New Plugin Architecture
Web Dashboard
MySQL Authentication and ACL Plugin
Session Statistics
Session Improve
Wiki: Bridge
Improve: emqttd_protocol.hrl to define 'QOS_I'
Improve: emqttd_pubsub to add subscribe/2 API
Improve: ./bin/emqttd_ctl to support new bridges command
Bugfix: issue #206 - Cannot bridge two nodes
Improve: issue #196 - Add New Hook 'client.subscribe.after'
Bugfix: issue #189 - MQTT over WebSocket(SSL) cannot work?
Bugfix: issue #193 - 'client.ack' hook should be renamed to 'message.acked', and called by emqttd_broker:foreach_hooks
Session, Queue, Inflight Window, Hooks, Global MessageId and More Protocol Compliant Now!
Feature: Session/Queue/Inflight Window Design (#145).
Feature: Support to resume a persistent session on other clustered node.
Feature: Support alarm management.
Feature: emqttd_guid to generate global unique message id.
Feature: Hooks for message pub/ack.
Feature: Protocol compliant - message ordering, timeout and retry.
Improve: Every client will start_link a session process, whether or not the client is persistent.
Improve: etc/emqttd.config to support more session, queue configuration.
Improve: issue #179 - Max offline message queue {max_queue, 100} meaning.
Improve: issue #180 - Should change project structure for other projects maybe depend on 'emqttd'. Merge emqtt, emqttd apps.
Improve: issue #185 - PacketId and MessageId: the broker should generate global unique message id.
Improve: issue #187 - etc/emqttd.config to support https listener
Improve: issue #186 - emqttd_cm to store client details
Improve: issue #174 - add 'from' field to mqtt_message record.
Improve: issue #170 - $SYS Topics should support alarms.
Improve: issue #169 - Add More Hooks
Improve: issue #167 - Inflight window to assure message ordering.
Improve: issue #166 - Message delivery timeout and retry.
Improve: issue #143 - Qos1, Qos2 PubSub message timeout.
Improve: issue #122 - Labeling message with unique id. emqttd_guid module to generate global unique msgid.
Improve: emqttd_bridge to support pending message queue, and fix the wrong Qos design.
Improve: mqtt_message record to add 'msgid', 'from' and 'sys' fields.
Change: Add emqttd_mqueue, emqttd_guid, emqttd_alarm modules.
Bugfix: issue #184 - emqttd_stats:setstats is not right.
Bugfix: Closed issues #181, #119.
Tests: fix the parser, acl test cases.
Bugfix: issue #175 - publish Will message when websocket is closed without 'DISCONNECT' packet
Bugfix: issue #53 - client will receive duplicate messages when overlapping subscription
Bugfix: issue #165 - duplicated message when publish 'retained' message to persistent client
Bugfix: issue #158 - should queue:in new message after old one dropped
Bugfix: issue #155 - emqtt_parser.erl: parse_topics/3 should reverse topics
Bugfix: issue #149 - Forget to merge plugins/emqttd_auth_mysql from 'dev' branch to 'master' in 0.8.x release
Bugfix: issue #147 - WebSocket client cannot subscribe queue '$Q/queue/${clientId}'
Bugfix: issue #146 - emqttd_auth_ldap: fill(Username, UserDn) is not right
Client Presence Support and $SYS Topics Redesigned!
Bugfix: issue #138 - when client disconnected normally, broker will not publish disconnected $SYS message
Bugfix: fix websocket url in emqttd/priv/www/websocket.html
Improve: etc/emqttd.config to allow websocket connections from any hosts
Improve: rel/reltool.config to exclude unnecessary apps.
Hooks, Modules and Plugins to extend the broker Now!
