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emqttd ChangeLog

0.10.0-alpha (2015-08-10)

New Plugin Architecture

Web Dashboard

MySQL Authentication and ACL Plugin

Session Statistics

Session Improve

0.9.3-alpha (2015-07-25)

Wiki: Bridge

Improve: emqttd_protocol.hrl to define 'QOS_I'

Improve: emqttd_pubsub to add subscribe/2 API

Improve: ./bin/emqttd_ctl to support new bridges command

Bugfix: issue #206 - Cannot bridge two nodes

0.9.2-alpha (2015-07-18)

Improve: issue #196 - Add New Hook 'client.subscribe.after'

0.9.1-alpha (2015-07-10)

Bugfix: issue #189 - MQTT over WebSocket(SSL) cannot work?

Bugfix: issue #193 - 'client.ack' hook should be renamed to 'message.acked', and called by emqttd_broker:foreach_hooks

0.9.0-alpha (2015-07-09)

Session, Queue, Inflight Window, Hooks, Global MessageId and More Protocol Compliant Now!

Feature: Session/Queue/Inflight Window Design (#145).

Feature: Support to resume a persistent session on other clustered node.

Feature: Support alarm management.

Feature: emqttd_guid to generate global unique message id.

Feature: Hooks for message pub/ack.

Feature: Protocol compliant - message ordering, timeout and retry.

Improve: Every client will start_link a session process, whether or not the client is persistent.

Improve: etc/emqttd.config to support more session, queue configuration.

Improve: issue #179 - Max offline message queue {max_queue, 100} meaning.

Improve: issue #180 - Should change project structure for other projects maybe depend on 'emqttd'. Merge emqtt, emqttd apps.

Improve: issue #185 - PacketId and MessageId: the broker should generate global unique message id.

Improve: issue #187 - etc/emqttd.config to support https listener

Improve: issue #186 - emqttd_cm to store client details

Improve: issue #174 - add 'from' field to mqtt_message record.

Improve: issue #170 - $SYS Topics should support alarms.

Improve: issue #169 - Add More Hooks

Improve: issue #167 - Inflight window to assure message ordering.

Improve: issue #166 - Message delivery timeout and retry.

Improve: issue #143 - Qos1, Qos2 PubSub message timeout.

Improve: issue #122 - Labeling message with unique id. emqttd_guid module to generate global unique msgid.

Improve: emqttd_bridge to support pending message queue, and fix the wrong Qos design.

Improve: mqtt_message record to add 'msgid', 'from' and 'sys' fields.

Change: Add emqttd_mqueue, emqttd_guid, emqttd_alarm modules.

Bugfix: issue #184 - emqttd_stats:setstats is not right.

Bugfix: Closed issues #181, #119.

Tests: fix the parser, acl test cases.

0.8.6-beta (2015-06-17)

Bugfix: issue #175 - publish Will message when websocket is closed without 'DISCONNECT' packet

0.8.5-beta (2015-06-10)

Bugfix: issue #53 - client will receive duplicate messages when overlapping subscription

0.8.4-beta (2015-06-08)

Bugfix: issue #165 - duplicated message when publish 'retained' message to persistent client

0.8.3-beta (2015-06-05)

Bugfix: issue #158 - should queue:in new message after old one dropped

Bugfix: issue #155 - emqtt_parser.erl: parse_topics/3 should reverse topics

Bugfix: issue #149 - Forget to merge plugins/emqttd_auth_mysql from 'dev' branch to 'master' in 0.8.x release

0.8.2-alpha (2015-06-01)

Bugfix: issue #147 - WebSocket client cannot subscribe queue '$Q/queue/${clientId}'

Bugfix: issue #146 - emqttd_auth_ldap: fill(Username, UserDn) is not right

0.8.1-alpha (2015-05-28)

Client Presence Support and $SYS Topics Redesigned!

Bugfix: issue #138 - when client disconnected normally, broker will not publish disconnected $SYS message

Bugfix: fix websocket url in emqttd/priv/www/websocket.html

Improve: etc/emqttd.config to allow websocket connections from any hosts

Improve: rel/reltool.config to exclude unnecessary apps.

0.8.0-alpha (2015-05-25)

Hooks, Modules and Plugins to extend the broker Now!

Plugin: emqttd_auth_mysql - MySQL authentication plugin (issues #116, #120)

Plugin: emqttd_auth_ldap - LDAP authentication plugin

Feature: emqttd_broker to support Hooks API

Feature: issue #111 - Support 'Forced Subscriptions' by emqttd_mod_autosub module

Feature: issue #126 - Support 'Rewrite rules' by emqttd_mod_rewrite module

Improve: Support hooks, modules to extend the broker

Improve: issue #76 - dialyzer check

Improve: 'Get Started', 'User Guide', 'Developer Guide' Wiki

Improve: emqtt_topic to add join/1, feed_var/3, is_queue/1

Improve: emqttd_pooler to execute common tasks

Improve: add emqttd_sm_sup module, and use 'hash' gproc_pool to manage sessions

Tests: add more test cases for 'emqttd' app

0.7.1-alpha (2015-05-04)

Add doc/design/* and merge doc/* to github Wiki

Bugfix: issue #121 - emqttd cluster issuse

Bugfix: issue #123 - emqttd:unload_all_plugins/0 cannot unload any plugin

Bugfix: fix errors found by dialyzer

0.7.0-alpha (2015-05-02)

MQTT over WebSocket(SSL) Now!

