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svgcleaner outputs style=""
It looks like a bug. Can you provide a test example? |
I can try and find an example when I'm on my laptop, but it happened with a number of svgs when I ran it locally. |
I cannot reproduce it. |
Rust torus after having been processed with the above command follows. Repeating the command yields the same output. <svg height="144" style="" viewBox="19 19 106 106" width="144" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="m123.62 70.716-4.4-2.72c-.03-.428-.08-.855-.12-1.28l3.77-3.522c.39-.358.56-.888.46-1.401a1.535 1.535 0 00-.96-1.122l-4.82-1.805c-.13-.418-.25-.833-.38-1.246l3.01-4.182c.31-.425.37-.978.17-1.463a1.52 1.52 0 00-1.16-.914l-5.09-.828c-.19-.386-.4-.766-.61-1.143l2.14-4.695c.22-.478.18-1.034-.12-1.468a1.498 1.498 0 00-1.31-.671l-5.16.18a40.98 40.98 0 00-.82-.99l1.19-5.032a1.514 1.514 0 00-.4-1.417 1.52 1.52 0 00-1.42-.403l-5.03 1.186a79 79 0 00-.99-.816l.18-5.166a1.52 1.52 0 00-.67-1.31 1.516 1.516 0 00-1.47-.119l-4.694 2.14a54.472 54.472 0 00-1.143-.613l-.83-5.091a1.513 1.513 0 00-2.376-.984l-4.185 3.011a45.914 45.914 0 00-1.244-.377l-1.805-4.828a1.509 1.509 0 00-2.522-.503l-3.522 3.779c-.425-.047-.853-.09-1.28-.125l-2.72-4.395a1.512 1.512 0 00-2.571 0l-2.72 4.395c-.428.035-.856.078-1.281.125l-3.523-3.779a1.51 1.51 0 00-2.522.503l-1.805 4.828c-.418.12-.832.247-1.245.377l-4.184-3.011a1.515 1.515 0 00-2.377.984l-.83 5.091c-.384.199-.764.404-1.143.613l-4.694-2.14a1.507 1.507 0 00-1.467.119c-.436.29-.691.787-.671 1.31l.18 5.166c-.334.267-.665.54-.992.816l-5.031-1.186a1.517 1.517 0 00-1.417.403 1.51 1.51 0 00-.403 1.417l1.185 5.032a48.63 48.63 0 00-.814.99l-5.166-.18a1.511 1.511 0 00-1.429 2.139l2.14 4.695a46.02 46.02 0 00-.613 1.143l-5.09.828a1.513 1.513 0 00-.984 2.377l3.011 4.182c-.131.413-.258.828-.378 1.246l-4.828 1.805a1.51 1.51 0 00-.501 2.523l3.777 3.522c-.047.425-.089.853-.125 1.28l-4.394 2.72a1.51 1.51 0 000 2.571l4.394 2.72c.036.428.078.855.125 1.28l-3.777 3.523a1.512 1.512 0 00.501 2.522l4.828 1.805c.12.418.247.833.378 1.246l-3.011 4.183a1.511 1.511 0 00.985 2.376l5.089.828c.199.386.403.766.613 1.145l-2.14 4.693a1.519 1.519 0 00.119 1.472c.292.43.789.69 1.31.67l5.164-.18c. 5.03c-.12.51.031 1.04.403 1.41.369.38.906.53 1.417.41l5.031-1.19c.327.28.658.55.992.82l-.18 5.16c-.02.53.235 1.02.671 1.31.434.29.99.34 1.467.12l4.694-2.14c.378.21.758.42 1.143.61l.83 5.09c. 1.16.483.2 1.038.13 1.463-.17l4.182-3.01c.413.13.828.25 1.246.37l1.805 4.83c.183.49.607.85 1.043-.06 1.4-.45l3.523-3.78c.425.05.853.09 1.281.13l2.72 4.4a1.518 1.518 0 002.571 0l2.72-4.4c.428-.04.855-.08 1.28-.13l3.522 3.78c.357.39.887.56 