The training procedure is complicated, if you just want to get the results for comparison, or want to reproduce our result, I recommend you directly download the for ScanNet and ARKitScenes, or directly use our pre-trained weights for ScanNet and ARKitScenes to validate.
Before training and validating our method, please ensure you have successfully built up the environment and processed the data.
If you want to skip step 1, you can directly download our pre-trained weights on ScanNet and ARKitScenes.
First, you should download the resnet weights: R-50.pth, and change the R50_path
variable of the projects/configs/mvsdetection/
and the projects/configs/mvsdetection/
Second, you should construct a work directory to store your results and checkpoints, and change the work_dir
variable of the config files.
Finally, you can run the pretraining procedure
bash ./projects/configs/mvsdetection/ 4
bash ./projects/configs/mvsdetection/ 4
If you want to skip Steps 1 and 2, you can directly download our pre-trained base weights on ScanNet and ARKitScenes.
For convenience, we dump the point clouds with features based on our pre-trained reconstruction network and our ray marching method, and directly use the FCAF3D code to pre-train the FCAF3D network.
First, you need to convert your pre-trained reconstruction weight to a universal version. Before this, you should download
the checkpoint templates for ScanNet and ARKitScenes.
python ./data_prepare/ --atlas_model_path {your_pretrained_recon_ckpt_path} --fcaf3d_model_path none --full_model_path {template_path} --result_path {your_converted_weight_path} --result_type full
Then, you can dump the point cloud with features with the converted checkpoint. The config files are ./projects/configs/mvsdetection/
(ScanNet) and ./projects/configs/mvsdetection/
Same as previous steps, you should change the R50_path
, work_dir
variables to your desire. Additionally, you should change the MIDDLE_SAVE_PATH
to the path that you want to save your point cloud with features. If you want to visualize the points, you can also change the MIDDLE_VISUALIZE_PATH
bash ./projects/configs/mvsdetection/ {your_converted_weight_path} 4
bash ./projects/configs/mvsdetection/ {your_converted_weight_path} 4
After this, you will dump all the training data into the path. You can dump the validating data by changing the data("test")("ann_file")
variable to xxxx_val.pkl
The point cloud with features has the name xxxxxxxx_vert.npy. After dumping the point clouds with features, you should also copy the bounding boxes and semantic, instance annotations of your ARKitScenes and ScanNet dataset to the path, in order to train the FCAF3D network. The path that saves the point cloud with features should have the following structure:
├── {your_save_path}
│ ├──xxxxxxxx_aligned_bbox.npy
│ ├──xxxxxxxx_axis_align_matrix.npy
│ ├──xxxxxxxx_axis_ins_label.npy
│ ├──xxxxxxxx_axis_sem_label.npy
│ ├──xxxxxxxx_axis_unaligned_bbox.npy
│ ├──xxxxxxxx_axis_vert.npy(this is your point cloud with feature, the others are the ground truth annotations)
You should build the environment and process the data according to FCAF3D first. The only difference is that you should change the scannet_instance_data
and the arkit_instance_data
files, which denotes the ground truth bounding box and segmentation annotations, to the path that you save your point cloud with features in Step 2.1.
You should put the ./fcaf3d/
and ./fcaf3d/
of our code repository to the ./configs/fcaf3d
directory of the FCAF3D repository, and put the ./fcaf3d/
and ./fcaf3d/
to the ./mmdet3d/datasets
directory of the FCAF3D repository.
Then, you can run the FCAF3D training code:
bash tools/ configs/fcaf3d/ 4
bash tools/ configs/fcaf3d/ 4
After pretraining the FCAF3D detection network, you should combine the Atlas reconstruction network and the FCAF3D detection network together, as the basis before final fine-tuning.
python ./data_prepare/ --atlas_model_path {your_pretrained_recon_ckpt_path} --fcaf3d_model_path {your_pretrained_detection_ckpt_path} --full_model_path {template_path} --result_path {your_converted_weight_path} --result_type full
After Steps 1 and 2, you should have successfully constructed the basis of the step. If you want to skip Steps 1 and 2, you can directly download our pre-trained base weights on ScanNet and ARKitScenes.
The config files are ./projects/configs/mvsdetection/
(ScanNet) and ./projects/configs/mvsdetection/
(ARKitScenes). Same as previous steps, you should change the R50_path
, work_dir
variables to your desire. Additionally, you should set the load_from
variable to the pre-trained base weight path.
bash ./projects/configs/mvsdetection/ 4
bash ./projects/configs/mvsdetection/ 4
To Skip Steps 1, 2, and 3, you can directly download our final checkpoints for ScanNet and ARKitScenes. And you can directly download our final results for ScanNet and ARKitScenes.
First, you should get the result bounding boxes (without nms post-processing).
bash projects/configs/mvsdetection/ {scannet_best.pth} 4
bash projects/configs/mvsdetection/ {arkit_best.pth} 4
After this, you should do nms post-processing to the data by running:
python ./post_process/ --result_path {your_work_dir}/results
The pc_det_nms does not always work very well, if it fails, just run it again and again....
You can then evaluate the results by running
./post_process/ --dataset {arkit/scannet} --data_path {your_arkit_or_scannet_source_path} --result_path {your_work_dir}/results
You can visualize the results by running
./post_process/ --dataset {arkit/scannet} --data_path {your_arkit_or_scannet_source_path} --save_path {your_work_dir}/results
if the nms fails, you can discover many bounding boxes very close to each other on the visualized results, then you can run the nms again.