Catching up with async Rust
Seconds Since the Epoch
Use of Time in Distributed Databases (part 3): Synchronized clocks in databases
Use of Time in Distributed Databases (part 2): Use of logical clocks in databases
sans-IO: The secret to effective Rust for network services
Turing machines
Use of Time in Distributed Databases (part 1)
Verifying Kafka transactions - Diary entry 5 - AddPartitionsToTxn in TLA+
Jack Vanlightly — Distributed systems showdown — TLA + vs real code
Dr. TLA+ Series - Fast Paxos
Specification Refinement
How OCaml Represents Values in Memory
Dr. TLA+ Series - Raft
Network protocols for anyone who knows a programming language
Formally modeling dreidel, the sequel
Proactively monitor user journeys with Grafana Cloud Synthetic Monitoring
Dr. TLA+ Series: Paxos - Andrew Helwer
TLA+ in Practice and Theory Part 2: The + in TLA+
TLA+ in Practice and Theory Part 1: The Principles of TLA+
Weeks Of Debugging Can Save You Hours of TLA+
A More Flexible Paxos
Modeling Paxos and Flexible Paxos in Pluscal and TLA+
The Paxos algorithm, when presented in plain English, is very simple
Practical Tips on using TLA+ and P
Modelling the archetype of a message-passing bug with TLA+
TLA+ is hard to learn
Pragmatic formal modeling
Utilizing highly synchronized clocks in distributed databases
Most Important Cloud Concepts - Episode 3 - Autoscaling
Most Important Cloud Concepts - Episode 2 - Load Balancing
Formal methods
Where is HTTP/3 right now?
Rust nomicon: Leaking
The Future of TLA+
An introduction to symmetry in TLA+
Paxos on Steroids and a Crash Course in TLA+
A snapshot isolated database modeling in TLA+
Crash-only software
What are the Magical Clocks for?
Threads On Multicore Systems
Programming Language Memory Models: Memory Models part 2
A primer on formal verification and TLA+
Verifying Kafka transactions - Diary entry 3 - Getting confidence in the TLA+ spec
TLA+ conference 2024
Introducing Limbo: A complete rewrite of SQLite in Rust
The Computer That Runs The World
TLA+: Weak and Strong Fairness
Coming in Go 1.24: testing/synctest experiment for time and concurrency testing
Majority agreement is not necessary for consensus
State Machine and Synchronization
How To Make The Most Out of Your 20s
To be atomic or non-atomic, that is the question (Fizzbee)
Verifying Kafka transactions - Diary entry 4 - Writing an initial Fizzbee spec
Choose Boring Technology
Egoless engineering
Building a distributed log using S3 (under 150 lines of Go)
Verifying Kafka transactions - Diary entry 2 - Writing an initial TLA+ spec
Verifying Kafka transactions - Diary entry 1 - A first step
How Floating-Point Numbers Are Represented
You could have designed state of the art positional encoding
Where http2 hits its limit
Why Are Threads Needed On Single Core Processors
How To Start A Dev Tools Company | Startup School
Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future
How Much Memory Do You Need in 2024 to Run 1 Million Concurrent Tasks?
Announcing Rust 1.83.0
"RDF and the future of LLMs" by Luke VanderHart
"Correctness proofs of distributed systems with Isabelle" by Martin Kleppmann
S3 Now Supports One MILLION Buckets
Verifying distributed systems with Isabelle/HOL
The Futuristic Business of Arcades
Large Language Models explained briefly
This is your brain on false sharing
Preemption in Go: an introduction
Virtual Threads in Clojure
DTOs & Mapping : The Good, The Bad, And The Excessive
Hope for Argentina Javier Milei: President of Argentina - Freedom, Economics, and Corruption | Lex Fridman Podcast #453
Where Old Money Lives in London New York & Chicago
OpenAI Email Archives (from Musk v. Altman)
Darwin’s Deceptive Durability
Userland Disk I/O
AWS Lambda turns 10: A rare look at the doc that started it
No Code Observability with Grafana Beyla and eBPF | Explainer | Grafana
The Defiant Business of Barbers
Simulation Testing For Liveness
Go Turns 15
No Brasil, professores de universidades públicas são como médicos que só tratam os sadios
Ensuring data reaches disk
PSA: SQLite does not do checksums
PSA: Most databases do not do checksums by default
The Founders: The Story of Paypal and the Entrepreneurs Who Shaped Silicon Valley
Overton window
Paxos Made Simple
CSci 340: Database & Web systems: Logging
Using Lightweight Formal Methods to Validate a Key-Value Storage Node in Amazon S3 (SOSP21)
Amazon SQS delay queues
How Not to Disagree
FF meetup #4 - Deterministic simulation testing
The Baffling Economics of Scooters
How SSH Really Works
Unfortunate things about performance reviews
Why does SQLite (in production) have such a bad rep?
Disaggregated Storage - a brief introduction
Dear CTO: it's not 2015 anymore
Y Combinator Application Guide
Single-Decree Paxos
Leaving Stripe
Why doesn't Cloudflare use containers in their Workers platform infrastructure?
