Releases: TNG/ArchUnitNET
Filtering for LoadAssembliesRecursively
Added a filter parameter to LoadAssembliesRecursively, to be able to allow finegrained control which packages are loaded into ArchUnit.
new ResideInAssembly overload
ResideInAssembly now also supports the Assembly objects from the Domain namespace as input parameters
API-Cleanup and bugfixes
Note: in this release we bundled some breaking changes to fix some API inconsistencies. We assume that there are no huge changes to your test code to be made, but you might encounter some breaking tests.
Breaking changes
- Always match names exactly, and optionally offer Regex-based matching (#145)
- Clean up some deprecated properties to get rid of some confusion:
- Clean up of the IsAssignableTo and ImplementsInterface APIs: #154
- Improved PlantUML-Diagram generation, the api for this feature is not expected to be stable now and might be extended soon
- Messages for failed test cases should be cleaner now
Fix handling for Types not existing in the architecture: #156
Fix handling for generic types: #154
Fix support of generic types for HaveReturnType()
Minor Bugfix for the support of generic types for HaveReturnType()
Create distinct types for structs and enums
This release fixes a conceptual issue described in #96. Since there are some breaking changes to the fluent syntax, we bump to 0.9.0.
Proper handling of async methods
This release fixes #138, where dependencies of async methods were not properly handled
Adding external assemblies recursively
This adds the possibility to include referenced assemblies recursively. Since this leads to much longer loading times, we might need to implement a caching solution in a next step.
Fix duplication in PUML rule messages
This release solves an issue with PUML rules having duplications in the result messages.
Filter out attributes for nullable types, added by the compiler
Added code to filter out attributes for nullable types added by the compiler
Fix an issue with nested types
This release makes unlimited nesting of types possible