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Releases: SteveGilham/altcover

Genbu series release 5a

08 Jul 18:10
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  • [Visualizer] Rewritten global tool based on the cross-platform AvaloniaUI toolkit (so no need for all the GTK3 set-up, including the --schemadir[=path] command-line parameter)
    • There's no font selection support yet as AvaloniaUI doesn't offer a cross-platform one
    • The colour scheme differs as there's not yet support for selecting a different background brush for text ranges -- covered = blue text
    • line numbers are shown, and are coloured according to any sequence point starting that line

Genbu series release 5

01 Jul 11:31
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  • [BUGFIX] Address problems revealed in issue #87
    • The collection process now fails gracefully if the XML report is missing or broken
    • dotnet test will halt after instrumentation fails, should it do so, rather than continuing to test and process the missing or broken XML report
    • Work round F# issue 9255 by replacing Newtonsoft as the JSON processor with one that can static link

Genbu series release 4

29 Jun 11:56
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  • [BUGFIX] Fix the GTK2/Framework Visualizer (broken since v6.8.761)
  • Multi-monitor support for the Visualizer in all versions; the window will restore to its previous location even when placed on non-primary monitors
  • Use integrated MSBuild error reporting in the data collector used by the dotnet test integration.

Genbu series release 3

23 Jun 15:37
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  • [BUGFIX] Set the visited attribute and CRAP score accordingly for methods with no sequence points, if the method is recorded as having been visted at all.
  • [BUGFIX] Exclude CRAP score for methods with no sequence points from the min/max summary values for the containing type and above (just as such methods aren't counted for the other roll-up quantities)
  • Emit CRAP score values in the OpenCover style summary
  • Distinguish between methods with source and no source in the threshold computations, the option to select the alternative measures (AM, AC) that include the no-source methods. Extend the TypeSafe.Thresholds record type with the coresponding extra fields.
  • On a threshold violation, always report that via return code by preference to any non-zero process value.

Genbu series release 2

03 Jun 19:11
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  • [BUGFIX] Compute CRAP score for unvisited methods too (and add it to the higher level summary items)
  • Add TypeSafe.Filters.Join to compute the concatenation of a TypeSafe.FilterItems seq to an existing TypeSafe.Filters instance. Strict SemVer would bump the minor version at this point, but given the short time since the initial 7.0 release, I doubt the dust has settled fully yet.

Genbu series release 1 global tools

01 Jun 18:59
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Genbu series release 1

01 Jun 14:48
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  • There are functional changes (fixes and enhancements from the previous pre-release)
  • [BUGFIX] Don't automatically exclude C# inner functions (and other [CompilerGenerated]) from coverage.
  • [BREAKING; Command Line] Option --defer now takes no arguments; there is no use-case for the --defer:- so that and the redundant --defer:+ are gone
  • [BREAKING; MSBuild tasks] AltCover.Prepare.Defer defaults to true; in dotnet test, as the value is overridden (effectively forced true), this has no effect.
  • [BREAKING; PowerShell] rename and generalise Format-FromCoverletOpenCover as Write-OpenCoverDerivedState
  • [BREAKING; API] Rationalise and rename across most parts of the API, above and beyond the pre-release; remove CSApi as a separate assembly, with the main AltCover assembly publishing that part of the C# callable API, and split FSApi into Toolkit for PowerShell support and DotNet for dotnet test support.
  • Add --attributetoplevel, --typetoplevel and --methodtoplevel to allow inner classes or functions to be included in coverage independently their containing class or function.
  • Revise/update/fix the Wiki API pages, help-text and the like
  • Autogenerate more of the documentation

Genbu series release pre-1

05 May 15:46
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  • There should not be any functional changes before a full 7.0 release; the pre-release is just to ensure I'm happy with the API before freezing it for 7.x
  • [BREAKING] Replace the --opencover command line argument and its equivalents with --reportFormat=... defaulting to OpenCover and currently also accepting NCover
  • [BREAKING; dotnet tool] Remove the deprecated altcover.dotnet package with the old-style DotNetCliToolReference Tool
  • [BREAKING; API] Rename the AltCover_Fake namespace to AltCoverFake, because it's simpler that way
  • [BREAKING; API] Remove obsolete APIs previously marked as obsolete
  • [BREAKING; API] Rationalise and rename across most parts of the API
  • [BREAKING; API, PowerShell] PowerShell cmdlets and the supporting API are now all XDocument based
  • [BREAKING; PowerShell] Make the Invoke-AltCover -ShowStatic parameter take pnly the typesafe enum
  • [Documentation] Completely revise the API documentation in the wiki
  • [PowerShell]Add-Accelerator and Get-Accelerator cmdlets to write and read new type accelerators e.g. [xdoc] for System.Xml.Linq.XDocument
  • --zipfile command line option (and equivalents) to put the coverage report into a .zip archive
  • --methodpoint command line option (and equivalents) to restrict visit reporting to just the method level
  • extend --threshold to allow minimum branch or method coverage, and maximum CRAP score
  • [Global tool] TargetsPath command line option for the global altcover tool to report where the associated .targets file is located (as it can't be dotnet added to a project)

Fukurou series release 13

29 Mar 10:00
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  • Final 6.x release, barring serious bug-fixes
  • Deprecate the dotnet-altcover DotNetCliToolReference Tool, package altcover.dotnet, prior to removal in the release. See dotnet/sdk#3115 for context
  • Move delivered code to all new-style projects, and all supporting projects except where the old style is explicitly required
  • [BUGFIX] Accept the OpenCover format variant generated by coverlet for PowerShell and, FWIW, the Visualizer.
  • [BUGFIX] Provide a suitable binary (a simple shim called AltCover.NetCoreApp.dll) in the API nupkg for AltCover.Fake.Api.toolPath AltCover.Fake.Implementation.DotNetCore to return -- and test that it works, just like the build already tested AltCover.Fake.Api.toolPath AltCover.Fake.Implementation.Framework
  • Ignore constructors for [<Sealed; AbstractClass>] types in F# for the purposes of coverage
  • [API] AltCover.CoverageFormats.PostProcess to take an existing OpenCover format document and fill in the derived quantities e.g. <Summary> elements, sequence point branch visits, etc.
  • [API] AltCover.CoverageFormats.FormatFromCoverlet to patch up the most obvious parts missing from coverlet's dialect of the OpenCover format e.g. start and end columns, npath complexity, etc. as well as all the PostProcess features. Also reified as the cmdlet Format-FromCoverletOpenCover

Fukurou series release 12

01 Jan 10:35
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  • [PowerShell] Improve the ConvertTo-BarChart cmdlet following the Visualizer-focused enhancements in the previous release
  • [PowerShell] Add -WhatIf capability to Invoke-AltCover for prepare and collect operations (syntax permitted, but meaningless for -Version)
  • [PowerShell] Make the Invoke-AltCover -ShowStatic parameter take a typesafe enum (as well as untyped strings); a backwards compatible API extension.
  • [Visualizer] new --schemadir[=path] command-line parameter to set or clear an application-level GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR value
  • [API] PrepareParams.WhatIf : unit -> FSApi.ValidatedCommandLine; and CollectParams.WhatIf : bool -> FSApi.ValidatedCommandLine to do read-only parameter validation and command line composition
  • [API] The equivalent public FSApi.ValidatedCommandLine PrepareArgs.WhatIf() and public FSApi.ValidatedCommandLine CollectArgs.WhatIf(bool afterPreparation) for the CSApi types