Navigate to your magento root folder and install the module via composer
composer require "romeoc/sweettooth-magento2":"dev-master"
You may need to create a Magento 2 Access Key at to run composer. As a note the the magento public key is the username and private key is the password.
Run the composer update command
composer update
Add Sweettooth_Rewards
to your app/etc/config.php
return array (
'modules' =>
array (
// ...
'Sweettooth_Rewards' => 1,
// ...
Run database migrations
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
Delete all cache directories
rm -rf var/cache/ var/generation/ var/page_cache/ var/view_preprocessed/
Set your SweetTooth API credentials in the control panel (request for an account at
Control Panel -> Stores -> Configuration -> Sweet Tooth Settings