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227 lines (190 loc) · 7.84 KB

Contributing to Visual Composer Website Builder

You can contribute and help make Visual Composer better. Follow the guidelines:

Code of Conduct

Please read and follow our Code of Conduct.

Submission Guidelines

Forking workflow

Keep the master branch tests passing at all times.

If you send a pull request, please do it against the master branch. We maintain stable branches for major versions separately (Example: 12.x). Instead of accepting pull requests to the version branches directly, we cherry-pick non-breaking changes from master to the version.

Make fork for of VCWB repo in GitHub. Go to your active WordPress wp-content/plugins directory.

$ git clone [email protected]:<Username>/builder.git visualcomposer
$ cd visualcomposer
$ git remote add upstream [email protected]:VisualComposer/builder.git
$ git remote set-url --push upstream no_push
$ git remote -v
origin	[email protected]:<Username>/builder.git (fetch)
origin	[email protected]:<Username>/builder.git (push)
upstream	[email protected]:VisualComposer/builder.git (fetch)
upstream	no_push (push)

Creating features

Use Feature Branch workflow. If you want to send you data to upstream you need to create pull request in GitHub.

$ git checkout -b <VC-ID-feature-branch-in-kebab-case>
# Edit some code
$ git commit -m "[VC-ID] Message for change"
$ git push -u origin <VC-ID-feature-branch-in-kebab-case>

Bring builder up to date

$ git checkout master && git pull upstream master # checkout
$ git push

Cleanup after pull request

$ git branch -d <branch name>
$ git push origin master

Coding Rules

Javascript Code Style

Use Eslint to validate code-style yarn lint.

Variables and Classes

For all var, let, const and method names you should use camelCase.

Exceptions to the rule:

  • Class names for ES6 with camelCase and first Uppercase letter.
  • Constructors for ES5 with camelCase and first Uppercase letter.

No jQuery

Contributor should try not to use jQuery and jQuery-like libraries.

PHP Code Style

We use PSR-2 Code style and CodeSniffer is configured in ruleset.xml to check PSR2 rules. []

  • You MUST use short array syntax []
  • You MUST never use php short open tag, even for <?=$something ?>, use <?php echo $something; ?>
  • Any statement MUST end with semicolon; even if it is single line method like <?php echo $something; ?>
  • Spaces within brackets ONLY if key is variable or expression like $data[ $test ]
  • Use spaces not tabs PSR1.
  • Use phpcs command to check for codeStyle issues in PHP files.
  • php ci/phpcs.phar --standard=ci/ruleset.xml visualcomposer

Differences between Helpers and Modules

  • Helpers and Modules by default are singletons [for performance]
  • Helpers doesn't have logic for action listeners (like WordPress actions/filters)
  • Helpers doesn't have events listeners
  • This is the reason Why Access, CurrentUserAccess and RoleAccess was Helpers
  • Helpers contains only API for processing some data or retreive some result
  • Helpers are PUBLIC, this means it SHOULD be used by other theme/plugins developers
  • Helpers are NOT automaticaly instatiated, but Modules does
  • Module can have own helper to process Public API
  • Module SHOULD be PROTECTED access, this means other theme/plugins developers SHOULD NOT not use modules as API, instead they SHOULD use Modules PUBLIC Api in \VisualComposer\Helpers\HelperName..

Installation instruction

All javascript is build with webpack module builder. Install the plugin and checked that it works, you can make changes to it to get acquainted with the code.


  • PHP >= 5.6.0 (PHP 7+ is recommended)
  • WordPress >= 5.0.0
  • PHP gd2/imagick, php-curl, php-zip and php-exif extensions to be loaded
  • Node >= 10.16.0
  • npm >= 6.9.0
  • yarn >= 1.17.3

Locate plugin folder in your WordPress installation under wp-content/plugins and clone builder repo here.

1. Install node modules and php composer dependencies
$ yarn install
$ php ci/composer.phar update
2. Build project
$ yarn build
# watch
$ yarn watch
3. Build elements
$ bash tools/elements/
# or production version
$ bash tools/elements/

You can build each element separately.

$ cd elements/{elementDirectory}
$ ../../node_modules/.bin/webpack --config=../../node_modules/vc-webpack-vendors/webpack.config.js
# watch
$ ../../node_modules/.bin/webpack --config=../../node_modules/vc-webpack-vendors/webpack.config.js --watch

Compile less files in elements

$ lessc {source/path} {output/path} --autoprefix="last 2 versions"

Build public assets for element if exist.

$ cd elements/{elementDirectory}/{elementDirectory}/public
# build
$ ../../../../node_modules/.bin/webpack --config=webpack.config.js -p
# watch
$ ../../../../node_modules/.bin/webpack --config=webpack.config.js -p --watch

Build assets

$ cd public/sources/assetsLibrary/{assetDirectory}
$ ../../../../node_modules/.bin/webpack --config=webpack.config.babel.js -p

Updating icon libraries

To update the icon set:

  1. Update iconpicker asset Each icon set library has its own folder under public/sources/assetsLibrary/iconpicker/src. Follow these steps to update the asset:
  • appropriate files needs to be updated in fonts and less folders
  • the iconpicker asset should be build as per Build assets
  • the dist/fonts folder should be populated with the updated font as well
  • update the name of the iconset folder if necessary
  • inside webpack.config.babel.js file update the path to the iconset folder if needed
  1. Update attribute iconpicker attribute is located under the public/sources/attributes/iconpicker. Each icon set library has its own JavaScript file that exports an object with settings.
  • generate an updated object
  • replace newly generated object
  • update filename if necessary
  • inside Component.js file update path to file if needed

To generate an object with settings for the Font Awesome library:

  • you need an icons.json file and an categories.yml which you need to convert to .json format
  • copy each file contents and in browser console assign each to its own variable icons and categories accordingly
  • then run the script provided below
  • copy and paste the resulting object into the file

Script to generate Font Awesome settings object:

var newCategories = {}

Object.keys(categories).forEach((category) => {
  newCategories[categories[category].label] = []
  categories[category].icons.forEach((icon) => {
    icons[icon].styles.forEach((style) => {
      var iconId = ''
      if (style === "solid") {
        iconId = "fas"
      if (style === "regular") {
        iconId = "far"
      if (style === "brands") {
        iconId = "fab"
      var iconData = {
        title: icons[icon].label,
        id: iconId + ' fa-' + icon

NOTE: depending on the version and structure of the Font Awesome library some changes might be necessary.

Install local githooks

Git hooks will add pre-commit hooks to keep commits clean.

$ cd _infrastructure
$ ./install-hooks
Debug mode

You can enable debug mode by adding env-dev.php file to the root directory of the project.


if (!VcvEnv::has('VCV_DEBUG')) {
    VcvEnv::set('VCV_DEBUG', true);
require_once "env.php";