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W-OTS# - Shorter and Faster Winternitz Signatures

  Author: Herman Schoenfeld <[email protected]>
  Version: 1.1
  Date: 2020-07-20
  Copyright: (c) Sphere 10 Software Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved.


A very simple modification to the standard W-OTS scheme is presented called W-OTS# that achieves a security enhancement similar to W-OTS+1 but without the overhead of generating and transforming a randomization vector in every round of the chaining function. The idea proffered by W-OTS# is to simply thwart Birthday-attacks2 altogether by signing an HMAC of the message-digest (keyed with cryptographically random salt) rather than the message-digest itself. The signer thwarts a birthday attack by virtue of requiring that the attacker guess the salt bits in addition to the message-digest bits during the collision scanning process. By choosing a salt length matching the message-digest length, the security of W-OTS# reduces to that of the cryptographic hash function. This essentially doubles the security level of W-OTS and facilitates the use of shorter hash functions which provide shorter and faster signatures for same security. For example, W-OTS# 128-bit signatures have commensurate security to standard W-OTS 256-bit signatures yet are roughly half the size and twice as fast. It is proposed that Blake2b-128 and Winternitz parameter w=4 (i.e. base-16 digits) be adopted as the default parameter set for the W-OTS# scheme.

1. Birthday Attack

A birthday attack involves an attacker forging a signature for a "malicious" message M by re-using a signature for an "agreed" message m. In this class of attack, the attacker has knowledge of a message m that the victim is willing and intending to sign in the future. The attacker creates variations of m as {m_1..m_k} any of which will also be deemed "valid" and signed by the victim. Whilst the victim considers each message m_i "identical", their hash digests are unique. This can be achieved by simply varying one or more nonce values or whitespace within m to create this set.

The attacker simultaneously generates variations of a "malicious" message M as the set {M1..M_l} and stops until a collision H(m_i) = H(M_j) is found (where H is the cryptographic hash function used in the scheme).

NOTE: the probability of finding such collisions is far more likely than a standard brute-force attack by virtue of the Birthday problem23.

When a collision-pair (m_i, M_j)is found, the attacker asks the victim to sign valid m_i giving s = Sign(m_i, key) = SignDigest(H(m_i), key). The attacker then proceeds to forge a signature for invalid M_i by simply re-using s, as follows:

1: S = Sign(M_j, key)
2:   = SignDigest(H(M_j), key) 
3:   = SignDigest(H(m_i), key)
4:   = s

Unbeknownst to the victim, by signing m_i, they have also signed M_j.

2. W-OTS & W-OTS+

The Winternitz scheme is a well-documented45 scheme whose description is beyond the scope of this document. However, of relevance is the relationship between the W-OTS "security parameter" n (the bit-length of H) and it's "security level" which is generally n/2. This follows from the fact that if a brute-force attack on H requires 2^n hash rounds then a birthday attack requires 2^(n/2)2 hash rounds. By eliminating the birthday attack, and assuming no such other class of attacks exist for H, the security level of the scheme is restored back to that of a brute-force attack on H which is n.

W-OTS+ achieves a similar security enhancement through obfuscation of pre-images in the hashing chains, however they are performed during the chaining function which adds an overhead (significant in some implementations). W-OTS# is similar to W-OTS+ in this regard except it only obfuscates the message-digest once via an HMAC (keyed with the salt) and uses the standard W-OTS chaining function, which is faster than W-OTS+. Despite the concatenation of the salt to the signature, the overall signature size decreases by virtue of selecting a shorter hash function H.

3. W-OTS#

The W-OTS# construction is almost identical to a standard W-OTS construction for Winternitz parameter w and cryptographic hash function H. The security parameter n is inferred from the the bit-length of H.

In W-OTS, a message-digest md is computed as md=H(message). During signing, digits of base 2^w are read from md and signed in a Winternitz chain. In W-OTS#, the message-digest md is replaced with the "sig-mac" smac defined as:

3.1 Signature Message Authentication Code (SMAC)

1:  smac = SMAC(m, salt)
2:       = HMAC(H(m), salt)
3:       = H(Salt || H(Salt || H(m)))

The salt is concatenated to the signature and used to compute smac during verification.

NOTE the checksum digits are calculated and signed identically as per W-OTS but derived from smac not md.

