diff --git a/ui/raidboss/data/07-dt/raid/r4s.ts b/ui/raidboss/data/07-dt/raid/r4s.ts index 0ab716602a..a102009cb5 100644 --- a/ui/raidboss/data/07-dt/raid/r4s.ts +++ b/ui/raidboss/data/07-dt/raid/r4s.ts @@ -156,24 +156,28 @@ const witchHuntAlertOutputStrings = { }, tanksNear: { en: 'Tanks Close (Party Far)', + de: 'Tanks nahe (Gruppe weit weg)', fr: 'Tanks près (Groupe au loin)', cn: '坦克近 (小队远)', ko: '탱커 가까이 (본대 멀리)', }, healersFar: { en: 'Healers Far (Party Close)', + de: 'Heiler weit weg (Gruppe nahe)', fr: 'Healers loin (Groupe près)', cn: '治疗远 (小队近)', ko: '힐러 멀리 (본대 가까이)', }, meleeNear: { en: 'Melee Close (Party Far)', + de: 'Nahkämpfer nahe (Gruppe weit weg)', fr: 'DPS Mêlée près (Groupe au loin)', cn: '近战近 (小队远)', ko: '근딜 가까이 (본대 멀리)', }, rangedFar: { en: 'Ranged Far (Party Close)', + de: 'Fernkämpfer weit weg (Gruppe nahe)', fr: 'DPS Distance loin (Groupe près)', cn: '远程远 (小队近)', ko: '원딜 멀리 (본대 가까이)', @@ -314,42 +318,49 @@ const conductorCurrentStringsNoStrat = { const conductorCurrentStringsDNStrat = { remoteCurrent: { en: 'Front of Middle (Far Cone)', + de: 'Vorne mittig (Fern-Kegel)', fr: 'Devant au milieu (loin du cône)', cn: '中前 (远扇形)', ko: '앞 가운데 (멀리 화살표)', }, proximateCurrent: { en: 'Front of Middle (Near Cone)', + de: 'Vorne mittig (Nah-Kegel)', fr: 'Devant au milieu (près du cône)', cn: '中前 (近扇形)', ko: '앞 가운데 (가까이 화살표)', }, spinningConductorSupport: { en: 'Front Left (Small AoE)', + de: 'Vorne links (kleine AoE)', fr: 'Devant à gauche (petite AoE)', cn: '左前 (小圈)', ko: '앞 왼쪽 (작은 원형징)', }, spinningConductorDPS: { en: 'Front Right (Small AoE)', + de: 'Vorne rechts (kleine AoE)', fr: 'Devant à droite (petite AoE)', cn: '右前 (小圈)', ko: '앞 오른쪽 (작은 원형징)', }, roundhouseConductorSupport: { en: 'Front Left (Donut AoE)', + de: 'Vorne links (Donut AoE)', fr: 'Devant à gauche (AoE en donut)', cn: '左前 (月环)', ko: '앞 왼쪽 (도넛징)', }, roundhouseConductorDPS: { en: 'Front Right (Donut AoE)', + de: 'Vorne rechts (Donut AoE)', fr: 'Devant à droite (AoE en donut)', cn: '右前 (月环)', ko: '앞 오른쪽 (도넛징)', }, colliderConductor: { en: 'Middle, Behind Current (Get Hit by Cone)', + de: 'Mitte, hinter Leitstrom (Lass dich vom Kegel treffen)', fr: 'Milieu à l\'arrière (prenez le cône)', cn: '中间, 扇形后 (吃扇形)', ko: '가운데, 화살표 뒤 (화살표 장판 맞기)', @@ -416,6 +427,7 @@ const triggerSet: TriggerSet = { id: 'ionCluster', name: { en: 'Ion Cluster Debuff Strategy', + de: 'Ionen-Ansammlung Debuff Strategie', fr: 'Mécanique pour Accumulation d\'ions', cn: '离子簇 Debuff 策略', ko: '이온 클러스터 디버프 전략', @@ -425,6 +437,10 @@ const triggerSet: TriggerSet = { None: Call the debuff only, no strategy. DN: use rivet positions based on the shabin pastebin.`, + de: `Strategie zur Auflösung von Debuffs während Ionen-Ansammlung. + + None: Nenn den Debuff, keine Strategie. + DN: Besnutze die Nieten-Positionen, basierend auf shabin pastebin.`, fr: `Mécanique pour résoudre Accumulation d\'ions. Aucune : Affiche seulement le debuff, aucune stratégie. @@ -444,6 +460,10 @@ const triggerSet: TriggerSet = { 'None': 'none', 'DN': 'DN', }, + de: { + 'None': 'none', + 'DN': 'DN', + }, fr: { 'Aucune': 'none', 'DN': 'DN', @@ -463,6 +483,7 @@ const triggerSet: TriggerSet = { id: 'witchHunt', name: { en: 'Witch Hunt Bait Strategy', + de: 'Hexenjagd Köder Strategie', fr: 'Mécanique pour Piqué fulgurant', cn: '魔女狩猎诱导策略', ko: '마녀 사냥 유도 전략', @@ -473,6 +494,11 @@ const triggerSet: TriggerSet = { DN: DN uptime strategy, with flexible priority where Tanks take the first near bait, Healers take the first far bait, Melee DPS take the second near bait, and finally Ranged DPS take the second far bait.`, + de: `Strategie zum ködern der Hexenjagd.
