diff --git a/docs/iris/src/whatsnew/contributions_3.0.0/newfeature_2019-Oct-14_cf_ancillary_data.txt b/docs/iris/src/whatsnew/contributions_3.0.0/newfeature_2019-Oct-14_cf_ancillary_data.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ea70702f38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/iris/src/whatsnew/contributions_3.0.0/newfeature_2019-Oct-14_cf_ancillary_data.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+* CF Ancillary Variables are now supported in cubes.
diff --git a/lib/iris/_concatenate.py b/lib/iris/_concatenate.py
index 9f37fd24b2..8884f5306d 100644
--- a/lib/iris/_concatenate.py
+++ b/lib/iris/_concatenate.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# (C) British Crown Copyright 2013 - 2017, Met Office
+# (C) British Crown Copyright 2013 - 2019, Met Office
# This file is part of Iris.
diff --git a/lib/iris/_merge.py b/lib/iris/_merge.py
index a1eafdbc3a..6423cc95ab 100644
--- a/lib/iris/_merge.py
+++ b/lib/iris/_merge.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# (C) British Crown Copyright 2010 - 2017, Met Office
+# (C) British Crown Copyright 2010 - 2019, Met Office
# This file is part of Iris.
diff --git a/lib/iris/coords.py b/lib/iris/coords.py
index 27c793241a..b0672141fb 100644
--- a/lib/iris/coords.py
+++ b/lib/iris/coords.py
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with Iris. If not, see .
-Definitions of coordinates.
+Definitions of coordinates and other dimensional metadata.
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
from six.moves import (filter, input, map, range, zip) # noqa
import six
-from abc import ABCMeta, abstractproperty
+from abc import ABCMeta
from collections import namedtuple
try: # Python 3
from collections.abc import Iterator
@@ -52,6 +52,750 @@
from iris.util import points_step
+class _DimensionalMetadata(six.with_metaclass(ABCMeta, CFVariableMixin)):
+ """
+ Superclass for dimensional metadata.
+ """
+ _MODE_ADD = 1
+ _MODE_SUB = 2
+ _MODE_MUL = 3
+ _MODE_DIV = 4
+ _MODE_RDIV = 5
+ _MODE_SYMBOL = {_MODE_ADD: '+', _MODE_SUB: '-',
+ _MODE_MUL: '*', _MODE_DIV: '/',
+ _MODE_RDIV: '/'}
+ def __init__(self, values, standard_name=None, long_name=None,
+ var_name=None, units='no-unit', attributes=None):
+ """
+ Constructs a single dimensional metadata object.
+ Args:
+ * values:
+ The values of the dimensional metadata.
+ Kwargs:
+ * standard_name:
+ CF standard name of the dimensional metadata.
+ * long_name:
+ Descriptive name of the dimensional metadata.
+ * var_name:
+ The netCDF variable name for the dimensional metadata.
+ * units
+ The :class:`~cf_units.Unit` of the dimensional metadata's values.
+ Can be a string, which will be converted to a Unit object.
+ * attributes
+ A dictionary containing other cf and user-defined attributes.
+ """
+ # Note: this class includes bounds handling code for convenience, but
+ # this can only run within instances which are also Coords, because
+ # only they may actually have bounds. This parent class has no
+ # bounds-related getter/setter properties, and no bounds keywords in
+ # its __init__ or __copy__ methods. The only bounds-related behaviour
+ # it provides is a 'has_bounds()' method, which always returns False.
+ #: CF standard name of the quantity that the metadata represents.
+ self.standard_name = standard_name
+ #: Descriptive name of the metadata.
+ self.long_name = long_name
+ #: The netCDF variable name for the metadata.
+ self.var_name = var_name
+ #: Unit of the quantity that the metadata represents.
+ self.units = units
+ #: Other attributes, including user specified attributes that
+ #: have no meaning to Iris.
+ self.attributes = attributes
+ # Set up DataManager attributes and values.
+ self._values_dm = None
+ self._values = values
+ self._bounds_dm = None # Only ever set on Coord-derived instances.
+ def __getitem__(self, keys):
+ """
+ Returns a new dimensional metadata whose values are obtained by
+ conventional array indexing.
+ .. note::
+ Indexing of a circular coordinate results in a non-circular
+ coordinate if the overall shape of the coordinate changes after
+ indexing.
+ """
+ # Note: this method includes bounds handling code, but it only runs
+ # within Coord type instances, as only these allow bounds to be set.
+ # Fetch the values.
+ values = self._values_dm.core_data()
+ # Index values with the keys.
+ _, values = iris.util._slice_data_with_keys(
+ values, keys)
+ # Copy values after indexing to avoid making metadata that is a
+ # view on another metadata. This will not realise lazy data.
+ values = values.copy()
+ # If the metadata is a coordinate and it has bounds, repeat the above
+ # with the bounds.
+ copy_args = {}
+ if self.has_bounds():
+ bounds = self._bounds_dm.core_data()
+ _, bounds = iris.util._slice_data_with_keys(bounds, keys)
+ # Pass into the copy method : for Coords, it has a 'bounds' key.
+ copy_args['bounds'] = bounds.copy()
+ # The new metadata is a copy of the old one with replaced content.
+ new_metadata = self.copy(values, **copy_args)
+ return new_metadata
+ def copy(self, values=None):
+ """
+ Returns a copy of this dimensional metadata object.
+ Kwargs:
+ * values
+ An array of values for the new dimensional metadata object.
+ This may be a different shape to the orginal values array being
+ copied.
+ """
+ # Note: this is overridden in Coord subclasses, to add bounds handling
+ # and a 'bounds' keyword.
+ new_metadata = copy.deepcopy(self)
+ if values is not None:
+ new_metadata._values_dm = None
+ new_metadata._values = values
+ return new_metadata
+ def _sanitise_array(self, src, ndmin):
+ if _lazy.is_lazy_data(src):
+ # Lazy data : just ensure ndmin requirement.
+ ndims_missing = ndmin - src.ndim
+ if ndims_missing <= 0:
+ result = src
+ else:
+ extended_shape = tuple([1] * ndims_missing + list(src.shape))
+ result = src.reshape(extended_shape)
+ else:
+ # Real data : a few more things to do in this case.
+ # Ensure the array is writeable.
+ # NB. Returns the *same object* if src is already writeable.
+ result = np.require(src, requirements='W')
+ # Ensure the array has enough dimensions.
+ # NB. Returns the *same object* if result.ndim >= ndmin
+ func = ma.array if ma.isMaskedArray(result) else np.array
+ result = func(result, ndmin=ndmin, copy=False)
+ # We don't need to copy the data, but we do need to have our
+ # own view so we can control the shape, etc.
+ result = result.view()
+ return result
+ @property
+ def _values(self):
+ """The _DimensionalMetadata values as a NumPy array."""
+ return self._values_dm.data.view()
+ @_values.setter
+ def _values(self, values):
+ # Set the values to a new array - as long as it's the same shape.
+ # Ensure values has an ndmin of 1 and is either a numpy or lazy array.
+ # This will avoid Scalar _DimensionalMetadata with values of shape ()
+ # rather than the desired (1,).
+ values = self._sanitise_array(values, 1)
+ # Set or update DataManager.
+ if self._values_dm is None:
+ self._values_dm = DataManager(values)
+ else:
+ self._values_dm.data = values
+ def _lazy_values(self):
+ """
+ Returns a lazy array representing the dimensional metadata values.
+ """
+ return self._values_dm.lazy_data()
+ def _core_values(self):
+ """
+ The values array of this dimensional metadata which may be a NumPy
+ array or a dask array.
+ """
+ result = self._values_dm.core_data()
+ if not _lazy.is_lazy_data(result):
+ result = result.view()
+ return result
+ def _has_lazy_values(self):
+ """
+ Returns a boolean indicating whether the metadata's values array is a
+ lazy dask array or not.
+ """
+ return self._values_dm.has_lazy_data()
+ def _repr_other_metadata(self):
+ fmt = ''
+ if self.long_name:
+ fmt = ', long_name={self.long_name!r}'
+ if self.var_name:
+ fmt += ', var_name={self.var_name!r}'
+ if len(self.attributes) > 0:
+ fmt += ', attributes={self.attributes}'
+ result = fmt.format(self=self)
+ return result
+ def _str_dates(self, dates_as_numbers):
+ date_obj_array = self.units.num2date(dates_as_numbers)
+ kwargs = {'separator': ', ', 'prefix': ' '}
+ return np.core.arrayprint.array2string(date_obj_array,
+ formatter={'all': str},
+ **kwargs)
+ def __str__(self):
+ # Note: this method includes bounds handling code, but it only runs
+ # within Coord type instances, as only these allow bounds to be set.
+ if self.units.is_time_reference():
+ fmt = '{cls}({values}{bounds}' \
+ ', standard_name={self.standard_name!r}' \
+ ', calendar={self.units.calendar!r}{other_metadata})'
+ if self.units.is_long_time_interval():
+ # A time unit with a long time interval ("months" or "years")
+ # cannot be converted to a date using `num2date` so gracefully
+ # fall back to printing points as numbers, not datetimes.
+ values = self._values
+ else:
+ values = self._str_dates(self._values)
+ bounds = ''
+ if self.has_bounds():
+ if self.units.is_long_time_interval():
+ bounds_vals = self.bounds
+ else:
+ bounds_vals = self._str_dates(self.bounds)
+ bounds = ', bounds={vals}'.format(vals=bounds_vals)
+ result = fmt.format(self=self, cls=type(self).__name__,
+ values=values, bounds=bounds,
+ other_metadata=self._repr_other_metadata())
+ else:
+ result = repr(self)
+ return result
+ def __repr__(self):
+ # Note: this method includes bounds handling code, but it only runs
+ # within Coord type instances, as only these allow bounds to be set.
+ fmt = '{cls}({self._values!r}{bounds}' \
+ ', standard_name={self.standard_name!r}, units={self.units!r}' \
+ '{other_metadata})'
+ bounds = ''
+ # if coordinate, handle the bounds
+ if self.has_bounds():
+ bounds = ', bounds=' + repr(self.bounds)
+ result = fmt.format(self=self, cls=type(self).__name__,
+ bounds=bounds,
+ other_metadata=self._repr_other_metadata())
+ return result
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ # Note: this method includes bounds handling code, but it only runs
+ # within Coord type instances, as only these allow bounds to be set.
+ eq = NotImplemented
+ # If the other object has a means of getting its definition, then do
+ # the comparison, otherwise return a NotImplemented to let Python try
+ # to resolve the operator elsewhere.
+ if hasattr(other, '_as_defn'):
+ # metadata comparison
+ eq = self._as_defn() == other._as_defn()
+ # data values comparison
+ if eq and eq is not NotImplemented:
+ eq = iris.util.array_equal(self._values, other._values,
+ withnans=True)
+ # Also consider bounds, if we have them.
+ # (N.B. though only Coords can ever actually *have* bounds).
+ if eq and eq is not NotImplemented:
+ if self.has_bounds() and other.has_bounds():
+ eq = iris.util.array_equal(self.bounds, other.bounds,
+ withnans=True)
+ else:
+ eq = not self.has_bounds() and not other.has_bounds()
+ return eq
+ def __ne__(self, other):
+ result = self.__eq__(other)
+ if result is not NotImplemented:
+ result = not result
+ return result
+ def _as_defn(self):
+ defn = (self.standard_name, self.long_name, self.var_name,
+ self.units, self.attributes)
+ return defn
+ # Must supply __hash__ as Python 3 does not enable it if __eq__ is defined.
+ # NOTE: Violates "objects which compare equal must have the same hash".
+ # We ought to remove this, as equality of two dimensional metadata can
+ # *change*, so they really should not be hashable.
+ # However, current code needs it, e.g. so we can put them in sets.
+ # Fixing it will require changing those uses. See #962 and #1772.
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash(id(self))
+ def __binary_operator__(self, other, mode_constant):
+ """
+ Common code which is called by add, sub, mul and div
+ Mode constant is one of ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV, RDIV
+ .. note::
+ The unit is *not* changed when doing scalar operations on a
+ metadata object. This means that a metadata object which represents
+ "10 meters" when multiplied by a scalar i.e. "1000" would result in
+ a metadata object of "10000 meters". An alternative approach could
+ be taken to multiply the *unit* by 1000 and the resultant metadata
+ object would represent "10 kilometers".
