diff --git a/xml/article_pacemaker_remote.xml b/xml/article_pacemaker_remote.xml
index 35022a186..49970265f 100644
--- a/xml/article_pacemaker_remote.xml
+++ b/xml/article_pacemaker_remote.xml
@@ -713,8 +713,12 @@ ssh: connect to host &node4; port 3121: Connection refused
&prompt.crm.conf;primitive vm-&node4; ocf:heartbeat:VirtualDomain \
params hypervisor="qemu:///system" \
config="/etc/pacemaker/&node4;.xml" \
- meta remote-node=&node4; \
- op monitor timeout=30s interval=10s
+ meta remote-node=&node4;
+ &pace; automatically monitors &pmrm; connections for failure,
+ so it is not necessary to create a recurring monitor on the
+ VirtualDomain resource.
Enabling live migration