diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 4ee4eb403..8e09f467c 100644
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+++ b/README.md
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-# data-products
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+# LERN data-products
+Data products is a collection of scala scripts which are used to generate reports, updating data in the redis and migration of data.
+The code in this repository is licensed under MIT License unless otherwise noted. Please see the [LICENSE](https://github.com/project-sunbird/sunbird-lms-service/blob/master/LICENSE) file for details.
+## System Requirements
+### Prerequisites
+- Java 11
+- Scala 2.12
+- Spark 3.1.3
+- Latest Maven
+### Data provider dependencies
+Following data providers will be required for running the job with spark-submit mode.
+- Cassandra
+- Postgres
+- Druid
+- Redis
+- Elasticsearch
+- Content search API
+- Org search API
+### Setup of dependency libraries for data-products
+Build the dependency libraries in local machine
+#### sunbird-analytics-core
+Analytics job driver and analytics framework is used to trigger the job in job manager
+### Steps to build ###
+# Clone the repo
+git clone git@github.com:Sunbird-Obsrv/sunbird-analytics-core.git
+# checkout to the respective release branch
+git checkout release-5.1.1
+# build the project
+mvn clean install -DskipTests
+#### sunbird-core-dataproducts
+Batch-models module is used from this library handling the execution of job
+### Steps to build ###
+# Clone the repo
+git clone git@github.com:Sunbird-Obsrv/sunbird-core-dataproducts.git
+# checkout to the respective release branch
+git checkout release-5.1.1
+# build the project
+mvn clean install -DskipTests
+***Note***: The above dependency libraries has to be built from the respective release branch for the data-products.
+## Setup of data-products in local
+Each data-product is an independent spark job which used for generating reports and data migrations. So each data-product having different sets of data provider dependencies. Data-provider for each job is listed in the below reference link.
+[Reference Link](https://project-sunbird.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/UM/pages/3135471624/Migration+of+Data+Products+in+Sunbird-LERN#%F0%9F%A7%AE-Data-product-list)
+The data-products can be tested locally with the testcases.
+**Steps to build the project**
+# Clone the repo
+git clone git@github.com:Sunbird-Lern/data-products.git
+# checkout to the respective release branch
+git checkout release-5.3.0
+# change the directory to project directory
+cd lern-data-products
+# build the project
+mvn clean install -DskipTests
+**Steps to run the testcase**
+mvn -Dsuites={{classname with package path}} test
+# Example:
+# mvn -Dsuites=org.sunbird.lms.exhaust.TestProgressExhaustJob test
+**Note**: While testcase execution, report files will be generated and verified and deleted immediately after the testcase is completed. Check for the file path from the testcase for manual verification.
+We suggest running the testcases in debug mode using IDE for debugging.
+For running the data-products testcase, we are using following data sources in embedded mode
+- cassandra
+- postgres
+- redis
+Data sources shema used in testcases are below
+And the API requests are mocked inside the testcase with mockwebserver library.
+## Run Data-products in server
+Data-products in server runs in spark-submit mode. Installation and execution guide can be found from the below link
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