+ None: Zeige beides, Party und Köder Positionen, ohne specifische Strategie.
+ DN: DN uptime Strategie, mit flexibler Priorität, bei der Tanks den ersten Nah-Köder, + Heiler die ersten entfernten Köder, Nahkämpfer die weiten Nah-Köder und schlussendlich + Fernkämpfer die zweiten entfernten Köder nehmen.`, fr: `Stratégie pour résoudre Piqué fulgurant.
Aucune : Affiche les positions du groupe de bait sans stratégie spécifique.
DN : Stratégie DN Uptime, avec une priorité ajustée ou les tanks prennent le bait le plus proche, @@ -494,6 +520,10 @@ const triggerSet: TriggerSet = { 'None': 'none', 'DN': 'DN', }, + de: { + 'None': 'none', + 'DN': 'DN', + }, fr: { 'Aucune': 'none', 'DN': 'DN', @@ -513,6 +543,7 @@ const triggerSet: TriggerSet = { id: 'sunrise', name: { en: 'Sunrise Sabbath Strategy', + de: 'Morgensonnensabbat Strategie', fr: 'Mécanique pour Diablerie obscure - Aurore', cn: '黑色安息日的日出策略', ko: 'Sunrise Sabbath 전략', @@ -523,6 +554,11 @@ const triggerSet: TriggerSet = { Snakes Prio: Popular priority system used in NA PF. Support players start looking for tower or cannon from the northwest going counter clockwise. DPS players look for tower or cannon from the north going clockwise.`, + de: `Strategie zum lösen von Morgensonnensabbat.
+ None: Nenne den Debuff, beide Orte der Türme und passende Türme.
+ Snakes Prio: Populäres prioritäten System des NA PFs. Support Spieler + starten Nord-Westen und suchen ihre Kanone gegen den Uhrzeigersinn. + DPS Spieler schauen Norden im Uhrzeigersinn nach ihrer Kanone.`, fr: `Stratégie pour résoudre Diablerie obscure - Aurore
Aucune : Affiche les debuffs pour l\'apparition des tours et également les tours à prendre.
Snakes Prio: Mécanique populaire sur les centres de données NA en PF. Les supports @@ -546,6 +582,10 @@ const triggerSet: TriggerSet = { 'None': 'none', 'Snakes Prio': 'snakePrio', }, + de: { + 'None': 'none', + 'Snakes Prio': 'snakePrio', + }, fr: { 'Aucune': 'none', 'Snakes Prio': 'snakePrio', @@ -565,12 +605,14 @@ const triggerSet: TriggerSet = { id: 'sunriseUptime', name: { en: 'Sunrise Sabbath Uptime Cannon Baits', + de: 'Morgensonnensabbat - Uptime - Kanonen ködern', fr: 'Diablerie obscure - Aurore Uptime - Bait des canons', cn: '黑色安息日的日出 使用 uptime 炮诱导打法', ko: 'Sunrise Sabbath 업타임 대포 유도', }, comment: { en: 'Call cannon baits assuming the AutoCAD waymark uptime cannon bait spots.', + de: 'Nenne Kanonen-Köder bei verwendung der AutoCAD-Wegmarkierungen', fr: 'Affiche les bait des canons selon les marqueurs AutoCAD.', cn: '基于 AutoCAD 标点的 uptime 炮诱导打法播报炮诱导。', ko: 'AutoCAD 지면 표식을 기반으로 대포 유도를 알립니다.', @@ -901,21 +943,25 @@ const triggerSet: TriggerSet = { }, tank: { en: 'Tanks', + de: 'Tanks', cn: '坦克', ko: '탱커', }, healer: { en: 'Healers', + de: 'Heiler', cn: '治疗', ko: '힐러', }, melee: { en: 'Melee', + de: 'Nahkämpfer', cn: '近战', ko: '근딜', }, ranged: { en: 'Ranged', + de: 'Fernkämpfer', cn: '远程', ko: '원딜', }, @@ -2432,11 +2478,13 @@ const triggerSet: TriggerSet = { }, baitNormal: { en: 'Point ${bait}', + de: 'Zeige ${bait}', cn: '指向 (${bait})', ko: '${bait}쪽으로', }, baitUptime: { en: 'Stand ${bait} side', + de: 'Stehe ${bait} Seite', cn: '站 ${bait} 侧', ko: '${bait}쪽 면에 서기', }, diff --git a/ui/raidboss/data/07-dt/trial/zoraal-ja-ex.ts b/ui/raidboss/data/07-dt/trial/zoraal-ja-ex.ts index 0e466d56e6..c5b41ff5b1 100644 --- a/ui/raidboss/data/07-dt/trial/zoraal-ja-ex.ts +++ b/ui/raidboss/data/07-dt/trial/zoraal-ja-ex.ts @@ -209,12 +209,14 @@ const triggerSet: TriggerSet = { { id: 'chasmVollokPriority', name: { - en: 'Chasm of Vollok Safe Spot Priority', + en: 'Chasm Of Vollok Safe Spot Priority', + de: 'Klippe Von Vollok Sichere Zonen Priorität', fr: 'Priorité des zones sûres pour Trappe de Vollok', cn: '无敌裂斩安全区优先级', }, comment: { en: 'Select which safe spots have priority during callouts.', + de: 'Wähle aus, welche Zonen priorität haben.', fr: 'Sélectionnez quelle zone sûre a la priorité pendant les calls.', cn: '选择播报安全区的优先级', ko: '안전지대 중 호출 우선순위가 높은 곳을 선택하세요.', @@ -227,6 +229,12 @@ const triggerSet: TriggerSet = { 'North Corner': 'north', 'South Corner': 'south', }, + de: { + 'Innere Flächen': 'inside', + 'Nord und Süd Ecken': 'northSouth', + 'Nord Ecken': 'north', + 'Süd Ecken': 'south', + }, fr: { 'Tuiles intérieures': 'inside', 'Coins nord et sud': 'northSouth', @@ -266,13 +274,13 @@ const triggerSet: TriggerSet = { { id: 'Zoraal Ja Ex Phase Tracker', type: 'StartsUsing', - // 9397 - Dawn of an Age - // 938F - Drum of Vollok - // 938A - Projection of Triumph + // 9397 - Dawn Of An Age + // 938F - Drum Of Vollok + // 938A - Projection Of Triumph // 93A2 - Multidirectional Divide (needed to reset to arena phase before enrage) netRegex: { id: ['9397', '938F', '938A', '93A2'], source: 'Zoraal Ja' }, run: (data, matches) => { - // Knockaround is preceded by a 'Dawn of an Age' cast, but catching 'Drum of Vollok' + // Knockaround is preceded by a 'Dawn Of An Age' cast, but catching 'Drum Of Vollok' // allows us to detect phase correctly. if (matches.id === '9397') data.phase = 'swords'; @@ -435,13 +443,13 @@ const triggerSet: TriggerSet = { }, }, { - id: 'Zoraal Ja Ex Dawn of an Age', + id: 'Zoraal Ja Ex Dawn Of An Age', type: 'StartsUsing', netRegex: { id: '9397', source: 'Zoraal Ja', capture: false }, response: Responses.aoe(), }, { - id: 'Zoraal Ja Ex Chasm of Vollok Sword Collect', + id: 'Zoraal Ja Ex Chasm Of Vollok Sword Collect', type: 'StartsUsing', netRegex: { id: '9399', source: 'Fang' }, run: (data, matches) => { @@ -469,7 +477,7 @@ const triggerSet: TriggerSet = { }, }, { - id: 'Zoraal Ja Ex Chasm of Vollok + Half Full', + id: 'Zoraal Ja Ex Chasm Of Vollok + Half Full', type: 'StartsUsing', // 9368 - Right Sword (left/west safe) // 9369 - Left Sword (right/east safe) @@ -568,30 +576,35 @@ const triggerSet: TriggerSet = { }, insideN: { en: 'Inner North Diamond - ${lean}', + de: 'Innerer Nord Diamont - ${lean}', fr: 'Diamand intérieur Nord - ${lean}', cn: '内侧 上地板 - ${lean}', ko: '안 북쪽 칸 - ${lean}', }, insideS: { en: 'Inner South Diamond - ${lean}', + de: 'Innerer Süd Diamont - ${lean}', fr: 'Diamand intérieur Sud - ${lean}', cn: '内侧 下地板 - ${lean}', ko: '안 남쪽 칸 - ${lean}', }, cornerNS: { en: 'North/South Corner Diamonds - ${lean}', + de: 'Nord/Süd Eck-Diamonten - ${lean}', fr: 'Diamand coin Nord/Sud - ${lean}', cn: '上/下角地板 - ${lean}', ko: '남/북쪽 구석 칸 - ${lean}', }, cornerN: { en: 'North Corner Diamond - ${lean}', + de: 'Nord Eck-Diamont - ${lean}', fr: 'Diamand coin Nord - ${lean}', cn: '上角落地板 - ${lean}', ko: '북쪽 구석 칸 - ${lean}', }, cornerS: { en: 'South Corner Diamond - ${lean}', + de: 'Süd Eck-Diamont - ${lean}', fr: 'Diamand coin Sud - ${lean}', cn: '下角落地板 - ${lean}', ko: '남쪽 구석 칸 - ${lean}', @@ -672,8 +685,8 @@ const triggerSet: TriggerSet = { if (data.fireWindSetup === undefined) return; - // Same as Chasm of Vollok, remap the sword position to a corresponding main platform tile - // But unlike Chasm of Vollok, these Fang actors are positioned at the bak of the tiles, + // Same as Chasm Of Vollok, remap the sword position to a