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<a><img src="assets/img/nogood/stickers/NG_TABConf_FullColor_OffWhite.png"></a>

At TABConf, we bring together the best and brightest minds in the bitcoin world to share their insights, knowledge, and experience about the latest developments. From seasoned core devs to up-and-coming plebs.

Don't miss out on your chance to be a part of TABConf 2023. Join us in Atlanta, and we will make some magic happen! 🤘
Read about our [history](./history.md) at TABConf. 


# [TABConf 2023 Schedule](https://github.com/orgs/TABConf/projects/1)


# 4 Days of Building & Learning 🏗️

## Builder Days & Workshops 🔨  💻 - September 6th/7th
[Builder Days & Workshops](./builderdays.md)

## Villages & Main Stage 🏘️ - September 8th/9th

[Main Stage](https://github.com/orgs/TABConf/projects/1/views/6)

[Bitdevs Socratic Village](./villages/socratic.md)

[Base58 Protocol Village](./villages/base58.md)

[Lightning Village](./villages/lightning.md)

[NexGen Village](./villages/nextgen.md)


## TABConf 2023 Hackathon 🧑‍💻

Sign-up [here](https://tabconf.zbd.gg) for the TABconf Hackathon by [ZBD](https://zebedee.io) x [PlebLab](https://pleblab.com).
10K+ in Prizes.


  # Script
  <'TABConf 2023'> <'grassroots, inclusive'> OP_CAT
  <'bitcoiners, developers, '> OP_CAT
  <'researchers, entrepreneurs, students, curious people'> OP_CAT
  <'bitcoin, workshops, talks, villages, hacker space'> OP_CAT
  <'September 6th - 9th, 2023'> OP_CAT
  <'Atlanta, GA USA'> OP_CAT
  <'Building Builders'> OP_CAT
  <'Buy Your Ticket'> OP_CAT
  <0x1867386612b8d16e704c1dc8dcf7e43fcd20871a> OP_EQUAL
  <2022> OP_ADD
  <2023> OP_EQUAL