A crash course on building a distributed message broker like Kafka from scratch - Part 1
Rust Collections & Iterators Demystified
Understanding Round Robin DNS
Unikraft: Concepts
Prisma Postgres®: Building a Modern PostgreSQL Service Using Unikernels & MicroVMs
The Heartbeat of Computing: How Clocks Drive CPUs Forward
Networking Basics For Ethical Hackers (EP1): IP Addresses, Subnetting, TCP & UDP Protocols
Meta’s AI Abundance
Psychological Safety vs. High Standards: A Misunderstood Dynamic
Steve Ballmer was an underrated CEO
The hard truth: Americans don’t trust the news media
The Strange Business of Ice Cream
Learn the Anatomy of a Grafana Plugin | Grafana Plugin Development
Query Language Not Required! Explore Apps Suite Demo (Logs, Metrics, Traces, Profiles) | Grafana
Announcing Toasty, an async ORM for Rust
The fallacy of impostor syndrome
A deep look into our new massive multitenant architecture
Types and the Zig Programming Language
Testing at the boundaries
Notes on structured concurrency, or: Go statement considered harmful
How to Test
An unexpected discovery: Automated reasoning often makes systems more efficient and easier to maintain
The Essence of the Flyweight Design Pattern
How to Configure the OpenTelemetry Operator With Your Kubernetes Cluster | Tutorial | Grafana
Lessons from Peter Thiel
Reflections on Palantir
MySQL replication: Best practices and considerations
Categorizing How Distributed Databases Utilize Consensus Algorithms
State Machine and Synchronization
Igor Konnov (Informal System) - Quint Language
Pattern: Saga
Explaining linear regression
The Accumulator
The Fetch Decode Execute Cycle
Why is Kubernetes Popular | What is Kubernetes?
Go sync.Map: The Right Tool for the Right Job
P: Safe Asynchronous Event-Driven Programming
The Dirty Business of Weight Loss Drugs
Paxos lecture (Raft user study)
The Closed-Loop Benchmark Trap
Viewstamped Replication: The Less-Famous Consensus Protocol
Benchmarks That Aren't Your Friends
Single-Decree Paxos
Time and Order
File Storage VS Object Storage | System Design
the tech inside your credit card, explained
A Beginner’s Guide to the True Order of SQL Operations
Introduction to durable execution
How to Use OCaml's Coercion Operator
Keeping CALM: When Distributed Consistency is Easy
The Saga Pattern in Microservices (EDA - part 2)
P: A Domain-Specific Language for Asynchronous Event-Driven Programming
Model-based Testing Distributed Systems with P Language
Can I use connect with UDP sockets?
Threat Detection For k8s The RIGHT Way
Encrypt database secrets using AWS KMS
Top Kafka Use Cases You Should Know
The fundamental unit of work in modern computer systems
Practical TLA+
What is io_uring?
Time Complexity of Loops (Solved Problem 5)
Basic System Monitoring and Observability Terms and Fundamentals | sudoCODE
The Booming Business of Boba
The biggest beef in statistics explained
Time Complexity of Loops (Solved Problem 4)
All the components of Loki explained
A User's Guide to the Open Source Grafana App Platform | GrafanaCON 2024 | Grafana
Chain replication for supporting high throughput and availability
Constraining writers in distributed systems
Do you really need that abstraction or generic code? (YAGNI)
Time Perspective Therapy
Is this consensus?
How to Reduce Metrics Costs with Grafana Cloud Adaptive Metrics | Grafana Labs
Leader Election vs Distributed Consensus - Which One Is Harder?
What are DNS Zones And Records?
A friendly introduction to assembly for high-level programmers — Conditionals
A friendly introduction to assembly for high-level programmers — Hello
CAROL MATSUSE - Co-founder da Insider | Gigacast #49
How to Improve Cohort Retention | Startup School
Primary and Secondary DNS: A Complete Guide
VASCO OLIVEIRA - Ceo nstech e Sócio Tarpon | Gigacast #47
Announcing Rust 1.81.0
Multi-Tenant: Database Per Tenant or Shared?
The Crooked Business of Esports
Donald Trump Interview | Lex Fridman Podcast #442
GUGA STOCCO - Co-founder Futurum Capital | Colunista MIT Technology Review Brasil | Gigacast #47
Free speech isn't guaranteed to be forever
How computer processors run conditions and loops
Grafana 11.2 Now GA: Here's our TL;DR Video | Grafana
Jepsen 15: What Even Are Transactions? by Kyle Kingsbury
k8s Attack/Hacker Paths (What Can Attackers See?)
How the Internet Works in 9 Minutes
The Statistics of Clinical Trials
Introduction to Frontend Observability in Grafana Cloud (Demo) | Grafana
Leader Election With S3 Conditional Writes
#205 CEO Snowflake, Sridhar Ramaswamy
Constraints breed innovation and so does tenacity
Your Domain Model isn't your Data Model
Amazon S3 now supports conditional writes
How To Influence Decision Makers
A Programmer-Friendly I/O Abstraction Over io_uring and kqueue
What's the big deal about Deterministic Simulation Testing?
