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Nextcloud Workflow OCR app

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Table of contents


App installation

First download and install the Nextcloud Workflow OCR app from the official Nexcloud-appstore or by downloading the appropriate tarball from the releases page.

cd /var/www/<NEXTCLOUD_INSTALL>/apps
tar -xzvf workflow_ocr.tar.gz
rm workflow_ocr.tar.gz

Nextcloud background jobs

Since the actual processing of the files is done asynchronously via Nextcloud's background job engine, make sure you've properly setup the cron functionallity as described here. If possible please use the crontab approach for more reliability.


⚠️ Since v1.20.1 you'll have to install OCRmyPDF.

In the backend OCRmyPDF is used for processing PDF files. Make sure you have this commandline tool installed. Make sure you have the appropriate version (see below, Used libraries').

apt-get install ocrmypdf

Also if you want to use specific language settings please install the corresponding tesseract packages.

# English
apt-get install tesseract-ocr-eng

# German
apt-get install tesseract-ocr-deu


You can configure the OCR processing via Nextcloud's workflow engine. Therefore configure a new flow via Settings -> Flow -> Add new flow (if you don't see OCR file here the app isn't installed properly or you forgot to activate it).

Usage setup

A typical setup for processing incoming PDF-files and adding a text-layer to them might look like this:

PDF setup

Note that currently only the events File created and File updated are supported. Other events will be ignored since they don't really make sense regarding the OCR-process.

To test if your file gets processed properly you can do the following steps:

  1. Upload a new file which meets the criteria you've recently defined in the workflow creation.
  2. Go to your servers console and change into the Nextcloud installation directory (e.g. cd /var/www/html/nextcloud).
  3. Execute the cronjob file manually e.g. by typing sudo -u www-data php cron.php (this is the command you usually setup to be executed by linux crontab).
  4. If everything went fine you should see that there was a new version of your file created. If you uploaded a PDF file you should now be able to select text in it if it contained at least one image with scanned text.

How it works


General diagramm


For processing PDF files, the external command line tool OCRmyPDF is used. The tool is invoked with the --redo-ocr parameter so that it will perform a detailed text analysis. The detailed analysis masks out visible text and sends the image of each page to the OCR processor. After processing, additional text is inserted as OCR, whereas existing text in a mixed file document (images embedded into text pages) is not disrupted.


Dev setup

Tools and packages you need for development:

You can then build and install the app by cloning this repository into the Nextcloud apps folder and running make build.

cd /var/www/<NEXTCLOUD_INSTALL>/apps
git clone workflow_ocr
cd workflow_ocr
make build

Don't forget to activate the app via Nextcloud web-gui.


We provide a preconfigured debug configuration file for VSCode at .vscode/launch.json which will automatically be recognized when opening this repository inside of VSCode. If you've properly installed and configured the XDebug-plugin you should be able to see it in the upper left corner when being inside of the debug-tab.

VSCode debug profile

To get the debugger profiles working you need to ensure that XDebug for Apache (or your preferred webserver) is connected to you machine at port 9000 while XDebug for the PHP CLI should be configured to bind to port 9001. Depending on your system a possible configuration could look like this:

; /etc/php/7.4/cli/php.ini
; ...
; /etc/php/7.4/apache2/php.ini
; ...

The following table lists the various debug profiles:

Profile name Use
Listen for XDebug Starts XDebug listener for your webserver process.
Listen for XDebug (CLI) Starts XDebug listener for your php cli process.
Run cron.php Runs Nextcloud's cron.php with debugger attached. Useful for debugging OCR-processing jobs.
Debug Unittests Start PHPUnit Unittests with debugger attached.
Debug Integrationtests Start PHPUnit Integrationtests with debugger attached.

If you're looking for some good sources on how to setup VSCode + XDebug we can recommend:

Executing tests

To execute the implemented PHPUnit tests you can use one of the following commands:

# Only run unittests
make unittest

# Only run integrationtests
make integrationtest

# Run all tests
make test

# Run all tests and create HTML coverage report
make html-coverage

# Run all tests and create XML coverage report
make coverage

⚠️ Make sure you activated the app before you run any tests (php occ app:enable workflow_ocr). Otherwise the initialization will fail.

Adding a new OcrProcessor

To support a new mimetype for being processed with OCR you have to follow a few easy steps:

  1. Create a new class in lib/OcrProcessors and let the class implement the interface IOcrProcessor.
  2. Register your implementation in lib/OcrProcessors/OcrProcessorFactory.php by adding it to the mapping.
private static $mapping = [
        'application/pdf' => PdfOcrProcessor::class,
		// Add your class here, for example:
		'mymimetype' => MyOcrProcessor::class
  1. Register a factory for creating your newly added processor in lib/OcrProcessors/OcrProcessorFactory.php by adding an appropriate function inside of registerOcrProcessors.
public static function registerOcrProcessors(IRegistrationContext $context) : void {
		// [...]
		$context->registerService(MyOcrProcessor::class, function(ContainerInterface $c) {
			return new /* your factory goes here */
		}, false);

That's all. If you now create a new workflow based on your added mimetype, your implementation should be triggered by the app. The return value of ocrFile(string $fileContent) will be interpreted as the file content of the scanned file. This one is used to create a new file version in Nextcloud.


  • Currently only pdf documents (application/pdf) can be used as input. Other mimetypes are currently ignored but might be added in the future.
  • Pdf metadata (like author, comments, ...) is not available in the converted output pdf document.
  • Currently files are only processed based on workflow-events so there is no batch-mechanism for applying OCR to already existing files. This is a feature which might be added in the future.
  • If you encounter any problems with the OCR processing, you can always restore the original file via Nextcloud's version history.

    File versions

Used libraries & components

Name Version Link
OCRmyPDF (commandline) >= 9.6.0 On Debian, you might need to manually install a more recent version as described in; see #46
php-shellcommand >= 1.6
PHPUnit >= 8.0