not ict.disable then AddCooldown(name,, ict.icon, cd.start, ict.duration, "internal",, "player") end - end -end - --- Check for any internal cooldowns that are active -local function CheckSpellEffectCooldowns() - for name, ec in pairs(spellEffects) do - local ect =[name] - if ect and not ect.disable and ect.kind == "cooldown" then - local spell = ect.spell or name - AddCooldown(spell,, ect.icon, ec.start, ec.expire - ec.start, "effect", name, "player") - end - end -end - --- Check for any active spell alert cooldowns -local function CheckSpellAlertCooldowns() - for id, alert in pairs(spellAlerts) do - local kind =[alert.alertType].kind - if kind == "cooldown" then - -- MOD.Debug("alertcd", id, alert.spellName, alert.spellID, alert.expire - alert.duration, alert.duration) - local color, label = GetSpellAlertInfo(alert) - AddCooldown(alert.spellName, alert.spellID, alert.icon, alert.expire - alert.duration, alert.duration, "alert", alert.spellID, "player", nil, color, label) - end - end -end - --- Check for new and expiring cooldowns associated with all action bar slots plus trinkets (might want to add inventory slots someday) -function MOD:UpdateCooldowns() - if updateCooldowns then - ReleaseCooldowns() -- mark all cooldowns as not active - - if MOD.myClass == "DEATHKNIGHT" then CheckRunes() end - lockedOut = false -- flag set if any lockout spells are found - for school in pairs(lockouts) do lockouts[school] = 0 end -- clear any previous settings in lockout table - if UnitLevel("player") >= 10 then -- don't detect lockouts for low-level characters, this allows more options for lockout detection spells - for name, ls in pairs(MOD.lockoutSpells) do - if not lockouts[] then lockouts[] = 0 end -- initialize when school seen for first time - if ls.index and (lockouts[] == 0) then - local start, duration = GetSpellCooldown(ls.index, "spell") - if start and (start > 0) and (duration > 1.5) then -- locked out! - lockouts[] = duration; lockstarts[] = start; lockedOut = true - AddCooldown(ls.label, nil, iconGCD, start, duration, "spell", ls.text, "player") - end - end - end - end - - for spellID in pairs(MOD.cooldownSpells) do -- check all player spells with cooldowns (includes professions) - local name, _, icon = GetSpellInfo(spellID) - if name and name ~= "" and icon then -- make sure we have a valid spell name - local start, duration, enable = GetSpellCooldown(spellID) - if start and (start > 0) and (enable == 1) and (duration > 1.5) then -- don't include global cooldowns - if (MOD.myClass ~= "DEATHKNIGHT") or CheckRuneCooldown(name, duration) then -- if death knight check rune cooldown - AddCooldown(name, spellID, icon, start, duration, "spell id", spellID, "player") - end - end - end - end - - for spellID in pairs(MOD.chargeSpells) do -- check all player spells with charges - local name, _, icon = GetSpellInfo(spellID) - if name and name ~= "" and icon then -- make sure we have a valid spell name - local count, charges, start, duration = GetSpellCharges(spellID) - if count and charges and count < charges then - if start and (start > 0) and (duration > 1.5) then -- don't include global cooldowns - if (MOD.myClass ~= "DEATHKNIGHT") or CheckRuneCooldown(name, duration) then -- if death knight check rune cooldown - AddCooldown(name, spellID, icon, start, duration, "spell id", spellID, "player", count) - end - end - end - end - end - - if UnitExists("pet") then -- make sure you have a pet before check all pet spells with cooldowns - for spellID in pairs(MOD.petSpells) do - local name, _, icon = GetSpellInfo(spellID) - if name and name ~= "" and icon then -- make sure we have a valid spell name - local start, duration, enable = GetSpellCooldown(spellID) - if start and (start > 0) and (enable == 1) and (duration > 1.5) then -- don't include global cooldowns - AddCooldown(name, spellID, icon, start, duration, "spell id", spellID, "pet") - end - end - end - end - - local offset = nil -- check for override/vehicle bar actions on cooldown - if not MOD.isClassic then - if HasVehicleActionBar() then offset = 132 elseif HasOverrideActionBar() then offset = 156 end - end - if offset then - for slot = 1, 6 do - local actionType, spellID = GetActionInfo(slot + offset) - if actionType == "spell" then - local start, duration, enable = GetSpellCooldown(spellID) - if start and (start > 0) and (enable == 1) and (duration > 1.5) then -- don't include global cooldowns - local name, _, icon = GetSpellInfo(spellID) - if name and name ~= "" and icon then - AddCooldown(name, spellID, icon, start, duration, "spell id", spellID, "player") - end - end - end - end - end - - for itemID in pairs(bagCooldowns) do CheckItemCooldown(itemID) end - for itemID, slot in pairs(inventoryCooldowns) do CheckInventoryCooldown(itemID, slot) end - - if startGCD and durationGCD then -- detect global cooldowns - local timeLeft = startGCD + durationGCD - now -- calculate timeLeft from start and duration - if timeLeft > 0 then - AddCooldown(L["GCD"], nil, iconGCD, startGCD, durationGCD, "text", L["Global Cooldown"], "player") - else - startGCD = nil; durationGCD = nil -- this cooldown is no longer valid - end - end - - CheckInternalCooldowns() - CheckSpellEffectCooldowns() - CheckSpellAlertCooldowns() - updateCooldowns = false - end -end +-- Raven is an addon to monitor auras and cooldowns, providing timer bars and icons plus helpful notifications. +-- Author: Tomber +-- Copyright 2010-2019, All Rights Reserved + +-- Main.lua contains initialization and update routines supporting Raven's core capability of tracking active auras and cooldowns. +-- It includes special cases for weapon buffs, stances, and trinkets. +-- It works primarily by tracking events that indicate when auras and spell casts occur. It maintains internal +-- tables of active auras to facilitate seamless tracking of auras, including casts that refresh ongoing auras. +-- In addition, it tracks combat log events in order to detect auras that the player has cast on multiple targets. +-- And, for cooldowns, it monitors events related to spells going onto cooldown. + +-- Exported functions: +-- Raven:CheckAura(unit, name, isBuff) checks if an aura is active on a unit, returning detailed info if found +-- Raven:IterateAuras(unit, func, isBuff, p1, p2, p3) calls func for each active aura, parameters include a table with detailed aura info +-- Raven:CheckCooldown(name) checks if cooldown with the specified name is active, returning detailed info if found +-- Raven:IterateCooldowns(func, p1, p2, p3) calls func for each active cooldown, parameters include a table with detailed cooldown info +-- Raven:UnitHasBuff(unit, type) returns true and table with detailed info if unit has an active buff of the specified type (e.g., "Mainhand") +-- Raven:UnitHasDebuff(unit, type) returns true and table with detailed info if unit has an active debuff of the specified type (e.g., "Poison") + +Raven = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("Raven", "AceConsole-3.0", "AceEvent-3.0") +local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale("Raven") +local media = LibStub("LibSharedMedia-3.0") +local MOD = Raven +local MOD_Options = "Raven_Options" +local _ +local addonInitialized = false -- set when the addon is initialized +local addonEnabled = false -- set when the addon is enabled +local optionsLoaded = false -- set when the load-on-demand options panel module has been loaded +local optionsFailed = false -- set if loading the option panel module failed + +MOD.isClassic = (WOW_PROJECT_ID == WOW_PROJECT_CLASSIC) +MOD.updateOptions = false -- set this to cause the options panel to update (checked every half second) +MOD.LocalSpellNames = {} -- must be defined in first module loaded +local LSPELL = MOD.LocalSpellNames +MOD.frame = nil +MOD.db = nil +MOD.ldb = nil +MOD.ldbi = nil -- set when using DBIcon library +MOD.LibLDB = nil +MOD.myClass = nil; MOD.localClass = nil +MOD.myRace = nil; MOD.localRace = nil +MOD.lockoutSpells = {} -- spells for testing lock out of each school of magic for current player +MOD.classConditions = {} -- stores info about pre-defined conditions for each class +MOD.talents = {} -- table containing names and talent table location for each talent +MOD.talentList = {} -- table with list of talent names +MOD.runeSlots = {} -- cache information about each rune slot for DKs +MOD.runeCount = 0 -- current number of available runes +MOD.updateActions = true -- action bar changed +MOD.updateDispels = true -- need to update dispel types +MOD.knownBrokers = {} -- table of registered data brokers +MOD.brokerList = {} -- table of brokers suitable for a selection list +MOD.cooldownSpells = {} -- table of spell ids that have a cooldown to track, updated when spellbook changes +MOD.chargeSpells = {} -- table of spell ids with max charges +MOD.petSpells = {} -- table of pet spell ids with a cooldown to track +MOD.professionSpells = {} -- table of profession spell ids with a cooldown to track +MOD.bookSpells = {} -- table of spells currently available in the spell book +MOD.suppress = true -- this is set when certain special effects are to be disabled (e.g., at start up) +MOD.combatTimer = 0 -- if not 0 then this is set to the time when the player last entered combat +MOD.status = {} -- global status info cached by conditions module on every update + +local doUpdate = true -- set by any event that can change bars (used to throttle major updates) +local forceUpdate = false -- set to cause immediate update (reserved for critical changes like to player's target or focus) +local suppressTime = nil -- set when addon code is loaded +local updateCooldowns = false -- set when actionbar or inventory slot cooldown starts or stops +local units = {} -- list of units to track +local mainUnits = { "player", "pet", "target", "focus", "targettarget", "focustarget", "pettarget", "mouseover" } -- ordered list of main units +local partyUnits = { "party1", "party2", "party3", "party4" } -- optional party units +local bossUnits = { "boss1", "boss2", "boss3", "boss4", "boss5" } -- optional boss units +local arenaUnits = { "arena1", "arena2", "arena3", "arena4", "arena5" } -- optional arena units +local nameplateUnits = {} -- cache of 40 nameplate unit ids +local eventUnits = { "targettarget", "focustarget", "pettarget", "mouseover" } -- can't count on events for these units +local tagUnits = { player = true, target = true, focus = true, pet = true, targettarget = true, focustarget = true, pettarget = true, mouseover = true } -- for hash tag generation +local unitUpdate = {} -- boolean for each unit that indicates need to update auras +local unitStatus = {} -- status of each unit set on every update (0 = no unit, 1 = unit exists, "unit" = unit is other unit) +local unitBuffs = {} -- indexed by GUID for tracking buffs cast by player +local unitDebuffs = {} -- indexed by GUID for tracking debuffs cast by player +local activeBuffs = {} -- active buffs for each unit +local activeDebuffs = {} -- active debuffs for each unit +local tagBuffs = {} -- cache of buff tags for each unit +local tagDebuffs = {} -- cache of debuff tags for each unit +local cacheBuffs = {} -- cache of active buff names +local cacheDebuffs = {} -- cache of active debuff names +local cacheUnits = {} -- cache of unit IDs, indexed by GUID +local refreshUnits = {} -- unit id cache used to optimize refresh +local tablePool = {} -- pool of available tables +local activeCooldowns = {} -- spells/items that are currently on cooldown +local internalCooldowns = {} -- tracking entries for internal cooldowns +local spellEffects = {} -- tracking entries for spell effects +local spellAlerts = {} -- tracking entries for spell alerts +local spellAlertCounter = 0 -- incremented with each spell alert +local spellAlertClassColors = nil -- set on first reference to table of class color hex strings +local lastTime = 0 -- time when last update happened +local lastTrackers = 0 -- time when last looked at trackers on major units +local lastWeapons = 0 -- time when last looked at weapon buffs +local elapsedTime = 0 -- time in seconds since last update +local updateCounter = 0 -- update counter included for testing +local refreshTime = 0 -- time since last animation refresh +local refreshCounter = 0 -- refresh counter included for testing +local throttleTime = 0 -- secondary throttle that resets once per second +local throttleCounter = 0 -- throttle counter included for testing +local throttleTracker = 0 -- throttle max count seen included for testing +local now = 0 -- refresh time value set at combat log and update events +local bufftooltip = nil -- used to store tooltip for scanning weapon buffs +local mhLastBuff = nil -- saves name of most recent main hand weapon buff +local ohLastBuff = nil -- saves name of most recent off hand weapon buff +local iconGCD = nil -- icon for global cooldown +local iconPotion = nil -- icon for shared potions cooldown +local iconElixir = nil -- icon for shared elixirs cooldown +local iconRune = nil -- icon for death knight runes +local lastTotems = {} -- cache last totems in each slot to see if changed +local lockedOut = false -- true if currently locked out of at least one spell school +local lockouts = {} -- schools of magic that we are currently locked out of +local lockstarts = {} -- start times for current school lockouts +local