What P vs NP is actually about
Beneath C++: Understanding Assembly
The Shrinking Business of Sneakers
Go Maps Explained: How Key-Value Pairs Are Actually Stored
How to Query Span Events with TraceQL | Tempo Tutorial | Grafana Labs
Co-Founder Equity Mistakes to Avoid | Startup School
Linux Performance Tools!
Getting Started with Grafana Plugin Development | Grafana Plugin Development
Category theory illustrated: Sets
Part 3 Pmarca Guide to Career Planning: Where to go and why
Part 2 Pmarca Guide to Career Planning: Skills and education
Part 1 Pmarca Guide to Career Planning: Opportunity
Darkside of Event-Driven Architecture
Lock striping
Notes for new hires
The many faces of consistency
Linearizability: A Correctness Condition for Concurrent Objects
Call Me Maybe?
Error Handling in a Correctness-Critical Rust Project
sled simulation guide (jepsen-proof engineering)
Formal verification makes RSA faster — and faster to deploy
Hiisi architecture
Proofs are Programs: A Few Examples of the Curry-Howard Correspondence
Async Runtimes
So good, they can't ignore you
Data Replication Design Spectrum
How AI Learned to Feel | 75 Years of Reinforcement Learning
#201 CEO Lyft, David Risher
How Primary Keys Work in ClickHouse
Getting Started with ClickHouse
"Design in Practice" by Rich Hickey
Crafting Interpreters with Rust: On Garbage Collection
Understanding B-Trees: The Data Structure Behind Modern Databases
The BIG 3 Embedded Protocols - I2C, SPI, UART
HMAC (Hash-Based Message Authentication Codes) Definition
Advice to the young
My advice to the 2012 class
Solving Concurrency Bugs Using Schedules and Imagination
The Rigged Economics of Airlines
A* Search: How Your Map Applications Find Shortest Routes
Files are hard
Why Startup Founders Should Launch Companies Sooner Than They Think
You Could Have Invented Monads! (And Maybe You Already Have.)
Session Vs JWT: The Differences You May Not Know!
How To Price For B2B | Startup School
Vertical Slice Architecture isn't technical
Data Plane vs. Control Plane
Tarpit Ideas: The Sequel
Why does Neon use Paxos instead of Raft, and what’s the difference?
Software engineers are not (and should not be) technicians
Rediscovering Transaction Processing From History and First Principles
The Territorial Business of Tacos
How To Know When It's Time To Go
Lecture 2: Basic Macroeconomic Concepts
Lecture 1: Introduction to 14.02 Principles of Macroeconomics
The deadlock empire
The right kind of stubborn
Unanimous 2PC: Fault-tolerant Distributed Transactions Can be Fast and Simple
Anomaly detection and root cause analysis with Application Observability | Grafana Cloud
Functional core, imperative shell
Enterprise Sales | Startup School
Goldman Sachs: Top of mind - GEN AI: TOO MUCH SPEND, TOO LITTLE BENEFIT?
My favorite Erlang Program
Properly Testing Concurrent Data Structures
PostgreSQL and UUID as primary key
Synchronous Core, Asynchronous Shell
Rutgers: Understanding Paxos
Unix's fsync(), write ahead logs, and durability versus integrity
sans-IO: The secret to effective Rust for network services
One process programming notes (with Go and SQLite)
Systems Distributed '24
How to understand/retain complex concepts 10x better
What Goes Around Comes Around... And Around...
How to create software quality.
CRCs and Reed-Solomon coding: better together
Coding for SSDs – Part 3: Pages, Blocks, and the Flash Translation Layer
Coding for SSDs – Part 2: Architecture of an SSD and Benchmarking
Coding for SSDs – Part 1: Introduction and Table of Contents
Coding for SSDs – Part 5: Access Patterns and System Optimizations
A write-ahead log is not a universal part of durability
The Tortoise and the Hare in TLA+
OpenAPI with a sprinkle ✨ of Hypermedia
Redis Explained
Mark Zuckerberg on Creators, AI Studio, Neural Wristbands, Holographic Smart Glasses, Picasso & More
SIGMOD 2022: Dissecting, Designing, and Optimizing LSM-based Data Stores (Tutorial)
ELF File Format Explained
Kubernetes Architecture: Deep Dive - Part 2
Introduction to Kubernetes - Part 1
Writing I/O-Free (Sans-I/O) Protocol Implementations
The plan-execute pattern
Grafana 11.1 Now GA: Here's our TL;DR Video | Grafana
Fairness and Liveness
My spiciest take on tech hiring
NoSQL Data Modeling and the LSM Tree data structure
Karpathy: Doing well in your courses
Publish algorithms with testable code
Using TLA⁺ at Work: Designing a snapshot coordination system
NewSQL database systems are failing to guarantee consistency, and I blame Spanner
Simple Simulations for System Builders
Formal Methods: Just Good Engineering Practice?
