fluintl It is an international library for applications that can be quickly integrated to implement multi-language applications. The library encapsulates an internationalization support class that obtains a string by providing a uniform method getString(id). CustomLocalizations multi-language support class. LBaseState can get strings neatly.
Replacement String Format Requirements:'%${index}$s' ,{index} The nth parameter, starting at 0。
Ids.click_times: '%\$0\$s click on %\$1\$s times',
IntlUtil.getString(context, Ids.click_times, params: ['Tom', '$_counter'])
// print: Tom click on 0 times
Steps for usage:
1.Establish multi-language resource string id management class StringIds and multi-language resource map
///Multi-language resource id management class.
class StringIds {
static String titleHome = 'title_home';
///localized simple values.
Map<String, Map<String, String>> localizedSimpleValues = {
'en': {
StringIds.titleHome: 'Home',
'zh': {
StringIds.titleHome: '主页',
///localized values.
Map<String, Map<String, Map<String, String>>> localizedValues = {
'en': {
'US': {
StringIds.titleHome: 'Home',
'zh': {
'CN': {
StringIds.titleHome: '主页',
'HK': {
StringIds.titleHome: '主頁',
2.Configure multi-language resources in MyApp initState (configurable universal or simple multi-language resources, choose one)
void initState() {
// setLocalizedSimpleValues(localizedSimpleValues);//set localized simple values.
setLocalizedValues(localizedValues); //set localized values.
3.Specify localizationsDelegates and supportedLocales in the MaterialApp:
home: MyHomePage(),
localizationsDelegates: [
CustomLocalizations.delegate //set Localizations delegate.
supportedLocales: CustomLocalizations.supportedLocales,//Set support for localized language collections
4.get String
IntlUtil.getString(context, StringIds.titleHome);
IntlUtil.getString(context, Ids.titleHome, params: [param1, param2]);
4.at MyHomePage init CustomLocalizations: //There may be problems that are not recommended.
class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
CustomLocalizations.init(context); //MyHomePageState init.
5.Other(do not recommended use)
// MyHomePage init CustomLocalizations
class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
extends or with LBaseState() (MyHomePageState can not use)
6.For detailed application of international application, please refer to flutter_wanandroidApp。
sdk: flutter
fluintl: x.x.x #latest version
setLocalizedSimpleValues(values) : set localized simple values.
setLocalizedValues(values) : set localized values.
CustomLocalizations.delegate : CustomLocalizations.
CustomLocalizations.supportedLocales : supported locales.
CustomLocalizations.of(context) : get CustomLocalizations.
getString(id, {languageCode, countryCode, params}) : get string by id,Can be specified languageCode,countryCode.
IntlUtil.getString(context, id, params) : get string by id,Can be specified languageCode,countryCode.
// do not recommended use
CustomLocalizations.init(context) : CustomLocalizations init.(MyHomePage init)
LBaseState (extends or with LBaseState) : It is convenient and concise to get the string
cl.getString(id). (MyHomePage cannot be used)