corresponding main platform tile + // But unlike Chasm Of Vollok, these Fang actors are positioned at the bak of the tiles, // so we need a slightly different mirrorAdjust value const mirrorAdjust = 22.98; // sqrt(5^2 + 5^2) * 3.25 const swordY = parseFloat(matches.y) + mirrorAdjust; @@ -912,13 +925,13 @@ const triggerSet: TriggerSet = { response: Responses.tankBusterSwap(), }, { - id: 'Zoraal Ja Ex Drum of Vollok Collect', + id: 'Zoraal Ja Ex Drum Of Vollok Collect', type: 'StartsUsing', netRegex: { id: '938F', source: 'Zoraal Ja' }, run: (data, matches) => data.drumTargets.push(matches.target), }, { - id: 'Zoraal Ja Ex Drum of Vollok', + id: 'Zoraal Ja Ex Drum Of Vollok', type: 'StartsUsing', netRegex: { id: '938F', source: 'Zoraal Ja', capture: false }, delaySeconds: 0.3, // let Collect run first @@ -1199,7 +1212,7 @@ const triggerSet: TriggerSet = { // change directions, so use boss-relative rather than trying to guess which way the player // is facing. { - id: 'Zoraal Ja Ex Might of Vollok Right Sword', + id: 'Zoraal Ja Ex Might Of Vollok Right Sword', type: 'StartsUsing', netRegex: { id: '9368', source: 'Zoraal Ja', capture: false }, condition: (data) => data.phase === 'lines' && data.seenHalfCircuit, @@ -1216,7 +1229,7 @@ const triggerSet: TriggerSet = { }, }, { - id: 'Zoraal Ja Ex Might of Vollok Left Sword', + id: 'Zoraal Ja Ex Might Of Vollok Left Sword', type: 'StartsUsing', netRegex: { id: '9369', source: 'Zoraal Ja', capture: false }, condition: (data) => data.phase === 'lines' && data.seenHalfCircuit, @@ -1233,8 +1246,8 @@ const triggerSet: TriggerSet = { }, }, { - // This Chasm of Vollok happens in swords2 and has no Half Full cleave. - id: 'Zoraal Ja Ex Chasm of Vollok No Cleave', + // This Chasm Of Vollok happens in swords2 and has no Half Full cleave. + id: 'Zoraal Ja Ex Chasm Of Vollok No Cleave', type: 'StartsUsing', netRegex: { id: '9399', source: 'Fang', capture: false }, condition: (data) => data.phase === 'swords' && data.seenHalfCircuit, @@ -1312,30 +1325,35 @@ const triggerSet: TriggerSet = { }, insideN: { en: 'Inside North Safe', + de: 'Innen Norden sicher', fr: 'Nord intérieur sûr', cn: '内侧 上安全', ko: '안쪽 북 안전', }, insideS: { en: 'Inside South Safe', + de: 'Innen Süden sicher', fr: 'Sud intérieur sûr', cn: '内侧 下安全', ko: '안쪽 남 안전', }, cornerNS: { en: 'North/South Corners Safe', + de: 'Norden/Süden Ecken sicher', fr: 'Coin Nord/Sud sûrs', cn: '上/下角落安全', ko: '남/북쪽 구석 안전', }, cornerN: { en: 'North Corner Safe', + de: 'Norden Ecken sicher', fr: 'Coin Nord sûr', cn: '上角落安全', ko: '북쪽 구석 안전', }, cornerS: { en: 'South Corner Safe', + de: 'Süden Ecken sicher', fr: 'Coin Sud sûr', cn: '下角落安全', ko: '남쪽 구석 안전', @@ -1357,7 +1375,7 @@ const triggerSet: TriggerSet = { 'replaceText': { 'Fiery Edge/Stormy Edge': 'Fiery/Stormy Edge', 'Forward Edge/Backward Edge': 'Forward/Backward Edge', - 'Siege of Vollok/Walls of Vollok': 'Siege/Walls of Vollok', + 'Siege Of Vollok/Walls Of Vollok': 'Siege/Walls Of Vollok', }, }, { @@ -1377,9 +1395,9 @@ const triggerSet: TriggerSet = { 'Bitter Whirlwind': 'Bitterer Wirbelwind', 'Blade Warp': 'Klingensprung', 'Burning Chains': 'Brennende Ketten', - 'Chasm of Vollok': 'Klippe von Vollok', - 'Dawn of an Age': 'Dämmerung eines Zeitalters', - 'Drum of Vollok': 'Trommel von Vollok', + 'Chasm Of Vollok': 'Klippe von Vollok', + 'Dawn Of An Age': 'Dämmerung eines Zeitalters', + 'Drum Of Vollok': 'Trommel von Vollok', 'Duty\'s Edge': 'Pflichtes Schneide', 'Fiery Edge': 'Feurige Klinge', 'Forged Track': 'Unbestimmter