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3RAD Lab Protocol

Modified from the Oaks Lab protocol ( and the BadDNA @ Univ. Georgia protocol (

0. Quantify and Normalize Samples

Before beginning the 3RAD protocol, you will first quantify the DNA concentration of each sample (we perform this step using a Qubit fluoremeter).

Following quantification, you will then standardize your samples to 20 ng/µL.

1. Digestion

Note: Step 2 (Ligation) must occur immediately following Step 1.

Materials Needed:

  • 20,000 U/mL New England BioLabs (NEB) Restriction Enzymes
    • XbaI
    • EcoRI-HF
    • NheI-HF
  • molecular grade H2O
  • 10X NEB CutSmart Buffer
  • 2.5 µM Read 1 (i5) and Read2 (i7) Adapters
    • a working stock will need to be made before beginning. Our lab creates several i5 adapter sets in 8-strip PCR tubes and i7 adapter sets in a 12-strip for easy grab use. DO NOT THAW UNUSED STOCK.
  • Standardized DNA (20 ng/µL)

Materials Note: only take out enzymes/polymerase from freezer when they are ready to be used. Buffers for Digestion and Ligation can be thawed prior to Digestion step (at start of day)

1a. Create Master Mix and Add Adapters + DNA

Master Mix

Enzyme Digestion 1X 112X
NEB CutSmart 1.5 µL 168 µL
dH2O 3.0 µL 336 µL
XbaI 0.5 µL 56 µL
EcoRI-HF 0.5 µL 56 µL
NheI-HF 0.5 µL 56 µL
Total Volume 6 µL 672 µL

vortex master mix upon completion

[Semi-Skirted PCR Plate]

  1. Take a strip of eight 0.5 mL PCR tubes and pipette 82 µL into each tube to use as aliquot for use of multi-channel pipetting.

  2. Place 6 µL of master mix in each well using a multi-channel pipette.

  3. Place 2 µL of each adapter in correct well using a multi-channel pipette (see image below for plate orientation).

  • use 12-channel pipette for i7 adapters.
  • use 8-channel pipette for i5 adapters.
  1. Place 5 µL of DNA in each well after adding adapters using a multi-channel pipette.

  2. Seal 96-well plate with adhesive film and proceed to 1b.

Per Well Total: 15 µL

Image of 96 well plate

1b. Incubate

  1. Incubate samples at 37°C for 1 hour with no heated lid.
  2. Spin down plate after incubation.
  3. Place on ice block before proceeding with Step 2.

2. Ligation

Materials Needed:

  • molecular grade H20
  • Promega or NEB 10mM rATP
  • 10X Ligase Buffer (takes a while to thaw, so best to start at beginning on protocol.
  • 400,000 U/mL NEB T4 DNA Ligase

2a. Create Master Mix and Add

Master Mix

Ligation Mix 1X 112X
dH2O 2.75 µL 308 µL
rATP 1.5 µL 168 µL
Ligase Buffer 0.5 µL 56 µL
DNA Ligase 0.25 µL 28 µL
Total Volume 5 µL 560 µL

Heat Ligase Buffer to 56-60 °C to remove precipates

vortex master mix upon completion

  1. Take a strip of eight 0.5 mL PCR tubes and pipette 68 µL into each tube to use as aliquot for use of multi-channel pipetting.
  2. Using a multi-channel pipette, add 5 µL of the master mix to each well.
  3. Seal 96-well plate with adhesive film and proceed to 2b.

Per Well Total: 20 µL

2b. Incubation ~ 1 hr & 20 mins

  1. Incubate samples without heated lid
  • 2 cycles of:
    • 22 °C for 20:00
    • 37 °C for 10:00
  • 80 °C for 20:00
    • reduce to 10 °C
  1. Spin down plate after incubation.

Note: While the samples incubate, make fresh 70% EtoH for Bead Cleanup & begin Kapa Hifi Buffer Thaw

3. Bead Cleanup #1

Materials Needed:

  • molecular grade H20
  • Omega BioTek Beads
  • 70% EtOH
  • Low EDTA TE Buffer
  1. Spin down PCR product after removing from thermal cycler.
  2. Pool 5 µL of each ligation product into 1.5 mL tube. You can use an eight channel pipette into 8 strip tubes and then combine the 8 tubes into a 1.5 mL tube for speed.
  3. Mix pooled ligation product with 1X beads i.e. 480 µL of Beads and vortex + spin down.
    • Sit for 5 minutes.
    • Place on magnet and wait until clear.
    • Carefully remove and discard the supernatent without disturbing the beads. DO NOT TOSS BEADS
  4. Wash with 70% EtOH.
    • Add 500 µL 70% EtOH and let sit for 1 minutes on magnet.
    • Pipette EtOH from tube.
  5. Repeat Step 4.
  6. Spin down and pipette up last drops of ethanol with a 0.1-10uL tip.
  7. Air dry by leting tube sit for 2 minutes with lid open until EtOH is gone.
  8. Resuspend in 25 µL Low EDTA TE Buffer.
    • Remove from magnet, flick bead down, vortex + spin down. Make sure pellet is not sticking to side of tube.
    • Let sit for 5 minutes.
    • Place back on magnet until clear (~ 3 minutes).
    • Transfer cleaned ligation product to new tube. TOSS BEADS

4. One Cycle PCR with iTru5-8N Primer

Materials Needed:

  • molecular grade H20
  • 5X Kappa HiFi Buffer
  • 10µM dNTP
  • Kappa HiFi Polymerase (HotStart)
  • 5 µM *N-iTru5 Primer
    • need to make 5 µM primer beforehand (stock is at at 100 µM)
    • 3.75 µL Stock & 71.25 µL water

Note: At this point, I take all of the materials out and place into a cooling block in the fridge except for the HotStart for easy assess.