+ """
+ # Note: this method includes bounds handling code, but it only runs
+ # within Coord type instances, as only these allow bounds to be set.
+ if (isinstance(other, _DimensionalMetadata) or
+ not isinstance(other, (int, float, np.number))):
+ def typename(obj):
+ if isinstance(obj, Coord):
+ result = 'Coord'
+ else:
+ # We don't really expect this, but do something anyway.
+ result = self.__class__.__name__
+ return result
+ emsg = '{selftype} {operator} {othertype}'.format(
+ selftype=typename(self),
+ operator=self._MODE_SYMBOL[mode_constant],
+ othertype=typename(other))
+ raise iris.exceptions.NotYetImplementedError(emsg)
+ else:
+ # 'Other' is an array type : adjust points, and bounds if any.
+ result = NotImplemented
+ def op(values):
+ if mode_constant == self._MODE_ADD:
+ new_values = values + other
+ elif mode_constant == self._MODE_SUB:
+ new_values = values - other
+ elif mode_constant == self._MODE_MUL:
+ new_values = values * other
+ elif mode_constant == self._MODE_DIV:
+ new_values = values / other
+ elif mode_constant == self._MODE_RDIV:
+ new_values = other / values
+ return new_values
+ new_values = op(self._values_dm.core_data())
+ result = self.copy(new_values)
+ if self.has_bounds():
+ result.bounds = op(self._bounds_dm.core_data())
+ return result
+ def __add__(self, other):
+ return self.__binary_operator__(other, self._MODE_ADD)
+ def __sub__(self, other):
+ return self.__binary_operator__(other, self._MODE_SUB)
+ def __mul__(self, other):
+ return self.__binary_operator__(other, self._MODE_MUL)
+ def __div__(self, other):
+ return self.__binary_operator__(other, self._MODE_DIV)
+ def __truediv__(self, other):
+ return self.__binary_operator__(other, self._MODE_DIV)
+ def __radd__(self, other):
+ return self + other
+ def __rsub__(self, other):
+ return (-self) + other
+ def __rdiv__(self, other):
+ return self.__binary_operator__(other, self._MODE_RDIV)
+ def __rtruediv__(self, other):
+ return self.__binary_operator__(other, self._MODE_RDIV)
+ def __rmul__(self, other):
+ return self * other
+ def __neg__(self):
+ values = -self._core_values()
+ copy_args = {}
+ if self.has_bounds():
+ copy_args['bounds'] = -self.core_bounds()
+ return self.copy(values, **copy_args)
+ def convert_units(self, unit):
+ """Change the units, converting the values of the metadata."""
+ # If the coord has units convert the values in points (and bounds if
+ # present).
+ # Note: this method includes bounds handling code, but it only runs
+ # within Coord type instances, as only these allow bounds to be set.
+ if self.units.is_unknown():
+ raise iris.exceptions.UnitConversionError(
+ 'Cannot convert from unknown units. '
+ 'The "units" attribute may be set directly.')
+ # Set up a delayed conversion for use if either values or bounds (if
+ # present) are lazy.
+ # Make fixed copies of old + new units for a delayed conversion.
+ old_unit = self.units
+ new_unit = unit
+ # Define a delayed conversion operation (i.e. a callback).
+ def pointwise_convert(values):
+ return old_unit.convert(values, new_unit)
+ if self._has_lazy_values():
+ new_values = _lazy.lazy_elementwise(self._lazy_values(),
+ pointwise_convert)
+ else:
+ new_values = self.units.convert(self._values, unit)
+ self._values = new_values
+ if self.has_bounds():
+ if self.has_lazy_bounds():
+ new_bounds = _lazy.lazy_elementwise(self.lazy_bounds(),
+ pointwise_convert)
+ else:
+ new_bounds = self.units.convert(self.bounds, unit)
+ self.bounds = new_bounds
+ self.units = unit
+ def is_compatible(self, other, ignore=None):
+ """
+ Return whether the current dimensional metadata object is compatible
+ with another.
+ """
+ compatible = (self.name() == other.name() and
+ self.units == other.units)
+ if compatible:
+ common_keys = set(self.attributes).intersection(other.attributes)
+ if ignore is not None:
+ if isinstance(ignore, six.string_types):
+ ignore = (ignore,)
+ common_keys = common_keys.difference(ignore)
+ for key in common_keys:
+ if np.any(self.attributes[key] != other.attributes[key]):
+ compatible = False
+ break
+ return compatible
+ @property
+ def dtype(self):
+ """
+ The NumPy dtype of the current dimensional metadata object, as
+ specified by its values.
+ """
+ return self._values_dm.dtype
+ @property
+ def ndim(self):
+ """
+ Return the number of dimensions of the current dimensional metadata
+ object.
+ """
+ return self._values_dm.ndim
+ def has_bounds(self):
+ """
+ Return a boolean indicating whether the current dimensional metadata
+ object has a bounds array.
+ """
+ # Allows for code to handle unbounded dimensional metadata agnostic of
+ # whether the metadata is a coordinate or not.
+ return False
+ @property
+ def shape(self):
+ """The fundamental shape of the metadata, expressed as a tuple."""
+ return self._values_dm.shape
+ def xml_element(self, doc):
+ """Return a DOM element describing this metadata."""
+ # Create the XML element as the camelCaseEquivalent of the
+ # class name.
+ element_name = type(self).__name__
+ element_name = element_name[0].lower() + element_name[1:]
+ element = doc.createElement(element_name)
+ element.setAttribute('id', self._xml_id())
+ if self.standard_name:
+ element.setAttribute('standard_name', str(self.standard_name))
+ if self.long_name:
+ element.setAttribute('long_name', str(self.long_name))
+ if self.var_name:
+ element.setAttribute('var_name', str(self.var_name))
+ element.setAttribute('units', repr(self.units))
+ if isinstance(self, Coord):
+ if self.climatological:
+ element.setAttribute('climatological',
+ str(self.climatological))
+ if self.attributes:
+ attributes_element = doc.createElement('attributes')
+ for name in sorted(six.iterkeys(self.attributes)):
+ attribute_element = doc.createElement('attribute')
+ attribute_element.setAttribute('name', name)
+ attribute_element.setAttribute('value',
+ str(self.attributes[name]))
+ attributes_element.appendChild(attribute_element)
+ element.appendChild(attributes_element)
+ if isinstance(self, Coord):
+ if self.coord_system:
+ element.appendChild(self.coord_system.xml_element(doc))
+ # Add the values
+ element.setAttribute('value_type', str(self._value_type_name()))
+ element.setAttribute('shape', str(self.shape))
+ # The values are referred to "points" of a coordinate and "data"
+ # otherwise.
+ if isinstance(self, Coord):
+ values_term = 'points'
+ else:
+ values_term = 'data'
+ if hasattr(self._values, 'to_xml_attr'):
+ element.setAttribute(values_term, self._values.to_xml_attr())
+ else:
+ element.setAttribute(values_term,
+ iris.util.format_array(self._values))
+ return element
+ def _xml_id_extra(self, unique_value):
+ return unique_value
+ def _xml_id(self):
+ # Returns a consistent, unique string identifier for this coordinate.
+ unique_value = b''
+ if self.standard_name:
+ unique_value += self.standard_name.encode('utf-8')
+ unique_value += b'\0'
+ if self.long_name:
+ unique_value += self.long_name.encode('utf-8')
+ unique_value += b'\0'
+ unique_value += str(self.units).encode('utf-8') + b'\0'
+ for k, v in sorted(self.attributes.items()):
+ unique_value += (str(k) + ':' + str(v)).encode('utf-8') + b'\0'
+ # Extra modifications to unique_value that are specialised in child
+ # classes
+ unique_value = self._xml_id_extra(unique_value)
+ # Mask to ensure consistency across Python versions & platforms.
+ crc = zlib.crc32(unique_value) & 0xffffffff
+ return '%08x' % (crc, )
+ def _value_type_name(self):
+ """
+ A simple, readable name for the data type of the dimensional metadata
+ values.
+ """
+ dtype = self._core_values().dtype
+ kind = dtype.kind
+ if kind in 'SU':
+ # Establish the basic type name for 'string' type data.
+ # N.B. this means "unicode" in Python3, and "str" in Python2.
+ value_type_name = 'string'
+ # Override this if not the 'native' string type.
+ if six.PY3:
+ if kind == 'S':
+ value_type_name = 'bytes'
+ else:
+ if kind == 'U':
+ value_type_name = 'unicode'
+ else:
+ value_type_name = dtype.name
+ return value_type_name
+class AncillaryVariable(_DimensionalMetadata):
+ def __init__(self, data, standard_name=None, long_name=None,
+ var_name=None, units='no-unit', attributes=None):
+ """
+ Constructs a single ancillary variable.
+ Args:
+ * values:
+ The values of the ancillary variable.
+ Kwargs:
+ * standard_name:
+ CF standard name of the ancillary variable.
+ * long_name:
+ Descriptive name of the ancillary variable.
+ * var_name:
+ The netCDF variable name for the ancillary variable.
+ * units
+ The :class:`~cf_units.Unit` of the ancillary variable's values.
+ Can be a string, which will be converted to a Unit object.
+ * attributes
+ A dictionary containing other cf and user-defined attributes.
+ """
+ super().__init__(values=data, standard_name=standard_name,
+ long_name=long_name, var_name=var_name,
+ units=units, attributes=attributes)
+ @property
+ def data(self):
+ return self._values
+ @data.setter
+ def data(self, data):
+ self._values = data
+ def lazy_data(self):
+ """
+ Return a lazy array representing the ancillary variable's data.
+ Accessing this method will never cause the data values to be loaded.
+ Similarly, calling methods on, or indexing, the returned Array
+ will not cause the ancillary variable to have loaded data.
+ If the data have already been loaded for the ancillary variable, the
+ returned Array will be a new lazy array wrapper.
+ Returns:
+ A lazy array, representing the ancillary variable data array.
+ """
+ return super()._lazy_values()
+ def core_data(self):
+ """
+ The data array at the core of this ancillary variable, which may be a
+ NumPy array or a dask array.
+ """
+ return super()._core_values()
+ def has_lazy_data(self):
+ """
+ Return a boolean indicating whether the ancillary variable's data array
+ is a lazy dask array or not.
+ """
+ return super()._has_lazy_values()
+class CellMeasure(AncillaryVariable):
+ """
+ A CF Cell Measure, providing area or volume properties of a cell
+ where these cannot be inferred from the Coordinates and
+ Coordinate Reference System.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, data, standard_name=None, long_name=None,
+ var_name=None, units='1', attributes=None, measure=None):
+ """
+ Constructs a single cell measure.
+ Args:
+ * data:
+ The values of the measure for each cell.
+ Either a 'real' array (:class:`numpy.ndarray`) or a 'lazy' array
+ (:class:`dask.array.Array`).
+ Kwargs:
+ * standard_name:
+ CF standard name of the coordinate.
+ * long_name:
+ Descriptive name of the coordinate.
+ * var_name:
+ The netCDF variable name for the coordinate.
+ * units
+ The :class:`~cf_units.Unit` of the coordinate's values.
+ Can be a string, which will be converted to a Unit object.
+ * attributes
+ A dictionary containing other CF and user-defined attributes.
+ * measure
+ A string describing the type of measure. 'area' and 'volume'
+ are the only valid entries.
+ """
+ super().__init__(data=data, standard_name=standard_name,
+ long_name=long_name, var_name=var_name,
+ units=units, attributes=attributes)
+ #: String naming the measure type.