1.122-.95l1.805-4.83c.418-.12.833-.24 1.246-.37l4.183 3.01c.425.3.979.37 1.462.17.484-.2.83-.64.914-1.16l.83-5.09c.384-.19.764-.4 1.143-.61l4.694 2.14a1.515 1.515 0 002.141-1.43l-.18-5.16c.33-.27.66-.54.99-.82l5.03 1.19c.51.12 1.05-.03 1.41-.41.38-.37.53-.9.41-1.41l-1.19-5.03c.28-.33.55-.66.82-.99l5.16.18c.52.02 1.02-.24 1.31-.67.29-.44.34-1 .12-1.472l-2.14-4.693c.21-.379.42-.759.61-1.145l5.09-.828c.52-.083.96-.429 1.16-.914a1.53 1.53 0 00-.17-1.462l-3.01-4.183c.13-.413.25-.828.37-1.246l4.83-1.805c.49-.184.85-.607.95-1.122a1.474 1.474 0 00-.45-1.4l-3.77-3.523.12-1.28 4.4-2.72a1.518 1.518 0 000-2.571zm-29.412 36.454a3.116 3.116 0 01-2.385-3.7 3.107 3.107 0 013.689-2.39 3.117 3.117 0 012.387 3.7 3.11 3.11 0 01-3.691 2.39zm-29.305-73.115 4.786 5.021a2.83 2.83 0 004.006.092l5.355-5.122c11.221 2.089 20.721 9.074 26.2 18.657l-3.67 8.28a2.842 2.842 0 001.44 3.744l7.06 3.135c1.41 12.759-4.2 24.055-10.79 30.62l-6.575-1.413a2.833 2.833 0 00-3.365 2.18l-1.56 7.281a38.184 38.184 0 01-15.79 3.4 38.261 38.261 0 01-16.121-3.55l-1.559-7.284a2.832 2.832 0 00-3.364-2.179l-6.427 1.38c-6.766-7.116-11.776-17.277-10.575-30.744l6.695-2.975a2.838 2.838 0 001.441-3.744l-3.48-7.874a38.487 38.487 0 0126.293-18.905zm-15.44 72.955c-1.678.37-3.33-.7-3.691-2.38a3.112 3.112 0 012.386-3.7 3.11 3.11 0 011.305 6.08zm-11.863-48.1a3.114 3.114 0 01-1.581 4.107 3.106 3.106 0 01-4.101-1.584 3.114 3.114 0 011.581-4.107 3.106 3.106 0 014.101 1.584zm32.091-29.126a3.105 3.105 0 014.394.101 3.115 3.115 0 01-.103 4.401 3.103 3.103 0 01-4.394-.102 3.116 3.116 0 01.103-4.4zm36.379 29.277a3.106 3.106 0 014.1-1.583 3.11 3.11 0 011.58 4.107 3.102 3.102 0 01-4.1 1.584 3.118 3.118 0 01-1.58-4.108z" style=""/></svg> |
@RazrFalcon You need @jhpratt Having a input (minimal example)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<svg height="144" viewBox="19 19 106 106" width="144" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<circle cx="50" cy="50" r="45"/>
</svg> terminalsvgcleaner in.svg out.svg --allow-bigger-file --indent 1 --join-style-attributes all --remove-declarations no
Your image is -10.59% smaller now. output (svg)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<svg height="144" style="" viewBox="19 19 106 106" width="144" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<circle cx="50" cy="50" r="45" style=""/>
</svg> |
@JoKalliauer I'm not looking to add it to be clear — I'd like to see the superfluous attribute removed to decrease size. |
After just switching to svgcleaner from svgo, I noticed that svgcleaner outputs
, which I presume is not strictly required. Wouldn't it make sense to remove this?The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: