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modified karma so line cov does not run while editing the site intera…
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atruskie committed Jul 4, 2014
1 parent efcf310 commit 67bc7e4
Showing 1 changed file with 84 additions and 72 deletions.
156 changes: 84 additions & 72 deletions karma/karma-unit.tpl.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,82 +1,94 @@
module.exports = function (config) {

var fileJson = '[<% scripts.forEach( function ( file, index, array ) { %>"<%= file %>"<%= index == array.length - 1 ? "": ","%> <% }); %>]';
var fileJson = '[<% scripts.forEach( function ( file, index, array ) { %>"<%= file %>"<%= index == array.length - 1 ? "": ","%> <% }); %>]',
browserToUse = "<%= usePhantomJs ? 'PhantomJS' : 'Chrome' %>",
useLineCov = "<%= usePhantomJs %>" === "true";

var configObject = {};

//logLevel: config.LOG_DEBUG,

//logLevel: config.LOG_DEBUG,

* From where to look for files, starting with the location of this file.
basePath: '../',
* From where to look for files, starting with the location of this file.
configObject.basePath = '../';

* This is the list of file patterns to load into the browser during testing.
files: [
* This is the list of file patterns to load into the browser during testing.
configObject.files = [
exclude: [
frameworks: [ 'jasmine' ],
plugins: [ 'karma-jasmine', 'karma-firefox-launcher',
preprocessors: {
'src/**/!(*.spec)+(.js)': 'coverage'
//'**/src/**[!spec].*.js': 'coverage'

* How to report, by default. 'dots', 'progress'
reporters: ['dots', 'coverage'],

coverageReporter: {
type : 'lcov',
dir : 'coverage/'

* On which port should the browser connect, on which port is the test runner
* operating, and what is the URL path for the browser to use.
port: 9018,
runnerPort: 9100,
urlRoot: '/',

* Disable file watching by default.
autoWatch: false,

* The list of browsers to launch to test on. This includes only "Firefox" by
* default, but other browser names include:
* Chrome, ChromeCanary, Firefox, Opera, Safari, PhantomJS
* Note that you can also use the executable name of the browser, like "chromium"
* or "firefox", but that these vary based on your operating system.
* You may also leave this blank and manually navigate your browser to
* http://localhost:9018/ when you're running tests. The window/tab can be left
* open and the tests will automatically occur there during the build. This has
* the aesthetic advantage of not launching a browser every time you save.
browsers: [
"<%= usePhantomJs ? 'PhantomJS' : 'Chrome' %>"

configObject.exclude = [

configObject.frameworks = [ 'jasmine' ];
configObject.plugins = [

configObject.preprocessors = {
'src/**/!(*.spec)+(.js)': 'coverage'

* How to report, by default. 'dots', 'progress'
configObject.reporters = ['dots'];

* Set up the coverage reporter
if (useLineCov) {
configObject.coverageReporter = {
type: 'lcov',
dir: 'coverage/'

configObject.reporters.push = 'coverage';
configObject.plugins.push = 'karma-coverage';

* On which port should the browser connect, on which port is the test runner
* operating, and what is the URL path for the browser to use.
configObject.port = 9018;
configObject.runnerPort = 9100;
configObject.urlRoot = '/';

* Disable file watching by default.
configObject.autoWatch = false;

* The list of browsers to launch to test on. This includes only "Firefox" by
* default, but other browser names include:
* Chrome, ChromeCanary, Firefox, Opera, Safari, PhantomJS
* Note that you can also use the executable name of the browser, like "chromium"
* or "firefox", but that these vary based on your operating system.
* You may also leave this blank and manually navigate your browser to
* http://localhost:9018/ when you're running tests. The window/tab can be left
* open and the tests will automatically occur there during the build. This has
* the aesthetic advantage of not launching a browser every time you save.
configObject.browsers = [ browserToUse ];


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