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Releases: RhoInc/Webcharts


11 Sep 13:54
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Tweak to better handle zeroes in webcharts.dataOps.getValType()


01 Sep 13:26
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This is the first full release of this library, which contains methods for creating chart, controls, and table objects for visualizing and investigating data. This version of the library is not backwards-compatible with the pre-releases (v0.*), but is much more robust and flexible. The major structural changes include:

  • Charts are more generalized - all types are created with the same webCharts.createChart() function. Chart specifics are handled through the chart's config object.
  • A file path is no longer passed to the chart creation function. Instead, file retrieval and parsing is left to the user, while source data is passed directly to the chart as an argument to chart.init().
  • Some convenient, but rarely used functions for drawing linear regressions and reference lines/regions have been stripped out. These types of functions will likely be included in a supplemental library in the near future.
  • Lifecycle callback functions automatically have the this context set to the current chart object, rather than needing the chart object passed as an argument to the function.

See the docs for full details.


18 May 14:19
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0.1.3 Pre-release
  • fixed IE9 bug that with assigning a random ID to each chart instance (only partially fixed in 0.1.2 - string vs. number issue)


18 May 14:17
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0.1.2 Pre-release
  • added support for AMD and CommonJs in addition to browser global
  • fixed IE9 bug with assigning a random ID to each chart instance (btoa and string vs. number issue)


01 Apr 13:42
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v0.1.1 Pre-release

Tiny tweaks for LEAP figure

Initial pre-release

31 Mar 13:36
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Initial pre-release Pre-release

First versioned release. To be used for a couple early public-facing graphics.