+ self.measure = measure
+ @property
+ def measure(self):
+ return self._measure
+ @measure.setter
+ def measure(self, measure):
+ if measure not in ['area', 'volume']:
+ raise ValueError("measure must be 'area' or 'volume', "
+ "not {}".format(measure))
+ self._measure = measure
+ def __str__(self):
+ result = repr(self)
+ return result
+ def __repr__(self):
+ fmt = ('{cls}({self.data!r}'
+ ', measure={self.measure}, standard_name={self.standard_name!r}'
+ ', units={self.units!r}{other_metadata})')
+ result = fmt.format(self=self, cls=type(self).__name__,
+ other_metadata=self._repr_other_metadata())
+ return result
+ def _as_defn(self):
+ defn = (self.standard_name, self.long_name, self.var_name,
+ self.units, self.attributes, self.measure)
+ return defn
class CoordDefn(namedtuple('CoordDefn',
['standard_name', 'long_name',
'var_name', 'units',
@@ -433,21 +1177,11 @@ def contains_point(self, point):
return np.min(self.bound) <= point <= np.max(self.bound)
-class Coord(six.with_metaclass(ABCMeta, CFVariableMixin)):
+class Coord(_DimensionalMetadata):
- Abstract superclass for coordinates.
+ Superclass for coordinates.
- _MODE_ADD = 1
- _MODE_SUB = 2
- _MODE_MUL = 3
- _MODE_DIV = 4
- _MODE_RDIV = 5
- _MODE_SYMBOL = {_MODE_ADD: '+', _MODE_SUB: '-',
- _MODE_MUL: '*', _MODE_DIV: '/',
- _MODE_RDIV: '/'}
def __init__(self, points, standard_name=None, long_name=None,
var_name=None, units='1', bounds=None,
attributes=None, coord_system=None,
@@ -497,68 +1231,18 @@ def __init__(self, points, standard_name=None, long_name=None,
from NetCDF.
Always False if no bounds exist.
- #: CF standard name of the quantity that the coordinate represents.
- self.standard_name = standard_name
- #: Descriptive name of the coordinate.
- self.long_name = long_name
- #: The netCDF variable name for the coordinate.
- self.var_name = var_name
- #: Unit of the quantity that the coordinate represents.
- self.units = units
- #: Other attributes, including user specified attributes that
- #: have no meaning to Iris.
- self.attributes = attributes
+ super().__init__(values=points, standard_name=standard_name,
+ long_name=long_name, var_name=var_name,
+ units=units, attributes=attributes)
#: Relevant coordinate system (if any).
self.coord_system = coord_system
- # Set up DataManager attributes and points and bounds values.
- self._points_dm = None
+ # Set up bounds DataManager attributes and the bounds values.
self._bounds_dm = None
- self.points = points
self.bounds = bounds
self.climatological = climatological
- def __getitem__(self, keys):
- """
- Returns a new Coord whose values are obtained by conventional array
- indexing.
- .. note::
- Indexing of a circular coordinate results in a non-circular
- coordinate if the overall shape of the coordinate changes after
- indexing.
- """
- # Fetch the points and bounds.
- points = self._points_dm.core_data()
- if self.has_bounds():
- bounds = self._bounds_dm.core_data()
- else:
- bounds = None
- # Index both points and bounds with the keys.
- _, points = iris.util._slice_data_with_keys(
- points, keys)
- if bounds is not None:
- _, bounds = iris.util._slice_data_with_keys(
- bounds, keys)
- # Copy data after indexing, to avoid making coords that are
- # views on other coords. This will not realise lazy data.
- points = points.copy()
- if bounds is not None:
- bounds = bounds.copy()
- # The new coordinate is a copy of the old one with replaced content.
- new_coord = self.copy(points=points, bounds=bounds)
- return new_coord
def copy(self, points=None, bounds=None):
Returns a copy of this coordinate.
@@ -583,10 +1267,8 @@ def copy(self, points=None, bounds=None):
raise ValueError('If bounds are specified, points must also be '
- new_coord = copy.deepcopy(self)
+ new_coord = super().copy(values=points)
if points is not None:
- new_coord._points_dm = None
- new_coord.points = points
# Regardless of whether bounds are provided as an argument, new
# points will result in new bounds, discarding those copied from
# self.
@@ -610,49 +1292,14 @@ def from_coord(cls, coord):
kwargs['circular'] = getattr(coord, 'circular', False)
return cls(**kwargs)
- @staticmethod
- def _sanitise_array(src, ndmin):
- if _lazy.is_lazy_data(src):
- # Lazy data : just ensure ndmin requirement.
- ndims_missing = ndmin - src.ndim
- if ndims_missing <= 0:
- result = src
- else:
- extended_shape = tuple([1] * ndims_missing + list(src.shape))
- result = src.reshape(extended_shape)
- else:
- # Real data : a few more things to do in this case.
- # Ensure the array is writeable.
- # NB. Returns the *same object* if src is already writeable.
- result = np.require(src, requirements='W')
- # Ensure the array has enough dimensions.
- # NB. Returns the *same object* if result.ndim >= ndmin
- func = ma.array if ma.isMaskedArray(result) else np.array
- result = func(result, ndmin=ndmin, copy=False)
- # We don't need to copy the data, but we do need to have our
- # own view so we can control the shape, etc.
- result = result.view()
- return result
def points(self):
"""The coordinate points values as a NumPy array."""
- return self._points_dm.data.view()
+ return self._values
def points(self, points):
- # Set the points to a new array - as long as it's the same shape.
- # Ensure points has an ndmin of 1 and is either a numpy or lazy array.
- # This will avoid Scalar coords with points of shape () rather
- # than the desired (1,).
- points = self._sanitise_array(points, 1)
- # Set or update DataManager.
- if self._points_dm is None:
- self._points_dm = DataManager(points)
- else:
- self._points_dm.data = points
+ self._values = points
def bounds(self):
@@ -731,7 +1378,7 @@ def lazy_points(self):
A lazy array, representing the coord points array.
- return self._points_dm.lazy_data()
+ return super()._lazy_values()
def lazy_bounds(self):
@@ -760,10 +1407,7 @@ def core_points(self):
or a dask array.
- result = self._points_dm.core_data()
- if not _lazy.is_lazy_data(result):
- result = result.view()
- return result
+ return super()._core_values()
def core_bounds(self):
@@ -784,7 +1428,7 @@ def has_lazy_points(self):
lazy dask array or not.
- return self._points_dm.has_lazy_data()
+ return super()._has_lazy_values()
def has_lazy_bounds(self):
@@ -798,199 +1442,27 @@ def has_lazy_bounds(self):
return result
def _repr_other_metadata(self):
- fmt = ''
- if self.long_name:
- fmt = ', long_name={self.long_name!r}'
- if self.var_name:
- fmt += ', var_name={self.var_name!r}'
- if len(self.attributes) > 0:
- fmt += ', attributes={self.attributes}'
+ result = super()._repr_other_metadata()
if self.coord_system:
- fmt += ', coord_system={self.coord_system}'
+ result += ', coord_system={}'.format(self.coord_system)
if self.climatological:
- fmt += ', climatological={' \
- 'self.climatological}'
- result = fmt.format(self=self)
- return result
- def _str_dates(self, dates_as_numbers):
- date_obj_array = self.units.num2date(dates_as_numbers)
- kwargs = {'separator': ', ', 'prefix': ' '}
- return np.core.arrayprint.array2string(date_obj_array,
- formatter={'all': str},
- **kwargs)
- def __str__(self):
- if self.units.is_time_reference():
- fmt = '{cls}({points}{bounds}' \
- ', standard_name={self.standard_name!r}' \
- ', calendar={self.units.calendar!r}{other_metadata})'
- if self.units.is_long_time_interval():
- # A time unit with a long time interval ("months" or "years")
- # cannot be converted to a date using `num2date` so gracefully
- # fall back to printing points as numbers, not datetimes.
- points = self.points
- else:
- points = self._str_dates(self.points)
- bounds = ''
- if self.has_bounds():
- if self.units.is_long_time_interval():
- bounds_vals = self.bounds
- else:
- bounds_vals = self._str_dates(self.bounds)
- bounds = ', bounds={vals}'.format(vals=bounds_vals)
- result = fmt.format(self=self, cls=type(self).__name__,
- points=points, bounds=bounds,
- other_metadata=self._repr_other_metadata())
- else:
- result = repr(self)
- return result
- def __repr__(self):
- fmt = '{cls}({self.points!r}{bounds}' \
- ', standard_name={self.standard_name!r}, units={self.units!r}' \
- '{other_metadata})'
- bounds = ''
- if self.has_bounds():
- bounds = ', bounds=' + repr(self.bounds)
- result = fmt.format(self=self, cls=type(self).__name__,
- bounds=bounds,
- other_metadata=self._repr_other_metadata())
- return result
- def __eq__(self, other):
- eq = NotImplemented
- # If the other object has a means of getting its definition, and
- # whether or not it has_points and has_bounds, then do the
- # comparison, otherwise return a NotImplemented to let Python try to
- # resolve the operator elsewhere.
- if hasattr(other, '_as_defn'):
- # metadata comparison
- eq = self._as_defn() == other._as_defn()
- # points comparison
- if eq:
- eq = iris.util.array_equal(self.points, other.points,
- withnans=True)
- # bounds comparison
- if eq:
- if self.has_bounds() and other.has_bounds():
- eq = iris.util.array_equal(self.bounds, other.bounds,
- withnans=True)
- else:
- eq = self.bounds is None and other.bounds is None
- return eq
- def __ne__(self, other):
- result = self.__eq__(other)
- if result is not NotImplemented:
- result = not result
+ result += ', climatological={}'.format(self.climatological)
return result
def _as_defn(self):
- defn = CoordDefn(self.standard_name, self.long_name, self.var_name,
- self.units, self.attributes, self.coord_system,
- self.climatological)
- return defn
- # Must supply __hash__ as Python 3 does not enable it if __eq__ is defined.
- # NOTE: Violates "objects which compare equal must have the same hash".
- # We ought to remove this, as equality of two coords can *change*, so they
- # really should not be hashable.
- # However, current code needs it, e.g. so we can put them in sets.
- # Fixing it will require changing those uses. See #962 and #1772.
- def __hash__(self):
- return hash(id(self))
- def __binary_operator__(self, other, mode_constant):
- """
- Common code which is called by add, sub, mul and div
- Mode constant is one of ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV, RDIV
- .. note::
- The unit is *not* changed when doing scalar operations on a
- coordinate. This means that a coordinate which represents
- "10 meters" when multiplied by a scalar i.e. "1000" would result
- in a coordinate of "10000 meters". An alternative approach could
- be taken to multiply the *unit* by 1000 and the resultant
- coordinate would represent "10 kilometers".
- """
- if isinstance(other, Coord):
- emsg = 'coord {} coord'.format(Coord._MODE_SYMBOL[mode_constant])
- raise iris.exceptions.NotYetImplementedError(emsg)
- elif isinstance(other, (int, float, np.number)):
- points = self._points_dm.core_data()
- if mode_constant == Coord._MODE_ADD:
- new_points = points + other
- elif mode_constant == Coord._MODE_SUB:
- new_points = points - other
- elif mode_constant == Coord._MODE_MUL:
- new_points = points * other
- elif mode_constant == Coord._MODE_DIV:
- new_points = points / other
- elif mode_constant == Coord._MODE_RDIV:
- new_points = other / points
- if self.has_bounds():
- bounds = self._bounds_dm.core_data()
- if mode_constant == Coord._MODE_ADD:
- new_bounds = bounds + other
- elif mode_constant == Coord._MODE_SUB:
- new_bounds = bounds - other
- elif mode_constant == Coord._MODE_MUL:
- new_bounds = bounds * other
- elif mode_constant == Coord._MODE_DIV:
- new_bounds = bounds / other
- elif mode_constant == Coord._MODE_RDIV:
- new_bounds = other / bounds
- else:
- new_bounds = None
- new_coord = self.copy(new_points, new_bounds)
- return new_coord
- else:
- return NotImplemented
- def __add__(self, other):
- return self.__binary_operator__(other, Coord._MODE_ADD)
- def __sub__(self, other):
- return self.__binary_operator__(other, Coord._MODE_SUB)
- def __mul__(self, other):
- return self.__binary_operator__(other, Coord._MODE_MUL)
- def __div__(self, other):
- return self.__binary_operator__(other, Coord._MODE_DIV)
- def __truediv__(self, other):
- return self.__binary_operator__(other, Coord._MODE_DIV)
- def __radd__(self, other):
- return self + other
- def __rsub__(self, other):
- return (-self) + other
- def __rdiv__(self, other):
- return self.__binary_operator__(other, Coord._MODE_RDIV)
- def __rtruediv__(self, other):
- return self.__binary_operator__(other, Coord._MODE_RDIV)
- def __rmul__(self, other):
- return self * other
+ defn = CoordDefn(self.standard_name, self.long_name, self.var_name,
+ self.units, self.attributes, self.coord_system,
+ self.climatological)
+ return defn
- def __neg__(self):
- return self.copy(-self.core_points(),
- -self.core_bounds() if self.has_bounds() else None)
+ # Must supply __hash__ as Python 3 does not enable it if __eq__ is defined.