Pfad', @@ -1387,16 +1405,16 @@ const triggerSet: TriggerSet = { 'Greater Gateway': 'Großes Tor der Welten', 'Half Circuit': 'Halbe Runde', 'Half Full': 'Halbes Ganzes', - 'Might of Vollok': 'Macht von Vollok', + 'Might Of Vollok': 'Macht von Vollok', 'Multidirectional Divide': 'Wechselseitige Klingen', - 'Projection of Triumph': 'Vorhersage von Triumph', - 'Projection of Turmoil': 'Vorhersage von Aufruhr', + 'Projection Of Triumph': 'Vorhersage von Triumph', + 'Projection Of Turmoil': 'Vorhersage von Aufruhr', 'Regicidal Rage': 'Wut des Regizids', - 'Siege of Vollok': 'Belagerung von Vollok', + 'Siege Of Vollok': 'Belagerung von Vollok', 'Stormy Edge': 'Stürmische Klinge', 'Sync(?![-h])': 'Synchro', '(? = { 'Bitter Whirlwind': 'Tourbillon amer', 'Blade Warp': 'Invocation incisive', 'Burning Chains': 'Chaînes brûlantes', - 'Chasm of Vollok': 'Trappe de Vollok', - 'Dawn of an Age': 'Âge de l\'aurore', - 'Drum of Vollok': 'Coup de Vollok', + 'Chasm Of Vollok': 'Trappe de Vollok', + 'Dawn Of An Age': 'Âge de l\'aurore', + 'Drum Of Vollok': 'Coup de Vollok', 'Duty\'s Edge': 'Devoir d\'acier', 'Fiery Edge': 'Lames de feu', 'Forged Track': 'Traque incisive', @@ -1426,16 +1444,16 @@ const triggerSet: TriggerSet = { 'Greater Gateway': 'Passerelle enchantée', 'Half Circuit': 'Demi-circuit', 'Half Full': 'Demi-plénitude', - 'Might of Vollok': 'Puissance de Vollok', + 'Might Of Vollok': 'Puissance de Vollok', 'Multidirectional Divide': 'Division multidirectionnelle', - 'Projection of Triumph': 'Lames repoussantes', - 'Projection of Turmoil': 'Salve repoussante', + 'Projection Of Triumph': 'Lames repoussantes', + 'Projection Of Turmoil': 'Salve repoussante', 'Regicidal Rage': 'Régicide', - 'Siege of Vollok': 'Anneau de Vollok', + 'Siege Of Vollok': 'Anneau de Vollok', 'Stormy Edge': 'Lames de vent', 'Sync(?![-h])': 'Synchronisation', '(? = { 'Bitter Whirlwind': 'ビターウィンド', 'Blade Warp': 'サモンエッジ', 'Burning Chains': '炎の鎖', - 'Chasm of Vollok': 'ピット・オブ・ヴォロク', - 'Dawn of an Age': 'ドーン・エイジ', - 'Drum of Vollok': 'ノック・オブ・ヴォロク', + 'Chasm Of Vollok': 'ピット・オブ・ヴォロク', + 'Dawn Of An Age': 'ドーン・エイジ', + 'Drum Of Vollok': 'ノック・オブ・ヴォロク', 'Duty\'s Edge': 'デューティエッジ', 'Fiery Edge': 'ファイアエッジ', 'Forged Track': 'エッジトラック', @@ -1461,16 +1479,16 @@ const triggerSet: TriggerSet = { 'Greater Gateway': 'エンチャント・ゲートウェイ', 'Half Circuit': 'ルーズハーフ・サーキット', 'Half Full': 'ルーズハーフ', - 'Might of Vollok': 'パワー・オブ・ヴォロク', + 'Might Of Vollok': 'パワー・オブ・ヴォロク', 'Multidirectional Divide': 'マルチウェイ', - 'Projection of Triumph': 'プロジェクション・エッジ', - 'Projection of Turmoil': 'プロジェクション・バースト', + 'Projection Of Triumph': 'プロジェクション・エッジ', + 'Projection Of Turmoil': 'プロジェクション・バースト', 'Regicidal Rage': 'レジサイド', - 'Siege of Vollok': 'リング・オブ・ヴォロク', + 'Siege Of Vollok': 'リング・オブ・ヴォロク', 'Stormy Edge': 'ウィンドエッジ', 'Sync(?![-h])': 'シンクロナス', '(? = { 'Bitter Whirlwind': '愤恨之风', 'Blade Warp': '利刃召唤', 'Burning Chains': '火焰链', - 'Chasm of Vollok': '无敌裂斩', - 'Dawn of an Age': '新曦世纪', - 'Drum of Vollok': '无敌之击', + 'Chasm Of Vollok': '无敌裂斩', + 'Dawn Of An Age': '新曦世纪', + 'Drum Of Vollok': '无敌之击', 'Duty\'s Edge': '责任之刃', 'Fiery Edge': '烈火刃', 'Forged Track': '利刃冲', @@ -1500,16 +1518,16 @@ const triggerSet: TriggerSet = { 'Greater Gateway': '附魔通路', 'Half Circuit': '回旋半身残', 'Half Full': '半身残', - 'Might of Vollok': '无敌之力', + 'Might Of Vollok': '无敌之力', 'Multidirectional Divide': '多向斩', - 'Projection of Triumph': '情感投射:利刃', - 'Projection of Turmoil': '情感投射:爆发', + 'Projection Of Triumph': '情感投射:利刃', + 'Projection Of Turmoil': '情感投射:爆发', 'Regicidal Rage': '弑君之怒行', - 'Siege of Vollok': '无敌之环', + 'Siege Of Vollok': '无敌之环', 'Stormy Edge': '暴风刃', 'Sync(?![-h])': '同步', '(? = { { id: 'ZoraalJa Shadow Burst', type: 'StartsUsing', - netRegex: { id: '934D', source: 'Shadow of Tural', capture: false }, + netRegex: { id: '934D', source: 'Shadow Of Tural', capture: false }, delaySeconds: 3, suppressSeconds: 1, infoText: (_data, _matches, output) => output.away!