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93 lines (80 loc) · 3.15 KB

File metadata and controls

93 lines (80 loc) · 3.15 KB


Provides simple authentication via OAuth. Supported providers: Facebook, Google, Github, Linkedin and Twitter.

See demo application running in (source code in Pyppe/play-simple-auth-example.git)


1. Add dependency in build.sbt

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  ws, // play-simple-auth uses play-ws as a provided dependency
  "fi.pyppe" %% "play-simple-auth" % "1.0"

2. Create two actions in a Controller

For example:

import fi.pyppe.simpleauth.{Auth, UserResponse}
// Implicits we need:
import play.api.Play.current

object Application extends Controller {

  def authenticate(provider: String) = Action.async { implicit req =>
    Auth.initialize(provider) // returns Future[Result]; concretely a redirect to given provider

  def authenticateCallback(provider: String) = Action.async { implicit req =>
    Auth.callback(provider) { case UserResponse(user, userJson) =>
      // Do anything you want with the user. Typically save/update to DB, and set a session.
      // We will also provider the userJson JsValue for any specific needs.
      val internalUserId = DB.insertOrUpdate(user) // imaginary save
      Redirect("/").withSession("" -> internalUserId, "" ->

FYI: The signatures for the above-mentioned functions, and the UserResponse model, are as follows:

def initialize(provider: String)
              (implicit app: Application, ec: ExecutionContext, req: Request[_]): Future[Result]

def callback(provider: String)(handle: UserResponse => Result)
            (implicit app: Application, ec: ExecutionContext, req: Request[_]): Future[Result]

case class Identity(userId: String, provider: String) // provider, such as "facebook", or "twitter"
case class User(identity: Identity, name: String, email: Option[String], image: Option[String])
case class UserResponse(user: User, json: JsValue)

3. Define the above-mentioned actions in the routes file

For example:

GET     /authenticate/:provider            controllers.Application.authenticate(provider: String)
GET     /authenticate/:provider/callback   controllers.Application.authenticateCallback(provider: String)

4. Define your provider settings in application.conf

simple-auth {
  # Relative or absolute callback uri (same as you have defined in routes file)
  redirectUri = "/authenticate/:provider/callback"
  facebook {
    clientId = "${FB_CLIENT_ID}"
    clientSecret = "${FB_SECRET}"
    scope = "email"
  github {
    clientId = "${GITHUB_CLIENT_ID}"
    clientSecret = "${GITHUB_SECRET}"
    scope = "user:email"
  google {
    clientId = "${GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID}"
    clientSecret = "${GOOGLE_SECRET}"
    scope = "openid profile email"
  linkedin {
    clientId = "${LINKEDIN_CLIENT_ID}"
    clientSecret = "${LINKEDIN_SECRET}"
    scope = "r_basicprofile r_emailaddress"
  twitter {
    consumerKey = "${TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY}"
    consumerSecret = "${TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET}"