FizzBee Quick Start for TLA+ Users
Jeff Dean: Challenges in Building Large-Scale Information Retrieval Systems
Missing Manuals - io_uring worker pool
Historical records with PostgreSQL, temporal tables and SQL:2011
Why Your SSD (Probably) Sucks and What Your Database Can Do About It
You're not as loosely coupled as you think!
Introducing FizzBee: Simplifying Formal Methods for All
S3 to SQS Trigger Tutorial
Introducing Distill CLI: An efficient, Rust-powered tool for media summarization
Reflecting on My Failure to Build a Billion-Dollar Company
Implementing Temporal Features in PostgreSQL: SQL Standard and Beyond | Citus Con 2023
Introduction to Ingesting OpenTelemetry Logs with Loki | Zero to Hero: Loki | Grafana
Avoiding Beginner Mistakes Hampering You to Scale Backend
THREADS - Program in Parallel!
How do foreign keys work in MariaDB system versioned tables?
Goodbye Joe
Immutability Changes Everything
SSD performance 2015
Elements of Scale: Composing and Scaling Data Platforms
Shared Nothing v.s. Shared Disk Architectures: An Independent View
Fallacies of Distributed Systems
Encrypting Streams in Go
Testing Distributed Systems the right way ft. Will Wilson
Introduction to Ingesting logs with Loki | Zero to Hero: Loki | Grafana
Exploring the Hidden Secrets within OCaml’s Local Function Types | OCaml Unboxed
Runtime representation of numbers in OCaml
Memory allocation in OCaml and beyond
How to do distributed locking
What is Data Pipeline? | Why Is It So Popular?
How does B-tree make your queries fast?
Write code that is easy to delete, not easy to extend.
The art of the pivot, part 2: How, why, and when to pivot
Know Yourself
Moving Beyond Type Systems
Make Your Program Slower With Threads
MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters
How to Install Grafana on Every OS | Grafana
Your customers don't care about JS
Not Just Scale REDIS QUEUE
Queueing: An interactive study of queueing strategies
Introduction to AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF)
Understanding Weak Isolation Is a Serious Problem
Rust Tidbits: Box Is Special
The Advantages Of Queues On Logs
Strong arrows: a new approach to gradual typing
The pitfalls of request/response over messaging
Consensus: the Big Misunderstanding
A way to do atomic writes
Are Files Appends Really Atomic?
Getting Clojure: Build Your Functional Skills One Idea at a Time
Joe Armstrong: A week with Elixir
Startup Experts Discuss Doing Things That Don't Scale
The BENEFITS of Programming Under CONSTRAINTS
The day I became a millionaire
HTTP APIs don't magically remove Coupling (Part 2)
Did we learn anything from Microservices? (Part 1)
Unofficial guide to Datomic internals
Datomic: Look at all the things I'm not doing! (Cont.)
Taking Learning Seriously
Datomic: Look at all the things I'm not doing!
sled simulation guide (jepsen-proof engineering)
What We Look for in Founders
#192 CTO and Co-Founder Discord, Stanislav Vishnevskiy
How To Be Successful
DRAM vs SRAM | Computer Architecture
Mediocre Engineer’s guide to HTTPS
(Mostly) Deterministic Simulation Testing in Go
Dr. K Chats with @Mizkif
How New Technology Creates New Businesses
Why AI Is Tech's Latest Hoax
Dead simple core.async job system in Clojure
Optimizing your talking points
Mark Zuckerberg: Future of AI at Meta, Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp | Lex Fridman Podcast #383
Linear transformations and matrices | Chapter 3, Essence of linear algebra
Linear combinations, span, and basis vectors | Chapter 2, Essence of linear algebra
Vectors | Chapter 1, Essence of linear algebra
Do You Know How Mobile Apps Are Released?
HTMX: What's Old is New Again
A History of Clojure by Rich Hickey with Q&A
Clojure 1.12.0-alpha12
LWN: Ensuring data reaches disk
Durability: Linux File APIs
How to debug Kubernetes? (Deployments, Services & Ingress)
Implementing MVCC and major SQL transaction isolation levels
Decidable vs. Undecidable Problems in Algorithms
Your CTO Should Actually Be Technical
The Stanford Startup and the MIT Startup
Kleiner Perkins: #191 CEO and Co-Founder Intercom, Eoghan McCabe
Jepsen: MongoDB (2013)
But, what is Virtual Memory?
io uring gets even faster
You will never get moving until you just start
Japan Spent 60 Billion Dollars Defending The Yen!
Taking Risk
Lessons learnt from building a distributed system in Rust
How are Microchips Made?
