MATLAB script for adding tidal turbines to MIKE by DHI models.
This script takes a CSV file of turbine locations and adds them to a MIKE model. It can cope with large numbers of turbines (tested with 1000), and thus can save a lot of clicking.
The supplementary script Prep_CSV_File.m can take just X and Y coordinates and a MIKE .mesh file and produce the input file required for the main script.
Testing has been done with MIKE 2012. Later versions may work - at least until there are substantial changes to the turbine functionality - but no promises. If you use it with a later version, please let me know what happens! (EDIT Jan 2019: Script has been reported to work in MIKE 2017.)
If you use it in a project that leads to a report or publication I would appreciate credit and, if appropriate, a citation for the following paper for which it was developed:
Waldman S, Baston S, Nemalidinne R, Chatzirodou A, Venugopal V, Side J, “Implementation of tidal turbines in MIKE 3 and Delft3D models of Pentland Firth & Orkney Waters” (2017) Ocean & Coastal Management.
Improvements to this script are welcome. The latest version may be found at
-Simon Waldman.
Address for correspondance or queries: [email protected]