Plugin Achitecture based on OTP application

Trace MQTT Packets or Messages to log files

Feature: issue #40, #115 - WebSocket/SSL Support

Feature: issue #49, #105 - Plugin Architecture Support

Feature: issue #93 - Trace API Design

Improve: issue #109 - emqttd_broker should add subscribe, notify API

Improve: update to add 'Goals', 'Contributors' chapters

Change: rename etc/app.config to etc/emqttd.config

Change: etc/emqttd.config changed

Bugfix: critical issue #54 - error when resume session!

Bugfix: issue #118 - error report when UNSUBSCRIBE with no topics

Bugfix: issue #117 - sys_interval = 0 config cannot work

Bugfix: issue #112 - Makefile to support build plugins

Bugfix: issue #96 - "make clean" cannot work

0.6.2-alpha (2015-04-24)

Bugfix: critical issue #54, #104, #106 - error when resume session

Improve: add emqttd_cm_sup module, and use 'hash' gproc_pool to register/unregister client ids

Improve: kick old client out when session is duplicated.

Improve: move mnesia dir config from etc/app.config to etc/vm.args

0.6.1-alpha (2015-04-20)

Integrate with gproc library to support pool

Feature: issues#91 - should use worker_pool to handle some async work?

Feature: issues#95 - Topic filters in ACL rule should support 'eq' tag

Improve: issues#84 - emqttd_pubsub is redesigned again to protect mnesia transaction

Improve: issues#74 - ACL Support and update ACL Design Wiki

0.6.0-alpha (2015-04-17)

ACL Support Now: ACL-Design Wiki

Authentication with username, clientid Now: Authentication Wiki

Seperate common MQTT library to 'emqtt' application

Redesign message pubsub, route and retain modules

Redesign mnesia database cluster

Feature: issues#47 - authentication, authorization support

Feature: issues#92 - merge emqttd_acl and emqttd_auth to emqttd_access_control

Feature: emqttd_acl_mod, emqttd_auth_mod behaviour to extend ACL, authentication

Feature: issues#85 - lager:info to log subscribe, unsubscribe actions

Feature: issues#77 - authentication with clientid, ipaddress

Improve: issues#90 - fix lager_file_backend log format, and rotate 10 log files

Improve: issues#88 - use '-mneisa_create', '-mnesia_replicate' attributes to init mneisa

Improve: issues#87 - record mqtt_user and mqtt_client is duplicated

Improve: issues#81 - redesign nodes cluster to support disc_copies mnesia tables

Improve: issues#80 - redesign emqttd_cm to handle more concurrent connections

Improve: issues#70 - how to handle connection flood? Now could support 2K+ CONNECT/sec

Change: redesign mnesia tables: message, topic, subscriber, trie, trie_node

Bugfix: issues#83 - emqttd_broker stats cannot work

Bugfix: issues#75 - careless about function name when emqttd_pubsub handle getstats message

0.5.5-beta (2015-04-09)

Bugfix: issue #75 - careless about function name when emqttd_pubsub handle getstats message.

Bugfix: issue #79 - cannot find topic_subscriber table after cluster with other nodes.

0.5.4-alpha (2015-03-22)

Benchmark this release on a ubuntu/14.04 server with 8 cores, 32G memory from

200K Connections,
30K Messages/Sec,
20Mbps In/Out Traffic,
200K Topics,
200K Subscribers,

Consumed 7G memory, 40% CPU/core

Benchmark code:

Change: rewrite emqttd_pubsub to handle more concurrent subscribe requests.

Change: ./bin/emqttd_ctl add 'stats', 'metrics' commands.

Bugfix: issue #71, #72

0.5.3-alpha (2015-03-19)

Bugfix: issues#72 - emqttd_cm, emqtt_sm ets:match_delete/2 with wrong pattern

0.5.2-alpha (2015-03-18)

Change: upgrade esockd to 2.1.0-alpha, do not tune socket buffer for mqtt connection.

v0.5.1-alpha (2015-03-13)

Change: upgrade esockd to v1.2.0-beta, rename 'acceptor_pool' to 'acceptors'

v0.5.0-alpha (2015-03-12)

RENAME 'emqtt' to 'emqttd'!

Support Broker Bridge Now!