talentsInitialized = false -- set once talents have been initialized +local matchTable = {} -- passed from MOD:CheckAura with list of active auras +local startGCD, durationGCD = nil -- detect global cooldowns +local raidTargets = {} -- raid target to GUID +local petGUID = nil -- cache pet GUID so can properly remove trackers for them when dismissed +local enteredWorld = nil -- set by PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD event +local trackerMarker = 0 -- used for mark/sweep in AddTrackers +local professions = {} -- temporary table for profession indices +local summonedCreatures = {} -- table of guids to expire time pairs used for tracking warlock creatures so they despawn properly +local minionTypes = {} -- temporary table for sorting minions by type +local minionCounts = {} -- temporary table for counting minions by type +local activeBrokers = {} -- table of brokers that trigger update events +local hiding = {} -- used to track elements of the UI so don't keep trying to show them +local bagCooldowns = {} -- table containing all the bag items with cooldowns +local inventoryCooldowns = {} -- table containing all the inventory items with cooldowns +local nullFunction = function() end -- used to disable Blizzard frames + +local alertColors = { -- default colors for spell alerts + EnemySpellCastAlerts = { r = 1, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1 }, + FriendSpellCastAlerts = { r = 0, g = 1, b = 0, a = 1 }, + EnemyBuffAlerts = { r = 1, g = 1, b = 0, a = 1 }, + FriendDebuffAlerts = { r = 1, g = 0, b = 1, a = 1 }, +} + +local UnitAura = UnitAura +MOD.LCD = nil +if MOD.isClassic then + MOD.LCD = LibStub("LibClassicDurations", true) + if MOD.LCD then + MOD.LCD:Register(Raven) -- tell library it's being used and should start working + UnitAura = MOD.LCD.UnitAuraWrapper + end +end + +local band = -- shortcut for common bit logic operator + +-- UnitAura no longer works with spell names in xxBfAxx so this function searches for them by scanning +-- While not the most efficient way to do this, it is generally used with a filter that should limit the depth of the search +-- This is only called for combat log events related to spell auras +function MOD.UnitAuraSpellName(unit, spellName, filter) + local name, icon, count, btype, duration, expire, caster, isStealable, nameplateShowSelf, spellID, apply, boss + if type(spellName) == "string" then -- sanity check only being called with a spell name + for i = 1, 100 do + name, icon, count, btype, duration, expire, caster, isStealable, nameplateShowSelf, spellID, apply, boss = UnitAura(unit, i, nil, filter) + if name == spellName then break end + end + end + return name, icon, count, btype, duration, expire, caster, isStealable, nameplateShowSelf, spellID, boss, apply +end + +-- This table is used to fix the "not cast by player" bug for Jade Spirit, River's Song, and Dancing Steel introduced in 5.1 +-- and the legendary meta gem procs Tempus Repit, Fortitude, Capacitance, and Lucidity added in 5.2 +local fixEnchants = { [104993] = true, [120032] = true, [118334] = true, [118335] = true, [116660] = true, + [137590] = true, [137593] = true, [137331] = true, [137323] = true, [137247] = true, [137596] = true } + +-- Initialization called when addon is loaded +function MOD:OnInitialize() + if addonInitialized then return end -- only run this code once + addonInitialized = true + + MOD.localClass, MOD.myClass = UnitClass("player") -- cache the player's class + MOD.localRace, MOD.myRace = UnitRace("player") -- cache the player's race + LoadAddOn("LibDataBroker-1.1") + LoadAddOn("LibDBIcon-1.0") + LoadAddOn("LibBossIDs-1.0", true) + MOD.MSQ = LibStub("Masque", true) + now = GetTime() -- start tracking time + suppressTime = now -- start suppression period for certain special effects +end + +-- Print debug messages with variable number of arguments in a useful format +function MOD.Debug(a, ...) + if type(a) == "table" then + for k, v in pairs(a) do print(tostring(k) .. " = " .. tostring(v)) end -- if first parameter is a table, print out its fields + else + local s = tostring(a) -- otherwise first argument is a string but just make sure + local parm = {...} + for i = 1, #parm do s = s .. " " .. tostring(parm[i]) end -- append remaining arguments converted to strings + print(s) + end +end + +-- Hide or show a frame after checking settings +local function HideShow(key, frame, check, options) + if not frame then return end -- added because not supported in classic but okay regardless + + local hideBlizz = MOD.db.profile.hideBlizz + local hide, show = false, false + local visible = frame:IsShown() + if visible then + hide = check and hideBlizz + else + if hideBlizz then show = not check else show = hiding[key] end + end + -- MOD.Debug("hide/show", key, "hide:", hide, "show:", show, "vis: ", visible) + + if not options then + if hide then frame:Hide(); frame.Show = nullFunction; hiding[key] = true + elseif show then frame.Show = nil; frame:Show(); hiding[key] = false end + elseif options == "noshow" then + if hide then frame:Hide(); frame.Show = nullFunction; hiding[key] = true + elseif show then frame.Show = nil; hiding[key] = false end + elseif options == "unreg" then + if hide then frame:Hide(); frame.Show = nullFunction, frame:UnregisterAllEvents(); hiding[key] = true + elseif show then frame.Show = nil; frame:RegisterAllEvents(); hiding[key] = false end + elseif options == "buffs" then + if hide then BuffFrame:Hide(); TemporaryEnchantFrame:Hide(); BuffFrame:UnregisterAllEvents(); hiding[key] = true + elseif show then BuffFrame:Show(); TemporaryEnchantFrame:Show(); BuffFrame:RegisterEvent("UNIT_AURA"); hiding[key] = false end + end +end + +-- Show or hide the blizzard frames, called during update so synched with other changes +local function CheckBlizzFrames() + if not MOD.isClassic and C_PetBattles.IsInBattle() then return end -- don't change visibility of any frame during pet battles + + HideShow("buffs", _G.BuffFrame, MOD.db.profile.hideBlizzBuffs, "buffs") + HideShow("enchants", _G.TemporaryEnchantFrame, MOD.db.profile.hideBlizzBuffs, "enchants") + HideShow("player", _G.PlayerFrame, MOD.db.profile.hideBlizzPlayer) + HideShow("castbar", _G.CastingBarFrame, MOD.db.profile.hideBlizzPlayerCastBar, "noshow") + HideShow("mirror1", _G.MirrorTimer1, MOD.db.profile.hideBlizzMirrors, "unreg") + HideShow("mirror2", _G.MirrorTimer2, MOD.db.profile.hideBlizzMirrors, "unreg") + HideShow("mirror3", _G.MirrorTimer3, MOD.db.profile.hideBlizzMirrors, "unreg") + + if MOD.myClass == "DEATHKNIGHT" then HideShow("runes", _G.RuneFrame, MOD.db.profile.hideRunes) end + + local isDruid = (MOD.myClass == "DRUID") + local isCat = isDruid and (GetShapeshiftForm(2) == 2) + if isCat or (MOD.myClass == "ROGUE") then HideShow("combo", _G.ComboPointPlayerFrame, MOD.db.profile.hideBlizzComboPoints) end + if isDruid and not isCat then HideShow("combo", _G.ComboPointPlayerFrame, MOD.db.profile.hideBlizzComboPoints, "noshow") end + + if MOD.myClass == "MONK" then + HideShow("chi", _G.MonkHarmonyBarFrame, MOD.db.profile.hideBlizzChi) + if not MOD.isClassic and GetSpecializationInfoByID(268) then HideShow("stagger", _G.MonkStaggerBar, MOD.db.profile.hideBlizzStagger) end + end + + if (MOD.myClass == "PRIEST") and (not MOD.isClassic and GetSpecializationInfoByID(258)) then HideShow("insanity", _G.InsanityBarFrame, MOD.db.profile.hideBlizzInsanity) end + + if MOD.myClass == "WARLOCK" then HideShow("shards", _G.WarlockPowerFrame, MOD.db.profile.hideBlizzShards) end + + if MOD.myClass == "MAGE" then HideShow("arcane", _G.MageArcaneChargesFrame, MOD.db.profile.hideBlizzArcane) end + + if MOD.myClass == "PALADIN" then HideShow("holy", _G.PaladinPowerBarFrame, MOD.db.profile.hideBlizzHoly) end + + local totems = false; for i = 1, MAX_TOTEMS do if GetTotemInfo(i) then totems = true end end + if totems then HideShow("totems", _G.TotemFrame, MOD.db.profile.hideBlizzTotems) end +end + +local function CheckCastBar(event, unit) + if unit == "player" then HideShow("castbar", _G.CastingBarFrame, MOD.db.profile.hideBlizzPlayerCastBar, "noshow") end +end + +local function CheckMirrorFrames() + HideShow("mirror1", _G.MirrorTimer1, MOD.db.profile.hideBlizzMirrors, "unreg") + HideShow("mirror2", _G.MirrorTimer2, MOD.db.profile.hideBlizzMirrors, "unreg") + HideShow("mirror23", _G.MirrorTimer3, MOD.db.profile.hideBlizzMirrors, "unreg") +end + +-- Functions called to trigger updates +local function TriggerPlayerUpdate() unitUpdate.player = true; updateCooldowns = true; doUpdate = true end +local function TriggerCooldownUpdate() updateCooldowns = true; doUpdate = true end +local function TriggerActionsUpdate() MOD.updateActions = true; doUpdate = true end +function MOD:ForceUpdate() doUpdate = true; forceUpdate = true end + +-- Event called when the player changes talents or specialization +local function CheckTalentSpecialization() talentsInitialized = false; unitUpdate.player = true; doUpdate = true end + +-- Function called to detect global cooldowns +local function CheckGCD(event, unit, spell) + if unit == "player" and spell then + local name = GetSpellInfo(spell) -- added verification of spell argument due to error seen while testing 1/1/2019 + if name and (name ~= "") then + local start, duration = GetSpellCooldown(spell) + if start and duration and (duration > 0) and (duration <= 1.5) then startGCD = start; durationGCD = duration; TriggerCooldownUpdate() end + end + end + if event == "UNIT_SPELLCAST_START" then CheckCastBar(event, unit) end +end + +-- Function called for successful spell cast +local function CheckSpellCasts(event, unit, lineID, spellID) + CheckGCD(event, unit, spellID) + local name = GetSpellInfo(spellID) + if name and (name ~= "") and then MOD:DetectSpellEffect(name, unit) end -- check if spell triggers a spell effect +end + +-- Create and delete routines for managing tables, using a recycling pool to minimize garbage collection +local function AllocateTable() local b = next(tablePool); if b then tablePool[b] = nil else b = {} end return b end +local function ReleaseTable(b) table.wipe(b); tablePool[b] = true; return nil end + +-- Compare unit and global ids, updating cache with latest info +local function CheckUnitIDs(uid, guid) + local id = UnitGUID(uid) + if id == guid then return uid end + if id then cacheUnits[id] = uid end + return nil +end + +-- Add or update a tracker entry, including an optional marker useful for mark/sweep type garbage collection +local function AddTracker(dstGUID, dstName, isBuff, name, icon, count, btype, duration, expire, caster, isStealable, spellID, boss, apply, marker) + doUpdate = true + local tracker = isBuff and unitBuffs[dstGUID] or unitDebuffs[dstGUID] -- get or create the aura tracking table + if not tracker then tracker = AllocateTable() if isBuff then unitBuffs[dstGUID] = tracker else unitDebuffs[dstGUID] = tracker end end + local id = name .. tostring(spellID or "") -- append spellID if known to the tracker so can track multiple with same name (e.g., sacred shield) + local t = tracker[id] -- get or create a tracker entry for the spell + if not t then t = AllocateTable(); tracker[id] = t end -- create the tracker if necessary + local vehicle = not MOD.isClassic and UnitHasVehicleUI("player") + + local tag = isBuff and "T-Buff:" or "T-Debuff:" -- build a unique tag for this aura (this is a bit simpler than the AddAura version) + local guid = UnitGUID(caster) + if guid then tag = tag .. guid .. ":" elseif caster then tag = tag .. caster .. ":" end -- include caster in unique tag, prefer guid when it is known + if not tagUnits[caster or "unknown"] and expire and expire > 0 then tag = tag .. tostring(math.floor((expire * 100) + 0.5)) .. ":" end -- add expire time with 1/100s precision + if spellID then tag = tag .. tostring(spellID) .. ":" end + + t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4], t[5], t[6], t[7], t[8], t[9], t[10], t[11], t[12], t[13], t[14], t[15], t[16], t[17], t[18], t[19], t[20], t[21], t[22] = + true, 0, count, btype, duration, caster, isStealable, icon, tag, expire, "spell id", spellID, name, spellID, + boss, UnitName("player"), apply, nil, vehicle, dstGUID, dstName, marker +end + +-- Remove tracker entries for a unit, if marker is specified then only remove if tracker tag not equal +function MOD:RemoveTrackers(dstGUID, marker) + doUpdate = true + local tracker = unitBuffs[dstGUID] -- table of buffs currently applied to this GUID + if tracker then + for id, t in pairs(tracker) do if not marker or t[22] ~= marker then tracker[id] = ReleaseTable(t) end end + if not next(tracker) then unitBuffs[dstGUID] = ReleaseTable(tracker) end -- release the debuffs associated with the GUID + end + local tracker = unitDebuffs[dstGUID] -- table of auras currently applied to this GUID + if tracker then + for id, t in pairs(tracker) do if not marker or t[22] ~= marker then tracker[id] = ReleaseTable(t) end end + if not next(tracker) then unitDebuffs[dstGUID] = ReleaseTable(tracker) end -- release the table associated with the GUID + end +end + +-- Remove trackers for all units that match the name of the designated unit +function MOD:RemoveMatchingTrackers(dstGUID) + local name = nil + local tracker = unitBuffs[dstGUID] -- find name by looking at active trackers + if tracker then for id, t in pairs(tracker) do name = t[21]; if name then