from camera import snapshot import image, lcd, time import KPU as kpu import ujson, ubinascii def _hexlify(data): return ubinascii.hexlify(data) def _unhexlify(data): return ubinascii.unhexlify(data) def _find_max(a, m=[1.07,1.42]): list_0 = [a[i].w()*a[i].h() for i in range(len(a))] max_value = max(list_0) indent = list_0.index(max_value) xmin = a[indent].x()*m[0] ymin = a[indent].y()*m[1] w = a[indent].w()*m[0] h = a[indent].h()*m[1] x_cent = xmin + int(w/2) y_cent = ymin + int(h/2) return int(x_cent), int(y_cent), int(w*h), a[indent].value(), (int(xmin), int(ymin), int(w), int(h)) def _write_db(db, id, name, vector): if not db: print("db is empty") db = {} vector = _hexlify(vector) entry = {"name": name, "vector": vector} db[id] = entry f = open('/flash/database.db','w') entry = ujson.dumps(db) f.write(entry) f.close() return db def _read_db(): db = None f = open('/flash/database.db','r') content = print(content) if content: db = ujson.loads(content) f.close() return db def clear_db(): f = open('/flash/database.db','w') db = {} content = ujson.dumps(db) f.write(content) f.close() class FaceDetectionNN(object): def __init__(self): self.object_detected = None self.percent = 0 self.classes = ['face'] self.anchor = (1.889, 2.5245, 2.9465, 3.94056, 3.99987, 5.3658, 5.155437, 6.92275, 6.718375, 9.01025) self.x_center = 0 self.y_center = 0 self.object_detection_task = kpu.load(0x659000) a = kpu.set_outputs(self.object_detection_task, 0, 7, 7, 30) a = kpu.init_yolo2(self.object_detection_task, 0.1, 0.1, 5, self.anchor) def detect_objects(self, threshold, return_img=False): detected = False img = snapshot() img_copy = img.resize(224,224) a = img_copy.pix_to_ai() code = kpu.run_yolo2(self.object_detection_task, img_copy) if code: for i in code: if i.value() >= threshold: detected = True new_x, new_y = int(i.x()*1.07), int(i.y()*1.42) roi = (new_x, new_y, int(i.w()*1.07),int(i.h()*1.42)) percent = i.value() object_detected = self.classes[i.classid()] if not return_img: a=img.draw_rectangle(roi, color = (0x1c, 0xa2, 0xff), thickness=2) a=img.draw_string(new_x, new_y-14, ("%s %%: %.2f" % (object_detected, percent)), color=(255,255,255), scale=1.5, mono_space=False) self.x_center, self.y_center, self.area, self.percent, roi = _find_max(code) del(img_copy) if not detected: self.object_detected = None self.percent = -1 if return_img: return img, None if return_img: return img, roi else: a = lcd.display(img) del(img) def get_detection_status(self, percent): threshold = percent/100 self.detect_objects(threshold) if self.percent >= threshold: return True else: return False def get_detection_property(self, percent, argu): threshold = percent/100 self.detect_objects(threshold) if self.percent >= threshold: if argu == 1: return self.x_center elif argu == 2: return self.y_center elif argu == 3: return self.area else: return -1 class LandmarksDetection(object): def __init__(self, detector): self.object_detected = None self.FaceDetector = detector self.landmark_task = kpu.load(0x6BD000) a = kpu.set_outputs(self.landmark_task, 0, 1, 1, 10) def detect_landmarks(self, threshold, return_img=False): img, roi = self.FaceDetector.detect_objects(threshold, True) self.kpts =[[-1,-1] for x in range(5)] if roi: face_cut = img.cut(*roi) face_cut_128 = face_cut.resize(128, 128) a = face_cut_128.pix_to_ai() fmap = kpu.forward(self.landmark_task, face_cut_128) plist = fmap[:] le = (roi[0] + int(plist[0] * roi[2]+5), roi[1] + int(plist[1] * roi[3]+5)) re = (roi[0] + int(plist[2] * roi[2]), roi[1] + int(plist[3] * roi[3]+5)) n = (roi[0] + int(plist[4] * roi[2]), roi[1] + int(plist[5] * roi[3])) lm = (roi[0] + int(plist[6] * roi[2]), roi[1] + int(plist[7] * roi[3])) rm = (roi[0] + int(plist[8] * roi[2]), roi[1] + int(plist[9] * roi[3])) self.kpts = [le, re, n, lm, rm] del(face_cut) del(face_cut_128) if return_img: return img, self.kpts, roi a = img.draw_cross(le[0], le[1], color=(0, 