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Build & Installation

Pavel edited this page Feb 17, 2022 · 5 revisions

You can get precompiled versions from

  1. App release on GitHub.
  2. Docker compose file. You can also want compile .NET core source code for different platforms.

Docker installation

  1. Install Docker for Linux. It will pull .NET Core from the image.
  2. Pull latest pre-compiled version
    • Create directory where you want hold docker-compose.yml file and locate to it
    • Download latest docker-compose file: curl > docker-compose.yml
    • Run pulling from docker hub: docker-compose pull
    • Make sure you have own settings.json file in /opt/leviathan/settings.json
    • Run containers from docker-compose: docker-compose up -d

Linux installation from sources

  1. Clone git repository to needed directory: git clone
  2. Go to source files folder: cd LeviathanBot
  3. Create settings file from default cp settings.def.json settings.json and edit it to your needs
  4. Build from source code: dotnet publish -c Release -o ./output
  5. Move your settings.json file from source code directory to output folder mv settings.json ./output/settings.json
  6. Locate to output folder and run dotnet Leviathan.Runner.dll. Please aware, this running method may not work correctly, it is better to create linux services working with dotnet utility

Windows installation using precompiled executables

  1. Find latest app release and download with unpacking to folder
  2. Locate folder where bot is and create settings file from default copy settings.def.json settings.json and edit it to your needs
  3. Run Leviathan.Runner.exe. Please aware, this running method may not work correctly, it is better to create windows services or using docker installation with Docker Desktop