break end end end + if not name then + tracker = unitDebuffs[dstGUID] + if tracker then for id, t in pairs(tracker) do name = t[21]; if name then break end end end + end + MOD:RemoveTrackers(dstGUID) -- start by removing the trackers for the unit passed in + if name then + local guids = {} -- build list of guids to remove + for id, tracker in pairs(unitBuffs) do + if tracker then for _, t in pairs(tracker) do if t[21] == name then guids[id] = true break end end end + end + for id, tracker in pairs(unitDebuffs) do + if tracker then for _, t in pairs(tracker) do if t[21] == name then guids[id] = true break end end end + end + for id in pairs(guids) do MOD:RemoveTrackers(id) end + end +end + +-- Check tracker entries for a unit to see if one already exists for a spell +local function CheckTrackers(isBuff, dstGUID, name, spellID) + local tracker = isBuff and unitBuffs[dstGUID] or unitDebuffs[dstGUID] -- get the aura tracking table + if tracker then + local id = name .. tostring(spellID or "") -- append spellID if known + local t = tracker[id] + if t then + if t[13] == name then return t end + end + end + return nil +end + +-- Add trackers for a unit +function MOD:AddTrackers(unit) + local dstGUID, dstName = UnitGUID(unit), UnitName(unit) + if dstGUID and dstName and not refreshUnits[dstGUID] then + refreshUnits[dstGUID] = true + local name, icon, count, btype, duration, expire, caster, isStealable, _, spellID, boss, apply + trackerMarker = trackerMarker + 1 -- unique tag for this pass + local i = 1 + repeat + name, icon, count, btype, duration, expire, caster, isStealable, _, spellID, apply = UnitAura(unit, i, "HELPFUL|PLAYER") + if name and caster == "player" then + AddTracker(dstGUID, dstName, true, name, icon, count, btype, duration, expire, caster, isStealable, spellID, nil, apply, trackerMarker) + MOD.SetDuration(name, spellID, duration) + MOD.SetSpellType(spellID, btype) + end + i = i + 1 + until not name + i = 1 + repeat + name, icon, count, btype, duration, expire, caster, isStealable, _, spellID, apply, boss = UnitAura(unit, i, "HARMFUL|PLAYER") + if name and caster == "player" then + if spellID ~= 146739 or duration ~= 0 or InCombatLockdown() then -- don't add Corruption if out-of-combat + AddTracker(dstGUID, dstName, false, name, icon, count, btype, duration, expire, caster, isStealable, spellID, boss, apply, trackerMarker) + MOD.SetDuration(name, spellID, duration) + MOD.SetSpellType(spellID, btype) + end + end + i = i + 1 + until not name + MOD:RemoveTrackers(dstGUID, trackerMarker) -- takes advantage of side-effect of saving current trackerMarker with each tracker + end +end + +-- Check if currently tracking a unit +local function IsBeingTracked(dstGUID) return unitBuffs[dstGUID] and unitDebuffs[dstGUID] end + +-- Validate cached ids, garbage collect any that are out-of-date +local function ValidateUnitIDs() + for guid, uid in pairs(cacheUnits) do if UnitGUID(uid) ~= guid then cacheUnits[guid] = nil end end +end + +-- Get a unit id suitable for calling UnitAura from a GUID +local function GetUnitIDFromGUID(guid) + if not guid then return nil end + local uid = cacheUnits[guid] -- look up the guid in the cache and if it is there make sure it is still valid and then return it + if uid then if guid == UnitGUID(uid) then return uid else uid = nil end end + for _, unit in ipairs(units) do uid = CheckUnitIDs(unit, guid); if uid then break end end -- first check primary units + local inRaid = IsInRaid() + if not uid and not inRaid then -- check party, party pet, and party target units + for i = 1, GetNumGroupMembers() do + uid = CheckUnitIDs("party"..i, guid); if uid then break end + uid = CheckUnitIDs("partypet"..i, guid); if uid then break end + uid = CheckUnitIDs("party"..i.."target", guid); if uid then break end + end + end + if not uid and inRaid then -- check raid, raid pet, and raid target units + for i = 1, GetNumGroupMembers() do + uid = CheckUnitIDs("raid"..i, guid); if uid then break end + uid = CheckUnitIDs("raidpet"..i, guid); if uid then break end + uid = CheckUnitIDs("raid"..i.."target", guid); if uid then break end + end + end + if not uid then -- check nameplates as last resort + for i = 1, 40 do + local np = nameplateUnits[i] + local id = UnitGUID(np) + if not id then break end + if id == guid then uid = np; break end + end + end + cacheUnits[guid] = uid + return uid +end + +-- Parse a guid into fields and return them in a table +local parseTable = {} +local function ParseGUID(guid) + table.wipe(parseTable) -- reused this since never nest calls to the function + local start = 1 + local s = guid .. "-" + local length = string.len(s) + repeat + local nextdash = string.find(s, "-", start) + table.insert(parseTable, string.sub(s, start, nextdash - 1)) + start = nextdash + 1 + until start > length + return parseTable +end + +local function SpellAlertFilter(alerts, spellName, spellID, srcFlags, dstGUID) + local spellNum = spellID and ("#" .. tostring(spellID)) -- string to look up the spell id in lists + local list = alerts.spellList and[alerts.spellList] + local listed = list and (list[spellName] or (spellNum and list[spellNum])) -- check to see if spell is in the spell list + if (alerts.blackList and listed) or (not alerts.blackList and not listed) then return false end + + local controlledBy = band(srcFlags, COMBATLOG_OBJECT_CONTROL_MASK) + local byPlayer = (controlledBy == COMBATLOG_OBJECT_CONTROL_PLAYER) + local byNPC = (controlledBy == COMBATLOG_OBJECT_CONTROL_NPC) + local srcTarget = (band(srcFlags, COMBATLOG_OBJECT_TARGET) == COMBATLOG_OBJECT_TARGET) + local srcFocus = (band(srcFlags, COMBATLOG_OBJECT_FOCUS) == COMBATLOG_OBJECT_FOCUS) + local dstTarget, dstFocus, dstPlayer = false, false, false + if dstGUID ~= "" then + dstTarget = (dstGUID == UnitGUID("target")) + dstFocus = (dstGUID == UnitGUID("focus")) + dstPlayer = (dstGUID == UnitGUID("player")) + end + -- MOD.Debug("alert!", spellName, dstGUID, byPlayer, byNPC, srcTarget, srcFocus, dstTarget, dstFocus, dstPlayer) + + if alerts.include then + local found = (alerts.isTarget and srcTarget) or (alerts.isFocus and srcFocus) or + (alerts.isPlayer and byPlayer) or (alerts.isNPC and byNPC) or + (alerts.includeTarget and dstTarget) or (alerts.includeFocus and dstFocus) or (alerts.includePlayer and dstPlayer) + if not found then return false end + end + + if alerts.exclude then + local found = (alerts.notTarget and srcTarget) or (alerts.notFocus and srcFocus) or + (alerts.notPlayer and byPlayer) or (alerts.notNPC and byNPC) or + (alerts.excludeTarget and dstTarget) or (alerts.excludeFocus and dstFocus) or (alerts.excludePlayer and dstPlayer) + if found then return false end + end + return true +end + +local function AddSpellAlert(alertType, event, spellName, spellID, srcName, srcGUID, dstName, dstGUID) + local alert = AllocateTable() + alert.alertType = alertType; alert.event = event + alert.start = now; alert.duration = or 3; alert.expire = now + alert.duration + alert.spellName = spellName; alert.spellID = spellID; alert.icon = MOD:GetIcon(spellName, spellID) + alert.srcName = srcName; alert.srcGUID = srcGUID; alert.srcUnit = GetUnitIDFromGUID(srcGUID) + alert.dstName = dstName; alert.dstGUID = dstGUID; alert.dstUnit = GetUnitIDFromGUID(dstGUID) + spellAlertCounter = spellAlertCounter + 1 + spellAlerts[spellAlertCounter] = alert + -- MOD.Debug("alert", spellAlertCounter, alert.alertType, alert.event, alert.spellName, alert.icon, alert.srcName, alert.dstName) + TriggerPlayerUpdate() +end + +-- Remove any spell cast alerts for the guid +local function EndCastAlert(guid) + for id, alert in pairs(spellAlerts) do + if (alert.srcGUID == guid) and (alert.event == "SPELL_CAST_START") then spellAlerts[id] = ReleaseTable(alert); TriggerPlayerUpdate() end + end +end + +-- Remove any spell alert entries that have expired +local function CheckSpellAlerts() + for id, alert in pairs(spellAlerts) do + if now >= alert.expire then spellAlerts[id] = ReleaseTable(alert); TriggerPlayerUpdate() end + end +end + +-- Get label and color info for the spell alert +local function GetSpellAlertInfo(alert) + local opts = + local label, spacer, showTarget, color = "", "", opts.labelTarget, alert.color + local caster = alert.srcName + local target = alert.dstName + + if not opts.showRealm then + if caster then + local i = string.find(caster, "-", 1, true) + if i and (i > 1) then caster = string.sub(caster, 1, i - 1) end + end + if target then + local i = string.find(target, "-", 1, true) + if i and (i > 1) then target = string.sub(target, 1, i - 1) end + end + end + + if not spellAlertClassColors then + spellAlertClassColors = {} -- generate table of class colors + for class, c in pairs(RAID_CLASS_COLORS) do spellAlertClassColors[class] = string.format("%02x%02x%02x", c.r * 255, c.g * 255, c.b * 255) end + end + + if opts.labelSpells then label = alert.spellName; spacer = " : " end + + if opts.labelCaster and caster then + if alert.srcUnit then + if opts.nameUnit then caster = alert.srcUnit end + local _, class = UnitClass(alert.srcUnit) + if class then + local s = spellAlertClassColors[class] + if s then caster = "|cff" .. s .. caster .. "|r" end + end + end + label = label .. spacer .. caster + spacer = " > " + if opts.casterMatch and (alert.srcGUID == alert.dstGUID) then label = label .. " <<"; showTarget = false end + end + + if opts.ignoreTargets and opts.ignoreList then + local list =[opts.ignoreList] + local listed = list and (list[alert.spellName] or list[alert.spellID]) -- check to see if spell is in the ignore list + if listed then showTarget = false end + end + + if showTarget and target then + if alert.dstUnit then + if opts.nameUnit then target = alert.dstUnit end + local _, class = UnitClass(alert.dstUnit) + if class then + local s = spellAlertClassColors[class] + if s then target = "|cff" .. s .. target .. "|r" end + end + end + label = label .. spacer .. target + end + + if not color then color = alertColors[alert.alertType] end + + return color, label +end + +local eventKill = { UNIT_DIED = true, UNIT_DESTROYED = true, UNIT_DISSIPATES = true, PARTY_KILL = true, SPELL_INSTAKILL = true, } +local eventAura = { SPELL_AURA_APPLIED = true, SPELL_AURA_APPLIED_DOSE = true, SPELL_AURA_REMOVED_DOSE = true, SPELL_AURA_REFRESH = true, } +local eventInternal = { SPELL_AURA_APPLIED = true, SPELL_AURA_APPLIED_DOSE = true, SPELL_AURA_REFRESH = true, SPELL_ENERGIZE = true, SPELL_HEAL = true, } +local eventEndCast = { SPELL_CAST_START = true, SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS = true, SPELL_CAST_FAILED = true, SPELL_MISSED = true } + +-- Function called for combat log events to track hots and dots +local function CombatLogTracker() -- no longer passes in arguments with the event + local timeStamp, e, hc, srcGUID, srcName, sf1, sf2, dstGUID, dstName, df1, df2, spellID, spellName, spellSchool, auraType, amount = CombatLogGetCurrentEventInfo() + + local isMine = band(sf1, COMBATLOG_OBJECT_AFFILIATION_MASK) == COMBATLOG_OBJECT_AFFILIATION_MINE + if isMine then -- make sure event controlled by the player + -- MOD.Debug(e, srcGUID, srcName, sf1, sf2, dstGUID, dstName, df1, df2, spellID, spellName, spellSchool, auraType, tostring(amount)) -- display all events + doUpdate = true + now = GetTime() + if e == "SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS" or e == "SPELL_CAST_FAILED" then -- check for special cases involving spell casts + if spellID == 104318 then + local tyrant = false + for guid, gt in pairs(summonedCreatures) do if gt.spell == 265187 then tyrant = true end end + if not tyrant then -- if tyrant is not active then all imps reduce their energy by 1, if they reach 0 then remove them + local gt = summonedCreatures[srcGUID] + if gt and then -- only imps have energy limit field defined + = - 1 + if <= 0 then summonedCreatures[srcGUID] = ReleaseTable(gt) end -- delete entry for this imp + end + end + end + if e == "SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS" then + if spellID == 33763 then + e = "SPELL_AURA_APPLIED"; auraType = "BUFF" -- Lifebloom refreshes don't always generate aura applied events + elseif spellID == 265187 then -- summon demonic tyrant extends duration of all warlock minions + for guid, gt in pairs(summonedCreatures) do + gt.expire = gt.expire + 15; gt.duration = gt.duration + 15 + end + elseif spellID == 196277 then -- implosion destroys all current warlock wild imps + for guid, gt in pairs(summonedCreatures) do + local pt = ParseGUID(guid) + if pt[1] == "Creature" and ((pt[6] == "55659") or (pt[6] == "143622")) then -- found a wild imp! + summonedCreatures[guid] = ReleaseTable(gt) + end + end + elseif spellID == 980 then -- Agony refresh does not always generate aura refresh event, even if debuff just expired + local t = CheckTrackers(false, dstGUID, spellName, spellID) + if t then + t[10] = now + t[5] -- extend the time on current tracker (preserves the dose amount) + else + e = "SPELL_AURA_REFRESH" -- event not generated automatically by Agony + end + end + end + elseif eventAura[e] then + local name, icon, count, btype, duration, expire, caster, isStealable, boss, sid, apply, _ + local isBuff, dst = true, GetUnitIDFromGUID(dstGUID) + if dst and UnitExists(dst) then + name, icon, count, btype, duration, expire, caster, isStealable, _, sid, apply = MOD.UnitAuraSpellName(dst, spellName, "HELPFUL|PLAYER") + if