diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 24d46f36250ee..abeee60f02aa7 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ /.lein-repl-history /.sqlite.db /backend-checksums.txt +/backend-docs/uberdoc.html /build.xml /checkouts /classes @@ -32,7 +33,6 @@ /crate-* /cypress /deploy/artifacts/* -/docs/uberdoc.html /frontend/test/snapshots/* /e2e/snapshots/* /lein-plugins/*/target diff --git a/deps.edn b/deps.edn index 8755843e202d5..31dc6346258d5 100644 --- a/deps.edn +++ b/deps.edn @@ -283,8 +283,8 @@ {:extra-paths ["enterprise/backend/src"]} ;; Include EE tests. - ;; for ee dev: :dev:ee:ee-dev - ;; for ee tests: clojure -X:dev:ee:ee-dev:test + ;; for EE dev: `clojure -X:dev:ee:ee-dev` + ;; for EE tests: `clojure -X:dev:ee:ee-dev:test` :ee-dev {:extra-paths ["enterprise/backend/test"]} @@ -295,6 +295,15 @@ :oss-dev {} + ;; Generate BE documentation with + ;; clojure -M:marginalia + :marginalia + {:extra-deps + {com.github.tsmacdonald/marginalia {:mvn/version "0.9.2"}} + :main-opts ["-m" "marginalia.main" "-n" "Metabase" "-d" "backend-docs" "-D" + "The simplest, fastest way to get business intelligence and analytics to everyone in your company 😋" + "dev" "src" "shared/src" "enterprise/backend/src"]} + ;; Find outdated versions of dependencies. Run with `clojure -M:outdated` :outdated {;; Note that it is `:deps`, not `:extra-deps` :deps {com.github.liquidz/antq {:mvn/version "RELEASE"}} diff --git a/dev/src/dev.clj b/dev/src/dev.clj index e62d5dcb543ba..98ac6d26424c4 100644 --- a/dev/src/dev.clj +++ b/dev/src/dev.clj @@ -1,3 +1,37 @@ +;; # Metabase Backend Developer Documentation +;; +;; Welcome to Metabase! Here are links to useful resources. +;; +;; ## Project Management +;; +;; - [Engineering and Product Playbook](https://www.notion.so/metabase/Engineering-and-Product-Playbook-cd4bc1c0b8744470bebc0b979f8f5268) +;; - [Weekly Tactical Board: how to](https://www.notion.so/metabase/Weekly-Tactical-Board-how-to-6e81f994a792493ba7ae430f2afa1673) +;; - [The Escalations Process](https://www.notion.so/Escalating-a-bug-b876f78c801345f3bda8504d4a63ba80) +;; +;; ## Dev Environment +;; +;; - [Getting started with backend development](https://github.com/metabase/metabase/blob/master/docs/developers-guide/devenv.md#backend-development) +;; - [Additional notes on using tools.deps](https://github.com/metabase/metabase/wiki/Migrating-from-Leiningen-to-tools.deps) +;; - [Other tips](https://github.com/metabase/metabase/wiki/Metabase-Backend-Dev-Secrets) +;; +;; ## Important Parts of the Codebase +;; +;; - [API Endpoints](file:///home/tmacdonald/src/metabase/backend-docs/uberdoc.html#metabase.api.common) +;; - [Drivers](#metabase.driver) +;; - [Permissions](#metabase.models.permissions) +;; - [The Query Processor](#metabase.query-processor) +;; - [Application Settings](#metabase.models.setting) +;; +;; ## Important Libraries +;; +;; - [Toucan 2](https://github.com/camsaul/toucan2/) to work with models +;; - [Honey SQL](https://github.com/seancorfield/honeysql) (version 2) for SQL queries +;; - [Liquibase](https://docs.liquibase.com/concepts/changelogs/changeset.html) for database migrations +;; - [Compojure](https://github.com/weavejester/compojure) on top of [Ring](https://github.com/ring-clojure/ring) for our API +;; +;;
+;; (ns metabase.api.dashboard ...)
+;; (api/defendpoint GET "/"
+;; "Get `Dashboards`. With filter option `f`..."
+;; [f]
+;; {f [:maybe [:enum "all" "mine" "archived"]]}
+;; (let ...))
+;; ; ...
+;; (api/define-routes)
+;; As you can see, the arguments are:
+;; * **The HTTP verb.** (`GET`, `PUT`, `POST`, etc)
+;; * **The route.** This will automatically have `api` and the namespace prefixed to it, so in this case `"/"` is defining
+;; the route for `/api/dashboard/`.
+;; * **A docstring.** Apart from being helpful to us, this is used for API documentation for third-party devs, so please
+;; be thorough!
+;; * **A schema.** This uses [Malli's vector syntax](https://github.com/metosin/malli#vector-syntax). This is documented
+;; on Malli's page, of course, but we also have some of our own schemas defined. Start by looking in
+;; [`metabase.util.malli.schema`](#metabase.util.malli.schema)
+;; * **The parameters.** This uses Compojure's
+;; [destructuring syntax](https://github.com/weavejester/compojure/wiki/Destructuring-Syntax) (a superset of Clojure's
+;; normal destructuring syntax).
+;; * **The actual code for the endpoint.** The returned value could be one of several types. The Right Thing (such as
+;; converting to JSON or setting an appropriate status code) usually happens by default. Consult
+;; [Compojure's documentation](https://github.com/weavejester/compojure/blob/master/src/compojure/response.clj),
+;; but it may be more instructive to look at examples in our codebase.
