MathGames API for Javascript
The Math Games APi is also available from CDN.
Please import via the CDN theas the npm package is not maintained not up-to-date.
npm install mathgames-js
Methods | Parameters | Returns | Description |
getInstance | { api_key: <string>, wrapper: <DOMElement>, debug: <boolean> } |
A new instance of the MathGames API | The wrapper is a DOMElement which wraps the game canvas and is used to add api interface elements over the canvas. |
Methods | Parameters | Returns | Description |
selectSkill | { pool_key: <string>} |
- | Display the select skill dialog to the user. Requires a pool_key (generally 'COMPLETE'). |
startSession | - | - | Starts the session. StartSession should only be called after the SKILL_SELECTED event. |
getQuestion | see question options | QuestionObject see notes below | Returns a new question. |
answerQuestion | index: number | - | The index parameter is the index of the question choice that was answered |
showProgress | - | - | Display the progress dialog |
showAvailableStandards | - | - | Display the progress dialog |
endSession | - | - | Ends the session. |
Event | Returns | Description |
SKILL_SELECTED | - | The user has selected a skill, startSession can be called |
SESSION_READY | - | Session is ready. getQuestion can be called. |
SKILL_CHANGED | - | The user has selected a different skill. This event will fire only if selectSkill is called during an active session. |
PROGRESS_CLOSED | - | The user has closed the progress dialog |
AVAILABLE_STANDARDS_CLOSED | - | The user has closed the available standards dialog |
AVERAGE_TIME_CHANGE | avgTime: number | The average time has changed |
The getQuestion method accepts an object defining options to be used when rendering the question images.
The colors options acccept rgba colors in the form [red, blue, green, alpha]
colors: {
question: [12, 33, 169, 1], //blue
choices: [
[169, 12, 12, 1], //red
[11, 21, 161, 1], //blue
[23, 172, 63, 1], //green
[216, 144, 0, 1] //orange
The question object has the image data needed to display the question using the following structure:
display: "...",
choices: [
The display image is for the the display of the question and the choices image array are used for choice display. When the user selects a choice in game and the answerQuestion method is called, the index should match the index of the image in the choices array.
An example of how to use this image data can be found in the example integration:
- 'Play' button on menu that brings up api grade_selection screen
- 'Skills' button on menu that brings up the api showAvailableStandards screen
- A nicely designed question interface - it should match the aesthetics of your game and match the requirements described here:
- StartSession -> GetQuestion -> AnswerQuestion flow implemented. 4a. User should be able to change skills mid-game via the selectSkill call
- Pause button within game while answering questions if applicable
- Please zip up the graphical assets with your game so that we can make promotional material for it.