not name and (srcGUID ~= dstGUID) then -- don't get debuffs cast by player on self (e.g., Sated) + isBuff = false + name, icon, count, btype, duration, expire, caster, isStealable, _, sid, apply, boss = MOD.UnitAuraSpellName(dst, spellName, "HARMFUL|PLAYER") + end + if sid and spellID and spellID ~= sid then name = nil end -- not a match so must be a duplicate name + if name then MOD.SetDuration(name, spellID, duration); MOD.SetSpellType(spellID, btype) end + end + if not spellID then spellID = MOD:GetSpellID(spellName) end + if spellID and not icon then icon = MOD:GetIcon(spellName, spellID) end + if not name then + name = spellName; count = 1; btype = MOD.GetSpellType(spellID); duration = MOD.GetDuration(name, spellID); isBuff = (auraType == "BUFF") + if duration > 0 then expire = now + duration else duration = 0; expire = 0 end + if e == "SPELL_AURA_APPLIED_DOSE" or e == "SPELL_AURA_REMOVED_DOSE" then -- may be refresh of existing spell's stack count (e.g., Agony) + count = amount + local t = CheckTrackers(isBuff, dstGUID, name, spellID) + if t then duration = t[5]; expire = t[10]; btype = t[4] end + end + caster = "player"; isStealable = nil; boss = nil; apply = nil + end + if name and caster == "player" and (isBuff or (srcGUID ~= dstGUID)) then + AddTracker(dstGUID, dstName, isBuff, name, icon, count, btype, duration, expire, caster, isStealable, spellID, boss, apply, nil) + end + if dstGUID == UnitGUID("target") and not IsBeingTracked(dstGUID) then ValidateUnitIDs() end -- refresh all auras when target changes + if then MOD:DetectInternalCooldown(spellName, false) end -- check internal cooldowns + elseif e == "SPELL_ENERGIZE" or e == "SPELL_HEAL" then + if then MOD:DetectInternalCooldown(spellName, false) end -- check internal cooldowns + elseif e == "SPELL_AURA_REMOVED" then + local tracker = unitBuffs[dstGUID] -- table of buffs currently applied to this GUID + if tracker then + local id = spellName .. tostring(spellID or "") + local t = tracker[id] -- get tracker entry for the spell, if one exists + if t then tracker[id] = ReleaseTable(t) end -- release the tracker entry + if not next(tracker) then unitBuffs[dstGUID] = ReleaseTable(tracker) end -- release table when no more entries for this GUID + end + tracker = unitDebuffs[dstGUID] -- table of debuffs currently applied to this GUID + if tracker then + local id = spellName .. tostring(spellID or "") + local t = tracker[id] -- get tracker entry for the spell, if one exists + if t then tracker[id] = ReleaseTable(t) end -- release the tracker entry + if not next(tracker) then unitDebuffs[dstGUID] = ReleaseTable(tracker) end -- release table when no more entries for this GUID + end + elseif e == "SPELL_SUMMON" then + if MOD.myClass == "MAGE" and spellID == 99063 then -- special case for mage T12 2-piece + local name = GetSpellInfo(99061) -- T12 bonus spell name + if name and name ~= "" then + if then MOD:DetectInternalCooldown(name, false) end + if then MOD:DetectSpellEffect(name, "player") end + end + elseif MOD.myClass == "WARLOCK" and dstGUID and spellID then + local duration = MOD.warlockCreatures[spellID] + if duration then + local gt = AllocateTable() -- use table pool for minion tracking + gt.expire = duration + now; gt.duration = duration; = dstName; gt.icon = GetSpellTexture(spellID); gt.spell = spellID + if duration == 22 then = 5 end -- imps have 22 second duration and also are subject to energy limit for 5 casts + summonedCreatures[dstGUID] = gt -- summoned creature table contains expire time, duration, name and icon + end + end + end + elseif dstGUID == UnitGUID("player") then + if eventInternal[e] then + if then MOD:DetectInternalCooldown(spellName, true) end -- check aura triggers or cancels an internal cooldown + end + end + + if eventKill[e] then + MOD:RemoveTrackers(dstGUID) -- remove the trackers currently associated with this GUID + cacheUnits[dstGUID] = nil -- release the unit cache entry for this GUID + local gt = summonedCreatures[dstGUID] -- remove GUID if on minion list for warlocks (probably only fires if someone kills a minion) + if gt then summonedCreatures[dstGUID] = ReleaseTable(gt) end -- only release table when entry found + end + + if and spellID and not isMine then -- check for spell alerts only if have a spell id and non-player event + local stat, opts, pst = MOD.status,, "solo" + if GetNumGroupMembers() > 0 then if IsInRaid() then pst = "raid" else pst = "party" end end + if ((stat.inArena and opts.showArena) or ((pst == "solo") and opts.showSolo) or ((pst == "party") and opts.showParty) or ((pst == "raid") and opts.showRaid)) and + (stat.inInstance or opts.showNotInstance) then -- check if spell alerts are enabled given player's current status + + if eventEndCast[e] then EndCastAlert(srcGUID) elseif eventKill[e] then EndCastAlert(dstGUID) end -- end spell cast alerts when complete or interrupted + if (e == "SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS") or ((e == "SPELL_CAST_START") and not then + local reaction = band(sf1, COMBATLOG_OBJECT_REACTION_MASK) + if and (reaction == COMBATLOG_OBJECT_REACTION_HOSTILE) then -- check for enemy spell casts + if SpellAlertFilter(, spellName, spellID, sf1, dstGUID) then + AddSpellAlert("EnemySpellCastAlerts", e, spellName, spellID, srcName, srcGUID, dstName, dstGUID) + end + end + if and (reaction == COMBATLOG_OBJECT_REACTION_FRIENDLY) then -- check for friend spell casts + if SpellAlertFilter(, spellName, spellID, sf1, dstGUID) then + AddSpellAlert("FriendSpellCastAlerts", e, spellName, spellID, srcName, srcGUID, dstName, dstGUID) + end + end + elseif e == "SPELL_AURA_APPLIED" then + local reaction = band(df1, COMBATLOG_OBJECT_REACTION_MASK) + if (auraType == "BUFF") and and (reaction == COMBATLOG_OBJECT_REACTION_HOSTILE) then -- check for buffs on enemies + if SpellAlertFilter(, spellName, spellID, sf1, dstGUID) then + AddSpellAlert("EnemyBuffAlerts", e, spellName, spellID, srcName, srcGUID, dstName, dstGUID) + end + end + if (auraType == "DEBUFF") and and (reaction == COMBATLOG_OBJECT_REACTION_FRIENDLY) then -- check for debuffs on friends + if SpellAlertFilter(, spellName, spellID, sf1, dstGUID) then + AddSpellAlert("FriendDebuffAlerts", e, spellName, spellID, srcName, srcGUID, dstName, dstGUID) + end + end + end + end + end +end + +-- Check if there is a raid target on a unit +local function CheckRaidTarget(unit) + local id = UnitGUID(unit) + if id then + local index = GetRaidTargetIndex(unit) + for k, v in pairs(raidTargets) do if (v == id) and (k ~= index) then raidTargets[k] = nil end end + if index then raidTargets[index] = id end + end +end + +-- Check raid targets on all addressable units +local function CheckRaidTargets() + doUpdate = true + for _, unit in pairs(units) do CheckRaidTarget(unit) end -- first check primary units + if IsInRaid() then + for i = 1, GetNumGroupMembers() do CheckRaidTarget("raid"..i); CheckRaidTarget("raidpet"..i); CheckRaidTarget("raid"..i.."target") end + else + for i = 1, GetNumGroupMembers() do CheckRaidTarget("party"..i); CheckRaidTarget("partypet"..i); CheckRaidTarget("party"..i.."target") end + end +end + +-- Check raid target on mouseover unit +local function CheckMouseoverRaidTarget() CheckRaidTarget("mouseover"); CheckRaidTarget("mouseovertarget"); doUpdate = true end + +-- Return the raid target index for a GUID +function MOD:GetRaidTarget(id) for k, v in pairs(raidTargets) do if v == id then return k end end return nil end + +-- Event called when addon is enabled +function MOD:OnEnable() + if addonEnabled then return end -- only run this code once + addonEnabled = true + + MOD:InitializeProfile() -- initialize the profile database + MOD:InitializeLDB() -- initialize the data broker + MOD:RegisterChatCommand("raven", function() MOD:OptionsPanel() end) + MOD.Nest_Initialize() -- initialize the graphics module + MOD:InitializeConditions() -- initialize condition evaluation module + MOD:InitializeValues() -- initialize functions used for value bars + MOD:BAG_UPDATE("OnEnable") -- initialize bag cooldowns + MOD:UNIT_INVENTORY_CHANGED("OnEnable", "player") -- initialize inventory cooldowns + + -- Create a frame so that updates can be registered + MOD.frame = CreateFrame("Frame") + -- Set frame level high so visible above other addons + MOD.frame:SetFrameLevel(MOD.frame:GetFrameLevel() + 8) + -- Register events called prior to starting play + self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD") + self:RegisterEvent("UNIT_AURA") + self:RegisterEvent("UNIT_POWER_UPDATE") + self:RegisterEvent("UNIT_PET") + self:RegisterEvent("UNIT_TARGET") + self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED") + self:RegisterEvent("SPELLS_CHANGED") + self:RegisterEvent("BAG_UPDATE") + self:RegisterEvent("UNIT_INVENTORY_CHANGED") + self:RegisterEvent("RAID_TARGET_UPDATE", CheckRaidTargets) + self:RegisterEvent("UPDATE_MOUSEOVER_UNIT", CheckMouseoverRaidTarget) + self:RegisterEvent("UPDATE_SHAPESHIFT_FORM", TriggerPlayerUpdate) + self:RegisterEvent("MINIMAP_UPDATE_TRACKING", TriggerPlayerUpdate) + self:RegisterEvent("SPELL_UPDATE_COOLDOWN", TriggerCooldownUpdate) + self:RegisterEvent("ACTIONBAR_UPDATE_COOLDOWN", TriggerCooldownUpdate) + self:RegisterEvent("BAG_UPDATE_COOLDOWN", TriggerCooldownUpdate) + self:RegisterEvent("PET_BAR_UPDATE_COOLDOWN", TriggerCooldownUpdate) + self:RegisterEvent("ACTIONBAR_SLOT_CHANGED", TriggerActionsUpdate) + self:RegisterEvent("ACTIONBAR_PAGE_CHANGED", TriggerActionsUpdate) + self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_TOTEM_UPDATE", TriggerPlayerUpdate) + self:RegisterEvent("MIRROR_TIMER_START", CheckMirrorFrames) + self:RegisterEvent("UNIT_SPELLCAST_START", CheckGCD) + self:RegisterEvent("UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED", CheckSpellCasts) + self:RegisterEvent("UNIT_SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_START", CheckCastBar) + self:RegisterEvent("COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED", CombatLogTracker) + + if MOD.isClassic then -- register events specific to classic + if MOD.LCD then -- in classic, add library callback so target auras are handled correctly + MOD.LCD.RegisterCallback(Raven, "UNIT_BUFF", function(e, unit) + if unit ~= "target" then return end + MOD:UNIT_AURA(e, unit) + end) + end + else -- register events that are not implemented in classic + self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_FOCUS_CHANGED") + self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_TALENT_UPDATE", CheckTalentSpecialization) + self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED", CheckTalentSpecialization) + self:RegisterEvent("VEHICLE_UPDATE") + self:RegisterEvent("RUNE_POWER_UPDATE", TriggerCooldownUpdate) + end + + MOD:InitializeBars() -- initialize routine that manages the bar library + MOD:InitializeMedia(media) -- add sounds to LibSharedMedia + MOD.LibBossIDs = LibStub("LibBossIDs-1.0", true) + = "7" -- version number for database validation +end + +-- Event called when addon is disabled but this is probably never called +function MOD:OnDisable() end + +-- Cache icons for special purposes such as shared cooldowns +local function InitializeIcons() + iconGCD = GetSpellTexture(28730) -- cached for global cooldown (using same icon as Arcane Torrent, must be valid) + iconPotion = GetItemIcon(31677) -- icon for shared potions cooldown + iconElixir = GetItemIcon(28104) -- icon for shared elixirs cooldown + + MOD:SetIcon(L["Rune"], GetSpellTexture(48266)) -- cached for death knight runes (this is for Frost Presence) +end + +-- Updates will be driven by the new timer function, compute elapsed time since last update +local function UpdateHandler() + now = GetTime() + local elapsed = now - lastTime -- seconds since last call to update + if elapsed > 1.0 then elapsed = 1.0 end -- should only happen during initialization + MOD:Update(elapsed) + lastTime = now + C_Timer.After(0.001, UpdateHandler) -- register to be called for next frame +end + +-- Initialize list of units that are tracked +function MOD:InitializeUnits() + table.wipe(units) + for i, k in pairs(mainUnits) do units[i] = k end + if then for _, k in pairs(partyUnits) do table.insert(units, k) end end + if then for _, k in pairs(bossUnits) do table.insert(units, k) end end + if then for _, k in pairs(arenaUnits) do table.insert(units, k) end end + for i = 1, 40 do nameplateUnits[i] = "nameplate"..i end +end + +-- Initialize when play starts, deferred to allow system initialization to complete +function MOD:PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD() + if not enteredWorld then + MOD:InitializeUnits() -- initialize list of units to track (this requires /reload to update) + for _, k in pairs(units) do -- initialize tables used to track each unit's status and auras + unitUpdate[k] = true; activeBuffs[k] = {} activeDebuffs[k] = {} + tagBuffs[k] = {}; tagDebuffs[k] = {}; cacheBuffs[k] = {}; cacheDebuffs[k] = {} + end + updateCooldowns = true -- start tracking cooldowns + MOD:InitializeBuffTooltip() -- initialize tooltip used to monitor weapon buffs + InitializeIcons() -- cache special purpose icons + MOD:InitializeOverlays() -- initialize overlays used to cancel player buffs + MOD:InitializeInCombatBar() -- initialize special bar for cancelling buffs in combat + MOD:UpdateAllBarGroups() -- final update before starting event-based