Change: rename project from 'emqtt' to 'emqttd'

Change: lager:debug to dump RECV/SENT packets

Feature: emqttd_bridg, emqttd_bridge_sup to support broker bridge

Feature: emqtt_event to publish client connected/disconnected message to $SYS topics

Feature: ./bin/emqttd_ctl add more commands: listeners, broker, bridges, start_bridge, stop_bridge...

Feature: issue#57 - support to configure max packet size

Feature: issue#68 - if sys_interval = 0, emqttd_broker will not publish messages to $SYS/brokers/#

Bugfix: issue#67 - subscribe '#' to receive all messages

Bugfix: issue#64 - emqtt_app start/2: should wait_for_databases

Test: emqttd_topic_tests add more '_match_test'

v0.4.0-alpha (2015-03-10)

Support $SYS Topics of Broker Now!

Feature: emqtt_broker to publish version, uptime, datetime to $SYS/brokers/# topics

Feature: emqtt_broker to publish count of clients, sessions, suscribers to $SYS/brokers/# topics

Feature: emqtt_metrics to publish bytes, packets, messages metrics to $SYS/brokers/# topics

Feature: add include/emqtt_systop.hrl

Change: emqtt_cm to count current clients

Change: emqtt_sm to count current sessions

Change: emqtt_pubsub to count current topics and suscribers

Change: emqtt_pubsub to add create/1 API

Change: emqtt_pubsub dispatch/2 to return number of subscribers

Change: emqtt_pubsub to count 'dropped' messages

Change: emqtt_opts to add merge/2 function

Test: add emqtt_serialiser_tests.erl

v0.3.4-beta (2015-03-08)

Bugfix: emqtt_serialiser.erl cannot serialise UNSUBACK packets

v0.3.3-beta (2015-03-07)

Bugfix: emqtt_serialiser.erl cannot serialise PINGRESP issue#60

v0.3.2-beta (2015-03-05)

Improve: merge emqttc serialiser, parser, packet

Add: emqtt_opts to merge socket options

v0.3.1-beta (2015-03-02)

Feature: SSL Socket Support

Feature: issue#44 HTTP API should add Qos parameter

Bugfix: issue#52 emqtt_session crash

Bugfix: issue#53 sslsocket keepalive error

Upgrade: esockd to v0.2.0

Upgrade: mochiweb to v3.0.0

v0.3.0-beta (2015-01-19)

Feature: HTTP POST API to support 'qos', 'retain' parameters

Feature: $SYS system topics support

Change: Rewrite emqtt_topic.erl, use '', '#', '+' to replace <<"">>, <<"#">>, <<"+">>

Change: fix emqtt_pubsub.erl to match '#', '+'

Tests: emqtt_topic_tests.erl add more test cases

v0.3.0-alpha (2015-01-18)

NOTICE: Full MQTT 3.1.1 support now!

Feature: Passed org.eclipse.paho.mqtt.testing/interoperability tests

Feature: Qos0, Qos1 and Qos2 publish and suscribe

Feature: session(clean_sess=false) management and offline messages

Feature: redeliver awaiting puback/pubrec messages(doc: Chapter 4.4)

Feature: retain messages, add emqtt_server module

Feature: MQTT 3.1.1 null client_id support

Bugfix: keepalive timeout to send will message

Improve: overlapping subscription support

Improve: add emqtt_packet:dump to dump packets

Test: passed org.eclipse.paho.mqtt.testing/interoperability

Test: simple cluster test

Closed Issues: #22, #24, #27, #28, #29, #30, #31, #32, #33, #34, #36, #37, #38, #39, #41, #42, #43

v0.2.1-beta (2015-01-08)

pull request 26: Use binaries for topic paths and fix wildcard topics

emqtt_pubsub.erl: fix wildcard topic match bug caused by binary topic in 0.2.0

Makefile: deps -> get-deps

rebar.config: fix mochiweb git url

tag emqtt release accoding to Semantic Versioning

max clientId length is 1024 now.

0.2.0 (2014-12-07)

rewrite the project, integrate with esockd, mochiweb

support MQTT 3.1.1

support HTTP to publish message

0.1.5 (2013-01-05)

Bugfix: remove QOS_1 match when handle PUBREL request

Bugfix: reverse word in emqtt_topic:words/1 function

0.1.4 (2013-01-04)

Bugfix: fix "mosquitto_sub -q 2 ......" bug

Bugfix: fix keep alive bug

0.1.3 (2012-01-04)

Feature: support QOS2 PUBREC, PUBREL,PUBCOMP messages

Bugfix: fix emqtt_frame to encode/decoe PUBREC/PUBREL messages

0.1.2 (2012-12-27)

Feature: release support like riak

Bugfix: use ?INFO/?ERROR to print log in tcp_listener.erl

0.1.1 (2012-09-24)

Feature: use rebar to generate release

Feature: support retained messages

Bugfix: send will msg when network error

0.1.0 (2012-09-21)

The first public release.