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146 lines (99 loc) · 3.71 KB


Codacy Badge Travis

Simple Swift μ-framework that wraps your throwing functions results.

How to install


CocoaPods CocoaPods


pod 'YetAnotherResult'


Carthage compatible


github "Skogetroll/Result" >= 1.2.8

Swift package manager


import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
  dependencies: [
    .Package(url: "", majorVersion: 1, minor: 2),

How to use?

Like this:

let result = Result<Type> {
    // Your unsafe code resulting in Type or Error goes here

or like this:

let result = Result<Type>(/* Your unsafe code resulting in Type or Error goes here */)

How to get value?

let value: Type? = result.value

How to get error?

let error: ErrorType? = result.error

How to crash application return back to throwing paradigm?

let value: Type = try result.unwrap()

What else can I do with Result<V>?

You can use

let resultString = Result<String>(try unsafelyGetString())
let stringLength = { string in

// stringLength now contains either value of `String.Index.Distance` or error wrapped in Result<Distance>

// Or you can use operator `<^>` to perform map
process <^> resultString
// Here `process : String -> Void` gonna be called if and only if resultString resulted successfully
let someResult = Result(try unsafelyGetResult())
let processedResult = someResult.flatMap { value in
	return Result(try someUnsafeProcessing(value))

// or you can use operators `>>-` and `-<<`

let processedResult = someResult >>- { value in Result(try someUnsafeProcessing(value)) }
let resultedFunction: Result<A -> B> = 
let resultedValue: A = 

let result: Result<B> = resultedValue.apply(resultedFunction)

// or you can use operator `<*>`

let result: Result<B> = resultedFunction <*> resultedValue
func yourThrowingFunction(in: InType) throws -> (out: OutType) {

let resultWrappedFunction: InType -> Result<OutType> = wrap(yourThrowingFunction)

let someInput: InType = 

// And we can get
let resultOutput = resultWrappedFunction(someInput)

// instead of
do {
	let output = try yourThrowingFunction(someInput)