updates + CheckBlizzFrames() -- check blizz frames and hide the ones selected on the Defaults tab + enteredWorld = true; doUpdate = true + UpdateHandler() -- register for calls on every frame + end + if not InCombatLockdown() then collectgarbage("collect") end -- recover deleted preset data but not if in combat +end + +-- Event called when an aura changes on a unit, returns the unit name +function MOD:UNIT_AURA(e, unit) + if unit and (unitUpdate[unit] ~= nil) then + if unit == "vehicle" then unitUpdate.player = true end -- any time vehicle updates, also update player + unitUpdate[unit] = true; doUpdate = true + end +end + +-- Event called when a unit's power changes +function MOD:UNIT_POWER_UPDATE(e, unit) if unit == "player" then unitUpdate[unit] = true; doUpdate = true end end + +-- Event for when vehicle info changes +function MOD:VEHICLE_UPDATE() TriggerPlayerUpdate() end + +-- Event called with a unit's target changes +function MOD:UNIT_TARGET(e, unit) + if unit == "player" then + = true; doUpdate = true + elseif unit == "target" then + unitUpdate.targettarget = true; doUpdate = true + elseif unit == "focus" then + unitUpdate.focustarget = true; doUpdate = true + elseif unit == "pet" then + unitUpdate.pettarget = true; doUpdate = true + end +end + +-- Event called when a pet changes +function MOD:UNIT_PET() = true; unitUpdate.pettarget = true; doUpdate = true end + +-- Event called when the focus is changed +function MOD:PLAYER_FOCUS_CHANGED() unitUpdate.focus = true; unitUpdate.focustarget = true; doUpdate = true; forceUpdate = true end + +-- Event called when the player's target is changed +function MOD:PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED() = true; unitUpdate.targettarget = true; doUpdate = true; forceUpdate = true end + +-- Event called when spells in spell book change +function MOD:SPELLS_CHANGED() MOD:SetCooldownDefaults(); updateCooldowns = true; doUpdate = true end + +-- Event called when equipment in a unit's inventory changes +function MOD:UNIT_INVENTORY_CHANGED(e, unit) + TriggerCooldownUpdate() + if unit == "player" then + -- update inventory cooldown table + table.wipe(inventoryCooldowns) -- update inventory item cooldown table + for slot = 0, 19 do -- check each inventory slot for usable items + local itemID = GetInventoryItemID("player", slot) + if itemID then + local _, spellID = GetItemSpell(itemID) + if spellID then inventoryCooldowns[itemID] = slot end + end + end + end + -- for k, v in pairs(inventoryCooldowns) do local name = GetItemInfo(k); MOD.Debug("slot", name, v) end +end + +-- Event called when content of the player's bags changes +function MOD:BAG_UPDATE(e) + TriggerCooldownUpdate() + table.wipe(bagCooldowns) -- update bag item cooldown table + for bag = 0, NUM_BAG_SLOTS do + local numSlots = GetContainerNumSlots(bag) + for slot = 1, numSlots do + local itemID = GetContainerItemID(bag, slot) + if itemID then + local _, spellID = GetItemSpell(itemID) + if spellID then bagCooldowns[itemID] = spellID end + end + end + end + -- for k, v in pairs(bagCooldowns) do local name = GetItemInfo(k); MOD.Debug("bag", name, v) end +end + +-- Create cache of talent info +local function InitializeTalents() + if MOD.isClassic then talentsInitialized = true; return end -- not supported in classic + + local tabs = GetNumSpecializations(false, false) + if tabs == 0 then return end + + local currentSpec = GetSpecialization() + local specGroup = GetActiveSpecGroup() + talentsInitialized = true; doUpdate = true + table.wipe(MOD.talents); table.wipe(MOD.talentList) + + local select = 1 + for tier = 1, MAX_TALENT_TIERS do + for column = 1, NUM_TALENT_COLUMNS do + local talentID, name, texture, selected = GetTalentInfo(tier, column, specGroup) -- player's active talents + if name then + MOD.talents[name] = { tab = currentSpec, column = column, tier = tier, icon = texture, active = selected } + MOD.talentList[select] = name + select = select + 1 + end + end + end + + table.sort(MOD.talentList) + for i, t in pairs(MOD.talentList) do + MOD.talents[t].select = i + end + MOD.updateDispels = true +end + +-- Check if the options panel is loaded, if not then get it loaded and ask it to toggle open/close status +function MOD:OptionsPanel() + if not optionsLoaded then + optionsLoaded = true + local loaded, reason = LoadAddOn(MOD_Options) + if not loaded then + print(L["Failed to load "] .. tostring(MOD_Options) .. ": " .. tostring(reason)) + optionsFailed = true + end + end + if not optionsFailed then MOD:ToggleOptions() end +end + +-- If the options panel is loaded then update it so it reflects any changes made thru anchors, etc. +function MOD:UpdateOptionsPanel() + if optionsLoaded and not optionsFailed and not IsMouseButtonDown("LeftButton") then MOD:UpdateOptions(); MOD.updateOptions = false end + doUpdate = true +end + +-- Add a registered data broker +local function RegisterDataBroker(event, name, broker) + -- MOD.Debug("ldb_register", event, name, key, value) + MOD.knownBrokers[name] = broker + + table.wipe(MOD.brokerList) -- recreate the broker list table + local i = 1 + for k, v in pairs(MOD.knownBrokers) do MOD.brokerList[i] = k; i = i + 1 end + table.sort(MOD.brokerList) +end + +-- Update event handler for an activated data broker +local function UpdateDataBroker(event, name, key, value, dataobj) + -- MOD.Debug("ldb_update", event, name, key, value) + doUpdate = true +end + +-- Activate a registered data broker when creating a custom bar reference (no need to deactivate since only used for updates) +function MOD:ActivateDataBroker(name) + if not activeBrokers[name] then -- first time reference + -- MOD.Debug("ldb_activate", name) + activeBrokers[name] = true + MOD.LibLDB.RegisterCallback("MyAnonCallback", "LibDataBroker_AttributeChanged_" .. name, UpdateDataBroker) + doUpdate = true + end +end + +-- Tie into LibDataBroker +function MOD:InitializeLDB() + MOD.LibLDB = LibStub("LibDataBroker-1.1", true) + if not MOD.LibLDB then return end + MOD.ldb = MOD.LibLDB:NewDataObject("Raven", { + type = "launcher", + text = "Raven", + icon = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Nature_RavenForm", + -- icon = [[Interface\AddOns\Raven\Raven]], + OnClick = function(_, msg) + if msg == "RightButton" then + if IsShiftKeyDown() then + MOD.db.profile.hideBlizz = not MOD.db.profile.hideBlizz + else + MOD:ToggleBarGroupLocks() + end + elseif msg == "LeftButton" then + if IsShiftKeyDown() then + MOD.db.profile.enabled = not MOD.db.profile.enabled + else + MOD:OptionsPanel() + end + end + doUpdate = true + end, + OnTooltipShow = function(tooltip) + if not tooltip or not tooltip.AddLine then return end + tooltip:AddLine(L["Raven"]) + tooltip:AddLine(L["Raven left click"]) + tooltip:AddLine(L["Raven right click"]) + tooltip:AddLine(L["Raven shift left click"]) + tooltip:AddLine(L["Raven shift right click"]) + end, + }) + MOD.ldbi = LibStub("LibDBIcon-1.0", true) + if MOD.ldbi then MOD.ldbi:Register("Raven", MOD.ldb, end + + for name, broker in MOD.LibLDB:DataObjectIterator() do RegisterDataBroker("register", name, broker) end + MOD.LibLDB.RegisterCallback("MyAnonCallback", "LibDataBroker_DataObjectCreated", RegisterDataBroker) +end + +-- See if totems have changed since last update because can't count on events for totems +local function CheckTotemUpdates() + local cl = MOD.myClass + if cl == "SHAMAN" or cl == "DRUID" or cl == "MAGE" then + local changed = false + for i = 1, MAX_TOTEMS do + local haveTotem, name, startTime, duration = GetTotemInfo(i) + if haveTotem and name and name ~= "" and now <= (startTime + duration) then + if not lastTotems[i] or name ~= lastTotems[i] then changed = true end + lastTotems[i] = name + else + if lastTotems[i] then changed = true end + lastTotems[i] = nil + end + end + if changed then updateCooldowns = true; unitUpdate.player = true; doUpdate = true; forceUpdate = true end + end +end + +-- Check for possess bar and vehicle updates which are not triggered by events +local function CheckMiscellaneousUpdates() + if not MOD.isClassic then + if IsPossessBarVisible() or UnitHasVehicleUI("player") then updateCooldowns = true; unitUpdate.player = true; doUpdate = true end + end +end + +-- Update routine called before each frame is displayed, throttled to minimize CPU usage +function MOD:Update(elapsed) + local elapsedTarget = or 0.2 + local refreshTarget = or 0.03 + local throttleRate + if InCombatLockdown() then + throttleRate = + if MOD.combatTimer == 0 then MOD.combatTimer = now end + else + throttleRate = + MOD.combatTimer = 0 + end + local throttleTarget = elapsedTarget * (throttleRate or 5) + + if elapsedTime < 0 then elapsedTime = elapsed else elapsedTime = elapsedTime + elapsed end -- timer for update cycles + if refreshTime < 0 then refreshTime = elapsed else refreshTime = refreshTime + elapsed end -- timer for refresh cycles + throttleTime = throttleTime + elapsed -- timer for things that need to happen about once per second + if throttleTime >= throttleTarget then -- equal to zero once per second + throttleTime = 0; doUpdate = true + if not suppressTime or ((now - suppressTime) > 3) then MOD.suppress = false end -- suppress special effects for several seconds at start + end + + if MOD.db.profile.enabled then + if forceUpdate or (elapsedTime >= elapsedTarget) then -- limit update rate + if forceUpdate then doUpdate = true; forceUpdate = false end + updateCounter = updateCounter + 1; refreshCounter = refreshCounter + 1; throttleCounter = throttleCounter + 1 + if throttleCounter > throttleTracker then throttleTracker = throttleCounter end -- tracker for actual throttle maximums + if not talentsInitialized then InitializeTalents() end -- retry until talents initialized + CheckTotemUpdates() -- check if totems have changed since last update + CheckSpellAlerts() -- update spell alert timers + CheckMiscellaneousUpdates() -- check for update requirements that don't have events + MOD:UpdateInternalCooldowns() -- check for expiring internal cooldowns + MOD:UpdateCooldownTimes() -- check for expiring normal cooldowns + if doUpdate or MOD:CheckTimeEvents() then -- only do major updates when events warrant it (but at least once a second) + MOD:UpdateSpellEffects() -- update spell effect timers + MOD:UpdateAuras() -- update table containing current auras (actual processing is deferred until needed) + MOD:UpdateTrackers() -- update aura trackers for multiple targets + MOD:UpdateCooldowns() -- update table containing current cooldowns on spells and trinkets + MOD:UpdateConditions() -- update table containing currently triggered conditions + MOD.Nest_CheckDisplayDimensions() -- check display dimensions and update anchors if they have changed + MOD:UpdateBars() -- update timer bars for auras and cooldowns + MOD:UpdateInCombatBar() -- update the in-combat bar if necessary + MOD.Nest_Update() -- update the display using the Nest graphics package + else + MOD:RefreshBars() -- update any value bars requiring frequent updates + MOD:RefreshInCombatBar() -- update in-combat bar animations only + MOD.Nest_Refresh() -- refresh bars in the Nest graphics package (helps smooth animations) + end + elapsedTime = elapsedTime - elapsedTarget; refreshTime = refreshTime - refreshTarget; doUpdate = false + else + if refreshTime >= refreshTarget then -- limit animation refesh rate + MOD:RefreshBars() -- update any value bars requiring frequent updates + MOD:RefreshInCombatBar() -- update in-combat bar animations only + MOD.Nest_Refresh() -- refresh bars in the Nest graphics package (helps smooth animations) + refreshTime = refreshTime - refreshTarget; refreshCounter = refreshCounter + 1 + end + end + else + if throttleTime == 0 then -- check occasionally to make sure everything is in the right state + elapsedTime = 0; refreshTime = 0 -- reset these counters once per second as well + MOD:HideBars() + MOD:HideInCombatBar() + end + end + if throttleTime == 0 then + -- if IsAltKeyDown() then MOD.Debug("update", updateCounter, "refresh", refreshCounter, "throttle", throttleTracker); throttleTracker = 0 end + updateCounter = 0; refreshCounter = 0; throttleCounter = 0 -- these counters are only used for testing purposes + if optionsLoaded and MOD:OptionsOpen() then -- check if options panel is open + CheckBlizzFrames() -- need to check blizz settings occasionally when the options panel is open + if MOD.updateOptions then MOD:UpdateOptionsPanel() end -- update the open option panel once per second, if requested + end + end +end + +-- Aura tables have this structure: +-- b[1] = isBuff, b[2] = timeLeft, b[3] = stackCount, b[4] = auraType, b[5] = duration, b[6] = caster, b[7] = isStealable/effectCaster, b[8] = icon, +-- b[9] = hashTag, b[10] = expireTime, b[11] = tooltipType, b[12] = tooltipArgument, b[13] = name, b[14] = spellID, b[15] = isBoss, b[16] = casterName, +-- b[17] = castable, b[18] = casterIsNPC, b[19] = casterVehicle, b[20] = barColor, b[21] = barLabel + +-- Calculate aura time left from expiration time and current time, this is always done before returning aura descriptors +-- If no duration or has expired then set to 0 (Blizzard may not yet have sent aura update event so could sit at 0 for a moment) +local function SetAuraTimeLeft(b) if b[5] > 0 then b[2] = b[10] - now if b[2] < 0 then b[2] = 0 end else b[2] = 0 end end + +-- Check if a GUID belongs to a boss per LibBossIDs +function MOD.CheckLibBossIDs(guid) + if type(guid) == "string" then + local id + _, _, _, _, _, id = string.match(guid, "(%a+)%-(%d+)%-(%d+)%-(%d+)%-(%d+)%-(%d+)") + if id then + id = tonumber(id) + if id and MOD.LibBossIDs.BossIDs[id] then return true end + end + end + return false +end + +-- Add an active aura to the table for the specified unit +local function AddAura(unit, name, isBuff, spellID, count, btype, duration, caster, steal, boss, apply, icon, expire, tt_type, tt_arg, tt_color, tt_label) + local auraTable = isBuff and activeBuffs[unit] or activeDebuffs[unit] + local tagCache = isBuff and tagBuffs[unit] or tagDebuffs[unit] + local auraCache = isBuff and cacheBuffs[unit] or cacheDebuffs[unit] + if auraTable then + local b = AllocateTable() -- get an empty aura descriptor + local guid, cname, isNPC, vehicle = nil, nil, false, false + if caster then + guid = UnitGUID(caster); cname = UnitName(caster); vehicle = not MOD.isClassic and UnitHasVehicleUI(caster) + if guid then + local unitType = string.match(guid, "(%a+)%-") + isNPC = (unitType == "Creature") or (unitType == "Vignette"); vehicle = vehicle or (unitType == "Vehicle") + if isNPC and MOD.LibBossIDs then boss = boss or MOD.CheckLibBossIDs(guid) end + end + end + local tag = isBuff and "Buff:" or "Debuff:" -- build a unique tag for this aura + if guid then tag = tag .. guid .. ":" elseif caster then tag = tag .. caster .. ":" end -- include caster in unique tag, prefer guid when it is known + if tt_type == "Minion" then tag = tag .. "Minion" .. tt_arg .. ":" end -- for warlock minions add the minion's guid to the tag + if not tagUnits[caster or "unknown"] and expire and expire > 0 then tag = tag .. tostring(math.floor((expire * 100) + 0.5)) .. ":" end -- add expire time with 1/100s precision + if spellID then tag = tag .. tostring(spellID) .. ":" elseif (tt_type == "weapon") or (tt_type == "tracking") then tag = tag .. tt_arg .. ":" end + local n = (tagCache[tag] or 0) + 1; tagCache[tag] = n; tag = tag .. tostring(n) -- tag must be unique for multiples of same aura + + b[1], b[2], b[3], b[4], b[5], b[6], b[7], b[8], b[9], b[10], b[11], b[12], b[13], b[14], b[15], b[16], b[17], b[18], b[19], b[20], b[21] = + isBuff, 0, count, btype, duration, caster, steal, icon, tag, expire, tt_type, tt_arg, name, spellID, boss, cname, apply, isNPC, vehicle, tt_color, tt_label + + auraTable[#auraTable + 1] = b + if auraCache then auraCache[name] = true end + if icon then MOD:SetIcon(name, icon) end -- cache icon for this aura + end +end + +-- Empty the aura tables for a unit by releasing all entries (except weapon buffs) +local function ReleaseAuras(unit) + local buffTable, debuffTable, buffCache = activeBuffs[unit], activeDebuffs[unit], cacheBuffs[unit] + table.wipe(buffCache); table.wipe(cacheDebuffs[unit]); table.wipe(tagBuffs[unit]); table.wipe(tagDebuffs[unit]) + if buffTable then for index, b in pairs(buffTable) do if b[11] ~= "weapon" then buffTable[index] = ReleaseTable(b) else buffCache[b[13]] = true end end end + if debuffTable then for index, b in pairs(debuffTable) do debuffTable[index] = ReleaseTable(b) end end +end + +-- Check if aura(s) with given name are active on the unit (if isBuff is true only check buffs, otherwise only debuff) +-- Return a table with matching aura descriptors, potentially empty if none are found +-- The returned table is only valid until the next call to MOD:CheckAura since it is reused each time +function MOD:CheckAura(unit, name, isBuff) + table.wipe(matchTable) + if unit and name then + unit = MOD:UnitStatusUpdate(unit) + if unit then + local auraTable = isBuff and activeBuffs[unit] or activeDebuffs[unit] + local auraCache = isBuff and cacheBuffs[unit] or cacheDebuffs[unit] + if auraTable then + if auraCache and auraCache[name] then + for _, b in pairs(auraTable) do if b[13] == name then SetAuraTimeLeft(b); matchTable[#matchTable + 1] = b end end + elseif string .find(name, "^#%d+") then -- check if name is in special format for specific spell id (i.e., #12345) + local id = tonumber(string.sub(name, 2)) -- extract the spell id + if id then for _, b in pairs(auraTable) do if b[14] == id then SetAuraTimeLeft(b); matchTable[#matchTable + 1] = b end end end + end + end + end + end + return matchTable +end + +-- For all active auras on a given unit (if isBuff is true only buffs, otherwise only debuff), call the function that +-- is passed in with the unit, aura name, aura descriptor table, isBuff, and two optional parameters passed in +function MOD:IterateAuras(unit, func, isBuff, p1, p2, p3) + local auraTable + if unit == "all" then -- special case to get auras cast by player on multiple targets + auraTable = isBuff and unitBuffs or unitDebuffs + for _, tracker in pairs(auraTable) do + for _, t in pairs(tracker) do + SetAuraTimeLeft(t) -- update timeLeft from current time + if t[13] then func(unit, t[13], t, isBuff, p1, p2, p3) end + end + end + else + unit = MOD:UnitStatusUpdate(unit) + if unit then + auraTable = isBuff and activeBuffs[unit] or activeDebuffs[unit] + if auraTable then + for _, b in pairs(auraTable) do + SetAuraTimeLeft(b) -- update timeLeft from current time + if b[13] then func(unit, b[13], b, isBuff, p1, p2, p3) end + end + end + end + end +end + +-- Release a particular player buff, including multiple copies, used for weapon buffs and tracking due to non-standard detection +local function ReleasePlayerBuff(name) + local auraTable = activeBuffs.player + if auraTable then + for index, b in pairs(auraTable) do if b[13] == name then auraTable[index] = ReleaseTable(b) end end + end +end + +-- Check all buffs on the unit to see if the specified buff type is currently active, return true and the first found +function MOD:UnitHasBuff(unit, btype) + unit = MOD:UnitStatusUpdate(unit) + if unit then + local auraTable = activeBuffs[unit] + if auraTable then + for _, b in pairs(auraTable) do if (btype == "Steal") and (b[7] == 1) or (b[4] == btype) then SetAuraTimeLeft(b); return true, b end end + end + end + return false, nil +end + +-- Check all debuffs on the unit to see if the specified debuff type is currently active, return true and the first found +function MOD:UnitHasDebuff(unit, btype) + unit = MOD:UnitStatusUpdate(unit) + if unit then + local auraTable = activeDebuffs[unit] + if auraTable then + for _, b in pairs(activeDebuffs[unit]) do if (b[4] == btype) then SetAuraTimeLeft(b); return true, b end end + end + end + return false, nil +end + +-- Initialize tooltip to be used for determining weapon buffs +-- This code is based on the Pitbull implementation +function MOD:InitializeBuffTooltip() + bufftooltip = CreateFrame("GameTooltip", nil, UIParent) + bufftooltip:SetOwner(UIParent, "ANCHOR_NONE") + local fs = bufftooltip:CreateFontString() + fs:SetFontObject(_G.GameFontNormal) + bufftooltip.tooltiplines = {} -- cache of font strings for each line in the tooltip + for i = 1, 30 do + local ls = bufftooltip:CreateFontString() + ls:SetFontObject(_G.GameFontNormal) + bufftooltip:AddFontStrings(ls, fs) + bufftooltip.tooltiplines[i] = ls + end +end + +-- Return the temporary table for storing buff tooltips +function MOD:GetBuffTooltip() + bufftooltip:ClearLines() + if not bufftooltip:IsOwned(UIParent) then bufftooltip:SetOwner(UIParent, "ANCHOR_NONE") end + return bufftooltip +end + +-- No easy way to get this info, so scan item slot info for mainhand and offhand weapons using a tooltip +-- Weapon buffs are usually formatted in tooltips as name strings followed by remaining time in parentheses +-- This routine scans the tooltip for the first line that is in this format and extracts the weapon buff name without rank or time +local function GetWeaponBuffName(weaponSlot) + local tt = MOD:GetBuffTooltip() + tt:SetInventoryItem("player", weaponSlot) + for i = 1, 30 do + local text = tt.tooltiplines[i]:GetText() + if text then + local name = text:match("^(.+) %(%d+ [^$)]+%)$") -- extract up to left paren if match weapon buff format + if name then + name = (name:match("^(.*) %d+$")) or name -- remove any trailing numbers + return name + end + else + break + end + end + return nil +end + +-- Get weapon buff duration, since this is not supplied by Blizzard look at current detected duration +-- and compare it to longest previous duration for the given weapon buff in order to find maximum ever detected +local function GetWeaponBuffDuration(buff, duration) + local maxd = MOD.db.profile.WeaponBuffDurations[buff] + if not maxd then maxd =[buff] end -- backward compatibility + if not maxd or (duration > maxd) then + MOD.db.profile.WeaponBuffDurations[buff] = math.floor(duration + 0.5) -- round up + else + if maxd > duration then duration = maxd end + end + return duration +end + +-- Reset the weapon buff duration cache since it will be restored when buff is cast again +local function ResetWeaponBuffDuration(buff) MOD.db.profile.WeaponBuffDurations[buff] = nil;[buff] = nil end + +-- Add player weapon buffs for mainhand and offhand to the aura table +local function GetWeaponBuffs() + -- old weapons buffs are now out-of-date so release them before regenerating + if mhLastBuff then ReleasePlayerBuff(mhLastBuff) end + if ohLastBuff then ReleasePlayerBuff(ohLastBuff) end + + -- first check if there are weapon auras then, only if necessary, use tooltip to scan for the buff names + local mh, mhms, mhc, mx, oh, ohms, ohc, ox = GetWeaponEnchantInfo() + if mh then -- add the mainhand buff, if any, to the table + local islot = INVSLOT_MAINHAND + local mhbuff = GetWeaponBuffName(islot) + if not mhbuff then -- if tooltip scan fails then use fallback of weapon name or slot name + local weaponLink = GetInventoryItemLink("player", islot) + if weaponLink then mhbuff = GetItemInfo(weaponLink) end + if not mhbuff then mhbuff = L["Mainhand Weapon"] end + end + local icon = GetInventoryItemTexture("player", islot) + local timeLeft = mhms / 1000 + local expire = now + timeLeft + local duration = GetWeaponBuffDuration(mhbuff, timeLeft) + AddAura("player", mhbuff, true, nil, mhc, "Mainhand", duration, "player", nil, nil, 1, icon, expire, "weapon", "MainHandSlot") + mhLastBuff = mhbuff -- caches the name of the weapon buff so can clear it later + elseif mhLastBuff then ResetWeaponBuffDuration(mhLastBuff); mhLastBuff = nil end + + if oh then -- add the offhand buff, if any, to the table + local islot = INVSLOT_OFFHAND + local ohbuff = GetWeaponBuffName(islot) + if not ohbuff then -- if tooltip scan fails then use fallback of weapon name or slot name + local weaponLink = GetInventoryItemLink("player", islot) + if weaponLink then ohbuff = GetItemInfo(weaponLink) end + if not ohbuff then ohbuff = L["Offhand Weapon"] end + end + local icon = GetInventoryItemTexture("player", islot) + local timeLeft = ohms / 1000 + local expire = now + timeLeft + local duration = GetWeaponBuffDuration(ohbuff, timeLeft) + AddAura("player", ohbuff, true, nil, ohc, "Offhand", duration, "player", nil, nil, 1, icon, expire, "weapon", "SecondaryHandSlot") + ohLastBuff = ohbuff -- caches the name of the weapon buff so can clear it later + elseif ohLastBuff then ResetWeaponBuffDuration(ohLastBuff); ohLastBuff = nil end +end + +-- Add buffs for the specified unit to the active buffs table +local function GetBuffs(unit) + local name, icon, count, btype, duration, expire, caster, isStealable, nameplatePersonal, spellID, apply, boss, castByPlayer, showOnNameplate + local i = 1 + repeat + name, icon, count, btype, duration, expire, caster, isStealable, nameplatePersonal, spellID, apply, boss, castByPlayer, showOnNameplate = UnitAura(unit, i, "HELPFUL") + if name then + if not caster then if spellID and fixEnchants[spellID] then caster = "player" else caster = "unknown" end -- fix Jade Spirit, Dancing Steel, River's Song + elseif caster == "vehicle" then caster = "player" end -- vehicle buffs treated like player buffs + if caster == "player" then MOD.SetDuration(name, spellID, duration); MOD.SetSpellType(spellID, btype) end + AddAura(unit, name, true, spellID, count, btype, duration, caster, isStealable, boss, apply, icon, expire, "buff", i) + end + i = i + 1 + until not name + + if unit ~= "player" then return end -- done for all but player, players also need to add vehicle buffs + if MOD.isClassic or not UnitHasVehicleUI("player") then return end + i = 1 + repeat + name, icon, count, btype, duration, expire, caster, isStealable, _, spellID, apply, boss = UnitAura("vehicle", i, "HELPFUL") + if name then + if not caster then caster = "unknown" elseif caster == "vehicle" then caster = "player" end -- vehicle buffs treated like player buffs + if caster == "player" then MOD.SetDuration(name, spellID, duration); MOD.SetSpellType(spellID, btype) end + AddAura(unit, name, true, spellID, count, btype, duration, caster, isStealable, boss, apply, icon, expire, "vehicle buff", i) + end + i = i + 1 + until not name +end + +-- Add debuffs for the specified unit to the active debuffs table +local function GetDebuffs(unit) + local name, icon, count, btype, duration, expire, caster, isStealable, nameplatePersonal, spellID, apply, boss, castByPlayer, showOnNameplate + local i = 1 + repeat + name, icon, count, btype, duration, expire, caster, isStealable, nameplatePersonal, spellID, apply, boss, castByPlayer, showOnNameplate = UnitAura(unit, i, "HARMFUL") + if name then + if not caster then caster = "unknown" elseif caster == "vehicle" then caster = "player" end -- vehicle debuffs treated like player debuffs + if caster == "player" then MOD.SetDuration(name, spellID, duration); MOD.SetSpellType(spellID, btype) end + AddAura(unit, name, false, spellID, count, btype, duration, caster, isStealable, boss, apply, icon, expire, "debuff", i) + end + i = i + 1 + until not name + + if unit ~= "player" then return end -- done for all but player, players also need to add vehicle debuffs + if MOD.isClassic or not UnitHasVehicleUI("player") then return end + i = 1 + repeat + name, icon, count, btype, duration, expire, caster, isStealable, _, spellID, apply, boss = UnitAura("vehicle", i, "HARMFUL") + if name then + if not caster then caster = "unknown" elseif caster == "vehicle" then caster = "player" end -- vehicle debuffs treated like player debuffs + if caster == "player" then MOD.SetDuration(name, spellID, duration); MOD.SetSpellType(spellID, btype) end + AddAura(unit, name, false, spellID, count, btype, duration, caster, isStealable, boss, apply, icon, expire, "vehicle debuff", i) + end + i = i + 1 + until not name +end + +-- Add tracking auras (updated for Cataclysm which allows multiple active tracking types) +local function GetTracking() + if MOD.isClassic then return end -- not supported in classic + + local notTracking, notTrackingIcon, found = L["Not Tracking"], "Interface\\Minimap\\Tracking\\None", false + for i = 1, GetNumTrackingTypes() do + local tracking, trackingIcon, active = GetTrackingInfo(i) + if active then + found = true + AddAura("player", tracking, true, nil, 1, "Tracking", 0, "player", nil, nil, nil, trackingIcon, 0, "tracking", tracking) + end + end + if not found then + AddAura("player", notTracking, true, nil, 1, "Tracking", 0, "player", nil, nil, nil, notTrackingIcon, 0, "tracking", notTracking) + end +end + +-- Check if the spell triggers a spell effect +function MOD:DetectSpellEffect(name, caster) + local ect =[name] -- check for new spell effect triggered by this spell + if ect and not ect.disable and MOD:CheckCastBy(caster, ect.caster or "player") then + local duration = ect.duration + if not duration then return end -- safety check + if ect.talent and not MOD.CheckTalent(ect.talent) then return end -- check required talent + if ect.buff then local auraList = MOD:CheckAura("player", ect.buff, true); if #auraList == 0 then return end end -- check required buff + if ect.optbuff and ect.optduration then -- check optional buff and test safety for the duration + local auraList = MOD:CheckAura("player", ect.optbuff, true) + if #auraList > 0 then duration = ect.optduration end + end + if ect.condition and not MOD:CheckCondition(ect.condition) then return end -- check required condition + local ec = spellEffects[name] + if ec and ect.renew then spellEffects[name] = ReleaseTable(ec); ec = nil end -- check if already active spell effect and optionally renew + if not ec then ec = AllocateTable(); ec.start = now; ec.expire = ec.start + duration; ec.caster = caster; + spellEffects[name] = ec; TriggerPlayerUpdate() end + end +end + +-- Remove any spell effect entries that have expired +function MOD:UpdateSpellEffects() + for id, ec in pairs(spellEffects) do if now >= ec.expire then spellEffects[id] = ReleaseTable(ec); TriggerPlayerUpdate(); TriggerCooldownUpdate() end end +end + +-- Check if any spell effects are active and add them to the player auras +local function GetSpellEffectAuras() + for name, ec in pairs(spellEffects) do + local ect =[name] + if ect and not ect.disable and ect.kind ~= "cooldown" then + local spell = ect.spell or name + AddAura("player", spell, not ect.kind,, 1, nil, ect.duration, ec.caster, nil, nil, nil, ect.icon, ec.expire, "effect", name) + end + end +end + +-- Automatically generate alert bars +local function GetSpellAlertAuras() + for id, alert in pairs(spellAlerts) do + local kind =[alert.alertType].kind + if kind ~= "cooldown" then + local color, label = GetSpellAlertInfo(alert) + -- MOD.Debug("alertaura", id, (kind == nil) and "buff" or kind, alert.alertType, alert.event, alert.spellName, alert.srcName, alert.dstName, label) + AddAura("player", alert.spellName, not kind, alert.spellID, 1, nil, alert.duration, "player", nil, nil, nil, alert.icon, alert.expire, "alert", alert.spellID, color, label) + end + end +end + +-- Create an aura for class-specific power buffs: soul shards, holy power, shadow orbs, etc. +local function GetPowerBuffs() + local power, id = nil, nil + local myClass = MOD.myClass + if myClass == "PALADIN" and IsSpellKnown(35395) then power = UnitPower("player", Enum.PowerType.HolyPower); id = 85247 + elseif myClass == "PRIEST" and IsSpellKnown(8092) then power = UnitPower("player", Enum.PowerType.Insanity); id = 57496 + elseif myClass == "WARLOCK" then power = UnitPower("player", Enum.PowerType.SoulShards); id = 138556 + elseif myClass == "SHAMAN" and IsSpellKnown(193786) then power = UnitPower("player", Enum.PowerType.Maelstrom); id = 190185 + elseif myClass == "MAGE" then + if IsSpellKnown(116011) then -- rune of power + local haveTotem, name, startTime, duration, icon = GetTotemInfo(1) + if haveTotem and name and name ~= "" and now <= (startTime + duration) then + local sp = GetSpellInfo(52623) + AddAura("player", sp, true, 52623, 1, "Power", duration, "player", nil, nil, 1, icon, startTime + duration, "text", sp) + end + end + if IsSpellKnown(30451) then power = UnitPower("player", Enum.PowerType.ArcaneCharges); id = 190427 end + elseif myClass == "DEMONHUNTER" then + if IsSpellKnown(203720) then -- vengeanance + power = UnitPower("player", Enum.PowerType.Pain); id = 185244 + else -- havoc + power = UnitPower("player", Enum.PowerType.Fury); id = 67671 + end + elseif myClass == "MONK" and IsSpellKnown(100780) then -- only windwalker has chi now + local chi = UnitPower("player", Enum.PowerType.Chi) + local _, pToken = UnitPowerType("player") + local name = _G[pToken] + local icon = GetSpellTexture(179126) + if chi and chi > 0 then + AddAura("player", name, true, nil, chi, "Power", 0, "player", nil, nil, nil, icon, 0, "text", name) + return + end + elseif myClass == "DRUID" then + if IsSpellKnown(145205) then -- restoration druid has one mushroom linked to Efflorescence + local haveTotem, name, startTime, duration, icon = GetTotemInfo(1) + if haveTotem and name and name ~= "" and now <= (startTime + duration) then + AddAura("player", name, true, 145205, 1, nil, duration or 0, "player", nil, nil, nil, icon, (startTime or 0) + (duration or 0), "text", name) + return + end + elseif IsSpellKnown(190984) then -- balance druid has astral power + local ap = UnitPower("player", Enum.PowerType.LunarPower) + local _, pToken = UnitPowerType("player") + local name = _G[pToken] + local icon = GetSpellTexture(164686) -- dark eclipse + AddAura("player", name, true, nil, ap, "Power", 0, "player", nil, nil, nil, icon, 0, "text", name) + return + end + end + if power and power > 0 then + local name, _, icon = GetSpellInfo(id) + if name and (name ~= "") then + AddAura("player", name, true, id, power, "Power", 0, "player", nil, nil, nil, icon, 0, "text", name) + end + end +end + +-- Get buffs for shaman totems if option is selected +local function GetTotemBuffs() + if MOD.myClass == "PALADIN" then -- consecration totem + local haveTotem, name, startTime, duration, icon = GetTotemInfo(1) + if haveTotem and name and name ~= nil and now <= (startTime + duration) then + AddAura("player", name, true, nil, 1, "buff", duration, "player", nil, nil, nil, icon, startTime + duration, "totem", 1) + end + elseif MOD.myClass == "SHAMAN" then + for i = 1, MAX_TOTEMS do + local haveTotem, name, startTime, duration, icon = GetTotemInfo(i) + if haveTotem and name and name ~= "" and now <= (startTime + duration) then -- generate buff for an active totem in the slot + AddAura("player", name, true, nil, 1, "Totem", duration, "player", nil, nil, nil, icon, startTime + duration, "totem", i) + end + end + end +end + +-- Get buffs for warlock minions, verifying not already expired and sorted so only one per type of minion +local function GetMinionBuffs() + if MOD.myClass == "WARLOCK" then -- minions are tracked in the summonedCreatures table by combat log events + local mh = minionTypes -- temporary table for sorting minions by type + local mc = minionCounts -- temporary table for counting minions by type + table.wipe(mh) -- table entries are type->guid + table.wipe(mc) -- table entries are type->count + for guid, gt in pairs(summonedCreatures) do -- find soonest to expire for each type of minion + if gt.expire and (now < gt.expire) then -- make sure has not expired already + local mtype = -- name of creature is type + mc[mtype] = (mc[mtype] or 0) + 1 -- increment count of this minion type + local m = mh[mtype] -- get guid of currently soonest to expire of this minion type + if not m or (gt.expire < summonedCreatures[m].expire) then mh[mtype] = guid end + end + end + for name, guid in pairs(mh) do -- add a buff for each type of minion + local gt = summonedCreatures[guid] + if gt then + AddAura("player", name, true, nil, mc[name], "Minion", gt.duration, "player",, nil, nil, gt.icon, gt.expire, "minion", guid) + end + end + end +end + +-- Update unit auras if necessary (deferred until requested) +function MOD:UnitStatusUpdate(unit) + local status = unitStatus[unit] + if status ~= 0 then + if status ~= 1 then unit = status end + if unitUpdate[unit] then -- need to do an update for this unit + ReleaseAuras(unit); GetBuffs(unit); GetDebuffs(unit) + if unit == "player" then GetTracking(); GetSpellEffectAuras(); GetSpellAlertAuras(); GetPowerBuffs(); GetTotemBuffs(); GetMinionBuffs() end + unitUpdate[unit] = false + end + return unit + end + return nil +end + +-- Check unit status, return 0 if doesn't exist, 1 if valid unit, "unit" if mirroring another unit +function MOD:ValidateUnit(unit) + if UnitExists(unit) then + for _, k in pairs(units) do + if unit == k then return 1 end -- found unique unit + if UnitIsUnit(unit, k) then return k end -- found match to higher priority unit + end + end + return 0 -- not a valid unit +end + +-- Check all the tracker entries and remove any that have expired +function MOD:UpdateTrackers() + for _, tracker in pairs(unitBuffs) do + for k, t in pairs(tracker) do SetAuraTimeLeft(t); if (t[5] > 0) and (t[2] == 0) then tracker[k] = ReleaseTable(t) end end + end + for _, tracker in pairs(unitDebuffs) do + for k, t in pairs(tracker) do SetAuraTimeLeft(t); if (t[5] > 0) and (t[2] == 0) then tracker[k] = ReleaseTable(t) end end + end + + if MOD.myClass == "WARLOCK" then -- check if warlock's summoned creatures have expired + for guid, gt in pairs(summonedCreatures) do + if gt.expire and gt.expire <= now then + MOD:RemoveTrackers(guid) -- remove the trackers currently associated with this GUID, if any + cacheUnits[guid] = nil -- release the unit cache entry for this GUID too + summonedCreatures[guid] = ReleaseTable(gt) -- release table back to pool + end + end + if not InCombatLockdown() then -- if out of combat then release unlimited duration trackers for Corruption (needed for Absolute Corruption talent) + local corruption = GetSpellInfo(172) -- use localized string for Corruption instead of spell id, in case multiple ids are involved + for _, tracker in pairs(unitDebuffs) do + for k, t in pairs(tracker) do if (t[13] == corruption) and (t[5] == 0) then tracker[k] = ReleaseTable(t) end end + end + end + end + + if (lastTrackers == 0) or ((now - lastTrackers) > 0.5) then -- things to do every half second... + lastTrackers = now + ValidateUnitIDs() + table.wipe(refreshUnits) -- table of guids to prevent refreshing multiple times + MOD:AddTrackers("player"); MOD:AddTrackers("target"); MOD:AddTrackers("focus") + if IsInRaid() then + for i = 1, GetNumGroupMembers() do MOD:AddTrackers("raid"..i); MOD:AddTrackers("raidpet"..i); MOD:AddTrackers("raid"..i.."target") end + else + for i = 1, GetNumGroupMembers() do MOD:AddTrackers("party"..i); MOD:AddTrackers("partypet"..i); MOD:AddTrackers("party"..i.."target") end + end + local pgid = UnitGUID("pet") + if petGUID and (petGUID ~= pgid) then MOD:RemoveTrackers(petGUID) end + petGUID = pgid; if pgid then MOD:AddTrackers("pet") end + for i = 1, 40 do -- nameplate scanning improves accuracy dramatically + local np = nameplateUnits[i] + if UnitExists(np) then MOD:AddTrackers(np) else break end + end + end +end + +--[[ +function MOD.DebugTrackers(whence) + MOD.Debug("Trackers: ", whence) + for id, tracker in pairs(unitBuffs) do for k, t in pairs(tracker) do MOD.Debug("buff", id, t[13]) end end + for id, tracker in pairs(unitDebuffs) do for k, t in pairs(tracker) do MOD.Debug("debuff", id, t[13]) end end +end +]]-- + +-- Update aura table with current player, target and focus auras and debuffs, include player weapon buffs +function MOD:UpdateAuras() + for _, k in pairs(units) do unitStatus[k] = MOD:ValidateUnit(k) end -- set current unit status, defer actual update until referenced + for _, k in pairs(eventUnits) do unitUpdate[k] = (unitStatus[k] == 1) end -- can't count on events for these units + if (lastWeapons == 0) or ((now - lastWeapons) > 1.0) then -- things to do every second... + lastWeapons = now + GetWeaponBuffs() -- get current weapon buffs, if any (less useful since WoD since no longer track shaman weapon enchants