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jExam Updates

A simple javascript tool that sends a tweet when new exam results are available on the TU Dresden jExam tool

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


To install the tool on your machine, you'll need:

  • NodeJS and Yarn

  • A cronjob to trigger it (no automated monitoring on purpose)

  • or Docker to use the included dockerfile which already includes Node, Yarn and a cronjob

Okay, you got these? Great, let's continue!


Without docker

  1. Pull the application and switch to the correct branch (mostly develop, or master if you want to deploy)
  2. Get all dependencies by using yarn
  3. Copy the config.example.json file and enter your twitter app credentials.
  4. Run yarn start to trigger the script. (Better set up a cronjob that does it every x minutes)

With docker

  1. Create a config.json (copy the config.example.json first and add your twitter app credentials).
  2. Build an image from the Dockerfile and start a container based on it


Deployment works similar to installation. Just go for master instead of develop.

Possible errors and there solutions

None known by now

Built With

  • NodeJS and Yarn - Backend javascript and dependency management
  • Twit - Great (promise-based) Twitter API


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, take a look in our repository.


Contributions are welcome at any time! Just make sure that you follow the JS Standard Style and common good practices (like DRY) when contributing. If you see parts of the code that don't follow those rules, you are free to submit a PR to fix that!


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


See LICENSE file