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The ccf function in R is an implementation for cross-correlations. Cross-correlations aren’t such a difficult concept, but I still found it difficult to understand how the ccf function works and how the arguments affect the results.

I first described the function in more detail. You can find this in the white paper “The R Cross Correlation Function”. Then I wrote this extension, because giving the user a choice is an easy way to make the behaviour more comprehensible. And I have also documented this package in more detail.


The new ccf should be an improvement but still be backwards compatible with stats::ccf. These goals are being pursued with the updated function of ccf21.

  • Offer a switch to use simple correlations dropping the stationarity assumption of time series (see parameter stationary).
  • New ways to handle sequences of different lengths: cut the longer sequence (today’s default) or “imprison” the shorter within the longer (see parameter shiftaction).
  • Different ways to treat the vector positions that ‘become empty’ through shifting: cut it (today’s default), wrap it back assuming the sequence is circular, or fill it with data (see parameter shiftaction).
  • Offer adequate confidence intervals instead of the white noise solution that ccf uses.
  • A second plot function that uses ggplot2.
  • All this should be achieved without doing anything not compatible to the existing functions or S3 classes. New data structures should work with existing functions in the stats package and new functions should be able to read data structures created by stats::ccf.

Stationarity Assumption

A stationary process has the property that the mean, variance and autocorrelation structure do not change over time (NIST/SEMATECH, 2013). Not always is that assumption desired when computing cross-correlations. Therefore, the updated function ccf supports calculations under both stationarity and non-stationarity assumption.

Sequences of Different Lengths

When one sequence (y) is shorter than the other (Y) the function should use this instead of simply cutting the longer sequence. That is what ccf does at the time. Instead, ccf21 intends to move the shorter sequence from the lower end to the upper end and correlate both sequences at each step. This approach is called “imprison”. Alternatively, “cut” shall be still available as option.

Step 1
Sequence Y: ####################
Sequence y: ####

Step 2
Sequence Y: ####################
Sequence y:   #####

Step 3
Sequence Y: ####################
Sequence y:    ####


Last step
Sequence Y: ####################
Sequence y:                 ####

Shifting Vectors

Shifting two vectors against each other creates redundant vector positions. Initial situation is this:

Sequence x:   1##################N
Sequence y:-> ###################M

Shifting y by 4 elements leaves 4 open positions on the right

Sequence x: 1##################N
Sequence y: ????1##################M

There are 3 solutions:

Option 1: simply cut redundant positions

Sequence x:     ###############N
Sequence y:     1###############    

Option 2: fill positions of y with ‘0’

Sequence x: 1##################N
Sequence y: 00001###############

Option 3: wrap y around

Sequence x: 1##################N
Sequence y: ###M1###############

Confidence Intervals

The new ccf function returns confidence intervals as part of the results. The classic R-function computes them when you request a plot. Furthermore, R only returns a rather unspecific “white noise” confidence for the cross-correlation and does not take the structure of the data into account. The updated version supports confidence intervals around the identified cross-correlation. It uses an approach suggested by Bonett & Wright (2000) that transforms the correlations using Fisher-z transform. The Fisher z values are approximately normal distributed with a given variance. Now, the function can easily determine the confidence range and transform it back into correlations.

Note: these confidence intervals are not symmetrical because of the characteristics of the probability distribution of correlations.


You can install the development version of huh from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

Please note: loading this package will mask stats::ccf.


Bonett, D. G. & Wright, T. A. (2000). Sample Size Requirements for Estimating Pearson, Kendall and Spearman Correlations.” Psychometrika, 65 (1), p. 23-28.

NIST/SEMATECH (2013). e-Handbook of Statistical Methods - Chapter Stationarity, accessed 2020-03-27.

Seifert, J. (2020). “The R Cross Correlation Function”.

Regards, Jan

Doing this just out of curiosity.