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Résumé |
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- Indiana University (IU), Bloomington, Indiana. Advisor: Ryan Newton. 2015–2020. M.S. in Computer Science with Logic minor.
- Teaching assistant, CSCI-P 523: Programming Language Implementation, compilers course at Indiana University, Fall 2016.
- University of Kansas (KU), Lawrence, Kansas. Advisor: Andy Gill. Class of 2015. B.S. in Computer Science with Mathematics minor. GPA 3.9/4.0.
- Co-chair of KU Competitive Programming Group, 2013–2015.
- Galois, Inc., Arlington, VA. August 2020–present. Software engineer and researcher.
- Intern, Portland, OR. Summer 2017. Worked on a symbolic simulation engine written in Haskell.
- Intel Labs, Hillsboro, OR. Winter 2015. Worked on preparing the Intel Haskell Research Compiler (HRC) for an open source release.
- R. G. Scott, B. Boston, B. Davis, I. Diatchki, M. Dodds, J. Hendrix, D. Matichuk, K. Quick, T. Ravitch, V. Robert, B. Selfridge, A. Ștefănescu, D. Wagner, and S. Winwood. Macaw: A Machine Code Toolbox for the Busy Binary Analyst, arXiv (2024).
- R. G. Scott, M. Dodds, I. Perez, A. E. Goodloe, and R. Dockins. "Trustworthy Runtime Verification via Bisimulation (Experience Report)", ICFP 2023.
- L. Silver, E. Westbrook, M. Yacavone, and R. G. Scott. "Interaction Tree Specifications: A Framework for Specifying Recursive, Effectful Computations that Supports Auto-active Verification", ECOOP 2023.
- S. Graf, S. Peyton Jones, and R. G. Scott. "Lower Your Guards: A Compositional Pattern-Match Coverage Checker", ICFP 2020.
- O. S. Navarro Leija, K. Shiptoski, R. G. Scott, B. Wang, N. Renner, R. R. Newton, and J. Devietti. "Reproducible Containers", ASPLOS 2020.
- R. G. Scott and R. R. Newton. "Generic and Flexible Defaults for Verified, Law-Abiding Type-Class Instances", Haskell Symposium 2019. [ appendix ]
- B. Blöndal, A. Löh, and R. Scott. "Deriving Via; or, How to Turn Hand-Written Instances into an Anti-Pattern", Haskell Symposium 2018.
- N. Vazou, A. Tondwalkar, R. Jhala, V. Choudhury, R. G. Scott, R. R. Newton, and P. Wadler. "Refinement Reflection: Complete Verification with SMT", POPL 2018.
- R. G. Scott, O. S. Navarro Leija, J. Devietti, and R. R. Newton. "Monadic Composition for Deterministic, Parallel Batch Processing", OOPSLA 2017.
- M. Vollmer, R. G. Scott, M. Musuvathi, and R. R. Newton. "SC-Haskell: Sequential Consistency in Languages That Minimize Mutable Shared Heap", PPoPP 2017.
- A. Gill, J. Dawson, A. Eskilson, A. Farmer, M. Grebe, R. Scott, J. Stanton, J. Rosenbluth, and N. Sculthorpe, "The remote-monad design pattern", Haskell Symposium 2015.
- FUNARCH 2024, program committee member. March–September 2024.
- Haskell Implementors' Workshop 2023, program chair. January–September 2023.
- Haskell Implementors' Workshop 2020, program committee member. July–August 2020.
- ICFP'17 Artifact Evaluation Committee, member. May–June 2017.
- Haskell Core Libraries Committee, member. 2016–2019.
- Copilot: Assured Runtime Verification for Embedded Systems and Hardware. SSH-SoC'24, San Francisco, CA. June 23, 2024. [ pdf ]
- Trustworthy Runtime Verification via Bisimulation (Experience Report). ICFP'23, Seattle, WA. September 7, 2023. [ pdf ] [ youtube ]
- Getting up, running, and contributing to GHC. 2023 GHC Contributors' Workshop, Zürich, Switzerland. June 7, 2023. [ pdf ] [ youtube ]
- Generic and Flexible Defaults for Verified, Law-Abiding Type-Class Instances. Haskell'19, Berlin, Germany. August 22, 2019. [ pdf ] [ youtube ]
- The
Library: Big Proofs, Little Tedium. Midwest PL Summit, West Lafayette, IN. September 23, 2019. [ pdf ] [ youtube ]
- The
- Visible Dependent Quantification (VDQ). Haskell Implementors Workshop 2019, Berlin, Germany, August 23, 2019. [ pdf ] [ youtube ]
- The Curious
of Pattern-Match Coverage Checking. MuniHac 2018, Unterföhring, Germany. November 16, 2018. [ pdf ] [ youtube ] DerivingVia
; or, How to Turn Hand-Written Instances into an Anti-Pattern. Haskell'18, St. Louis, MO. September 28, 2018. [ pdf ] [ youtube ]- Generalized Abstract
. Haskell Implementors Workshop 2018, St. Louis, MO. September 23, 2018. [ pdf ] [ code ] [ youtube ] - Liquid Haskell: Refined, reflective, and classy. PL Wonks, Bloomington, IN. September 1, 2018. [ pdf ] [ youtube ]
- Livin' la
loca: Coercing Types with Class. Midwest PL Summit, Bloomington, IN. December 1, 2017. [ pdf ] - Monadic Composition for Deterministic, Parallel Batch Processing. OOPSLA'17, Vancouver, BC, Canada. October 26, 2017. [ pdf ] [ youtube ]
- Type Theorists HATE Him! Learn this ONE WEIRD TRICK to fake dependent types in a language that doesn’t support them. PL Wonks, Bloomington, IN. September 1, 2017. [ pdf ] [ youtube ]
- Detflow: towards deterministic workflows on your favorite OS. PL Wonks, Bloomington, IN. March 24, 2017. [ pdf ]
- Verified instances for parallel functional programming. Midwest PL Summit, Chicago, IL. December 2, 2016.
- Taming the
zoo. Haskell Implementors Workshop 2016 lightning talks, Nara, Japan. September 24, 2016. [ pdf ] [ youtube ] - Generic programming for the masses. PL Wonks, Bloomington, IN. February 26, 2016. [ pdf ]
- An existential-aware
. Haskell Implementors Workshop 2015 lightning talks, Vancouver, BC, Canada. August 30, 2015. [ pdf ] [ youtube ]
- Posts that I've authored on the Galois blog
- Posts that I've authored on my personal blog
- Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC) (contributor). The flagship compiler for the Haskell programming language. Contributed to GHC's support for metaprogramming, including
and Template Haskell. blank-canvas
(co-maintainer). A Haskell binding to the HTML5<canvas>
API, which allows for graphical web applications to be written in Haskell.HERMIT
(contributor and tester). An interactive Haskell compiler plugin that allows a user to apply code rewrites to make the process of high-assurance software development easier.HERMIT
applies several semi-formal modeling techniques such as the worker/wrapper transformation.
- Proficient in Haskell, C, and Java. Familiar with Android, C++, JavaScript, Liquid Haskell, Standard ML, and Scala.