This project provides steps and annotations to create Swagger-Schema from type data and to customize the generated schema.
dependencies {
implementation "io.github.smiley4:schema-kenerator-swagger:<VERSION>"
Annotation | Description | Relevant Steps |
@SwaggerTypeHint |
Specifies the swagger schema type of the annotated class, e.g. the schema of a class annotated with @SwaggerTypeHint("number") will have the type "number" instead of "object"` |
handleSwaggerTypeHintAnnotation |
Annotation | Description | Relevant Step |
@Schema(title=...) on types & properties |
Sets the title -property of the schema. |
handleSchemaAnnotations() |
@Schema(description=...) on types & properties |
Sets the description -property of the schema. |
handleSchemaAnnotations() |
@Schema(example=...) on types & properties |
Sets the example -property of the schema. |
handleSchemaAnnotations() |
@Schema(name=...) on properties |
Sets the name -property of the schema. |
handleSchemaAnnotations() |
@Schema(hidden=...) on properties |
Sets the hidden -property of the schema. |
handleSchemaAnnotations() |
@Schema(allowableValues=...) on properties |
Sets the allowableValues -property of the schema. |
handleSchemaAnnotations() |
@Schema(defaultValue=...) on properties |
Sets the defaultValue -property of the schema. |
handleSchemaAnnotations() |
@Schema(accessMode=...) on properties |
Sets the accessMode -property of the schema. |
handleSchemaAnnotations() |
@Schema(minLength=...) on properties |
Sets the minLength -property of the schema. |
handleSchemaAnnotations() |
@Schema(maxLength=...) on properties |
Sets the maxLength -property of the schema. |
handleSchemaAnnotations() |
@Schema(format=...) on properties |
Sets the format -property of the schema. |
handleSchemaAnnotations() |
@Schema(minimum=...) on properties |
Sets the minimum -property of the schema. |
handleSchemaAnnotations() |
@Schema(maximum=...) on properties |
Sets the maximum -property of the schema. |
handleSchemaAnnotations() |
@Schema(exclusiveMaximum=...) on properties |
Sets the exclusiveMaximum -property of the schema. |
handleSchemaAnnotations() |
@Schema(exclusiveMinimum=...) on properties |
Sets the exclusiveMinimum -property of the schema. |
handleSchemaAnnotations() |
@ArraySchema(minItems=...) on properties |
Sets the minItems -property of the schema. |
handleSchemaAnnotations() |
@ArraySchema(maxItems=...) on properties |
Sets the maxItems -property of the schema. |
handleSchemaAnnotations() |
@ArraySchema(uniqueItems=...) on properties |
Sets the uniqueItems -property of the schema. |
handleSchemaAnnotations() |
Step | Description |
generateSwaggerSchema() |
Generate an (independent) swagger-schema for each provided type. - optionalHandling : How to handle optional properties, i.e. non-nullable properties with a provided default value. |
withTitle() |
Adds an automatically determined title -property to the swagger-schemas. The title is created either specified by the given TitleType or by a provided function. |
handleCoreAnnotations() |
Adds - title -property with the value specified by a core @SchemaTitle -annotation.- description -property with the value specified by a core @SchemaDescription -annotation.- deperecated -property with the value specified by a core @SchemaDeprecated or kotlin's @Deprecated -annotation.- default -property with the value specified by a core @SchemaDefault -annotation.- example -properties with values specified by a core @SchemaExample -annotation. |
handleSwaggerAnnotations() |
Changes the type -property of a schema according to a @SwaggerTypeHint -annotation. |
handleSchemaAnnotations() |
Adds properties from swagger @Schema -annotation (see table above for supported properties) |
customizeTypes() |
Manually modify the generated schema for types. |
customizeProperties() |
Manually modify the generated schema for properties. |
compileInlining() |
Creates the final swagger-schema by inlining all additional schemas referenced by the root-schema. |
compileReferencing() |
Creates the final swagger-schema by properly referencing all schemas and keeping additional schemas in the "external components". Primitive or simple types will usually be inlined. |
compileReferencingRoot() |
Creates the final swagger-schema by properly referencing all schemas and keeping all schemas - including the root schema - in "external components". A new root schema is created that only references the real "root" schema in the components. Primitive or simple types will usually be inlined. |