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executable file
258 lines (220 loc) · 6.13 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
258 lines (220 loc) · 6.13 KB

ssh config :

/etc/ansible/ansible.cfg ==> ansible config file
#host_key_checking=false ==> uncomment it for not check key

host_vars , group_vars

dir structure for host_vars :


server1.yml :


dir structure for group_vars (same var for all server in this group) :


Include Tasks

dir structure for separate tasks :

  name: separate tasks
  hosts: localhost
  - include: tasks/server.yml
  - include: tasks/db.yml

tasks/db.yml :

- name: install dep for db
- name: config db

tasks/server.yml :

- name: install dep for app
- name: config app

Ansible Galaxy

create new role :

ansible-galaxy init new-role-name

search in public roles :

ansible-galaxy search role-name


when we want not be ssh connection alive for long time during proccess

for example this script takes at least 5 min long use aysnc to stay 360 sec for this script

- name: 5 min script for web
  command: /opt/
  async: 360

by default ansible check status script every 10 sec but we can modify it with poll, in this example ansible check status every 15 sec

- name: 5 min script for web
  command: /opt/
  async: 360
  poll: 15

if we have more than one moudle takes 5 min time, ansible wait 5 min for each moudle until down, beacuse it run parallel during runtime, set poll to 0 and then use async_status for check moudles work fine and retries until down

- name: 1 min script for web
  command: /opt/
  async: 60
  poll: 0
  register: script_web

- name: 1 min script for db
  command: /opt/
  async: 60
  poll: 0
  register: script_db

- name: check status of task web
    jid: '{{ script_web.ansible_job_id }}'
  register: job_result
  until: job_result.finished
  retries: 30 # ==> it's for 30 times retry until down


Linear Strategy (default ansible strategy)

it run all these servers at same time but wait to complete each task in all servers and then go to next task

server1 ===> task1 ===> task2    task3    end
server2 ===> task1 ===> task2    task3    end
server3 ===> task1 ===> task2    task3    end
- name: linear strategy
  hosts: server1, server2, server3

Free Strategy

each server doing taks independent and not wait for another servers

server1 ===> task1 ===> task2 ===> task3      end
server2 ===> task1 ===> task2      task3      end
server3 ===> task1 ===> task2 ===> task3 ===> end
- name: free strategy
  strategy: free
  hosts: server1, server2, server3

Batch Strategy (it's base on linear strategy)

it's like linear strategy but we can specify number of servers run in same time

- name: batch strategy
  serial: 3
  hosts: all_servers

ansible just talk to 5 server parallel at time if want to change number of server, we should do it in ansible.cfg

forks = 5

Error Handling

by default if one of server get error during runtime , just that server stoped but in this case ,even one server get error during runtime all server stoped with set this parameter any_errors_fatal: to true :

- name: error handling
  hosts: all_servers
  any_errors_fatal: true

in this task, it's not very important , if fail during runtime , ignore error and continue with set ignore_errors: parameter to yes :

- name: just echo 'hello wolrd'
  command: /opt/
  ignore_errors: yes

if find ERROR word in file, value of file is command_output.stdout , this task gonna fail with set failed_when: parameter :

- name: important script
  command: /var/log/db.log
  register: command_output
  failed_when: "'ERROR' in command_output.stdout"

Jinja2 Template Engine

Filters :


my name is {{ my_name }} ==> subtitle
my name is {{ my_name | upper }} ==> for upper case of value
my name is {{ my_name | lower }} ==> for lower case of value
my name is {{ my_name | title }} ==> for title
my name is {{ my_name | replace("sepehr", "sina") }} ==> for replca "sepehr" word with "sina"
my name is {{ my_name | default("sepehr") }} {{ family_name }} ==> for default value

List and Set

{{ [1,2,3] | min }}  ==> 1
{{ [1,2,3] | max }}  ==> 3
{{ [1,2,3,3] | unique }} ==> 1,2,3
{{ [1,2,3] | union([4,5]) }} ==> 1,2,3,4,5
{{ [1,2,3,4] | intersect([4,5]) }} ==> 4
{{ 100 | random }} ==> random number from 0 to 100
{{ ["sepehr", "is", "too", "smart" ] | join("") }} ==> sepehr is too smart


{% if x > y %}
  x is bigger
{% elif z == 0 %}
  negetive var value
{% else %}
  y is smaller
{% endif %}


  z: [1,2,3,4,5]
{% for each in z %}
  {{ each }}
{% endfor %}


credential.csv file is :


for get password from credential.csv file use lookup :

{{ lookup('csvfile' , 'target1 file=/tmp/credential.csv delimiter=,') }} ==> password

it can use with ini , dns , mongodb, ... files

Ansible Vault

ansible-vault encrypt inventory.txt ==> encrypt inventory file
ansible-vault decrypt inventory.txt ==> decrypt inventory file
ansible-vault rekey inventory.txt ==> change password
ansible-vault view inventory.txt ==> view value of encrypted file
ansible-vault create inventory.txt ==> create encrypt file
ansible-vault edit inventory.txt ==> edit encrypted file

for run playbook with encrypted files :

ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini playbook.yml --ask-vault-pass
ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini playbook.yml --vault-password-file ./pass.txt ==> read pass from text file
ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini playbook.yml --vault-password-file ./ ==> read pass from py script