3.2 Salt

The Salt is generated by the signer using cryptographic random number generator. The length of the Salt is n bits which is the minimum value required to nullify a birthday attack (proven below). The salt is defined as:

1: Salt = {0,1}^n   (i.e. n cryptographically random bits)

3.1.2 Proof

  1. A birthday-collision is expected after 1.25 * SQRT(U) 2 hashing rounds where U is maximum hashing rounds ever required (non-repeating).
  2. In W-OTS, U=2^n where n is the security parameter (bits-length of H) and thus (1) becomes 1.25 * 2^(n/2).
  3. In W-OTS#, adding a d-bit salt hardens a birthday-collision to A = 1.25 * 2^((n+d)/2) rounds. This follows from the fact that an attacker must scan for collision (HMAC(H(m_i), Salt), HMAC(H(M_j), Salt)) which involves d more bits (whereas in W-OTS they just scan for (H(m_i), H(M_j))).
  4. A brute-force attack on H requires B = 2^n hashing rounds2.
  5. We need to choose d such that A = B, since we only need to harden a birthday attack to match that of a brute-force attack. Hardening beyond is redundant since the security level of the scheme is only as strong as the weakest attack vector.
  6. Evaluating (5) gives d = 2 ln(0.8)/ln(0.2) + n = 0.2773 + n which is approximately n .
  7. Thus choosing d=n is sufficient to thwart birthday-attack. QED.

4. Reference Implementation

This section contains snippets for the full reference implementation6 . The reference implementation is part of the PQC library within the Hydrogen Framework7 .

public class WOTSSharp : WOTS {

	public WOTSSharp() 
		: this(WOTSSharp.Configuration.Default) {

	public WOTSSharp(int w, bool usePublicKeyHashOptimization = false)
		: this(w, Configuration.Default.HashFunction, usePublicKeyHashOptimization) {

	public WOTSSharp(int w, CHF hashFunction, bool usePublicKeyHashOptimization = false)
		: this(new Configuration(w, hashFunction, usePublicKeyHashOptimization)) {

	public WOTSSharp(Configuration config) 
		: base(config) {

	public override byte[,] SignDigest(byte[,] privateKey, ReadOnlySpan<byte> digest)
		=> SignDigest(privateKey, digest, Tools.Crypto.GenerateCryptographicallyRandomBytes(digest.Length));

	public byte[,] SignDigest(byte[,] privateKey, ReadOnlySpan<byte> digest, ReadOnlySpan<byte> seed) {
		Guard.Argument(seed.Length == digest.Length, nameof(seed), "Must be same size as digest");
		var wotsSig = base.SignDigest(privateKey, HMAC(digest, seed));
		Debug.Assert(wotsSig.Length == Config.SignatureSize.Length * Config.SignatureSize.Width);
		seed.CopyTo(wotsSig.GetRow(Config.SignatureSize.Length - 1)); // concat seed to sig
		return wotsSig;

	public override bool VerifyDigest(byte[,] signature, byte[,] publicKey, ReadOnlySpan<byte> digest) {
		Debug.Assert(signature.Length == Config.SignatureSize.Length * Config.SignatureSize.Width);
		var seed = signature.GetRow(Config.SignatureSize.Length - 1);
		return base.VerifyDigest(signature, publicKey, HMAC(digest, seed));

	private byte[] SMAC(ReadOnlySpan<byte> message, ReadOnlySpan<byte> seed)
		=> HMAC(ComputeMessageDigest(message), seed);

	private byte[] HMAC(ReadOnlySpan<byte> digest, ReadOnlySpan<byte> seed) {
		using (Hashers.BorrowHasher(Config.HashFunction, out var hasher)) {
			var innerHash = hasher.GetResult();
			return hasher.GetResult();

	public new class Configuration : WOTS.Configuration {
		public new static readonly Configuration Default;

		static Configuration() {
			Default = new Configuration(4, CHF.Blake2b_128, true);

		public Configuration() 
			: this(Default.W, Default.HashFunction, Default.UsePublicKeyHashOptimization) {

		public Configuration(int w, CHF hasher, bool usePubKeyHashOptimization)
			: base(
				new OTSKeySize(
					(int)Math.Ceiling(256.0 / w) + (int)Math.Floor(Math.Log(((1 << w) - 1) * (256 / w), 1 << w)) + 1
				new OTSKeySize(
					usePubKeyHashOptimization ? 1 : (int)Math.Ceiling(256.0 / w) + (int)Math.Floor(Math.Log(((1 << w) - 1) * (256 / w), 1 << w)) + 1
				new OTSKeySize(
					(int)Math.Ceiling(256.0 / w) + (int)Math.Floor(Math.Log(((1 << w) - 1) * (256 / w), 1 << w)) + 1  + 1 // Adds extra row for seed here
			) {

5. References


  1. Hülsing, A. "W-OTS+ -Shorter Signatures for Hash-Based Signature Schemes". 2013. Url: Accessed: 2020-07-22.

  2. Wikipedia. "Birthday Attack". Url: Accessed: 2020-07-22 2 3 4 5

  3. Wikipedia. "Birthday Problem". Url: Accessed: 2020-07-22

  4. Ralph Merkle. "Secrecy, authentication and public key systems / A certified digital signature". Ph.D. dissertation, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, 1979. Url:

  5. Sphere 10. "Winternitz One-Time Signature Scheme (W-OTS)". URL:

  6. Sphere 10 Software. PQC Library. Url: Accessed 2023-05-09.

  7. Sphere 10 Software. Hydrogen Framework. Url: Accessed 2023-05-09.