+ # NOTE: Violates "objects which compare equal must have the same hash".
+ # We ought to remove this, as equality of two coords can *change*, so they
+ # really should not be hashable.
+ # However, current code needs it, e.g. so we can put them in sets.
+ # Fixing it will require changing those uses. See #962 and #1772.
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash(id(self))
def convert_units(self, unit):
@@ -1008,35 +1480,7 @@ def convert_units(self, unit):
:attr:`~iris.coords.Coord.bounds` by 180.0/:math:`\pi`.
- # If the coord has units convert the values in points (and bounds if
- # present).
- if self.units.is_unknown():
- raise iris.exceptions.UnitConversionError(
- 'Cannot convert from unknown units. '
- 'The "coord.units" attribute may be set directly.')
- if self.has_lazy_points() or self.has_lazy_bounds():
- # Make fixed copies of old + new units for a delayed conversion.
- old_unit = self.units
- new_unit = unit
- # Define a delayed conversion operation (i.e. a callback).
- def pointwise_convert(values):
- return old_unit.convert(values, new_unit)
- if self.has_lazy_points():
- new_points = _lazy.lazy_elementwise(self.lazy_points(),
- pointwise_convert)
- else:
- new_points = self.units.convert(self.points, unit)
- self.points = new_points
- if self.has_bounds():
- if self.has_lazy_bounds():
- new_bounds = _lazy.lazy_elementwise(self.lazy_bounds(),
- pointwise_convert)
- else:
- new_bounds = self.units.convert(self.bounds, unit)
- self.bounds = new_bounds
- self.units = unit
+ super().convert_units(unit=unit)
def cells(self):
@@ -1251,31 +1695,12 @@ def is_compatible(self, other, ignore=None):
- compatible = (self.name() == other.name() and
- self.units == other.units and
- self.coord_system == other.coord_system)
- if compatible:
- common_keys = set(self.attributes).intersection(other.attributes)
- if ignore is not None:
- if isinstance(ignore, six.string_types):
- ignore = (ignore,)
- common_keys = common_keys.difference(ignore)
- for key in common_keys:
- if np.any(self.attributes[key] != other.attributes[key]):
- compatible = False
- break
+ compatible = False
+ if (self.coord_system == other.coord_system):
+ compatible = super().is_compatible(other=other, ignore=ignore)
return compatible
- @property
- def dtype(self):
- """
- The NumPy dtype of the coord, as specified by its points.
- """
- return self._points_dm.dtype
def bounds_dtype(self):
@@ -1288,15 +1713,6 @@ def bounds_dtype(self):
result = self._bounds_dm.dtype
return result
- @property
- def ndim(self):
- """
- Return the number of dimensions of the coordinate (not including the
- bounded dimension).
- """
- return self._points_dm.ndim
def nbounds(self):
@@ -1312,11 +1728,6 @@ def has_bounds(self):
"""Return a boolean indicating whether the coord has a bounds array."""
return self._bounds_dm is not None
- @property
- def shape(self):
- """The fundamental shape of the Coord, expressed as a tuple."""
- return self._points_dm.shape
def cell(self, index):
Return the single :class:`Cell` instance which results from slicing the
@@ -1701,45 +2112,15 @@ def nearest_neighbour_index(self, point):
def xml_element(self, doc):
"""Return a DOM element describing this Coord."""
# Create the XML element as the camelCaseEquivalent of the
- # class name.
- element_name = type(self).__name__
- element_name = element_name[0].lower() + element_name[1:]
- element = doc.createElement(element_name)
- element.setAttribute('id', self._xml_id())
- if self.standard_name:
- element.setAttribute('standard_name', str(self.standard_name))
- if self.long_name:
- element.setAttribute('long_name', str(self.long_name))
- if self.var_name:
- element.setAttribute('var_name', str(self.var_name))
- element.setAttribute('units', repr(self.units))
- if self.climatological:
- element.setAttribute('climatological', str(self.climatological))
- if self.attributes:
- attributes_element = doc.createElement('attributes')
- for name in sorted(six.iterkeys(self.attributes)):
- attribute_element = doc.createElement('attribute')
- attribute_element.setAttribute('name', name)
- attribute_element.setAttribute('value',
- str(self.attributes[name]))
- attributes_element.appendChild(attribute_element)
- element.appendChild(attributes_element)
+ # class name
+ element = super().xml_element(doc=doc)
- # Add a coord system sub-element?
- if self.coord_system:
- element.appendChild(self.coord_system.xml_element(doc))
- # Add the values
- element.setAttribute('value_type', str(self._value_type_name()))
- element.setAttribute('shape', str(self.shape))
if hasattr(self.points, 'to_xml_attr'):
element.setAttribute('points', self.points.to_xml_attr())
element.setAttribute('points', iris.util.format_array(self.points))
+ # Add bounds handling
if self.has_bounds():
if hasattr(self.bounds, 'to_xml_attr'):
element.setAttribute('bounds', self.bounds.to_xml_attr())
@@ -1749,47 +2130,10 @@ def xml_element(self, doc):
return element
- def _xml_id(self):
- # Returns a consistent, unique string identifier for this coordinate.
- unique_value = b''
- if self.standard_name:
- unique_value += self.standard_name.encode('utf-8')
- unique_value += b'\0'
- if self.long_name:
- unique_value += self.long_name.encode('utf-8')
- unique_value += b'\0'
- unique_value += str(self.units).encode('utf-8') + b'\0'
- for k, v in sorted(self.attributes.items()):
- unique_value += (str(k) + ':' + str(v)).encode('utf-8') + b'\0'
+ def _xml_id_extra(self, unique_value):
+ """Coord specific stuff for the xml id"""
unique_value += str(self.coord_system).encode('utf-8') + b'\0'
- # Mask to ensure consistency across Python versions & platforms.
- crc = zlib.crc32(unique_value) & 0xffffffff
- return '%08x' % (crc, )
- def _value_type_name(self):
- """
- A simple, readable name for the data type of the Coord point/bound
- values.
- """
- dtype = self.core_points().dtype
- kind = dtype.kind
- if kind in 'SU':
- # Establish the basic type name for 'string' type data.
- # N.B. this means "unicode" in Python3, and "str" in Python2.
- value_type_name = 'string'
- # Override this if not the 'native' string type.
- if six.PY3:
- if kind == 'S':
- value_type_name = 'bytes'
- else:
- if kind == 'U':
- value_type_name = 'unicode'
- else:
- value_type_name = dtype.name
- return value_type_name
+ return unique_value
class DimCoord(Coord):
@@ -1853,13 +2197,12 @@ def __init__(self, points, standard_name=None, long_name=None,
read-only points and bounds.
- super(DimCoord, self).__init__(
- points, standard_name=standard_name,
- long_name=long_name, var_name=var_name,
- units=units, bounds=bounds,
- attributes=attributes,
- coord_system=coord_system,
- climatological=climatological)
+ super().__init__(points, standard_name=standard_name,
+ long_name=long_name, var_name=var_name,
+ units=units, bounds=bounds,
+ attributes=attributes,
+ coord_system=coord_system,
+ climatological=climatological)
#: Whether the coordinate wraps by ``coord.units.modulus``.
self.circular = bool(circular)
@@ -1871,17 +2214,17 @@ def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
Used if copy.deepcopy is called on a coordinate.
- new_coord = copy.deepcopy(super(DimCoord, self), memo)
+ new_coord = copy.deepcopy(super(), memo)
# Ensure points and bounds arrays are read-only.
- new_coord._points_dm.data.flags.writeable = False
+ new_coord._values_dm.data.flags.writeable = False
if new_coord._bounds_dm is not None:
new_coord._bounds_dm.data.flags.writeable = False
return new_coord
def copy(self, points=None, bounds=None):
- new_coord = super(DimCoord, self).copy(points=points, bounds=bounds)
+ new_coord = super().copy(points=points, bounds=bounds)
# Make the arrays read-only.
- new_coord._points_dm.data.flags.writeable = False
+ new_coord._values_dm.data.flags.writeable = False
if bounds is not None:
new_coord._bounds_dm.data.flags.writeable = False
return new_coord
@@ -1906,7 +2249,7 @@ def __eq__(self, other):
__hash__ = Coord.__hash__
def __getitem__(self, key):
- coord = super(DimCoord, self).__getitem__(key)
+ coord = super().__getitem__(key)
coord.circular = self.circular and coord.shape == self.shape
return coord
@@ -1951,8 +2294,8 @@ def _new_points_requirements(self, points):
emsg = 'The {!r} {} points array must be strictly monotonic.'
raise ValueError(emsg.format(self.name(), self.__class__.__name__))
- @Coord.points.setter
- def points(self, points):
+ @Coord._values.setter
+ def _values(self, points):
# DimCoord always realises the points, to allow monotonicity checks.
# Ensure it is an actual array, and also make our own copy so that we
# can make it read-only.
@@ -1965,12 +2308,11 @@ def points(self, points):
# Cast to a numpy array for masked arrays with no mask.
points = np.array(points)
- # Call the parent points setter.
- super(DimCoord, self.__class__).points.fset(self, points)
+ super(DimCoord, self.__class__)._values.fset(self, points)
- if self._points_dm is not None:
+ if self._values_dm is not None:
# Re-fetch the core array, as the super call may replace it.
- points = self._points_dm.core_data()
+ points = self._values_dm.core_data()
# N.B. always a *real* array, as we realised 'points' at the start.
# Make the array read-only.
@@ -2053,7 +2395,7 @@ def is_monotonic(self):
def xml_element(self, doc):
"""Return DOM element describing this :class:`iris.coords.DimCoord`."""
- element = super(DimCoord, self).xml_element(doc)
+ element = super().xml_element(doc)
if self.circular:
element.setAttribute('circular', str(self.circular))
return element
@@ -2077,198 +2419,6 @@ class AuxCoord(Coord):
# AuxCoord-specific code if needed in future.
-class CellMeasure(six.with_metaclass(ABCMeta, CFVariableMixin)):
- """
- A CF Cell Measure, providing area or volume properties of a cell
- where these cannot be inferred from the Coordinates and
- Coordinate Reference System.
- """
- def __init__(self, data, standard_name=None, long_name=None,
- var_name=None, units='1', attributes=None, measure=None):
- """
- Constructs a single cell measure.
- Args:
- * data:
- The values of the measure for each cell.
- Either a 'real' array (:class:`numpy.ndarray`) or a 'lazy' array
- (:class:`dask.array.Array`).
- Kwargs:
- * standard_name:
- CF standard name of the cell measure.
- * long_name:
- Descriptive name of the cell measure.
- * var_name:
- The netCDF variable name for the cell measure.
- * units
- The :class:`~cf_units.Unit` of the cell measure's values.
- Can be a string, which will be converted to a Unit object.
- * attributes
- A dictionary containing other CF and user-defined attributes.
- * measure
- A string describing the type of measure. 'area' and 'volume'
- are the only valid entries.
- """
- #: CF standard name of the quantity that the cell measure represents.
- self.standard_name = standard_name
- #: Descriptive name of the cell measure.
- self.long_name = long_name
- #: The netCDF variable name for the cell measure.
- self.var_name = var_name
- #: Unit of the quantity that the cell measure represents.
- self.units = units
- #: Other attributes, including user specified attributes that
- #: have no meaning to Iris.
- self.attributes = attributes
- #: String naming the measure type.
- self.measure = measure
- # Initialise data via the data setter code, which applies standard
- # checks and ajustments.