How Schools Detect ChatGPT - AI Detecting AI
Building an Observability Solution with ClickHouse - Part 1 - Logs
Rich Hickey: Open Source is Not About You
Deno KV internals: building a database for the modern web
Programação Funcional | Building Nu Engineering Meetup #06
Windows PE File Format Explained
Jepsen: Datomic Pro 1.0.7075
Jepsen: Snapshot Isolation
Jepsen: Sequential Consistency
The Notifier Pattern for Applications That Use Postgres
I Interviewed The Prime Minister of Canada on Housing and the Economy
Foxconn's Plan To Dominate Electric Vehicles
Even Better Errors in Go
Building resilient serverless patterns by combining messaging services
John Doerr: Ideas are easy, execution is everything.
NEUMA LEITE - Especial dia das mães | Gigacast #31
Amazon S3: Multipart Upload
API Error Messages for a GOOD Developer Experience
P=BPP And this year's Turing Award goes to...
Shell's Fake Carbon Credit Scandal Explained!
The Evolving Business of Doughnuts
LAURA DUBUGRAS - Y combinator, Stanford, Opensea e Harley AI | Gigacast #30
Solving Complex Ordering Challenges with Amazon SQS FIFO Queues
Getting started with Amazon SQS FIFO queues
It’s always TCP_NODELAY. Every damn time.
apollographql: Tags Navigation controls Namespacing by separation of concerns
What is the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM)?
DDD, Hexagonal, Onion, Clean, CQRS, … How I put it all together
How to Stream AWS Logs to Grafana Cloud via Amazon Data Firehose | Grafana
Deep Dive into Primary/Secondary Replication for Fault Tolerance
How Branch Prediction Works in CPUs - Computerphile
Clojure: managing throughput with virtual threads
Pitfalls with Tail Calls and Locals in OCaml | OCaml Unboxed
What is a Columnar Database? (vs. Row-oriented Database)
Understanding Dashboards in Grafana | Panels, Visualizations, Queries, and Transformations
8 Wastes of Lean (for Software Developers)
Gabriel Guimarães | Gigacast #29
How Leap Day Took Down Microsoft Azure
Calling Conventions For Reverse Engineering
Web-Queue-Worker Architecture Style for Scaling
Beginners Guide - All about Flame Graphs visualization | Grafana
Simple Design Docs explained in under 4 minutes
SREcon23 Europe/Middle East/Africa - Cache Me If You Can: How Grafana Labs Scaled Up Their memcached cluster
Announcing Rust 1.78.0
Jane Street’s $1 Billion Trade Puts Spotlight on Indian Options
Jane Street: the top Wall Street firm ‘no one’s heard of’
Jane Street is big. Like, really, really big
That's impossible!
Synchrony, Asynchrony and Partial synchrony
Only Use Inheritance If You Want Both of These
How to debug Kubernetes Ingress? (TLS - Cert-Manager - HTTP-01 & DNS-01 Challenges)
Working with Strings in MySQL (four functions)
Harry Truman, The Most Average Person to Ever Become President
Male Weepies: A Misunderstood Genre
Should Google Sell YouTube?
#188 CEO and Co-Founder Synthesia, Victor Riparbelli w/ Josh Coyne
Keep your project structure simple!
Is Britain Falling Behind?
Why Lemonade Failed To Disrupt Insurance
MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters
External sorting
Practical Understanding of FLP Impossibility for Distributed Consensus
The arms race of internet bots (web scraping)
João Miranda - FOUNDER DA HASH | Gigacast #28
Will The Halving Bankrupt Bitcoin Miners?
The Big Business of Bubble Tea
Sized, DynSized, and Unsized
You Are What You Read, Even If You Don’t Always Remember It
Why TLA+ is important(for concurrent programming)
Physical vs Logical Time
POSIX write() is not atomic in the way that you might like
Linear Algebra of Types
The Four Quadrants of Conformism
Fierce nerds
Asynchronous Programming in Rust
Managing users and Permissions in Grafana | Grafana for Beginners Ep 12
Beginners guide to - Visualizing Geomaps | Grafana
Demystifying Stream Processing Fundamentals
Beginners Guide - How to Configure a Candlestick Visualization | Grafana
7 Tips to Grow as a Developer
Google Reader Shutdown Tidbits
The unreasonable effectiveness of just showing up everyday
Improve your MySQL database performance with this key setting
Why Golang's IO.READER Is More Important Than You Think
Rodrigo Colmonero - Founder & CEO da Gringo| Gigacast #27
Coroutines and effects
What High Performers Do That You Don't
Depend on Abstractions, not Concretions (Framework)
Learn Assembly for Game Hacking
Changes to u128
layout in 1.77 and 1.78
I/O is no longer the bottleneck
Debunking Kafka Top 5 Use Cases
Workload isolation using shuffle-sharding
Fault isolation using shuffle sharding | Andrew Robinson | Conf42 SRE 2021
An unfair advantage: multi-tenant queues in Postgres
Mark Zuckerberg - Llama 3, $10B Models, Caesar Augustus, Bioweapons, & 1 GW Datacenters
Top 12 Tips For API Security
Selling Lisp by the Pound
When Should You Trust Your Gut?
1000x the telemetry at 0.01x the cost
What makes concurrency so hard?