or rogue poisons) + end +end + +-- Cooldown tables have this structure (name of the cooldown is the index into the activeCooldowns table): +-- b[1] = timeLeft, b[2] = icon, b[3] = startTime, b[4] = duration, b[5] = tooltipType, b[6] = tooltipArgument, b[7] = unit, b[8] = id, b[9] = count + +-- Check if valid cooldown table, if so then calculate time left from start time and duration and invalidate if cooldown has expired +-- Returns either the updated cooldown table or nil if not valid +local function ValidateCooldown(b) + if b and b[1] ~= nil then + b[1] = b[3] + b[4] - now -- calculate timeLeft from start time and duration + if b[1] > 0 then return b end -- check if the cooldown has expired + b[1] = nil -- this cooldown is no longer valid (what about if this cooldown has charges?) + updateCooldowns = true; doUpdate = true + end + return nil +end + +-- Add a cooldown to the current list of active cooldowns, cached info includes icon, start time, duration, tt_type, tt_arg, unit +local function AddCooldown(name, id, icon, start, duration, tt_type, tt_arg, unit, count, tt_color, tt_label) + if lockedOut then -- check if this spell is on same cooldown as any lockout spell + for ls, ld in pairs(lockouts) do if ld == duration and lockstarts[ls] == start then return end end + end + local t = activeCooldowns -- shared for player and pet cooldowns + if not t[name] then + MOD:SetIcon(name, icon) -- cache icon for this spell or item name + t[name] = { 0, icon, start, duration, tt_type, tt_arg, unit, id, count } + else + local b = t[name] + b[1], b[2], b[3], b[4], b[5], b[6], b[7], b[8], b[9], b[10], b[11] = 0, icon, start, duration, tt_type, tt_arg, unit, id, count, tt_color, tt_label + end +end + +-- Check if the named spell or item is on cooldown, return a cooldown table +function MOD:CheckCooldown(name) + if name and name ~= "" then -- make sure valid name provided, could be spell name, number, or #number + local id = nil + if string.find(name, "^#%d+") then id = tonumber(string.sub(name, 2)) else id = tonumber(name) end + if id then name = GetSpellInfo(id) end -- may need to convert from spell id to name + if name and name ~= "" then return ValidateCooldown(activeCooldowns[name]) end -- make sure cooldown is still valid + end + return nil +end + +-- Check if name is a spell in the spell book and, therefore, known to the player +-- If usable is true then verify it is not passive and has sufficient resources (e.g., mana, insanity, soul shards) +-- If ready is true then make sure it is not on cooldown or out of charges +function MOD:CheckSpellStatus(name, usable, ready) + local result = false + if name and name ~= "" then -- make sure valid name provided, could be spell name, number, or #number + local id = nil + if string.find(name, "^#%d+") then id = tonumber(string.sub(name, 2)) else id = tonumber(name) end + if id then name = GetSpellInfo(id) end -- may need to convert from spell id to name + if name and name ~= "" then + local spellID = MOD.bookSpells[name] + if spellID then -- spell is known by the player + if usable then + result = not IsPassiveSpell(spellID) and IsUsableSpell(name) -- check non-passive and has resources + else + result = true + end + end + end + end + if result and ready then + local cd = ValidateCooldown(activeCooldowns[name]) -- look up in the active cooldowns table + result = not cd or (cd[1] == nil) or (cd[4] == nil) or (cd[9] and cd[9] > 0) -- check if ready + end + return result +end + +-- Iterate over current cooldowns, calling the function with cooldown name, cooldown table, and optional parameters +function MOD:IterateCooldowns(func, p1, p2, p3) + for n, cd in pairs(activeCooldowns) do if ValidateCooldown(cd) then func(n, cd, p1, p2, p3) end end +end + +-- Release all spell cooldowns from active cooldowns table by setting first field to nil to indicate not active +local function ReleaseCooldowns() for _, cd in pairs(activeCooldowns) do cd[1] = nil end end + +-- Update the expiration time for cooldowns, releasing any that have lapsed +function MOD:UpdateCooldownTimes() for _, b in pairs(activeCooldowns) do ValidateCooldown(b) end end + +-- Get cooldown info for an inventory slot +local function CheckInventoryCooldown(itemID, slot) + local start, duration, enable = GetInventoryItemCooldown("player", slot) + if start and (start > 0) and (enable == 1) and (duration > 1.5) then + local spell = GetItemSpell(itemID) + local name, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, equipSlot, icon = GetItemInfo(itemID) + if spell and equipSlot ~= "INVTYPE_TRINKET" then name = spell end + if name and icon then AddCooldown(name, slot, icon, start, duration, "inventory", slot, "player") end + end +end + +-- Update info about the rune slots and add rune cooldowns +local function CheckRunes() + local count = 0 + for i = 1, 6 do + local rune = MOD.runeSlots[i] + local start, duration, ready = GetRuneCooldown(i) + if not rune then + rune = { start = start, duration = duration, ready = ready } + MOD.runeSlots[i] = rune + else + rune.start = start; rune.duration = duration; rune.ready = ready + end + if ready then count = count + 1 end + end + MOD.runeCount = count +end + +-- Check if the spell is on cooldown because a rune is not available, return true only if on real cooldown +local function CheckRuneCooldown(name, duration) + local runes = MOD.runeSpells[name] + if runes and runes.count then + if MOD.runeCount >= runes.count then return true end -- runes are available so real cooldown + if duration <= 10 then return false end -- no spells that use runes have duration less than 10 seconds + end + return true +end + +-- Check if an item is on cooldown +local function CheckItemCooldown(itemID) + local start, duration = GetItemCooldown(itemID) + if (start > 0) and (duration > 1.5) then -- don't include global cooldowns or really short cooldowns + local name, link, _, _, _, itemType, itemSubType, _, _, icon = GetItemInfo(itemID) + if name then + local found = false + if itemType == "Consumable" and (itemID ~= 86569) then -- check for shared cooldowns for potions/elixirs/flasks (special case Crystal of Insanity) + if itemSubType == "Potion" then + found = true + if not ValidateCooldown(L["Potions"]) then + AddCooldown(L["Potions"], nil, iconPotion, start, duration, "text", L["Shared Potion Cooldown"], "player") + end + elseif (itemSubType == "Elixir") or (itemSubType == "Flask") then + found = true + if not ValidateCooldown(L["Elixirs"]) then + AddCooldown(L["Elixirs"], nil, iconElixir, start, duration, "text", L["Shared Elixir Cooldown"], "player") + end + end + end + if not found then + AddCooldown(name, itemID, icon, start, duration, "item id", itemID, "player") + end + end + end +end + +-- Check if the aura either triggers or cancels an internal cooldown +-- Internal cooldown table indexed by aura that triggers the cooldown +function MOD:DetectInternalCooldown(name, caster) + local up = false + for id, cd in pairs(internalCooldowns) do -- check if cancels any active internal cooldowns + if cd.cancel then + for _, aura in pairs(cd.cancel) do if name == aura then internalCooldowns[id] = ReleaseTable(cd); up = true; break end end + end + end + local ict =[name] -- check for new internal cooldown triggered by this aura + if ict and not ict.disable and ((ict.caster == true) == caster) and (not ict.class or ict.class == MOD.myClass) and not internalCooldowns[name] then + local cd = AllocateTable() -- get an empty tracker table + cd.start = now; cd.expire = cd.start + ict.duration; cd.cancel = ict.cancel + internalCooldowns[name] = cd + up = true + end + if up then TriggerCooldownUpdate() end +end + +-- Remove any internal cooldown entries that have expired +function MOD:UpdateInternalCooldowns() + for name, cd in pairs(internalCooldowns) do if now >= cd.expire then internalCooldowns[name] = ReleaseTable(cd); TriggerCooldownUpdate() end end +end + +-- Check for any internal cooldowns that are active +local function CheckInternalCooldowns() + for name, cd in pairs(internalCooldowns) do + local ict =[name] + if ict and not ict.disable then AddCooldown(name,, ict.icon, cd.start, ict.duration, "internal",, "player") end + end +end + +-- Check for any internal cooldowns that are active +local function CheckSpellEffectCooldowns() + for name, ec in pairs(spellEffects) do + local ect =[name] + if ect and not ect.disable and ect.kind == "cooldown" then + local spell = ect.spell or name + AddCooldown(spell,, ect.icon, ec.start, ec.expire - ec.start, "effect", name, "player") + end + end +end + +-- Check for any active spell alert cooldowns +local function CheckSpellAlertCooldowns() + for id, alert in pairs(spellAlerts) do + local kind =[alert.alertType].kind + if kind == "cooldown" then + -- MOD.Debug("alertcd", id, alert.spellName, alert.spellID, alert.expire - alert.duration, alert.duration) + local color, label = GetSpellAlertInfo(alert) + AddCooldown(alert.spellName, alert.spellID, alert.icon, alert.expire - alert.duration, alert.duration, "alert", alert.spellID, "player", nil, color, label) + end + end +end + +-- Check for new and expiring cooldowns associated with all action bar slots plus trinkets (might want to add inventory slots someday) +function MOD:UpdateCooldowns() + if updateCooldowns then + ReleaseCooldowns() -- mark all cooldowns as not active + + if MOD.myClass == "DEATHKNIGHT" then CheckRunes() end + lockedOut = false -- flag set if any lockout spells are found + for school in pairs(lockouts) do lockouts[school] = 0 end -- clear any previous settings in lockout table + if UnitLevel("player") >= 10 then -- don't detect lockouts for low-level characters, this allows more options for lockout detection spells + for name, ls in pairs(MOD.lockoutSpells) do + if not lockouts[] then lockouts[] = 0 end -- initialize when school seen for first time + if ls.index and (lockouts[] == 0) then + local start, duration = GetSpellCooldown(ls.index, "spell") + if start and (start > 0) and (duration > 1.5) then -- locked out! + lockouts[] = duration; lockstarts[] = start; lockedOut = true + AddCooldown(ls.label, nil, iconGCD, start, duration, "spell", ls.text, "player") + end + end + end + end + + for spellID in pairs(MOD.cooldownSpells) do -- check all player spells with cooldowns (includes professions) + local name, _, icon = GetSpellInfo(spellID) + if name and name ~= "" and icon then -- make sure we have a valid spell name + local start, duration, enable = GetSpellCooldown(spellID) + if start and (start > 0) and (enable == 1) and (duration > 1.5) then -- don't include global cooldowns + if (MOD.myClass ~= "DEATHKNIGHT") or CheckRuneCooldown(name, duration) then -- if death knight check rune cooldown + AddCooldown(name, spellID, icon, start, duration, "spell id", spellID, "player") + end + end + end + end + + for spellID in pairs(MOD.chargeSpells) do -- check all player spells with charges + local name, _, icon = GetSpellInfo(spellID) + if name and name ~= "" and icon then -- make sure we have a valid spell name + local count, charges, start, duration = GetSpellCharges(spellID) + if count and charges and count < charges then + if start and (start > 0) and (duration > 1.5) then -- don't include global cooldowns + if (MOD.myClass ~= "DEATHKNIGHT") or CheckRuneCooldown(name, duration) then -- if death knight check rune cooldown + AddCooldown(name, spellID, icon, start, duration, "spell id", spellID, "player", count) + end + end + end + end + end + + if UnitExists("pet") then -- make sure you have a pet before check all pet spells with cooldowns + for spellID in pairs(MOD.petSpells) do + local name, _, icon = GetSpellInfo(spellID) + if name and name ~= "" and icon then -- make sure we have a valid spell name + local start, duration, enable = GetSpellCooldown(spellID) + if start and (start > 0) and (enable == 1) and (duration > 1.5) then -- don't include global cooldowns + AddCooldown(name, spellID, icon, start, duration, "spell id", spellID, "pet") + end + end + end + end + + local offset = nil -- check for override/vehicle bar actions on cooldown + if not MOD.isClassic then + if HasVehicleActionBar() then offset = 132 elseif HasOverrideActionBar() then offset = 156 end + end + if offset then + for slot = 1, 6 do + local actionType, spellID = GetActionInfo(slot + offset) + if actionType == "spell" then + local start, duration, enable = GetSpellCooldown(spellID) + if start and (start > 0) and (enable == 1) and (duration > 1.5) then -- don't include global cooldowns + local name, _, icon = GetSpellInfo(spellID) + if name and name ~= "" and icon then + AddCooldown(name, spellID, icon, start, duration, "spell id", spellID, "player") + end + end + end + end + end + + for itemID in pairs(bagCooldowns) do CheckItemCooldown(itemID) end + for itemID, slot in pairs(inventoryCooldowns) do CheckInventoryCooldown(itemID, slot) end + + if startGCD and durationGCD then -- detect global cooldowns + local timeLeft = startGCD + durationGCD - now -- calculate timeLeft from start and duration + if timeLeft > 0 then + AddCooldown(L["GCD"], nil, iconGCD, startGCD, durationGCD, "text", L["Global Cooldown"], "player") + else + startGCD = nil; durationGCD = nil -- this cooldown is no longer valid + end + end + + CheckInternalCooldowns() + CheckSpellEffectCooldowns() + CheckSpellAlertCooldowns() + updateCooldowns = false + end +end