As is the convention in go, unit tests for the .go
file you want to test live in the same folder and end with _test.go
We use the ginkgo
testing framework for writing the tests.
To execute the tests, use
go test -v -tags unittest ./...
E2E tests are going to test the specific scenarios with a real AKS and App Gateway setup with AGIC installed on it.
E2E tests are automatically run every day 3 AM in the morning using an E2E pipeline.
If you have cluster with AGIC installed, you can run e2e tests simply by:
go test -v -tags e2e ./...
You can also execute the
which is used in the E2E pipeline to invoke the tests. This script will install AGIC with the version provided.
export version="<agic-version>"
export applicationGatewayId="<resource-id>"
export identityResourceId="<agic-identity-resource-id>"
export identityClientId="<agic-identity-client-id>"
- If you just want to run a specific set of tests, then an easy way is add
(Focus) to theIt
directive in the test. For example:FContext("Test obtaining a single certificate for an existing host", func() { cb := newConfigBuilderFixture(nil) ingress := tests.NewIngressFixture() hostnameSecretIDMap := cb.newHostToSecretMap(ingress) actualSecret, actualSecretID := cb.getCertificate(ingress, host1, hostnameSecretIDMap) It("should have generated the expected secret", func() { Expect(*actualSecret).To(Equal("eHl6")) }) It("should have generated the correct secretID struct", func() { Expect(*actualSecretID).To(Equal(expectedSecret)) }) })