Woovi deixa AWS e lança data center próprio para aumentar eficiência do Pix | Podcast Tech 40+
How Render Enforces Access Controls with Go Generics
Opaque data type
Leandro Noel - Co-CEO da BRLA Digital | Gigacast #26
Signals. I spent 2 years to understand this part.
Declarations Gone Wrong
WHY Waterfall Doesn't Work
20 Years of Experience Later: Rediscovering Quake’s Groundbreaking Graphics
Shutting Down My Job Board for Software Engineering Positions After 2.5 Years
Security advisory for the standard library (CVE-2024-24576)
How Woovi is building a self hosted cloud native CI/CD platform with Tekton and Argocd
Learning lower-level programming
Understanding Covariance and Contravariance
They Knew Waterfall Didn't Work
More on the Performance of Go Pointers
Kubernetes RBAC Explained
The matrix math behind transformer neural networks, one step at a time!!!
My First Distributed System
The Law of Leaky Abstractions
How Are Cruise Ships Cheaper Than Hotels?
Decrusting the tokio crate
Intelligence: A 600 Million Year Story
Juliana Hadad - StarkBank & VC | Forbes Under 30 | Gigacast #25
Ownership in Rust
Why are EV Sales Falling?
Redesigning OLTP for a New Order of Magnitude
The V8 Sandbox
Creating alerts with Grafana | Grafana for Beginners Ep 11
Event Sourcing Core Concepts
When Will the GenAI Bubble Burst?
A impagável DÍVIDA AMERICANA, uma ameaça à segurança nacional
Reducing the Scope of Impact with Cell-Based Architecture
Cell-Based Architecture
How to Survive the Crypto Boom & Bust Cycle
Introducing Glommio, a Thread-per-Core Crate for Rust & Linux
AWS Lambda + Bedrock Tutorial
How Vitess powers your PlanetScale database
Always Use Interfaces
Go: Pointers for performance redux
Computer Science vs Engineering from a guy doing BOTH
malicious backdoor found in ssh libraries
Linux Foundation Launches Open Source Valkey Community
My WORST Mistakes as a Software Developer
Go: Pointers for Performance?
new linux exploit is absolutely insane
How to Configure a Histogram Visualization | Grafana
What the End of Japan’s Negative Interest Rates Means
Introducing Sig by Syndica, an RPS-focused Solana validator client written in Zig
Why choose async/await over threads?
How To Criticize Computer Scientists or Avoiding Ineffective Deprecation And Making Insults More Pointed
The What, Why and How of Containers
P99 CONF 2023 | HTTP 3: Moving on From TCP by Brian Sletten
SQLite Internals: Pages & B-trees
Return Address Spoofing For Game Hacking
OCaml Locals Save Allocations | OCaml Unboxed
Creating a 100 gigabyte index on 1 billion+ rows
What Is a Graph Database? (Animated + Practice)
Rust nomicon: Send and Sync
Rust: 2024 Edition Update
Programming Elixir 1.6
Anti-Debug with Structured Exception Handling + Trap Flag
What is LangChain?
MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters
Bankruptcies Rising Around the World
Why Founders Shouldn't Think Like Investors
Node.js: The Documentary | An origin story
Announcing Rust 1.77.0
How to start Google
What is a Reverse Proxy? (vs. Forward Proxy) | Proxy servers explained
3 Ideas on Refactoring by Martin Fowler
The Autism Constellation
The LeetCode Fallacy
Feature Flags are more than just Toggles
RAFAEL STARK - CEO da StarkBank | Gigacast #22
Clojure Superpower: Interactive programming with REPL
More powerful Go execution traces
Where Is The REAL Cerebral Valley?
Ch02 Ep02: Generic function Part 2
"Serverless sucks!"... or does it?
First month on a database team
All About Epoll - Scalable I/O Syscalls in Linux!
ANDRÉ BERNARDES - CEO da Zippi | Gigacast #21
I Could Never Be a VP of Engineering
The actor model in 10 minutes
Harnessing your tech stack for a competitive Fintech advantage
The Only Time You Should Use Polymorphism
Spotify – Large Scale, Low Latency, P2P Music-on-Demand Streaming
POV: I'm on my third coffee and you just asked me how the internet works
Joe Armstrong: The Road we didn't go down
CS101++ - What Are The Parts of a Computer?
Designing Your Postgres Database for Multi-tenancy
An Overview of Distributed PostgreSQL Architectures
Anatomical similarities and differences between Paxos and blockchain consensus protocols
CEO and Co-Founder Verkada, Filip Kaliszan: Outlier
Column vs Row Oriented Databases Explained
Ensuring rollback safety during deployments
Stop leaking and implying logic in your Frontend
The Golang Compiler Feature You Might Not Know!?
