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"\(.key)\(.value)"' "$SNAPSHOT_FILE" | while read -r package_spec; do + # Skip if package is already installed with correct version + if ! echo "$CURRENT_PACKAGES" | grep -q "^${package_spec}$"; then + # Skip certain system packages that cause conflicts + case "$package_spec" in + "python-apt"*|"gyp"*|"dbus-python"*|"PyGObject"*) + echo "runpod-worker-comfy: Skipping system package: $package_spec" + continue + ;; + esac + echo "$package_spec" >> "$TEMP_REQUIREMENTS" + else + echo "runpod-worker-comfy: Already installed: $package_spec" + fi +done + +# Install missing packages if any exist +if [ -s "$TEMP_REQUIREMENTS" ]; then + echo "runpod-worker-comfy: Installing missing packages..." + # Install packages in batches to reduce memory usage + split -l 50 "$TEMP_REQUIREMENTS" /tmp/req_chunk_ + for chunk in /tmp/req_chunk_*; do + pip install -r "$chunk" --no-cache-dir || { + echo "runpod-worker-comfy: Failed to install packages from $chunk" + cat "$chunk" + exit 1 + } + rm "$chunk" + done +else + echo "runpod-worker-comfy: No new packages to install" +fi echo "runpod-worker-comfy: restored snapshot file: $SNAPSHOT_FILE" \ No newline at end of file