- self.data = data
- @property
- def measure(self):
- return self._measure
- @property
- def data(self):
- """Property containing the data values as a numpy array"""
- return self._data_manager.data
- @data.setter
- def data(self, data):
- # Set the data to a new array - as long as it's the same shape.
- # If data are already defined for this CellMeasure,
- if data is None:
- raise ValueError('The data payload of a CellMeasure may not be '
- 'None; it must be a numpy array or equivalent.')
- if data.shape == ():
- # If we have a scalar value, promote the shape from () to (1,).
- # NOTE: this way also *realises* it. Don't think that matters.
- data = np.array(data, ndmin=1)
- if hasattr(self, '_data_manager') and self._data_manager is not None:
- # Check that setting these data wouldn't change self.shape
- if data.shape != self.shape:
- raise ValueError("New data shape must match existing data "
- "shape.")
- self._data_manager = DataManager(data)
- @property
- def shape(self):
- """Returns the shape of the Cell Measure, expressed as a tuple."""
- return self._data_manager.shape
- @property
- def ndim(self):
- """Returns the number of dimensions of the cell measure."""
- return self._data_manager.ndim
- @measure.setter
- def measure(self, measure):
- if measure not in ['area', 'volume']:
- raise ValueError("measure must be 'area' or 'volume', "
- "not {}".format(measure))
- self._measure = measure
- def __getitem__(self, keys):
- """
- Returns a new CellMeasure whose values are obtained by
- conventional array indexing.
- """
- # Get the data, all or part of which will become the new data.
- data = self._data_manager.core_data()
- # Index data with the keys.
- # Note: does not copy data unless it has to.
- _, data = iris.util._slice_data_with_keys(data, keys)
- # Always copy data, to avoid making the new measure a view onto the old
- # one.
- data = data.copy()
- # The result is a copy with replacement data.
- return self.copy(data=data)
- def copy(self, data=None):
- """
- Returns a copy of this CellMeasure.
- Kwargs:
- * data: A data array for the new cell_measure.
- This may be a different shape to the data of the
- cell_measure being copied.
- """
- new_cell_measure = copy.deepcopy(self)
- if data is not None:
- # Remove the existing data manager, to prevent the data setter
- # checking against existing content.
- new_cell_measure._data_manager = None
- # Set new data via the data setter code, which applies standard
- # checks and ajustments.
- new_cell_measure.data = data
- return new_cell_measure
- def _repr_other_metadata(self):
- fmt = ''
- if self.long_name:
- fmt = ', long_name={self.long_name!r}'
- if self.var_name:
- fmt += ', var_name={self.var_name!r}'
- if len(self.attributes) > 0:
- fmt += ', attributes={self.attributes}'
- result = fmt.format(self=self)
- return result
- def __str__(self):
- result = repr(self)
- return result
- def __repr__(self):
- fmt = ('{cls}({self.data!r}'
- ', measure={self.measure}, standard_name={self.standard_name!r}'
- ', units={self.units!r}{other_metadata})')
- result = fmt.format(self=self, cls=type(self).__name__,
- other_metadata=self._repr_other_metadata())
- return result
- def _as_defn(self):
- defn = (self.standard_name, self.long_name, self.var_name,
- self.units, self.attributes, self.measure)
- return defn
- def __eq__(self, other):
- eq = NotImplemented
- if isinstance(other, CellMeasure):
- eq = self._as_defn() == other._as_defn()
- if eq:
- eq = (self.data == other.data).all()
- return eq
- def __ne__(self, other):
- result = self.__eq__(other)
- if result is not NotImplemented:
- result = not result
- return result
class CellMethod(iris.util._OrderedHashable):
Represents a sub-cell pre-processing operation.
diff --git a/lib/iris/cube.py b/lib/iris/cube.py
index af405ebe20..686cbcbdac 100644
--- a/lib/iris/cube.py
+++ b/lib/iris/cube.py
@@ -692,7 +692,8 @@ def __init__(self, data, standard_name=None, long_name=None,
var_name=None, units=None, attributes=None,
cell_methods=None, dim_coords_and_dims=None,
aux_coords_and_dims=None, aux_factories=None,
- cell_measures_and_dims=None):
+ cell_measures_and_dims=None,
+ ancillary_variables_and_dims=None):
Creates a cube with data and optional metadata.
@@ -739,6 +740,8 @@ def __init__(self, data, standard_name=None, long_name=None,
* cell_measures_and_dims
A list of CellMeasures with dimension mappings.
+ * ancillary_variables_and_dims
+ A list of AncillaryVariables with dimension mappings.
For example::
>>> from iris.coords import DimCoord
@@ -787,6 +790,9 @@ def __init__(self, data, standard_name=None, long_name=None,
# Cell Measures
self._cell_measures_and_dims = []
+ # Ancillary Variables
+ self._ancillary_variables_and_dims = []
identities = set()
if dim_coords_and_dims:
dims = set()
@@ -816,6 +822,10 @@ def __init__(self, data, standard_name=None, long_name=None,
for cell_measure, dims in cell_measures_and_dims:
self.add_cell_measure(cell_measure, dims)
+ if ancillary_variables_and_dims:
+ for ancillary_variable, dims in ancillary_variables_and_dims:
+ self.add_ancillary_variable(ancillary_variable, dims)
def metadata(self):
@@ -1049,6 +1059,34 @@ def add_cell_measure(self, cell_measure, data_dims=None):
self._cell_measures_and_dims.sort(key=lambda cm_dims:
(cm_dims[0]._as_defn(), cm_dims[1]))
+ def add_ancillary_variable(self, ancillary_variable, data_dims=None):
+ """
+ Adds a CF ancillary variable to the cube.
+ Args:
+ * ancillary_variable
+ The :class:`iris.coords.AncillaryVariable` instance to be added to
+ the cube
+ Kwargs:
+ * data_dims
+ Integer or iterable of integers giving the data dimensions spanned
+ by the ancillary variable.
+ Raises a ValueError if an ancillary variable with identical metadata
+ already exists on the cube.
+ """
+ if self.ancillary_variables(ancillary_variable):
+ raise ValueError('Duplicate ancillary variables not permitted')
+ data_dims = self._check_multi_dim_metadata(ancillary_variable,
+ data_dims)
+ self._ancillary_variables_and_dims.append([ancillary_variable,
+ data_dims])
+ self._ancillary_variables_and_dims.sort(
+ key=lambda av_dims: (av_dims[0]._as_defn(), av_dims[1]))
def add_dim_coord(self, dim_coord, data_dim):
Add a CF coordinate to the cube.
@@ -1168,6 +1206,22 @@ def remove_cell_measure(self, cell_measure):
dim in self._cell_measures_and_dims
if cell_measure_ is not cell_measure]
+ def remove_ancillary_variable(self, ancillary_variable):
+ """
+ Removes an ancillary variable from the cube.
+ Args:
+ * ancillary_variable (AncillaryVariable)
+ The AncillaryVariable to remove from the cube.
+ """
+ self._ancillary_variables_and_dims = [
+ [ancillary_variable_, dim] for ancillary_variable_, dim in
+ self._ancillary_variables_and_dims
+ if ancillary_variable_ is not ancillary_variable]
def replace_coord(self, new_coord):
Replace the coordinate whose metadata matches the given coordinate.
@@ -1245,6 +1299,26 @@ def cell_measure_dims(self, cell_measure):
return matches[0]
+ def ancillary_variable_dims(self, ancillary_variable):
+ """
+ Returns a tuple of the data dimensions relevant to the given
+ AncillaryVariable.
+ * ancillary_variable
+ The AncillaryVariable to look for.
+ """
+ # Search for existing ancillary variable (object) on the cube, faster
+ # lookup than equality - makes no functional difference.
+ matches = [dims for av, dims in self._ancillary_variables_and_dims
+ if av is ancillary_variable]
+ if not matches:
+ raise iris.exceptions.AncillaryVariableNotFoundError(
+ ancillary_variable.name())
+ return matches[0]
def aux_factory(self, name=None, standard_name=None, long_name=None,
@@ -1623,6 +1697,84 @@ def cell_measure(self, name_or_cell_measure=None):
return cell_measures[0]
+ def ancillary_variables(self, name_or_ancillary_variable=None):
+ """
+ Return a list of ancillary variable in this cube fitting the given
+ criteria.
+ Kwargs:
+ * name_or_ancillary_variable
+ Either
+ (a) a :attr:`standard_name`, :attr:`long_name`, or
+ :attr:`var_name`. Defaults to value of `default`
+ (which itself defaults to `unknown`) as defined in
+ :class:`iris._cube_coord_common.CFVariableMixin`.
+ (b) a ancillary_variable instance with metadata equal to that of
+ the desired ancillary_variables.
+ See also
+ :meth:`Cube.ancillary_variable()`.
+ """
+ name = None
+ if isinstance(name_or_ancillary_variable, six.string_types):
+ name = name_or_ancillary_variable
+ else:
+ ancillary_variable = name_or_ancillary_variable
+ ancillary_variables = []
+ for av, _ in self._ancillary_variables_and_dims:
+ if name is not None:
+ if av.name() == name:
+ ancillary_variables.append(av)
+ elif ancillary_variable is not None:
+ if av == ancillary_variable:
+ ancillary_variables.append(av)
+ else:
+ ancillary_variables.append(av)
+ return ancillary_variables
+ def ancillary_variable(self, name_or_ancillary_variable=None):
+ """
+ Return a single ancillary_variable given the same arguments as
+ :meth:`Cube.ancillary_variables`.
+ .. note::
+ If the arguments given do not result in precisely 1
+ ancillary_variable being matched, an
+ :class:`iris.exceptions.AncillaryVariableNotFoundError` is raised.
+ .. seealso::
+ :meth:`Cube.ancillary_variables()`
+ for full keyword documentation.
+ """
+ ancillary_variables = self.ancillary_variables(
+ name_or_ancillary_variable)
+ if len(ancillary_variables) > 1:
+ msg = ('Expected to find exactly 1 ancillary_variable, but found '
+ '{}. They were: {}.')
+ msg = msg.format(len(ancillary_variables), ', '.join(anc_var.name()
+ for anc_var in ancillary_variables))
+ raise iris.exceptions.AncillaryVariableNotFoundError(msg)
+ elif len(ancillary_variables) == 0:
+ if isinstance(name_or_ancillary_variable, six.string_types):
+ bad_name = name_or_ancillary_variable
+ else:
+ bad_name = (name_or_ancillary_variable and
+ name_or_ancillary_variable.name()) or ''
+ msg = 'Expected to find exactly 1 {!s} ancillary_variable, but ' \
+ 'found none.'.format(bad_name)
+ raise iris.exceptions.AncillaryVariableNotFoundError(msg)
+ return ancillary_variables[0]
def cell_methods(self):
@@ -1892,6 +2044,10 @@ def summary(self, shorten=False, name_padding=35):
vector_cell_measures = [cm for cm in self.cell_measures()
if cm.shape != (1,)]
+ # Ancillary Variables
+ vector_ancillary_variables = [av for av in
+ self.ancillary_variables()]
# Determine the cube coordinates that don't describe the cube and
# are most likely erroneous.
vector_coords = vector_dim_coords + vector_aux_coords + \
@@ -1916,7 +2072,7 @@ def summary(self, shorten=False, name_padding=35):
# Generate textual summary of cube vector coordinates.
def vector_summary(vector_coords, cube_header, max_line_offset,
- cell_measures=None):
+ cell_measures=None, ancillary_variables=None):
Generates a list of suitably aligned strings containing coord
names and dimensions indicated by one or more 'x' symbols.
