For the Going Async with JavaScript workshop, there will be a challenge. You can either work alone or with a team to create a compelling real-time application using RxJS. The applications will then be listed here for everyone to see for their own inspiration.
- Your Application?
Have a favorite library that you like to use? There are a number of libraries that bring out the best in your library and RxJS.
- rx.angular.js - AngularJS bindings for RxJS
- rx.dojo.js - Dojo Toolkit bindings for RxJS
- rx.dom.js - DOM bindings for RxJS
- rx.jquery.js - jQuery bindings for RxJS
- rx-react - Utilities for React and RxJS
To help get you started, here are some examples that might provide some inspiration.
RxJS Examples
- Alphabet Invasion Game
- Autocomplete
- Canvas Paint
- D3 + RxJS Wikipedia Example
- Databinding
- Drag and Drop
- requestAnimationFrame Drawing
Knockout + jQuery + SignalR