255, 0), size=5, thickness=3) a = img.draw_cross(re[0], re[1], color=(0, 255, 0), size=5, thickness=3) a = img.draw_cross(n[0], n[1], color=(0, 255, 0), size=5, thickness=3) a = img.draw_cross(lm[0], lm[1], color=(0, 255, 0), size=5, thickness=3) a = img.draw_cross(rm[0], rm[1], color=(0, 255, 0), size=5, thickness=3) a = lcd.display(img) return img, None, None def get_object_property(self, percent, landmark, xy): threshold = percent/100 self.detect_landmarks(threshold) return self.kpts[landmark][xy] class FaceRecognition(object): def __init__(self, lm_detector): = -1 self.max_score = 0 self.threshold = 85 self.LandmarkDetector = lm_detector self.db = _read_db() offset_x = 0 offset_y = -15 self.dst_point = [(44+offset_x, 59+offset_y), (84+offset_x, 59+offset_y), (64+offset_x, 82+offset_y), (47+offset_x, 105), (81+offset_x, 105)] self.img_face = image.Image(size=(128,128)) a = self.img_face.pix_to_ai() self.fe_task = kpu.load(0x708000) a = kpu.set_outputs(self.fe_task, 0, 1, 1, 128) def compute_features(self, register = False): img, src_point, self.roi = self.LandmarkDetector.detect_landmarks(0.4, return_img=True) self.max_score = 0 = -1 if src_point: # align face to standard position a = img.pix_to_ai() T = image.get_affine_transform(src_point, self.dst_point) a = image.warp_affine_ai(img, self.img_face, T) a = self.img_face.ai_to_pix() if register: reg_img = image.Image('logo.jpg') a = reg_img.draw_image(self.img_face, (lcd.width()//2-68, lcd.height()//2-20)) a = reg_img.draw_string(30, lcd.height()//2-48, "Registring face", color=(0,255,0), scale=2, mono_space=False) a = lcd.display(reg_img) del(reg_img) time.sleep(2) a = self.img_face.pix_to_ai() # calculate face feature vector fmap = kpu.forward(self.fe_task, self.img_face) #print(fmap[:]) vector = list(map(lambda x:x/256, fmap[:])) self.feature = kpu.face_encode(vector) for id in self.db.keys(): entry = _unhexlify(self.db[id]['vector']) score = kpu.face_compare(entry, self.feature) if score > self.max_score: self.max_score = score name = self.db[id]['name'] = id if not self.max_score > self.threshold: name = 'Unknown' a=img.draw_rectangle(self.roi, color = (0x1c, 0xa2, 0xff), thickness=2) a=img.draw_string(self.roi[0], self.roi[1]-14, ("%s %%: %.2f" % (name, self.max_score)), color=(255,255,255), scale=1.5, mono_space=False) a = lcd.display(img) del(img) def is_ID(self, id, threshold): self.compute_features() self.threshold = threshold if == id and self.max_score >= self.threshold: return True else: return False def get_recognition_results(self, threshold): self.compute_features() self.threshold = threshold if self.max_score >= self.threshold: return else: return -1 def get_recognition_property(self, id, threshold, argu): self.compute_features() self.threshold = threshold if == id and self.max_score >= self.threshold: x_center = self.roi[0] + int(self.roi[2]/2) y_center = self.roi[1] + int(self.roi[3]/2) area = self.roi[2] * self.roi[3] if argu == 1: return x_center elif argu == 2: return y_center elif argu == 3: return area else: return -1 def register_face(self, id, name): self.compute_features(register = True) self.db = _write_db(self.db, id, name, self.feature) print(self.db) #clear_db() #print(_read_db()) #ID = 0 #face_detection = FaceDetection() #face_landmarks = LandmarksDetection(face_detection) #face_recognition = FaceRecognition(face_landmarks) #write_db(1, 'Dmitry', 'dfffd') #write_db(2, 'Daniel', 'd12ffd') #write_db(1, 'Kingsley', 'd12f213123fd') #print(read_db()) #while True: #print(face_detection.get_detection_status(40)) #print(face_detection.get_detection_property(40, 1)) #print(face_landmarks.get_object_property(40, 0, 0)) #print(face_recognition.is_ID(0, 80)) #print(face_recognition.get_recognition_results(80)) #print(face_recognition.get_recognition_property(0, 80, 1)) #if not DigitalIn_button(17): # face_recognition.register_face(ID, str(ID)) # ID += 1 # time.sleep(0.2)