Proposed Topics:
- Glenn: GraphQL
- Glenn:
- Glenn: Static typing
- Jan: Zeit (now, next, Hyper)
- Jan: WebAssembly
- Richard:
- React alternatives: Preact, Inferno, Vue, ...
- Chris: Testing
- Thomas: RxJS
Discussed Topics:
- 2016 in Review: Chris (short introduction into Meteor)
- Tooling (Webpack vs. meteor; Webpack code splitting for efficient routing; Webpack as successor to task runners?)
(version 3 vs. 4),recompose
(trivial composition of higher-order components)reselect
(simplification of Redux state, keeping just minimal information)- truck factor 🚛
, CSS components: Why possibly use CSS in JavaScript? Keep CSS independent of JavaScript? (cascading vs. namespacing),styled-components
- Glenn:
: Complete rewrite of React core, mainly vdom-diffing. Laggy animations induced by re-rendered components in hierarchy tree are supposed to be fixed (but still highly experimental state) - async/await vs. futures (async calls within synchronuous environments) (coming from Meteor fibers)
- yarn vs. npm shrinkwrap: Works quite well in production, lockfile (yarn.lock) easily mergeable; yarn tracks sub-package versions; yarn is amazingly fast ⚡
- Static typing: flow vs. TypeScript
- Glenn tries to use as much flow as possible for smaller modules
- Michael and Thomas: All code adapted to TypeScript
- Collections of types:
(, DefinitelyTyped (
- Testing: Jest? How to approach React testing?
- Glenn: snapshots & static typing do lot of work beforehand (
- JavaScript without typing is more of a fear-driven development.
- Don't over-test (huge payload, overhead when making changes); Richard: focus on acceptance- and e2e-tests
- Automated testing: Chimp (
- Chris: How to test recompose-HOCs?
Deferred Topics:
- Server-side rendering (; Google execution of JavaScript?)
- Hot module replacement (HMR)
- GraphQL