RTorrent is available for both Linux and OS X. Below are instructions for your specific system.
RTorrent can be easily installed using Homebrew.
$ brew install rtorrent --with-xmlrpc-c
The RTorrent has XML-RPC support already builtin.
$ sudo apt-get install rtorrent
To install RTorrent with XML-RPC support, ensure the proper USE flag is added.
$ sudo echo "net-p2p/rtorrent xmlrpc" >> /etc/portage/package.use
$ sudo emerge rtorrent
In order to open RTorrent's XMLRPC interface, scgi_port
must be set in your ~/.rtorrent.rc:
scgi_port = localhost:5000
server {
location /RPC2 {
include scgi_params;
scgi_pass localhost:5000
rtorrent-python is easily installed by using the pip tool:
$ pip install rtorrent