Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | int | Mandatory container/stack fields Template Identifier | [optional] |
administrator_only | bool | Whether the template should be available to administrators only | [optional] |
categories | list[str] | A list of categories associated to the template | [optional] |
command | str | The command that will be executed in a container template | [optional] |
description | str | Description of the template | [optional] |
env | list[PortainerTemplateEnv] | A list of environment variables used during the template deployment | [optional] |
hostname | str | Container hostname | [optional] |
image | str | Mandatory container fields Image associated to a container template. Mandatory for a container template | [optional] |
interactive | bool | Whether the container should be started in interactive mode (-i -t equivalent on the CLI) | [optional] |
labels | list[PortainerPair] | Container labels | [optional] |
logo | str | URL of the template's logo | [optional] |
name | str | Optional stack/container fields Default name for the stack/container to be used on deployment | [optional] |
network | str | Name of a network that will be used on container deployment if it exists inside the environment | [optional] |
note | str | A note that will be displayed in the UI. Supports HTML content | [optional] |
platform | str | Platform associated to the template. Valid values are: 'linux', 'windows' or leave empty for multi-platform | [optional] |
ports | list[str] | A list of ports exposed by the container | [optional] |
privileged | bool | Whether the container should be started in privileged mode | [optional] |
registry | str | Optional container fields The URL of a registry associated to the image for a container template | [optional] |
repository | PortainerTemplateRepository | Mandatory stack fields | [optional] |
restart_policy | str | Container restart policy | [optional] |
stack_file | str | Mandatory Edge stack fields Stack file used for this template | [optional] |
title | str | Title of the template | [optional] |
type | int | Template type. Valid values are: 1 (container), 2 (Swarm stack) or 3 (Compose stack) | [optional] |
volumes | list[PortainerTemplateVolume] | A list of volumes used during the container template deployment | [optional] |