Caching Pitfalls Every Developer Should Know
The Rise and Fall of Online Dating
Scylla: Log Structured Merge Tree
Google Patches Linux kernel with 40% TCP performance
Rich Hickey: Deconstructing the Database
SSTable and Log Structured Storage: LevelDB
Datomic: Indexes
Design a Distributed Priority Queue | SQL DB | FOQS
CADU GUERRA - CEO da Allu | Gigacast #20
Building Confidence In Yourself and Your Ideas
The Magic of Bitcoin
What Kind Of Software Architecture Is This? Monolith or Microservices?
DANILO COSTA - FOUNDER do Educbank | Giga Elenco #19
Top 3 Things You Should Know About Webhooks!
Why arguing generals matter for the Internet
MIT 6.824: Lecture 1: Introduction
Riak: Why Vector Clocks are Easy
Why Cassandra Doesn’t Need Vector Clocks
How are vector clocks used in Dynamo?
Database Isolation Levels and MVCC
How RocksDB works
Can you earn money playing Blackjack? (The software engineer's approach)
Battle Of The Software Architectures: Which One Reigns Supreme?
Can I Improve Go's Error Handling?
Amazon States Language (ASL) Introduction
Docker vs Kubernetes vs Containerd
Scaling ChatGPT: Five Real-World Engineering Challenges
Control planes and data planes
How Pinterest Scaled to 11 Million Users With Only 6 Engineers
NoSQL and Distributed SQL: A Comparison of Distributed Database Systems
Scylla: Lightweight Transactions
ScyllaDB Ring Architecture - Overview
Relational vs. Non-Relational Databases
“What are your salary expectations?” | Salary Negotiation Interview
PEDRO LUCENA - Head de Growth em Rei do Pitaco | Giga Elenco #18
Go Constants Aren't Constant?
Stop Innovating (On The Wrong Things)
Simple JavaScript Aimbot - HTML5 Game Hacking
Increase speed and durability with MySQL replication (2 easy ways)
Past the "Top 10"! - 2023 in Programming Languages
Avoiding long running HTTP API requests.
End-to-End Arguments in System Design
James Mickens: The Saddest Moment
Why Linear regression for Machine Learning?
An intuition for distributed consensus in OLTP systems
RAID-5 (striping with parity)
How does RAID and RAID Parity work?
What is RAID 0, 1, 5, & 10?
The Scrum Guide
Can I make a Better map than the Go Developers?
How Can A Line Predict Future?
Is something bugging you?
Classification vs. Regression in Machine Learning
What is the Prototype Design Pattern?
Apache Kafka Architecture
Grit Podcast - Chairman & CEO ServiceNow, Bill McDermott
The paradox of the derivative | Chapter 2, Essence of calculus
The essence of calculus
My bad opinions: A Distributed Systems Reading List
Mastering Dynamic Programming - How to solve any interview problem (Part 1)
The Truth About Building AI Startups Today
Leaky abstraction
Grit Podcast - CEO and Chairman of Palo Alto Networks, Nikesh Arora
Inferring Locality in OCaml | OCaml Unboxed
"Works on my machine!"... but you don't have production data.
Clojure for the brave and true
Grit Podcast - Former COO and Corporate Officer at Stripe, Claire Hughes Johnson
4 Secrets Of High-Performing Teams
Grit Podcast - PagerDuty CEO, Jennifer Tejada
Mark Zuckerberg at Startup School 2012
Mark Zuckerberg at Startup School 2013
Functional Programming is not weird: you just need some new patterns
Grit Podcast - Founder & CEO Productboard, Hubert Palan w/ special guest Ilya Fushman
Rust-Lang Game Hacking - Internal Cheat on MacOS
Should Your Startup Bootstrap or Raise Venture Capital?
Grit with CEO and Co-Founder Rippling, Parker Conrad and Kleiner Perkins Partner, Mamoon Hamid
What is the Dual Write Problem? | Microservices 101
How to Design a Network Messaging Protocol!
Esse ex UBER era engenheiro civil e hoje cuida de toda a precificação da RIACHUELO
Best practices for container isolation
Containers and Virtualization
The difference between VMs and containers
Sandboxing Untrusted Code
Containers, Virtualisation, and Sandboxes: What Does it All Mean?
Container isolation is not safety
Federico Ponzi: Lamport clocks
Functional Design: Applying past software architecture and design by Janet Carr
Evolution of Computers (Part 3)
Evolution of Computers (Part 1)
Evolution of Computers (Part 2)
Design a Coding Contest Platform | Leetcode | Codeforces
Linux File System Explained!
Constructors Are Broken
I loaded 100,000,000 rows into MySQL (fast)
CS101++ - What Are Nibbles, Bits, Bytes and Words
REINALDO RABELO - CEO Mercado Bitcoin | Giga Cast #17
Yuri Gricheno | CEO e Fundador da Insider | Giga Cast #12
Kubernetes Architecture
How Facebook Scaled a Distributed Priority Queue
Pedro Dias | Fundador & Presidente da Mevo | Giga Cast #10
Gabriel Benarrós - CEO & Founder da Ingresse | Giga Cast #2
João Costa | Empreendedor - Founder & CEO da Zarv | Giga Cast #6
My thoughts on OCaml
Single Writer Principle
Reinventing the Processor
How I explore domain problems cheaply and fast with OCaml: modeling a web router
How to build type-safe State Machines using type-state
A quick guide to GADTs and why you ain't gonna need them
GitHub Actions Feels Bad
Math is your insurance policy
Database Sharding in 200 Seconds
I'm Starting To Like This Configuration Pattern In Go
Extra, Extra - Read All About It: Nearly All Binary Searches and Mergesorts are Broken
The Bulkhead Pattern: How To Make Your System Fault-tolerant
LLMs and Programming in the first days of 2024
A CAP tradeoff in the wild
A data corruption bug in OpenZFS?
