- 90 minutes
- Laptop
- Internet Connection
- Intel Edison
- Grove Indoor Environment Kit for Intel® Edison
- Grove - LCD RGB Backlight
- Grove – Button
- Grove - Touch Sensor
- Grove - Buzzer
- Grove - Rotary Angle Sensor(P)
- Grove - Light Sensor
- Grove - Temperature Sensor
- Grove - LCD RGB Backlight
Author: Sarah Knepper [email protected] Copyright (c) 2014 Intel Corporation.
root@edison:~# vi button.py
import time
import pyupm_grove as grove
# Create the button object using GPIO pin 2
button = grove.GroveButton(2)
# Read the input and print, waiting one second between readings
while 1:
print button.name(), ' value is ', button.value()
# Delete the button object
del button
root@edison:~# python button.py
Author: Sarah Knepper [email protected] Copyright (c) 2014 Intel Corporation.
root@edison:~# vi touch.py
import time
import pyupm_grove as grove
# Create the button object using GPIO pin 3
touch = grove.GroveButton(3)
# Read the input and print, waiting one second between readings
while 1:
print touch.name(), ' value is ', touch.value()
# Delete the touch object
del touch
root@edison:~# python touch.py
Author: Sarah Knepper [email protected] Copyright (c) 2015 Intel Corporation.
root@edison:~# vi buzzer.py
import time
import pyupm_buzzer as upmBuzzer
# Create the buzzer object using GPIO pin 4
buzzer = upmBuzzer.Buzzer(4)
chords = [upmBuzzer.DO, upmBuzzer.RE, upmBuzzer.MI, upmBuzzer.FA,
upmBuzzer.SOL, upmBuzzer.LA, upmBuzzer.SI, upmBuzzer.DO,
# Print sensor name
print buzzer.name()
# Play sound (DO, RE, MI, etc.), pausing for 0.1 seconds between notes
for chord_ind in range (0,7):
# play each note for one second
print buzzer.playSound(chords[chord_ind], 1000000)
print "exiting application"
# Delete the buzzer object
del buzzer
root@edison:~# python buzzer.py
Author: Mihai Tudor Panu [email protected] Copyright (c) 2014 Intel Corporation.
root@edison:~# vi .py
from time import sleep
import pyupm_grove as grove
# New knob on AIO pin 0
knob = grove.GroveRotary(0)
# Loop indefinitely
while True:
# Read values
abs = knob.abs_value()
absdeg = knob.abs_deg()
absrad = knob.abs_rad()
rel = knob.rel_value()
reldeg = knob.rel_deg()
relrad = knob.rel_rad()
print "Abs values: %4d" % int(abs) , " raw %4d" % int(absdeg), "deg = %5.2f" % absrad , " rad ",
print "Rel values: %4d" % int(rel) , " raw %4d" % int(reldeg), "deg = %5.2f" % relrad , " rad"
# Sleep for 2.5 s
root@edison:~# python .py
Author: Sarah Knepper [email protected] Copyright (c) 2014 Intel Corporation.
root@edison:~# vi light.py
import time
import pyupm_grove as grove
# Create the light sensor object using AIO pin 1
light = grove.GroveLight(1)
# Read the input and print both the raw value and a rough lux value,
# waiting one second between readings
while 1:
print light.name() + " raw value is %d" % light.raw_value() + \
", which is roughly %d" % light.value() + " lux";
# Delete the light sensor object
del light
root@edison:~# python light.py
Author: Brendan Le Foll [email protected] Contributions: Sarah Knepper [email protected] Copyright (c) 2014 Intel Corporation.
root@edison:~# vi temperature.py
import time
import pyupm_grove as grove
# Create the temperature sensor object using AIO pin 2
temp = grove.GroveTemp(2)
print temp.name()
# Read the temperature ten times, printing both the Celsius and
# equivalent Fahrenheit temperature, waiting one second between readings
for i in range(0, 10):
celsius = temp.value()
fahrenheit = celsius * 9.0/5.0 + 32.0;
print "%d degrees Celsius, or %d degrees Fahrenheit" \
% (celsius, fahrenheit)
# Delete the temperature sensor object
del temp
root@edison:~# python temperature.py
Author: Brendan Le Foll [email protected] Copyright (c) 2014 Intel Corporation.
root@edison:~# vi lcd.py
import pyupm_i2clcd as lcd
# Initialize Jhd1313m1 at 0x3E (LCD_ADDRESS) and 0x62 (RGB_ADDRESS)
myLcd = lcd.Jhd1313m1(0, 0x3E, 0x62)
# RGB Blue
#myLcd.setColor(53, 39, 249)
# RGB Red
myLcd.setColor(255, 0, 0)
while True:
myLcd.write('Hello World')
myLcd.write('Hello World')
root@edison:~# python lcd.py
Create an application using all components...