Plugin: emqttd_auth_mysql - MySQL authentication plugin (issues #116, #120)
Plugin: emqttd_auth_ldap - LDAP authentication plugin
Feature: emqttd_broker to support Hooks API
Feature: issue #111 - Support 'Forced Subscriptions' by emqttd_mod_autosub module
Feature: issue #126 - Support 'Rewrite rules' by emqttd_mod_rewrite module
Improve: Support hooks, modules to extend the broker
Improve: issue #76 - dialyzer check
Improve: 'Get Started', 'User Guide', 'Developer Guide' Wiki
Improve: emqtt_topic to add join/1, feed_var/3, is_queue/1
Improve: emqttd_pooler to execute common tasks
Improve: add emqttd_sm_sup module, and use 'hash' gproc_pool to manage sessions
Tests: add more test cases for 'emqttd' app
Add doc/design/* and merge doc/* to github Wiki
Bugfix: issue #121 - emqttd cluster issuse
Bugfix: issue #123 - emqttd:unload_all_plugins/0 cannot unload any plugin
Bugfix: fix errors found by dialyzer
Plugin Achitecture based on OTP application
Trace MQTT Packets or Messages to log files
Feature: issue #40, #115 - WebSocket/SSL Support
Feature: issue #49, #105 - Plugin Architecture Support
Feature: issue #93 - Trace API Design
Improve: issue #109 - emqttd_broker should add subscribe, notify API
Improve: update to add 'Goals', 'Contributors' chapters
Change: rename etc/app.config to etc/emqttd.config
Change: etc/emqttd.config changed
Bugfix: critical issue #54 - error when resume session!
Bugfix: issue #118 - error report when UNSUBSCRIBE with no topics
Bugfix: issue #117 - sys_interval = 0 config cannot work
Bugfix: issue #112 - Makefile to support build plugins
Bugfix: issue #96 - "make clean" cannot work
Bugfix: critical issue #54, #104, #106 - error when resume session
Improve: add emqttd_cm_sup module, and use 'hash' gproc_pool to register/unregister client ids
Improve: kick old client out when session is duplicated.
Improve: move mnesia dir config from etc/app.config to etc/vm.args
Integrate with gproc library to support pool
Feature: issues#91 - should use worker_pool to handle some async work?
Feature: issues#95 - Topic filters in ACL rule should support 'eq' tag
Improve: issues#84 - emqttd_pubsub is redesigned again to protect mnesia transaction
Improve: issues#74 - ACL Support and update ACL Design Wiki
ACL Support Now: ACL-Design Wiki
Authentication with username, clientid Now: Authentication Wiki
Seperate common MQTT library to 'emqtt' application
Redesign message pubsub, route and retain modules
Redesign mnesia database cluster
Feature: issues#47 - authentication, authorization support
Feature: issues#92 - merge emqttd_acl and emqttd_auth to emqttd_access_control
Feature: emqttd_acl_mod, emqttd_auth_mod behaviour to extend ACL, authentication
Feature: issues#85 - lager:info to log subscribe, unsubscribe actions
Feature: issues#77 - authentication with clientid, ipaddress
Improve: issues#90 - fix lager_file_backend log format, and rotate 10 log files
Improve: issues#88 - use '-mneisa_create', '-mnesia_replicate' attributes to init mneisa
Improve: issues#87 - record mqtt_user and mqtt_client is duplicated
Improve: issues#81 - redesign nodes cluster to support disc_copies mnesia tables
Improve: issues#80 - redesign emqttd_cm to handle more concurrent connections
Improve: issues#70 - how to handle connection flood? Now could support 2K+ CONNECT/sec
Change: redesign mnesia tables: message, topic, subscriber, trie, trie_node
Bugfix: issues#83 - emqttd_broker stats cannot work
Bugfix: issues#75 - careless about function name when emqttd_pubsub handle getstats message
Bugfix: issue #75 - careless about function name when emqttd_pubsub handle getstats message.
Bugfix: issue #79 - cannot find topic_subscriber table after cluster with other nodes.
Benchmark this release on a ubuntu/14.04 server with 8 cores, 32G memory from
200K Connections,
30K Messages/Sec,
20Mbps In/Out Traffic,
200K Topics,
200K Subscribers,
Consumed 7G memory, 40% CPU/core
Benchmark code:
Change: rewrite emqttd_pubsub to handle more concurrent subscribe requests.
Change: ./bin/emqttd_ctl add 'stats', 'metrics' commands.
Bugfix: issue #71, #72
Bugfix: issues#72 - emqttd_cm, emqtt_sm ets:match_delete/2 with wrong pattern
Change: upgrade esockd to 2.1.0-alpha, do not tune socket buffer for mqtt connection.
Change: upgrade esockd to v1.2.0-beta, rename 'acceptor_pool' to 'acceptors'
RENAME 'emqtt' to 'emqttd'!
Support Broker Bridge Now!