@@ -1929,6 +2085,8 @@ def vector_summary(vector_coords, cube_header, max_line_offset,
if cell_measures is None:
cell_measures = []
+ if ancillary_variables is None:
+ ancillary_variables = []
vector_summary = []
vectors = []
@@ -1939,9 +2097,10 @@ def vector_summary(vector_coords, cube_header, max_line_offset,
# Generate basic textual summary for each vector coordinate
# - WITHOUT dimension markers.
- for coord in vector_coords + cell_measures:
+ for dim_meta in (
+ vector_coords + cell_measures + ancillary_variables):
vector_summary.append('%*s%s' % (
- indent, ' ', iris.util.clip_string(coord.name())))
+ indent, ' ', iris.util.clip_string(dim_meta.name())))
min_alignment = min(alignment)
# Determine whether the cube header requires realignment
@@ -1968,10 +2127,10 @@ def vector_summary(vector_coords, cube_header, max_line_offset,
vector_summary[index] += line
vectors = vectors + vector_coords
if cell_measures:
- # Generate full textual summary for each vector coordinate
- # - WITH dimension markers.
- for index, coord in enumerate(cell_measures):
- dims = self.cell_measure_dims(coord)
+ # Generate full textual summary for each vector cell
+ # measure - WITH dimension markers.
+ for index, cell_measure in enumerate(cell_measures):
+ dims = self.cell_measure_dims(cell_measure)
for dim in range(len(self.shape)):
width = alignment[dim] - len(vector_summary[index])
@@ -1981,6 +2140,20 @@ def vector_summary(vector_coords, cube_header, max_line_offset,
vector_summary[index] += line
vectors = vectors + cell_measures
+ if ancillary_variables:
+ # Generate full textual summary for each vector ancillary
+ # variable - WITH dimension markers.
+ for index, av in enumerate(ancillary_variables):
+ dims = self.ancillary_variable_dims(av)
+ for dim in range(len(self.shape)):
+ width = alignment[dim] - len(vector_summary[index])
+ char = 'x' if dim in dims else '-'
+ line = '{pad:{width}}{char}'.format(pad=' ',
+ width=width,
+ char=char)
+ vector_summary[index] += line
+ vectors = vectors + ancillary_variables
# Interleave any extra lines that are needed to distinguish
# the coordinates.
vector_summary = self._summary_extra(vectors,
@@ -2023,6 +2196,16 @@ def vector_summary(vector_coords, cube_header, max_line_offset,
summary += '\n Cell Measures:\n'
summary += '\n'.join(cell_measure_summary)
+ #
+ # Generate summary of cube ancillary variables attribute
+ #
+ if vector_ancillary_variables:
+ ancillary_variable_summary, cube_header = vector_summary(
+ [], cube_header, max_line_offset,
+ ancillary_variables=vector_ancillary_variables)
+ summary += '\n Ancillary Variables:\n'
+ summary += '\n'.join(ancillary_variable_summary)
# Generate textual summary of cube scalar coordinates.
@@ -2840,6 +3023,8 @@ def remap_cube_metadata(metadata_and_dims):
self._cell_measures_and_dims = list(map(remap_cube_metadata,
+ self._ancillary_variables_and_dims = list(map(
+ remap_cube_metadata, self._ancillary_variables_and_dims))
def xml(self, checksum=False, order=True, byteorder=True):
diff --git a/lib/iris/exceptions.py b/lib/iris/exceptions.py
index dbc3f523d2..d2825099d0 100644
--- a/lib/iris/exceptions.py
+++ b/lib/iris/exceptions.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# (C) British Crown Copyright 2010 - 2017, Met Office
+# (C) British Crown Copyright 2010 - 2019, Met Office
# This file is part of Iris.
@@ -43,6 +43,11 @@ class CellMeasureNotFoundError(KeyError):
+class AncillaryVariableNotFoundError(KeyError):
+ """Raised when a search yields no ancillary variables."""
+ pass
class CoordinateMultiDimError(ValueError):
"""Raised when a routine doesn't support multi-dimensional coordinates."""
def __init__(self, msg):
diff --git a/lib/iris/tests/test_coord_api.py b/lib/iris/tests/test_coord_api.py
index 4866adc915..97032f6903 100644
--- a/lib/iris/tests/test_coord_api.py
+++ b/lib/iris/tests/test_coord_api.py
@@ -631,7 +631,7 @@ def test_get_set_points_and_bounds(self):
# set bounds from non-numpy pair.
# First reset the underlying shape of the coordinate.
- coord._points_dm = DataManager(1)
+ coord._values_dm = DataManager(1)
coord.points = 1
coord.bounds = [123, 456]
self.assertEqual(coord.shape, (1, ))
@@ -639,7 +639,7 @@ def test_get_set_points_and_bounds(self):
# set bounds from non-numpy pairs
# First reset the underlying shape of the coord's points and bounds.
- coord._points_dm = DataManager(np.arange(3))
+ coord._values_dm = DataManager(np.arange(3))
coord.bounds = None
coord.bounds = [[123, 456], [234, 567], [345, 678]]
self.assertEqual(coord.shape, (3, ))
diff --git a/lib/iris/tests/unit/coords/test_AncillaryVariable.py b/lib/iris/tests/unit/coords/test_AncillaryVariable.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..23b1a54b35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/iris/tests/unit/coords/test_AncillaryVariable.py
@@ -0,0 +1,628 @@
+# (C) British Crown Copyright 2019, Met Office
+# This file is part of Iris.
+# Iris is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
+# Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Iris is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with Iris. If not, see .
+"""Unit tests for the :class:`iris.coords.AncillaryVariable` class."""
+from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
+from six.moves import (filter, input, map, range, zip) # noqa
+# Import iris.tests first so that some things can be initialised before
+# importing anything else.
+import iris.tests as tests
+import dask.array as da
+import numpy as np
+import numpy.ma as ma
+from iris.tests.unit.coords import CoordTestMixin, lazyness_string
+from cf_units import Unit
+from iris.coords import AncillaryVariable
+from iris._lazy_data import as_lazy_data
+def data_all_dtypes_and_lazynesses(self):
+ # Generate ancillary variables with real and lazy data, and a few different
+ # dtypes.
+ data_types = ['real', 'lazy']
+ dtypes = [np.int16, np.int32, np.float32, np.float64]
+ for dtype in dtypes:
+ for data_type_name in data_types:
+ data = np.asarray(self.data_real, dtype=dtype)
+ if data_type_name == 'lazy':
+ data = da.from_array(data, data.shape)
+ ancill_var = AncillaryVariable(data)
+ result = (ancill_var, data_type_name)
+ yield result
+class AncillaryVariableTestMixin(CoordTestMixin):
+ # Define a 2-D default array shape.
+ def setupTestArrays(self, shape=(2, 3), masked=False):
+ # Create concrete and lazy data test arrays, given a desired shape.
+ # If masked=True, also add masked arrays with some or no masked data.
+ n_vals = np.prod(shape)
+ # Note: the values must be integral for testing integer dtypes.
+ values = 100.0 + 10.0 * np.arange(n_vals, dtype=float).reshape(shape)
+ self.data_real = values
+ self.data_lazy = da.from_array(values, values.shape)
+ if masked:
+ mvalues = ma.array(values)
+ self.no_masked_data_real = mvalues
+ self.no_masked_data_lazy = da.from_array(mvalues, mvalues.shape,
+ asarray=False)
+ mvalues = ma.array(mvalues, copy=True)
+ mvalues[0] = ma.masked
+ self.masked_data_real = mvalues
+ self.masked_data_lazy = da.from_array(mvalues, mvalues.shape,
+ asarray=False)
+class Test__init__(tests.IrisTest, AncillaryVariableTestMixin):
+ # Test for AncillaryVariable creation, with real / lazy data
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.setupTestArrays(masked=True)
+ def test_lazyness_and_dtype_combinations(self):
+ for (ancill_var, data_lazyness) in \
+ data_all_dtypes_and_lazynesses(self, ):
+ data = ancill_var.core_data()
+ # Check properties of data.
+ if data_lazyness == 'real':
+ # Real data.
+ if ancill_var.dtype == self.data_real.dtype:
+ self.assertArraysShareData(
+ data, self.data_real,
+ 'Data values are not the same '
+ 'data as the provided array.')
+ self.assertIsNot(
+ data, self.data_real,
+ 'Data array is the same instance as the provided '
+ 'array.')
+ else:
+ # the original data values were cast to a test dtype.
+ check_data = self.data_real.astype(ancill_var.dtype)
+ self.assertEqualRealArraysAndDtypes(data, check_data)
+ else:
+ # Lazy data : the core data may be promoted to float.
+ check_data = self.data_lazy.astype(data.dtype)
+ self.assertEqualLazyArraysAndDtypes(data, check_data)
+ # The realisation type should be correct, though.
+ target_dtype = ancill_var.dtype
+ self.assertEqual(ancill_var.data.dtype, target_dtype)
+ def test_no_masked_data_real(self):
+ data = self.no_masked_data_real
+ self.assertTrue(ma.isMaskedArray(data))
+ self.assertEqual(ma.count_masked(data), 0)
+ ancill_var = AncillaryVariable(data)
+ self.assertFalse(ancill_var.has_lazy_data())
+ self.assertTrue(ma.isMaskedArray(ancill_var.data))
+ self.assertEqual(ma.count_masked(ancill_var.data), 0)
+ def test_no_masked_data_lazy(self):
+ data = self.no_masked_data_lazy
+ computed = data.compute()
+ self.assertTrue(ma.isMaskedArray(computed))
+ self.assertEqual(ma.count_masked(computed), 0)
+ ancill_var = AncillaryVariable(data)
+ self.assertTrue(ancill_var.has_lazy_data())
+ self.assertTrue(ma.isMaskedArray(ancill_var.data))
+ self.assertEqual(ma.count_masked(ancill_var.data), 0)
+ def test_masked_data_real(self):
+ data = self.masked_data_real
+ self.assertTrue(ma.isMaskedArray(data))
+ self.assertTrue(ma.count_masked(data))
+ ancill_var = AncillaryVariable(data)
+ self.assertFalse(ancill_var.has_lazy_data())
+ self.assertTrue(ma.isMaskedArray(ancill_var.data))
+ self.assertTrue(ma.count_masked(ancill_var.data))
+ def test_masked_data_lazy(self):
+ data = self.masked_data_lazy
+ computed = data.compute()
+ self.assertTrue(ma.isMaskedArray(computed))
+ self.assertTrue(ma.count_masked(computed))
+ ancill_var = AncillaryVariable(data)
+ self.assertTrue(ancill_var.has_lazy_data())
+ self.assertTrue(ma.isMaskedArray(ancill_var.data))
+ self.assertTrue(ma.count_masked(ancill_var.data))
+class Test_core_data(tests.IrisTest, AncillaryVariableTestMixin):
+ # Test for AncillaryVariable.core_data() with various lazy/real data.
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.setupTestArrays()
+ def test_real_data(self):
+ ancill_var = AncillaryVariable(self.data_real)
+ result = ancill_var.core_data()
+ self.assertArraysShareData(
+ result, self.data_real,
+ 'core_data() do not share data with the internal array.')
+ def test_lazy_data(self):
+ ancill_var = AncillaryVariable(self.data_lazy)
+ result = ancill_var.core_data()
+ self.assertEqualLazyArraysAndDtypes(result, self.data_lazy)
+ def test_lazy_points_realise(self):
+ ancill_var = AncillaryVariable(self.data_lazy)
+ real_data = ancill_var.data
+ result = ancill_var.core_data()
+ self.assertEqualRealArraysAndDtypes(result, real_data)
+class Test_lazy_data(tests.IrisTest, AncillaryVariableTestMixin):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.setupTestArrays()
+ def test_real_core(self):
+ ancill_var = AncillaryVariable(self.data_real)
+ result = ancill_var.lazy_data()
+ self.assertEqualLazyArraysAndDtypes(result, self.data_lazy)
+ def test_lazy_core(self):
+ ancill_var = AncillaryVariable(self.data_lazy)
+ result = ancill_var.lazy_data()
+ self.assertIs(result, self.data_lazy)
+class Test_has_lazy_data(tests.IrisTest, AncillaryVariableTestMixin):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.setupTestArrays()
+ def test_real_core(self):
+ ancill_var = AncillaryVariable(self.data_real)
+ result = ancill_var.has_lazy_data()
+ self.assertFalse(result)
+ def test_lazy_core(self):
+ ancill_var = AncillaryVariable(self.data_lazy)
+ result = ancill_var.has_lazy_data()
+ self.assertTrue(result)
+ def test_lazy_core_realise(self):
+ ancill_var = AncillaryVariable(self.data_lazy)
+ ancill_var.data
+ result = ancill_var.has_lazy_data()
+ self.assertFalse(result)
+class Test__getitem__(tests.IrisTest, AncillaryVariableTestMixin):
+ # Test for AncillaryVariable indexing with various types of data.
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.setupTestArrays()
+ def test_partial_slice_data_copy(self):
+ parent_ancill_var = AncillaryVariable([1., 2., 3.])
+ sub_ancill_var = parent_ancill_var[:1]
+ values_before_change = sub_ancill_var.data.copy()
+ parent_ancill_var.data[:] = -999.9
+ self.assertArrayEqual(sub_ancill_var.data, values_before_change)
+ def test_full_slice_data_copy(self):
+ parent_ancill_var = AncillaryVariable([1., 2., 3.])
+ sub_ancill_var = parent_ancill_var[:]
+ values_before_change = sub_ancill_var.data.copy()
+ parent_ancill_var.data[:] = -999.9
+ self.assertArrayEqual(sub_ancill_var.data, values_before_change)
+ def test_dtypes(self):
+ # Index ancillary variables with real+lazy data, and either an int or
+ # floating dtype.
+ # Check that dtypes remain the same in all cases, taking the dtypes
+ # directly from the core data as we have no masking).
+ for (main_ancill_var, data_lazyness) in \
+ data_all_dtypes_and_lazynesses(self):
+ sub_ancill_var = main_ancill_var[:2, 1]
+ ancill_var_dtype = main_ancill_var.dtype
+ msg = ('Indexing main_ancill_var of dtype {} with {} data changed'
+ 'dtype of {} to {}.')
+ sub_data = sub_ancill_var.core_data()
+ self.assertEqual(
+ sub_data.dtype, ancill_var_dtype,
+ msg.format(ancill_var_dtype, data_lazyness,
+ 'data', sub_data.dtype))
+ def test_lazyness(self):
+ # Index ancillary variables with real+lazy data, and either an int or
+ # floating dtype.
+ # Check that lazy data stays lazy and real stays real, in all cases.
+ for (main_ancill_var, data_lazyness) in \
+ data_all_dtypes_and_lazynesses(self):
+ sub_ancill_var = main_ancill_var[:2, 1]
+ msg = ('Indexing main_ancill_var of dtype {} with {} data '
+ 'changed laziness of {} from {!r} to {!r}.')
+ ancill_var_dtype = main_ancill_var.dtype
+ sub_data_lazyness = lazyness_string(sub_ancill_var.core_data())
+ self.assertEqual(
+ sub_data_lazyness, data_lazyness,
+ msg.format(ancill_var_dtype, data_lazyness,
+ 'data', data_lazyness, sub_data_lazyness))
+ def test_real_data_copies(self):
+ # Index ancillary variables with real+lazy data.
+ # In all cases, check that any real arrays are copied by the indexing.
+ for (main_ancill_var, data_lazyness) in \
+ data_all_dtypes_and_lazynesses(self):
+ sub_ancill_var = main_ancill_var[:2, 1]
+ msg = ('Indexed ancillary variable with {} data '
+ 'does not have its own separate {} array.')
+ if data_lazyness == 'real':
+ main_data = main_ancill_var.core_data()
+ sub_data = sub_ancill_var.core_data()
+ sub_main_data = main_data[:2, 1]
+ self.assertEqualRealArraysAndDtypes(sub_data,
+ sub_main_data)
+ self.assertArraysDoNotShareData(
+ sub_data, sub_main_data,
+ msg.format(data_lazyness, 'points'))
+class Test_copy(tests.IrisTest, AncillaryVariableTestMixin):
+ # Test for AncillaryVariable.copy() with various types of data.
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.setupTestArrays()
+ def test_lazyness(self):
+ # Copy ancillary variables with real+lazy data, and either an int or
+ # floating dtype.
+ # Check that lazy data stays lazy and real stays real, in all cases.
+ for (main_ancill_var, data_lazyness) in \
+ data_all_dtypes_and_lazynesses(self):
+ ancill_var_dtype = main_ancill_var.dtype
+ copied_ancill_var = main_ancill_var.copy()
+ msg = ('Copying main_ancill_var of dtype {} with {} data '
+ 'changed lazyness of {} from {!r} to {!r}.')
+ copied_data_lazyness = lazyness_string(
+ copied_ancill_var.core_data())
+ self.assertEqual(copied_data_lazyness, data_lazyness,
+ msg.format(ancill_var_dtype, data_lazyness,
+ 'points',
+ data_lazyness, copied_data_lazyness))
+ def test_realdata_copies(self):
+ # Copy ancillary variables with real+lazy data.
+ # In all cases, check that any real arrays are copies, not views.
+ for (main_ancill_var, data_lazyness) in \
+ data_all_dtypes_and_lazynesses(self):
+ copied_ancill_var = main_ancill_var.copy()
+ msg = ('Copied ancillary variable with {} data '
+ 'does not have its own separate {} array.')
+ if data_lazyness == 'real':
+ main_data = main_ancill_var.core_data()
+ copied_data = copied_ancill_var.core_data()
+ self.assertEqualRealArraysAndDtypes(main_data, copied_data)
+ self.assertArraysDoNotShareData(
+ main_data, copied_data,
+ msg.format(data_lazyness, 'points'))
+class Test_data__getter(tests.IrisTest, AncillaryVariableTestMixin):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.setupTestArrays()
+ def test_mutable_real_data(self):
+ # Check that ancill_var.data returns a modifiable array, and changes
+ # to it are reflected to the ancillary_var.
+ data = np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0])
+ ancill_var = AncillaryVariable(data)
+ initial_values = data.copy()
+ ancill_var.data[1:2] += 33.1
+ result = ancill_var.data
+ self.assertFalse(np.all(result == initial_values))
+ def test_real_data(self):
+ # Getting real data does not change or copy them.
+ ancill_var = AncillaryVariable(self.data_real)
+ result = ancill_var.data
+ self.assertArraysShareData(
+ result, self.data_real,
+ 'Data values do not share data with the provided array.')
+ def test_lazy_data(self):
+ # Getting lazy data realises them.
+ ancill_var = AncillaryVariable(self.data_lazy)
+ self.assertTrue(ancill_var.has_lazy_data())
+ result = ancill_var.data
+ self.assertFalse(ancill_var.has_lazy_data())
+ self.assertEqualRealArraysAndDtypes(result, self.data_real)
+class Test_data__setter(tests.IrisTest, AncillaryVariableTestMixin):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.setupTestArrays()
+ def test_real_set_real(self):
+ # Setting new real data does not make a copy.
+ ancill_var = AncillaryVariable(self.data_real)
+ new_data = self.data_real + 102.3
+ ancill_var.data = new_data
+ result = ancill_var.core_data()
+ self.assertArraysShareData(
+ result, new_data,
+ 'Data values do not share data with the assigned array.')
+ def test_fail_bad_shape(self):
+ # Setting real data requires matching shape.
+ ancill_var = AncillaryVariable([1.0, 2.0])
+ msg = 'Require data with shape \(2,\), got \(3,\)'
+ with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, msg):
+ ancill_var.data = np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
+ def test_real_set_lazy(self):
+ # Setting new lazy data does not make a copy.
+ ancill_var = AncillaryVariable(self.data_real)
+ new_data = self.data_lazy + 102.3
+ ancill_var.data = new_data
+ result = ancill_var.core_data()
+ self.assertEqualLazyArraysAndDtypes(result, new_data)
+class Test__str__(tests.IrisTest):
+ def test_non_time_values(self):
+ ancillary_var = AncillaryVariable(
+ np.array([2, 5, 9]),
+ standard_name='height',
+ long_name='height of detector',
+ var_name='height',
+ units='m',
+ attributes={'notes': 'Measured from sea level'})
+ expected = ("AncillaryVariable(array([2, 5, 9]), "
+ "standard_name='height', units=Unit('m'), "
+ "long_name='height of detector', var_name='height', "
+ "attributes={'notes': 'Measured from sea level'})")
+ self.assertEqual(expected, ancillary_var.__str__(), )
+ def test_time_values(self):
+ ancillary_var = AncillaryVariable(
+ np.array([2, 5, 9]),
+ units='hours since 1970-01-01 01:00',
+ long_name='time of previous valid detection')
+ expected = ("AncillaryVariable([1970-01-01 03:00:00, "
+ "1970-01-01 06:00:00, 1970-01-01 10:00:00], "
+ "standard_name=None, calendar='gregorian', "
+ "long_name='time of previous valid detection')")
+ self.assertEqual(expected, ancillary_var.__str__(), )
+class Test__repr__(tests.IrisTest):
+ def test_non_time_values(self):
+ ancillary_var = AncillaryVariable(
+ np.array([2, 5, 9]),
+ standard_name='height',
+ long_name='height of detector',
+ var_name='height',
+ units='m',
+ attributes={'notes': 'Measured from sea level'})
+ expected = ("AncillaryVariable(array([2, 5, 9]), "
+ "standard_name='height', units=Unit('m'), "
+ "long_name='height of detector', var_name='height', "
+ "attributes={'notes': 'Measured from sea level'})")
+ self.assertEqual(expected, ancillary_var.__repr__(), )
+ def test_time_values(self):
+ ancillary_var = AncillaryVariable(
+ np.array([2, 5, 9]),
+ units='hours since 1970-01-01 01:00',
+ long_name='time of previous valid detection')
+ expected = ("AncillaryVariable(array([2, 5, 9]), standard_name=None, "
+ "units=Unit('hours since 1970-01-01 01:00', "
+ "calendar='gregorian'), "
+ "long_name='time of previous valid detection')")
+ self.assertEqual(expected, ancillary_var.__repr__())
+class Test___binary_operator__(tests.IrisTest, AncillaryVariableTestMixin):
+ # Test maths operations on on real+lazy data.
