Breakdown • Commands • Installation
The index.js file is where everything is brought together. Inside of this file is where Alfred logs in, registers all the slash commands, and registers loads command logic. When Alfred detects a message, he processes it to check for the correct prefix (in this case a '.') and then tries to find the specified command in either the Discord servers folder (RTScommands for RTS Discord and PIGScommands for PIGS Discord) or the Bothcommands folder. If it finds the specified command it will run the function inside of that file.
There are 2 html files for Alfred. These are the voucher pictures for each company and I use them to render the image for each individual person. If you view the source for the html files you will see a lot of {{double curly brackets}}. This is where I insert the data specific to the member before processing the file and sending the result to Discord.
Each command has helpful descriptions of what they do and what arguments they take. The general format goes:
// Imports and constants = async (bot, args) => {
// command logic
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// returns a promise
resolve('This is what is sent');
// or
resolve(['send', 'multiple', 'things']);
// or
reject('This is an error');
}; = {
aliases: ['cmd_name', 'cmd_nme'], //.cmd_name, .cmd_nme
usage: '<required> [optional arg]',
description: 'A helpful description',
permission: [
], // who can use it
slash: true, // if command is slash
args: [], // arguments as described in usage (view other commands for examples, this is in discords slash command format with an added parse function)
hidden: false, // if response should be hidden
slow: false, // if command takes a while to respond
The Holy Spirit of this whole project. This allows us to easily keep track of everyone while also keeping commands quick.
The database has 6 tables. managers, members, payout, pigs, rts, and applicants.
The manager table keeps a list of every manager and how many vouchers they have collected for each company.
This table has 6 columns. discord_id, rts_cashout, total_money, rts_cashout_worth, pigs_cashout, and pigs_cashout_worth
The members table keeps track of every member in the company, both fired and hired.
This table has 9 columns. in_game_id, discord_id, in_game_name, company, deadline, fire_reason, last_turnin, num and warnings
The payout table keeps track of every payout made by a manager.
This table has 7 columns. manager_id, player_id, current_company, vouchers_turned_in, time, payed_money, primary
The pigs table keeps track of member stats for the pigs company.
This table has 3 columns. in_game_id, pigs_total_vouchers, and pigs_total_money
The rts table keeps track of member stats for the rts company.
This table has 3 columns. in_game_id, rts_total_vouchers, and rts_total_money
To clone and run this bot, you'll need Git and Node.js (which comes with npm) installed on your computer. From your command line:
# Clone this repository
$ git clone
# Install dependencies
$ npm install
Inside the repository create a file called botconfig.json
. Obviously I can't show you exactly what my botconfig looks like but this is the bare essentials.
"YesResponses": [
"Most likely",
"There is a small chance",
"Yes- definitely",
"You may rely on it",
"It is decidedly so.",
"Signs point to yes.",
"Without a doubt.",
"As I see it yes.",
"Outlook good.",
"Well yes. You didn't know that? 😂",
"Of course."
"NoResponses": [
"Never ever ever",
"Very doubtful",
"Don't count on it.",
"No. Nonononononono FUCK NO!",
"You wish.",
"Nah fam",
"My reply is no.",
"My sources say no."
"PIGSServer": "487285826544205845",
"RTSServer": "447157938390433792",
"PIGSSignMeUpIndex": 13,
"RTSSignMeUpIndex": 14,
"ApplicationInGameIDIndex": 5,
"ApplicationStartingRow": 2,
"ApplicationWhyIndex": 16,
"ApplicationAnythingIndex": 18,
"ApplicationRefferalCode": 19,
"ApplicationRefferalStatus": 20,
"ApplicationRefferalStatusColumn": "U",
"ApplicationRefferalCodeColumn": "T",
"ApplicationPlayTimeIndex": 10,
"ApplicationDiscordIndex": 3,
"ApplicationInGameNameIndex": 4,
"PIGSManagementCatagoryID": "487289620804141088",
"RTSManagementCatagoryID": "454231796905803776",
"GaboID": "330000865215643658",
"RockID": "404650985529540618",
"ActiveServers": [
"url": "",
"name": "OS"
"url": "",
"name": "2"
"url": "",
"name": "3"
"url": "",
"name": "4"
"url": "",
"name": "5"
"url": "",
"name": "6"
"url": "",
"name": "7"
"url": "",
"name": "8"
"url": "",
"name": "9"
"url": "",
"name": "A"
"PIGSRoles": {
"GuestRole": "526487757695090691",
"InactiveRole": "576784981024571412",
"UnavailableRole": "573159277817233418",
"EdgyRole": "498885132468486175",
"BotRole": "487289216968032256"
"RTSRoles": {
"GuestRole": "483292098976546819",
"InactiveRole": "583745333591277590",
"UnavailableRole": "576787272142422021",
"BotRole": "455014608810541068",
"FiveMRole": "475029760930611200"
"PIGSLogs": "569674770816172043",
"RTSLogs": "569683812028645386",
{ "id": "447494569173712898", "server": "rts" },
{ "id": "447493627791409173", "server": "rts" },
{ "id": "487286138529120256", "server": "pigs" },
{ "id": "530765121522499584", "server": "pigs" }
{ "id": "453982220907184128", "server": "rts" },
{ "id": "529643022866972684", "server": "rts" },
{ "id": "487288337065836558", "server": "pigs" },
{ "id": "529644127734988821", "server": "pigs" }
{ "id": "526203890639699968", "server": "rts" },
{ "id": "483297370482933760", "server": "rts" },
{ "id": "526160668882239508", "server": "pigs" },
{ "id": "562991083882151937", "server": "pigs" }
{ "id": "483292098976546819", "server": "rts" },
{ "id": "526487757695090691", "server": "pigs" }
"ApplicationRange": "A2:U500",
"RTSWelcome": "447500215357014026",
"PIGSWelcome": "487285826544205849",
"PIGSOneWordStory": "576434701124894735",
"prefix": {
"PIGS": ".",
"RTS": "."
"RTSCEOSpamChannel": "536639000463540256",
"RTSPublicBotCommandsChannel": "483312512217907220",
"RTSBotCommandsChannel": "472054525172383744",
"RTSBennysChannel": "472410321475338246",
"PIGSBotCommandsChannel": "488149666249048064",
"PIGSVoucherChannel": "487621053494067200",
"RTSVoucherChannel": "588099364497653780",
"RTSManagers": [
"PIGSManagers": [
"GlitchDetectorID": "71676578244857856"
That's the project.