Setup the repo as in the README and you should be set for development.
npx hardhat node
npx hardhat test
NOTE: Always deploy contracts from scratch using
npx hardhat deploy --network localhost --reset
npx hardhat deploy --network <your-network> --reset
The project deploys to Ropsten via Infura. Make sure you have configured your setup for deployment as described in the installation steps. Also make sure the configured account has enough test Ethereum to deploy, then:
npx hardhat deploy --network ropsten --reset
For mainnet, the process is similar to Ropsten, though config needs to be setup first.
- Copy the ropsten config (here)[] into similar config as needed for mainnet, for example:
networks: {
ropsten: { ... },
mainnet: {
quorumVotes: '100000',
proposalThreshold: '500',
votingPeriod: '17280',
timelockPeriod: 7 * 24 * 60 * 60
- Set the namedAccounts for mainnet (here)[] based on which accounts you want to deploy from and to have as the initial foundation address, for example:
deployer: {
default: 0, // default take the first account as deployer
1: '0xe...' // Chain ID 1 is for mainnet
foundationInitialAddress: {
default: 0,
1: '0xe...' // Chain ID 1 is for mainnet
- Then to deploy:
npx hardhat deploy --network mainnet --reset --verbose
Note: (The initial foundation address is given ALL BTRST tokens initially, and also has guardian control over Governance until they abdicate that role)