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IOT2050 Setup & Node-Red Flow

Prepare the IOT2050

Follow for the following steps:

  • Installing the SD-Card Example Image (in this example the image V1.2.1 was used)
  • First commissioning of the SIMATIC IOT2050: Remote access with Putty SSH Connection
  • Working internet connection on the IOT2050 (only necessary if not all required packages in Node-Red are installed)


The following illustrations show the complete Node-RED flow needed to read data from the PLC using S7 communication, Modbus TCP and OPC UA. In addition, the flow contains all components to create an OPC-UA server, to build a server structure and to store the read variables in it.

OPC UA Server & Building Structure in OPC UA

Flow overview: Building Structure in OPC UA

Read/Write OPC UA

Flow overview: Read/Write OPC UA

Read/Write S7 Communication

Flow overview: Read/Write S7 Communication

Read/Write Modbus

Flow overview: Read/Write Modbus


On the Example Image V1.2.1 (used in this manual) Node-Red is already preinstalled and autostart is enabled. To access it, open a browser on your PC connected to the IOT2050 and open the URL http://<IP of the IOT2050>:1880/.

Required packages

For the application some packages are required:

  • node-red-contrib-s7 (V 3.0.0)
  • node-red-contrib-modbus (V 5.14.1)
  • node-red-contrib-opcua (V 0.2.265)

The packages are already installed on the Example Image V1.2.1. If not, they can be installed as follows: Open a browser on your PC connected to the IOT2050 and open the URL http://<IP of the IOT2050>:1880/.

Menu -> Manage palette -> Switch to the tab "Install" -> Search for the package -> Click install

The "node-red-contrib-opcua"-package must be updated to the version 0.2.265. To do this, open a Putty connection and use the following command:

npm install -g [email protected]

You should see the following packages in the "Manage Palette"-Menu:

manage palette

Import Node-Red Flow

Download the ready-made JSON-FIle: IOTDataCollectorOPCUA-Flow.json

Import the flow:

Menu -> Import -> Select a file to import -> Press the Import-Button

Configuration of the Node-Red Flow

If you used other network settings for the PLC, these must be adjusted in the following nodes:

Node Type Node Command
3x s7 in (BOOL, REAL & INT 5-1 s7 in Double-Click on the node -> Click on the pen-symbol next to "PLC" -> Set the connection parameters (Nb. S7 1200/1500 uses Slot 1 and S7 300/400 uses Slot 2)
modbus getter 5-2 modbus getter Double-Click on the node -> Click on the pen-symbol next to "Server" -> Set the connection parameters (default port number is 503)
3x OPC UA client (Client for IOT_BOOL, IOT_REAL & IOT_INT) 5-3 OpcUA client Double-Click on the node -> Click on the pen-symbol next to "Endpoint" -> Set the connection parameters (make sure you do this for each of the four nodes)

The server settings for the local OPC UA Server (on the IOT2050) are set to localhost by default.

To implement changes press the deploy-button in the upper right corner.

Build the OPC UA structure

After completing all settings press the "Deploy"-Button in the upper right corner.The flow now starts to read data from the PLC and tries to write them to the created OPC UA server. For this, the architecture of the server must be created (This must be done every time the flow or the server is restarted.): Press the inject button and wait a few seconds (If the debug output is activated, the following messages are displayed).

Build Structure & Debug

The following processes are now running in the background:

Node Command
OPC UA structure 1 The "Create Object"-Node uses the OPC UA command "addFolder" to generate a new folder called "IOTData" on the namespace 5 of the local OPC UA server
OPC UA structure 2 In the subflows the "Set Object"-Node uses the OPC UA command "setFolder" to select the newly created folder "IOTData" on the namespace 5 for further actions
OPC UA structure 3 In the subflows the "Create Object"-Node uses the OPC UA command "addFolder" to generate a new subfolder called "Modbus", "S7" or "OPC UA" in the "IOTData"-folder on the namespace 5 of the local OPC UA server
OPC UA structure 4 In the subflows the "Set Object"-Node uses the OPC UA command "setFolder" to select the newly created subfolder "Modbus", "S7" or "OPC UA" in the "IOTData"-folder on the namespace 5 for further actions
OPC UA structure 5 In the subflows the Add-Nodes use the OPC UA command "addVariable" to generate new variables with different datatypes in the subfolders

The process is running step-by-step through the three subflows "Modbus", "S7" and "OPC UA" until the whole structure is built. The structure can be viewed under Using UaExpert for monitoring. Afterwards, the values read from the local OPC UA server on the IOT2050 should be successfully displayed in the debug window.

Output Debug

Using UaExpert for monitoring

This part is optional. With the help of UaExpert the server structure and the stored values of the OPC UA Server can be monitored live.

Download UaExpert here (in our example version V1.5.1 was used).

Complete all settings, start the OPC UA Server and create the structure of the server. Open UaExpert and create a new connection:

UaExpert New Connection

Accept the server certificate:

UaExpert Accept Certificate

After a successful connection, the individual nodes can be dragged into the Data Access View with the mouse and viewed live there:

UaExpert Display Live Values