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File metadata and controls

118 lines (95 loc) · 6.73 KB

Instructions for setting up the project on your machine

  • Download and setup the project directory
git clone your-project-name
  • Setup your project as git repo
cd your-project-name
npm run init-setup
git init
git add .
git commit-m 'initial commit'
git remote add origin <url>
git push origin <branch_name>
  • Install yarn dependencies run
yarn install
  • Start the site in development mode
yarn Start

Configuration changes to be made for making new project work

  • WebPack configuration changes, make following changes in webpack.config.env_name.js file at root of the project directory
  • Replace ApiServiceUrl value with url for API service to connect
  • Change HostedIP value to actual url where the app will be hosted, this information will be used for logging purpose

How to create a Students Registrations Search Page

  1. Create new directory named search-students under src\components with below files Most of the code inside search-students will be similar to that of search-master

    • Add new component search-students.component.js.
      • Create class SearchStudentsComponent and render appropriate components. Use search-master as reference to create the table.
      • Inside mapStateToProps add the following data:, loading: store.searchStudentsReducer.loading,
      • Inside mapDispatchToProps the first argument to bindActionCreators will be the actions we imported for this file actions: bindActionCreators(studentIndexActions, dispatch)
      • Export SearchStudentsComponent appropriately
    • Add new styles search-students.component.scss
    • Identify list of actions you want to perform in this page, and define action types in constants.js
      • To begin, you can refer the actions in search-master/constants.js.
      • You can add more constants if needed.
    • Define state in initial.state.js. Initial state is the same as in search-master/initial.state.js
    • Define actions like fetching data from APIs in actions.js
      • action.js will also look much similar to the action creator in search-master
      • The following can be used for api get request: apiProxy.get(appConstants.appInfo.apiServer + appConstants.apiRoutes.searchStudentsRoute)
      • Navigate to src/appConstants and add searchStudentsRoute: '/students?_sort=id&_order=desc', at the bottom of apiRoutes
    • Define reducer methods to update state in reducer.js. Reducers change the application state.
      • Make appropriate change to the application state as required
  2. Create new folder named as search-students under src\containers

    • Add new container component search-students.container.jsand render the component created in step-1.
  3. Import reducer created under step (1) in src\store\reducers.js and add in to combineReducers

  4. Configure route under src\containers\app.js with container component created under step-2 after importing SearchStudentsContainerComponent. Add <Route exact path="/students" component={SearchStudentsContainerComponent} /> to the list of routes

  5. Finally, navigate to src/uicomponents/menu/topnav-component.js . Configure the anchor tag on the second li of nav div to point to #/students <a href="#/students" tabIndex="-1"> and rename Menu2 to Students

  6. The list should be empty as we haven't added anything yet. Next lets add a form that lets us add students

Adding new Students

  1. Create new folder named as add-students under src\components with below files Most of the code inside add-students will be similar to that of add-master

    • Add new component add-students.component.js
      • UIComponents should be imported from /ES6-React-Redux-Seed/src/uicomponents/
      • Create class AddStudentsComponent and render a redux form containing name and email field.
      • Rename addMasterReducer inside mapStateToProps to addStudentReducer too. The reducer will be created later.
      • Replace the constants form: types.COMPONENTS_ADD_MASTER_FORM to form: types.COMPONENTS_ADD_STUDENTS_FORM
      • Inside function saveInfo replace the last line to this.props.history.push('/students');
    • Add new styles search-students.component.scss
    • Identify list of actions you want to perform in this page, and define action types in constants.js
      • To begin, you can refer the actions in search-master/constants.js.
      • You can add more constants if needed.
    • Define state in initial.state.js. Initial state is the same as in add-master/initial.state.js
    • Define actions like fetching data from APIs in actions.js
      • action.js will also look much similar to the action creator in add-master
      • Change the constants to refer to the constants in add-students directory
      • The post command should to save the formValues should be ```
        • appConstants.apiRoutes.searchStudentsRoute, formValues)``` where form value is supplied to the function that saves the data to the server
    • Define reducer methods to update state in reducer.js. Reducers change the application state.
      • Make appropriate change to the application state as required
  2. Create new directory add-students under src\containers

    • Add new container component add-students.container.jsand render the component created in step-1. Import AddStudentsComponent from '../../components/add-students/add-students.component'
  3. Import reducer created under step (1) in src\store\reducers.js and add in to combineReducers. (Add ‘addStudentsReducer’ to combineReducers.)

  4. Configure route under src\containers\app.js with container component created under step-2 after importing AddStudentsContainerComponent. Add <Route exact path="/new/students" component={AddStudentsContainerComponent} /> to the list of routes

  5. Navigate to src/containers/search-students.components.js and rename the Link destination to “/new/students” <Link to="/new/students”>

  6. Navigate to tests/db.json and add "students": [ ], before “masters”

All Commands

  1. Prepare build for Production Release

    $yarn run prod-release-build-package

  2. Prepare build for ProdQA

    $yarn run prodqa-build-package

  3. Prepare build for DevQA

    $yarn run devqa-build-package

  4. Start website in development environment

    $yarn run start

  5. Get lint issues

    $yarn run lint

  6. Get outdated packages information

`$yarn run getoutdatedpackages`