(), outputStrings: { away: { en: 'Away from adds', + de: 'Weg von den Adds', fr: 'Éloignez-vous des adds', cn: '远离小怪', ko: '쫄들과 멀어지기', @@ -244,6 +245,7 @@ const triggerSet: TriggerSet = { outputStrings: { dodgeCombo: { en: 'Dodge contracting swords (front/back combo after)', + de: 'Weiche den Schwertern aus (vorne/hinten Kombo danach)', fr: 'Esquivez les épées combattantes (combo avant/arrière ensuite)', cn: '躲避向内步进 AOE (然后前后刀)', ko: '모여드는 칼 피하기 (이후 앞/뒤 콤보)', @@ -260,6 +262,7 @@ const triggerSet: TriggerSet = { outputStrings: { dodge: { en: 'Dodge expanding swords', + de: 'Weiche den ausbreitenden Schwertern aus', fr: 'Évitez les épées en expansion', cn: '躲避向外步进 AOE', ko: '퍼져 나가는 칼 피하기', @@ -275,7 +278,7 @@ const triggerSet: TriggerSet = { response: Responses.bigAoe('alert'), }, { - id: 'ZoraalJa Dawn of an Age', + id: 'ZoraalJa Dawn Of An Age', type: 'StartsUsing', netRegex: { id: '9354', source: 'Zoraal Ja', capture: false }, response: Responses.aoe(), @@ -332,7 +335,7 @@ const triggerSet: TriggerSet = { run: (data) => data.seenFirstSync = true, }, { - id: 'ZoraalJa Chasm of Vollok Sword Collect', + id: 'ZoraalJa Chasm Of Vollok Sword Collect', type: 'StartsUsing', netRegex: { id: '9358', source: 'Fang' }, run: (data, matches) => { @@ -345,7 +348,7 @@ const triggerSet: TriggerSet = { }, }, { - id: 'ZoraalJa Chasm of Vollok', + id: 'ZoraalJa Chasm Of Vollok', type: 'StartsUsing', netRegex: { id: '9358', source: 'Fang', capture: false }, delaySeconds: 0.2, @@ -367,6 +370,7 @@ const triggerSet: TriggerSet = { westCorner: Outputs.west, unknown: { en: 'Avoid swords', + de: 'Weiche den Schwertern aus', fr: 'Évitez les épées', cn: '躲避剑', ko: '칼 피하기', @@ -422,30 +426,35 @@ const triggerSet: TriggerSet = { outputStrings: { insideNorth: { en: 'Inner North Diamond', + de: 'Innerer Nord-Diamant', fr: 'Diamand nord intérieur', cn: '上内侧方格', ko: '안 북쪽 칸', }, insideEast: { en: 'Inner East Diamond', + de: 'Innerer Ost-Diamant', fr: 'Diamand est intérieur', cn: '右内侧方格', ko: '안 동쪽 칸', }, insideSouth: { en: 'Inner South Diamond', + de: 'Innerer Süd-Diamant', fr: 'Diamand sud intérieur', cn: '下内侧方格', ko: '안 남쪽 칸', }, insideWest: { en: 'Inner West Diamond', + de: 'Innerer West-Diamant', fr: 'Diamand est intérieur', cn: '左内侧方格', ko: '안 서쪽 칸', }, unknown: { en: 'Avoid Line Cleaves', + de: 'Weiche den Linien-Cleaves aus', fr: 'Évitez les cleaves en ligne', cn: '躲避直线剑击', ko: '직선 장판 피하기', @@ -531,82 +540,122 @@ const triggerSet: TriggerSet = { timelineReplace: [ { 'locale': 'de', - 'missingTranslations': true, 'replaceSync': { 'Fang': 'Reißzahn', + 'Shadow Of Tural': 'Schatten Turals', 'Zoraal Ja': 'Zoraal Ja', }, 'replaceText': { 'Actualize': 'Verwirklichung', + 'Bitter Reaping': 'Bittere Ernte', 'Blade Warp': 'Klingensprung', - 'Chasm of Vollok': 'Klippe von Vollok', - 'Dawn of an Age': 'Dämmerung eines Zeitalters', + 'Burst': 'Explosion', + 'Calamity\'s Edge': 'Klinge des Unheils', + 'Chasm Of Vollok': 'Spalt von Vollok', + 'Dawn Of An Age': 'Dämmerung eines Zeitalters', + 'Double-edged Swords': 'Zweischneidige Schwerter', 'Duty\'s Edge': 'Pflichtes