This file is for general configurations.
All options available and their default values:
# This is for configuring how many items to reach before 'scrolling' the view
scroll_offset = 6
# If joshuto does not know how to open the file, it can resort to opening it via xdg settings
xdg_open = false
# Fork xdg_open so you can continue using joshuto with application open
xdg_open_fork = false
# Use system trash can instead of permanently removing files
use_trash = true
# Watch for filesystem changes and update directory listings accordingly
watch_files = true
# The maximum file size to show a preview for
max_preview_size = 2097152 # 2MB
# Configurations related to the display
# Different view layouts
# Options include
# - default
# - hsplit
mode = "default"
# Collapse the preview window when there is no preview available
collapse_preview = true
# Ratios for parent view, current view and preview. You can specify 0 for
# parent view or omit it (So there are only 2 nums) and it won't be displayed
column_ratio = [1, 3, 4]
# Show borders around different views
show_borders = true
# Show hidden files
show_hidden = false
# Show file icons (requires a supporting font)
show_icons = true
# Shorten /home/$USER to ~
tilde_in_titlebar = true
# Options include
# - none
# - absolute
# - relative
line_number_style = "none"
# Configurations related to file sorting
# Options include
# - lexical (10.txt comes before 2.txt)
# - natural (2.txt comes before 10.txt)
# - mtime
method = "natural"
# case sensitive sorting
case_sensitive = false
# show directories first
directories_first = true
# sort in reverse
reverse = false