4a. Create Master Mix and Add DNA. There will be 4 reactions (4 PCR tubes)

Master Mix

PCR Mix 1X 5X
dH2O 29.5 µL 147.5 µL
Kappa Buffer 10 µL 50 µL
iTru5 Primer 3 µL 15 µL
dNTP 1.5 µL 7.5 µL
Kappa HiFi Polymerase 1.0 5.0
Total Volume 45 µL 225 µL

vortex master mix upon completion

  1. Add 45 µL of master mix to four PCR tubes.
  2. Add 5 µL pooled DNA to each PCR tube.
  3. Spin down tubes.

Per Tube Total: 50 µL

4b. Incubation ~ 10 mins

  1. Incubate samples with heated lid
  • 95 °C for 2:00
  • 60 °C for 0:30
  • 72 °C for 5:00
  1. Spin down PCR product after removing from thermal cycler.
  2. Pool PCR products in one tube.

Tube Total: 200 µL

5. Bead Cleanup #2

  1. Repeat steps for Bead Cleanup #1 but use 1.5X beads

i.e. 300 µL of Beads

6. Two Primer Amplification with P5 and iTru7 Primers

Materials Needed:

  • molecular grade H20
  • 5X Kappa HiFi Buffer
  • 5 µM iTru7 Primer
    • need to make 5 µM primer beforehand (stock is at 100 µM)
    • see note in step 6a about iTru7 Primer(s)
  • 5 µM P5 Primer
    • need to make 5 µM primer beforehand (stock is at 100 µM)
  • 10µM dNTP
  • Kappa HiFi Polymerase (HotStart)

6a. Create Master Mix and Add DNA. There will be 4 reactions (4 PCR tubes)

Master Mix

PCR Mix 1X 5X
dH2O 26.5 µL 132.5 µL
Kappa Buffer 10 µL 50 µL
P5 Primer 3 µL 15 µL
dNTP 1.5 7.5
Kappa HiFi Polymerase 1.0 5.0
Total Volume 42 µL 210 µL

vortex master mix upon completion

  1. Add 42 µL into four PCR tubes.
  2. Add 3 µL of one iTru7 Primer to one tube (repeat four times - see below).
    • For the iTru7 Primer, you will add one indexed primer to one tube, respectively. I.e., i7 101-1 will go into tube 1, i7 101-2 will go into tube 2, etc.
    • The above statement approach may vary if multiplexing more than two plates on a single run.
    • Make sure the primer combination you decide to use is suitable for your multiplexing strategy on a NovaSeq.
  3. Add 5 µL pooled 8N PCR product to each tube, then spin down.

Per Tube Total: 50 µL

6b. Incubation ~ 20 mins

  1. Incubate samples with heated lid
  • 95 °C for 3:00
  • 6 cycles of:
    • 98 °C for 0:20
    • 60 °C for 0:15
    • 72 °C for 0:30
  • 72 °C for 5:00
  1. Spin down PCR product after removing from thermal cycler.
  2. Pool PCR products in one tube.

7. Bead Cleanup #3

  1. Repeat steps for Bead Cleanup #1 but use 2X beads and resuspend in 35µL of Low EDTA TE Buffer

i.e. 400 µL of Beads

8. Size selection

  1. Size select DNA using BluePippin -Follow BluePippen instructions. -Be sure to use 200µL pipette tip, not 300µL when pipetting off buffer from cassette.

Note: blue pippen cassettes can be stored for re-use of unused lanes

9. Final Amplification with P5 and P7 Primers. There will be 4 reactions (4 PCR tubes)

Materials Needed:

  • molecular grade H20
  • 5X Kappa HiFi Buffer
  • 5 µM P5 Primer
  • 5 µM P7 Primer
    • need to make 5 µM primer beforehand (stock is at 100 µM)
  • 10µM dNTP
  • Kappa HiFi Polymerase (HotStart)

9a. Create Master Mix and Add DNA

Master Mix

PCR Mix 1X 5X
dH2O 26.5 µL 132.5 µL
Kappa Buffer 10 µL 50 µL
P5 Primer 3 µL 15 µL
P7 Primer 3 µL 15 µL
dNTP 1.5 7.5
Kappa HiFi Polymerase 1.0 5.0
Total Volume 45 µL 225 µL

vortex master mix upon completion

  1. Add 45 µL into four PCR tubes.
  2. Add 5 µL pooled 8N PCR product to each tube, then spin down.

Per Tube Total: 50 µL

9b. Incubation ~ 20 mins

  1. Incubate samples with heated lid
  • 95 °C for 3:00
  • 6 cycles of:
    • 98 °C for 0:20
    • 60 °C for 0:15
    • 72 °C for 0:45
  • 72 °C for 5:00
  1. Spin down PCR product after removing from thermal cycler.
  2. Pool PCR products in one tube.

10. Bead Cleanup #4

  1. Repeat steps for Bead Cleanup #1 but use 1X beads

i.e. 200 µL of Beads

  1. Re-suspend in 25 µL 10 mM TrisHCL buffer.

Note: 100 µL TrisHCL + 9,900 µL H20 = 10 mL of 10 mM TrisHCL