Schneide', + 'Fire III': 'Feuga', 'Forged Track': 'Unbestimmter Pfad', + 'Gateway': 'Tor der Welten', 'Half Circuit': 'Halbe Runde', 'Half Full': 'Halbes Ganzes', + 'Patricidal Pique': 'Pein des Patrizids', + 'Smiting Circuit': 'Rundumschlitzer', + 'Soul Overflow': 'Seelenüberfluss', 'Sync(?![-h])': 'Synchro', '(? = { triggers: [], timelineReplace: [ { - locale: 'en', - replaceText: { + 'locale': 'en', + 'replaceText': { 'Sinbound Fire III/Sinbound Thunder III': 'Sinbound Fire/Thunder', }, }, + { + 'locale': 'de', + 'replaceSync': { + 'Fatebreaker(?!\')': 'fusioniert(?:e|er|es|en) Ascian', + 'Fatebreaker\'s Image': 'Abbild des fusionierten Ascians', + }, + 'replaceText': { + 'Blastburn': 'Brandstoß', + 'Blasting Zone': 'Erda-Detonation', + 'Burn Mark': 'Brandmal', + 'Burnished Glory': 'Leuchtende Aureole', + 'Burnout': 'Brandentladung', + 'Burnt Strike': 'Brandschlag', + 'Cyclonic Break': 'Zyklon-Brecher', + 'Explosion': 'Explosion', + 'Fall Of Faith': 'Sünden-Erdspaltung', + 'Floating Fetters': 'Schwebende Fesseln', + 'Powder Mark Trail': 'Stetes Pulvermal', + 'Sinblaze': 'Sündenglut', + 'Sinbound Fire III': 'Sünden-Feuga', + 'Sinbound Thunder III': 'Sünden-Blitzga', + 'Sinsmite': 'Sündenblitz', + 'Sinsmoke': 'Sündenflamme', + 'Turn Of The Heavens': 'Kreislauf der Wiedergeburt', + 'Utopian Sky': 'Paradiestrennung', + }, + }, + { + 'locale': 'fr', + 'replaceSync': { + 'Fatebreaker(?!\')': 'Sabreur de destins', + 'Fatebreaker\'s Image': 'double du Sabreur de destins', + }, + 'replaceText': { + 'Blastburn': 'Explosion brûlante', + 'Blasting Zone': 'Zone de destruction', + 'Burn Mark': 'Marque explosive', + 'Burnished Glory': 'Halo luminescent', + 'Burnout': 'Combustion totale', + 'Burnt Strike': 'Frappe brûlante', + 'Cyclonic Break': 'Brisement cyclonique', + 'Explosion': 'Explosion', + 'Fall Of Faith': 'Section illuminée', + 'Floating Fetters': 'Entraves flottantes', + 'Powder Mark Trail': 'Marquage fatal enchaîné', + 'Sinblaze': 'Embrasement authentique', + 'Sinbound Fire III': 'Méga Feu authentique', + 'Sinbound Thunder III': 'Méga Foudre authentique', + 'Sinsmite': 'Éclair du péché', + 'Sinsmoke': 'Flammes du péché', + 'Turn Of The Heavens': 'Cercles rituels', + 'Utopian Sky': 'Ultime paradis', + }, + }, + { + 'locale': 'ja', + 'replaceSync': { + 'Fatebreaker(?!\')': 'フェイトブレイカー', + 'Fatebreaker\'s Image': 'フェイトブレイカーの幻影', + }, + 'replaceText': { + 'Blastburn': 'バーンブラスト', + 'Blasting Zone': 'ブラスティングゾーン', + 'Burn Mark': '爆印', + 'Burnished Glory': '光焔光背', + 'Burnout': 'バーンアウト', + 'Burnt Strike': 'バーンストライク', + 'Cyclonic Break': 'サイクロニックブレイク', + 'Explosion': '爆発', + 'Fall Of Faith': 'シンソイルセヴァー', + 'Floating Fetters': '浮遊拘束', + 'Powder Mark Trail': '連鎖爆印刻', + 'Sinblaze': 'シンブレイズ', + 'Sinbound Fire III': 'シンファイガ', + 'Sinbound Thunder III': 'シンサンダガ', + 'Sinsmite': 'シンボルト', + 'Sinsmoke': 'シンフレイム', + 'Turn Of The Heavens': '転輪召', + 'Utopian Sky': '楽園絶技', + }, + }, ], }; diff --git a/ui/raidboss/data/07-dt/ultimate/futures_rewritten.txt b/ui/raidboss/data/07-dt/ultimate/futures_rewritten.txt index ced4a35d72..08a7dd48cb 100644 --- a/ui/raidboss/data/07-dt/ultimate/futures_rewritten.txt +++ b/ui/raidboss/data/07-dt/ultimate/futures_rewritten.txt @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ hideall "--sync--" 58.6 "Sinsmoke/Sinsmite" Ability { id: ["9CD3", "9CD5"], source: ["Fatebreaker", "Fatebreaker's Image"] } 60.6 "Cyclonic Break 3 (follow-up)" #Ability { id: "9CD2", source: "Fatebreaker's Image" } 62.6 "Cyclonic Break 4 (follow-up)" #Ability { id: "9CD2", source: "Fatebreaker's Image" } -63.8 "Turn of the Heavens" Ability { id: ["9CD6", "9CD7"], source: "Fatebreaker's Image" } +63.8 "Turn Of The Heavens" Ability { id: ["9CD6", "9CD7"], source: "Fatebreaker's Image" } 64.8 "Burnt Strike (lightning)" Ability { id: "9CE3", source: "Fatebreaker's Image" } 66.5 "Burnout" Ability { id: "9CE4", source: "Fatebreaker's Image" } 70.8 "Burnt Strike (fire)" Ability { id: "9CE1", source: "Fatebreaker's Image" } @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ hideall "--sync--" 79.8 "--targetable--" 86.0 "Burnished Glory" Ability { id: "9CEA", source: "Fatebreaker" } -101.4 "Fall of Faith" Ability { id: ["9CC9", "9CCC"], source: "Fatebreaker" } # This is manually left in since it's a visible castbar. +101.4 "Fall Of Faith" Ability { id: ["9CC9", "9CCC"], source: "Fatebreaker" } # This is manually left in since it's a visible castbar. 102.2 "Floating Fetters 1" #Ability { id: "9CEB", source: "Fatebreaker" } 105.2 "Floating Fetters 2" #Ability { id: "9CEB", source: "Fatebreaker's Image" } 105.5 "Sinblaze/Sinsmite 1" #Ability { id: ["9CCE", "9CDC"], source: "Fatebreaker" } @@ -62,15 +62,15 @@ hideall "--sync--" # IGNORED ABILITIES # Fatebreaker # 9CB4 --sync--: Auto-attack -# 9CC9 Fall of Faith: Tether castbar, fire +# 9CC9 Fall Of Faith: Tether castbar, fire # 9CCA Solemn Charge: Rush to tether target, clones -# 9CCC Fall of Faith: Tether castbar, lightning +# 9CCC Fall Of Faith: Tether castbar, lightning # 9CCD Solemn Charge: Rush to tether target, Fatebreaker # 9CCF Bow Shock: Lightning bait cones (Sinsmite follow-up) -# 9CD8 Brightfire: Turn of the Heavens circle explosions -# 9CD9 Brightfire: Turn of the Heavens circle explosions +# 9CD8 Brightfire: Turn Of The Heavens circle explosions +# 9CD9 Brightfire: Turn Of The Heavens circle explosions # 9CE5 Bound of Faith: Roots + lifts tether target -# 9CE6 Solemn Charge: Rush to tether target, clones, Turn of the Heavens +# 9CE6 Solemn Charge: Rush to tether target, clones, Turn Of The Heavens # 9CE9 Burn Mark: Tower failure # ALL ENCOUNTER ABILITIES @@ -83,9 +83,9 @@ hideall "--sync--" # 9CC5 Burnt Strike: Guillotine cleave, lightning # 9CC6 Burnout: Lightning Burnt Strike expansion # 9CC7 Explosion: Tower damage -# 9CC9 Fall of Faith: Tether castbar, fire +# 9CC9 Fall Of Faith: Tether castbar, fire # 9CCA Solemn Charge: Rush to tether target, clones -# 9CCC Fall of Faith: Tether castbar, lightning +# 9CCC Fall Of Faith: Tether castbar, lightning # 9CCD Solemn Charge: Rush to tether target, Fatebreaker # 9CCE Sinsmite: Tether damage, lightning # 9CCF Bow Shock: Lightning bait cones (Sinsmite follow-up) @@ -95,10 +95,10 @@ hideall "--sync--" # 9CD3 Sinsmoke: Protean follow-up, pairs # 9CD4 Cyclonic Break: Protean castbar, lightning # 9CD5 Sinsmite: Protean follow-up, spreads -# 9CD6 Turn of the Heavens: Emote for Brightfire circle expansion, fire -# 9CD7 Turn of the Heavens: Emote for Brightfire circle expansion, lightning -# 9CD8 Brightfire: Turn of the Heavens circle explosions -# 9CD9 Brightfire: Turn of the Heavens circle explosions +# 9CD6 Turn Of The Heavens: Emote for Brightfire circle expansion, fire +# 9CD7 Turn Of The Heavens: Emote for Brightfire circle expansion, lightning +# 9CD8 Brightfire: Turn Of The Heavens circle explosions +# 9CD9 Brightfire: Turn Of The Heavens circle explosions # 9CDA Utopian Sky: Intermission/trio castbar, fire # 9CDB Utopian Sky: Intermission/trio castbar, lightning # 9CDC Sinblaze: Tether damage, fire