Change: rename project from 'emqtt' to 'emqttd'
Change: lager:debug to dump RECV/SENT packets
Feature: emqttd_bridg, emqttd_bridge_sup to support broker bridge
Feature: emqtt_event to publish client connected/disconnected message to $SYS topics
Feature: ./bin/emqttd_ctl add more commands: listeners, broker, bridges, start_bridge, stop_bridge...
Feature: issue#57 - support to configure max packet size
Feature: issue#68 - if sys_interval = 0, emqttd_broker will not publish messages to $SYS/brokers/#
Bugfix: issue#67 - subscribe '#' to receive all messages
Bugfix: issue#64 - emqtt_app start/2: should wait_for_databases
Test: emqttd_topic_tests add more '_match_test'
Support $SYS Topics of Broker Now!
Feature: emqtt_broker to publish version, uptime, datetime to $SYS/brokers/# topics
Feature: emqtt_broker to publish count of clients, sessions, suscribers to $SYS/brokers/# topics
Feature: emqtt_metrics to publish bytes, packets, messages metrics to $SYS/brokers/# topics
Feature: add include/emqtt_systop.hrl
Change: emqtt_cm to count current clients
Change: emqtt_sm to count current sessions
Change: emqtt_pubsub to count current topics and suscribers
Change: emqtt_pubsub to add create/1 API
Change: emqtt_pubsub dispatch/2 to return number of subscribers
Change: emqtt_pubsub to count 'dropped' messages
Change: emqtt_opts to add merge/2 function
Test: add emqtt_serialiser_tests.erl
Bugfix: emqtt_serialiser.erl cannot serialise UNSUBACK packets
Bugfix: emqtt_serialiser.erl cannot serialise PINGRESP issue#60
Improve: merge emqttc serialiser, parser, packet
Add: emqtt_opts to merge socket options
Feature: SSL Socket Support
Feature: issue#44 HTTP API should add Qos parameter
Bugfix: issue#52 emqtt_session crash
Bugfix: issue#53 sslsocket keepalive error
Upgrade: esockd to v0.2.0
Upgrade: mochiweb to v3.0.0
Feature: HTTP POST API to support 'qos', 'retain' parameters
Feature: $SYS system topics support
Change: Rewrite emqtt_topic.erl, use '', '#', '+' to replace <<"">>, <<"#">>, <<"+">>
Change: fix emqtt_pubsub.erl to match '#', '+'
Tests: emqtt_topic_tests.erl add more test cases
NOTICE: Full MQTT 3.1.1 support now!
Feature: Passed org.eclipse.paho.mqtt.testing/interoperability tests
Feature: Qos0, Qos1 and Qos2 publish and suscribe
Feature: session(clean_sess=false) management and offline messages
Feature: redeliver awaiting puback/pubrec messages(doc: Chapter 4.4)
Feature: retain messages, add emqtt_server module
Feature: MQTT 3.1.1 null client_id support
Bugfix: keepalive timeout to send will message
Improve: overlapping subscription support
Improve: add emqtt_packet:dump to dump packets
Test: passed org.eclipse.paho.mqtt.testing/interoperability
Test: simple cluster test
Closed Issues: #22, #24, #27, #28, #29, #30, #31, #32, #33, #34, #36, #37, #38, #39, #41, #42, #43
pull request 26: Use binaries for topic paths and fix wildcard topics
emqtt_pubsub.erl: fix wildcard topic match bug caused by binary topic in 0.2.0
Makefile: deps -> get-deps
rebar.config: fix mochiweb git url
tag emqtt release accoding to Semantic Versioning
max clientId length is 1024 now.
rewrite the project, integrate with esockd, mochiweb
support MQTT 3.1.1
support HTTP to publish message
Bugfix: remove QOS_1 match when handle PUBREL request
Bugfix: reverse word in emqtt_topic:words/1 function
Bugfix: fix "mosquitto_sub -q 2 ......" bug
Bugfix: fix keep alive bug
Feature: support QOS2 PUBREC, PUBREL,PUBCOMP messages
Bugfix: fix emqtt_frame to encode/decoe PUBREC/PUBREL messages
Feature: release support like riak
Bugfix: use ?INFO/?ERROR to print log in tcp_listener.erl
Feature: use rebar to generate release
Feature: support retained messages
Bugfix: send will msg when network error
The first public release.