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.setupTestArrays()
+ self.real_ancill_var = AncillaryVariable(self.data_real)
+ self.lazy_ancill_var = AncillaryVariable(self.data_lazy)
+ self.test_combinations = [
+ (self.real_ancill_var, self.data_real, 'real'),
+ (self.lazy_ancill_var, self.data_lazy, 'lazy')]
+ def _check(self, result_ancill_var, expected_data, lazyness):
+ # Test each operation on
+ data = result_ancill_var.core_data()
+ if lazyness == 'real':
+ self.assertEqualRealArraysAndDtypes(expected_data, data)
+ else:
+ self.assertEqualLazyArraysAndDtypes(expected_data, data)
+ def test_add(self):
+ for (ancill_var, orig_data, data_lazyness) in self.test_combinations:
+ result = ancill_var + 10
+ expected_data = orig_data + 10
+ self._check(result, expected_data, data_lazyness)
+ def test_add_inplace(self):
+ for (ancill_var, orig_data, data_lazyness) in self.test_combinations:
+ ancill_var += 10
+ expected_data = orig_data + 10
+ self._check(ancill_var, expected_data, data_lazyness)
+ def test_right_add(self):
+ for (ancill_var, orig_data, data_lazyness) in self.test_combinations:
+ result = 10 + ancill_var
+ expected_data = 10 + orig_data
+ self._check(result, expected_data, data_lazyness)
+ def test_subtract(self):
+ for (ancill_var, orig_data, data_lazyness) in self.test_combinations:
+ result = ancill_var - 10
+ expected_data = orig_data - 10
+ self._check(result, expected_data, data_lazyness)
+ def test_subtract_inplace(self):
+ for (ancill_var, orig_data, data_lazyness) in self.test_combinations:
+ ancill_var -= 10
+ expected_data = orig_data - 10
+ self._check(ancill_var, expected_data, data_lazyness)
+ def test_right_subtract(self):
+ for (ancill_var, orig_data, data_lazyness) in self.test_combinations:
+ result = 10 - ancill_var
+ expected_data = 10 - orig_data
+ self._check(result, expected_data, data_lazyness)
+ def test_multiply(self):
+ for (ancill_var, orig_data, data_lazyness) in self.test_combinations:
+ result = ancill_var * 10
+ expected_data = orig_data * 10
+ self._check(result, expected_data, data_lazyness)
+ def test_multiply_inplace(self):
+ for (ancill_var, orig_data, data_lazyness) in self.test_combinations:
+ ancill_var *= 10
+ expected_data = orig_data * 10
+ self._check(ancill_var, expected_data, data_lazyness)
+ def test_right_multiply(self):
+ for (ancill_var, orig_data, data_lazyness) in self.test_combinations:
+ result = 10 * ancill_var
+ expected_data = 10 * orig_data
+ self._check(result, expected_data, data_lazyness)
+ def test_divide(self):
+ for (ancill_var, orig_data, data_lazyness) in self.test_combinations:
+ result = ancill_var / 10
+ expected_data = orig_data / 10
+ self._check(result, expected_data, data_lazyness)
+ def test_divide_inplace(self):
+ for (ancill_var, orig_data, data_lazyness) in self.test_combinations:
+ ancill_var /= 10
+ expected_data = orig_data / 10
+ self._check(ancill_var, expected_data, data_lazyness)
+ def test_right_divide(self):
+ for (ancill_var, orig_data, data_lazyness) in self.test_combinations:
+ result = 10 / ancill_var
+ expected_data = 10 / orig_data
+ self._check(result, expected_data, data_lazyness)
+ def test_negative(self):
+ for (ancill_var, orig_data, data_lazyness) in self.test_combinations:
+ result = -ancill_var
+ expected_data = -orig_data
+ self._check(result, expected_data, data_lazyness)
+class Test_has_bounds(tests.IrisTest):
+ def test(self):
+ ancillary_var = AncillaryVariable(np.array([2, 9, 5]))
+ self.assertFalse(ancillary_var.has_bounds())
+class Test_convert_units(tests.IrisTest):
+ def test_preserves_lazy(self):
+ test_data = np.array([[11.1, 12.2, 13.3],
+ [21.4, 22.5, 23.6]])
+ lazy_data = as_lazy_data(test_data)
+ ancill_var = AncillaryVariable(data=lazy_data, units='m')
+ ancill_var.convert_units('ft')
+ self.assertTrue(ancill_var.has_lazy_data())
+ test_data_ft = Unit('m').convert(test_data, 'ft')
+ self.assertArrayAllClose(ancill_var.data, test_data_ft)
+class Test_is_compatible(tests.IrisTest):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.ancill_var = AncillaryVariable(
+ [1., 8., 22.],
+ standard_name='number_of_observations', units='1')
+ self.modified_ancill_var = self.ancill_var.copy()
+ def test_not_compatible_diff_name(self):
+ # Different name() - not compatible
+ self.modified_ancill_var.rename('air_temperature')
+ self.assertFalse(
+ self.ancill_var.is_compatible(self.modified_ancill_var))
+ def test_not_compatible_diff_units(self):
+ # Different units- not compatible
+ self.modified_ancill_var.units = 'm'
+ self.assertFalse(
+ self.ancill_var.is_compatible(self.modified_ancill_var))
+ def test_not_compatible_diff_common_attrs(self):
+ # Different common attributes - not compatible.
+ self.ancill_var.attributes['source'] = 'A'
+ self.modified_ancill_var.attributes['source'] = 'B'
+ self.assertFalse(
+ self.ancill_var.is_compatible(self.modified_ancill_var))
+ def test_compatible_diff_data(self):
+ # Different data values - compatible.
+ self.modified_ancill_var.data = [10., 20., 100.]
+ self.assertTrue(
+ self.ancill_var.is_compatible(self.modified_ancill_var))
+ def test_compatible_diff_var_name(self):
+ # Different var_name (but same name()) - compatible.
+ self.modified_ancill_var.var_name = 'obs_num'
+ self.assertTrue(
+ self.ancill_var.is_compatible(self.modified_ancill_var))
+ def test_compatible_diff_non_common_attributes(self):
+ # Different non-common attributes - compatible.
+ self.ancill_var.attributes['source'] = 'A'
+ self.modified_ancill_var.attributes['origin'] = 'B'
+ self.assertTrue(
+ self.ancill_var.is_compatible(self.modified_ancill_var))
+ def test_compatible_ignore_common_attribute(self):
+ # ignore different common attributes - compatible.
+ self.ancill_var.attributes['source'] = 'A'
+ self.modified_ancill_var.attributes['source'] = 'B'
+ self.assertTrue(
+ self.ancill_var.is_compatible(self.modified_ancill_var,
+ ignore='source'))
+class TestEquality(tests.IrisTest):
+ def test_nanpoints_eq_self(self):
+ av1 = AncillaryVariable([1., np.nan, 2.])
+ self.assertEqual(av1, av1)
+ def test_nanpoints_eq_copy(self):
+ av1 = AncillaryVariable([1., np.nan, 2.])
+ av2 = av1.copy()
+ self.assertEqual(av1, av2)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ tests.main()
diff --git a/lib/iris/tests/unit/coords/test_CellMeasure.py b/lib/iris/tests/unit/coords/test_CellMeasure.py
index bb839e86f9..9be50d811d 100644
--- a/lib/iris/tests/unit/coords/test_CellMeasure.py
+++ b/lib/iris/tests/unit/coords/test_CellMeasure.py
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ def test_set_data__lazy(self):
def test_data_different_shape(self):
new_vals = np.array((1., 2., 3.))
- msg = 'New data shape must match existing data shape.'
+ msg = 'Require data with shape.'
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, msg):
self.measure.data = new_vals
@@ -124,5 +124,6 @@ def test__repr__(self):
def test__eq__(self):
self.assertEqual(self.measure, self.measure)
if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/lib/iris/tests/unit/coords/test_Coord.py b/lib/iris/tests/unit/coords/test_Coord.py
index 314d990984..d397d8b00a 100644
--- a/lib/iris/tests/unit/coords/test_Coord.py
+++ b/lib/iris/tests/unit/coords/test_Coord.py
@@ -739,7 +739,7 @@ class Test_convert_units(tests.IrisTest):
def test_convert_unknown_units(self):
coord = iris.coords.AuxCoord(1, units='unknown')
emsg = ('Cannot convert from unknown units. '
- 'The "coord.units" attribute may be set directly.')
+ 'The "units" attribute may be set directly.')
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(UnitConversionError, emsg):
diff --git a/lib/iris/tests/unit/cube/test_Cube.py b/lib/iris/tests/unit/cube/test_Cube.py
index ea2c3c2dfe..4e93e394f3 100644
--- a/lib/iris/tests/unit/cube/test_Cube.py
+++ b/lib/iris/tests/unit/cube/test_Cube.py
@@ -38,8 +38,9 @@
from iris.analysis import MEAN
from iris.aux_factory import HybridHeightFactory
from iris.cube import Cube
-from iris.coords import AuxCoord, DimCoord, CellMeasure
+from iris.coords import AuxCoord, DimCoord, CellMeasure, AncillaryVariable
from iris.exceptions import (CoordinateNotFoundError, CellMeasureNotFoundError,
+ AncillaryVariableNotFoundError,
from iris._lazy_data import as_lazy_data
from iris.tests import mock
@@ -423,6 +424,16 @@ def test_scalar_str_coord(self):
summary = self.cube.summary()
self.assertIn(str_value, summary)
+ def test_ancillary_variable(self):
+ cube = Cube(np.arange(6).reshape(2, 3))
+ av = AncillaryVariable([1, 2], 'status_flag')
+ cube.add_ancillary_variable(av, 0)
+ expected_summary = \
+ 'unknown / (unknown) (-- : 2; -- : 3)\n' \
+ ' Ancillary Variables:\n' \
+ ' status_flag x -'
+ self.assertEqual(cube.summary(), expected_summary)
class Test_is_compatible(tests.IrisTest):
def setUp(self):
@@ -1670,6 +1681,15 @@ def test_add_cell_measure(self):
cube.add_cell_measure(a_cell_measure, [0, 1])
self.assertEqual(cube.cell_measure('area'), a_cell_measure)
+ def test_add_ancillary_variable(self):
+ cube = Cube(np.arange(6).reshape(2, 3))
+ ancillary_variable = AncillaryVariable(
+ data=np.arange(6).reshape(2, 3),
+ long_name='detection quality')
+ cube.add_ancillary_variable(ancillary_variable, [0, 1])
+ self.assertEqual(cube.ancillary_variable('detection quality'),
+ ancillary_variable)
def test_add_valid_aux_factory(self):
cube = Cube(np.arange(8).reshape(2, 2, 2))
delta = AuxCoord(points=[0, 1], long_name='delta', units='m')
@@ -1712,6 +1732,10 @@ def setUp(self):
cube.add_cell_measure(a_cell_measure, [0, 1])
cube.add_cell_measure(self.b_cell_measure, [0, 1])
+ ancillary_variable = AncillaryVariable(
+ data=np.arange(6).reshape(2, 3),
+ long_name='Quality of Detection')
+ cube.add_ancillary_variable(ancillary_variable, [0, 1])
self.cube = cube
def test_remove_dim_coord(self):
@@ -1736,6 +1760,11 @@ def test_fail_remove_cell_measure_by_name(self):
with self.assertRaises(CellMeasureNotFoundError):
+ def test_remove_ancilliary_variable(self):
+ self.cube.remove_ancillary_variable(
+ self.cube.ancillary_variable('Quality of Detection'))
+ self.assertEqual(self.cube._ancillary_variables_and_dims, [])
class Test__getitem_CellMeasure(tests.IrisTest):
def setUp(self):
@@ -1767,6 +1796,50 @@ def test_cell_measure_1d(self):
+class TestAncillaryVariables(tests.IrisTest):
+ def setUp(self):
+ cube = Cube(10 * np.arange(6).reshape(2, 3))
+ self.ancill_var = AncillaryVariable(
+ np.arange(6).reshape(2, 3),
+ standard_name='number_of_observations', units='1')
+ cube.add_ancillary_variable(self.ancill_var, [0, 1])
+ self.cube = cube
+ def test_get_ancillary_variable(self):
+ ancill_var = self.cube.ancillary_variable('number_of_observations')
+ self.assertEqual(ancill_var, self.ancill_var)
+ def test_get_ancillary_variables(self):
+ ancill_vars = self.cube.ancillary_variables('number_of_observations')
+ self.assertEqual(len(ancill_vars), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(ancill_vars[0], self.ancill_var)
+ def test_get_ancillary_variable_obj(self):
+ ancill_vars = self.cube.ancillary_variables(self.ancill_var)
+ self.assertEqual(len(ancill_vars), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(ancill_vars[0], self.ancill_var)
+ def test_fail_get_ancillary_variables(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(AncillaryVariableNotFoundError):
+ self.cube.ancillary_variable('other_ancill_var')
+ def test_fail_get_ancillary_variables_obj(self):
+ ancillary_variable = self.ancill_var.copy()
+ ancillary_variable.long_name = 'Number of observations at site'
+ with self.assertRaises(AncillaryVariableNotFoundError):
+ self.cube.ancillary_variable(ancillary_variable)
+ def test_ancillary_variable_dims(self):
+ ancill_var_dims = self.cube.ancillary_variable_dims(self.ancill_var)
+ self.assertEqual(ancill_var_dims, (0, 1))
+ def test_fail_ancill_variable_dims(self):
+ ancillary_variable = self.ancill_var.copy()
+ ancillary_variable.long_name = 'Number of observations at site'
+ with self.assertRaises(AncillaryVariableNotFoundError):
+ self.cube.ancillary_variable_dims(ancillary_variable)
class TestCellMeasures(tests.IrisTest):
def setUp(self):
cube = Cube(np.arange(6).reshape(2, 3))
@@ -1886,6 +1959,14 @@ def test_cell_measures(self):
[(area_cm, (2, 0))])
+ def test_ancillary_variables(self):
+ ancill_var = AncillaryVariable(data=np.arange(8).reshape(2, 4),
+ long_name='instrument error')
+ self.cube.add_ancillary_variable(ancill_var, (1, 2))
+ self.cube.transpose()
+ self.assertEqual(self.cube._ancillary_variables_and_dims,
+ [(ancill_var, (1, 0))])
class Test_convert_units(tests.IrisTest):
def test_convert_unknown_units(self):