+;; (def ^:private match-based-scorers
+;; [{:scorer exact-match-scorer :name "exact-match" :weight 4}
+;; {:scorer consecutivity-scorer :name "consecutivity" :weight 2}
+;; {:scorer total-occurrences-scorer :name "total-occurrences" :weight 2}
+;; {:scorer fullness-scorer :name "fullness" :weight 1}
+;; {:scorer prefix-scorer :name "prefix" :weight 1}])
+;; * The `exact-match-scorer` gives points for exact matches. So if you search `foo` it'll score well for `foo
+;; collection` but not `my favorite foods`. Everything else counts partial matches
+;; * `consecutivity-scorer` gives points for a sequence of matching words. So if you search `four five six seven`
+;; it'll score well for `one two three four five six seven eight` and 0 for `eight seven six five four three two
+;; one`.
+;; * `total-occurrences-scorer` gives points for the number of tokens that show up in the search result. So if you
+;; search for `foo bar` it'll score better for `Admiral Akbar's Food Truck` (2; note that `akbar` and `food` count
+;; as matches even though it's not exact) than for `foo collection` (1; being an exact match doesn't matter. That's
+;; why we have the `exact-match-scorer`).
+;; * `fullness-scorer` is sort of the opposite of that: it gives points for how much of the result is "covered" by the
+;; search query. So if you search `foo bar` then `Barry's Food` will have a perfect fullness score and `Barry's
+;; Dashboard Of Favorite Bars, Restaurants, and Food Trucks` will score poorly since only 3/9 of the dashboard's
+;; title is covered by the search query. Why 3? `bar` matches both `Barry's` and `Bars`.
+;; * `prefix-scorer` gives points for an exact prefix match. So if you search for `foo bar` then `foo collection` will
+;; have a good prefix score (4/24: `foo ` matches), `Food trucks I love` will have a worse one (3/18), and
+;; `top 10 foo bars` will be zero.
+;; These are all weighted: you can see that the exact-match scorer is responsible for 4/10 of the score, the consecutivity one is 2/10, etc.
+;; The second set of scorers is defined lower down,
+;; [here](https://github.com/metabase/metabase/blob/8d5f5db02c84899a053e20468986050b2034a9a4/src/metabase/search/scoring.clj#L215-L222):
+;; (defn weights-and-scores
+;; "Default weights and scores for a given result."
+;; [result]
+;; [{:weight 2 :score (pinned-score result) :name "pinned"}
+;; {:weight 2 :score (bookmarked-score result) :name "bookmarked"}
+;; {:weight 3/2 :score (recency-score result) :name "recency"}
+;; {:weight 1 :score (dashboard-count-score result) :name "dashboard"}
+;; {:weight 1/2 :score (model-score result) :name "model"}])
+;; And there are two more for Enterprise
+;; [here](https://github.com/metabase/metabase/blob/8d5f5db02c84899a053e20468986050b2034a9a4/enterprise/backend/src/metabase_enterprise/search/scoring.clj#L27-L33):
+;; (premium-features/has-feature? :official-collections)
+;; (conj {:weight 2
+;; :score (official-collection-score result)
+;; :name "official collection score"})
+;; (premium-features/has-feature? :content-verification)
+;; (conj {:weight 2
+;; :score (verified-score result)
+;; :name "verified"})))
+;; These are easier to explain: you get points if the search result is pinned (yes or no), bookmarked (yes or no), how
+;; recently it was updated (sliding value between 1 (edited just now) and 0 (edited [180+
+;; days](https://github.com/metabase/metabase/blob/8d5f5db02c84899a053e20468986050b2034a9a4/src/metabase/search/config.clj#L29-L32)
+;; ago), how many dashboards it appears in (sliding value between 0 (zero dashboards) and 1 ([50+
+;; dashboards](https://github.com/metabase/metabase/blob/8d5f5db02c84899a053e20468986050b2034a9a4/src/metabase/search/config.clj#L34-L36))
+;; and it's type (`model-score`): the earlier a type appears in [this
+;; list](https://github.com/metabase/metabase/blob/8d5f5db02c84899a053e20468986050b2034a9a4/src/metabase/search/config.clj#L55-L58)
+;; the higher score it gets:
+;; ["dashboard" "metric" "segment" "indexed-entity" "card" "dataset" "collection" "table" "action" "database"]
+;; On the EE side, we also give points if something's an official collection and if it's verified.
+;; Finally, what we actually search is defined in the search
+;; config [here](https://github.com/metabase/metabase/blob/8d5f5db02c84899a053e20468986050b2034a9a4/src/metabase/search/config.clj#L73-L109),
+;; but the short answer is "the name and, if there is one, the description". We used to search raw SQL queries for
+;; cards, but that got turned off recently (but I've seen chat about turning it back on).
+;; ❦
+;; So, these 12 scorers are weighted and combined together, and the grand total affects search order. If this sounds a
+;; little complicated…it is! It also means that it can be tricky to give a proper answer about why the search ranking
+;; is "wrong", maybe you search for `monthly revenue` and are looking for a card called `monthly revenue` and are mad
+;; that a dashboard called `company stats` shows up first…but then it turns out that the dashboard's description is
+;; `Stats that everyone should be aware of, such as our order count and monthly revenue.` and the dashboard happens to
+;; be pinned, bookmarked, part of an official collection, verified, and edited a couple hours ago…whereas the card is
+;; none of those things.
+;; Also, be aware that as of October 2023 there's [a big epic under
+;; way](https://github.com/metabase/metabase/issues/27982) to add filtering to search results, which should help
+;; people find what they're looking for (and spares us from having to make the above algorithm better).