Running WebAssembly from my hobby compiler!
Live #17 Dev Eficiente Disseca: Entrando na mente crítica de Rafael Ponte
The checklist manifesto (Dr. Atul Gawande, 2009)
The Million Dollar Matrix Multiply
50 Founders Share How They Got Their First Customers
How To Go From Startup Dream To Reality
StatQuest: Histograms, Clearly Explained
The Main Ideas behind Probability Distributions
The Normal Distribution, Clearly Explained!!!
Population and Estimated Parameters, Clearly Explained!!!
Calculating the Mean, Variance and Standard Deviation, Clearly Explained!!!
Consumer Startup Metrics | Startup School
why do arrays start at zero? (and why does THIS compile??)
Why Logical Clocks are Easy: Sometimes all you need is the right language.
Martin Fowler: Version Vector
The Pulse: Will US companies hire fewer engineers due to Section 174?
Lessons from Bootstrapped Companies Founded by Software Engineers
Where we’re going, we don’t need threads: Simulating Distributed Systems
Clojure: Transient Data Structures
Wikipedia: Actor model
Wikipedia: Elixir (programming language)
Introducing the OCaml Local Mode | OCaml Unboxed
Kubernetes Health Checks: Liveness vs. Readiness vs. Startup Probe
Working with time series data in MySQL
Design a Stock Exchange | HLD | Data Model | Low Latency
Haskell'23 The Evolution of Effects
How Rama is tested: a primer on testing distributed systems
Lessons from Writing a Compiler
How To Launch Anything
How Stacks are Handled in Go
The Four Team Types from Team Topologies
My B2B SaaS just hit 10 years old. A personal story about how it all started
Did I Just Build A Faster AWS Lambda With WASM?
Postgres Auditing in 150 lines of SQL
Should I Open Source my Company?
The end of 0% interest rates: what it means for tech startups and the industry
How to keep Programming from Hurting You.
Everything You NEED to Know About Client Architecture Patterns
Beware! Anti-patterns in Event-Driven Architecture
I quit my job to work full time on my open source project
Signs that it’s time to leave a company…
Amazon's Silent Sacking
How did PayPal handle a billion daily transactions with eight virtual machines?
Do Technical Founders Need Business Co-Founders?
Scaling Golang to 192 Cores with Heavy I/O
The tech layoffs continue
Deploying And Running VMs On Kubernetes
Programming Clojure, Third Edition
The Beauty of Functional Languages in Deep Learning — Clojure and Haskell
Clojure Concurrency Tutorial
Notes on Virtual Threads and Clojure
Sam Altman's Advice To People In Their 20's
Construindo um servidor de live streaming com NGINX
MacOS Game Hacking In Rust-Lang
PATTERN SCANNING 101 (for game hackers)
Learn Reverse Engineering (for hacking games)
Testable IO in Haskell
Functional architecture is Ports and Adapters
Cats Effect 3 - Racing IOs
A developer’s guide to prompt engineering and LLMs
Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG): What, Why and How?
Why You NEED a DRIVER (for hacking games)
AWS API Gateway Introduction
Asynchronous, Concurrent, or Parallel?
System Models
Clojure: core.async Walkthrough
Respondendo perguntas sobre Empreender nos dias de Hoje
OCaml Survey: Developers' Perception, Interest, and Perceived Barriers
Implement a DNS-based Load Balancer
Sam Altman : How to Build the Future
Mark Zuckerberg : How to Build the Future
Advice from the Top 1% of Software Engineer l Exaltitude Jean Lee
Clojure Data Structures Tutorial
HENRIQUE DUBUGRAS - Co-CEO Brexhq | Giga Cast #16
Mastering Concurrent Processes with core.async
From 2005: Four young internet entrepreneurs
Michael Seibel - How to get your first ten customers?
How do Digital and Analog Clocks Work?
RSA is deceptively simple (and fun)
Goodbye long procedural code! Fix it with workflows
Redis®* Persistence Deep Dive
CODING Jorge January 2024 ARTICLE Using mem::take
to reduce heap allocations
Modern software engineering for a small team
Developer Initiates I/O Operation. You Won't Believe What Happens Next.
a strange but powerful interview question
My Journey from Haskell to Go to Rust
Alexandre Liuzzi | Co-Founder na Remessa Online | Giga Cast #9
Startups Are Shutting Down!
Pedro Rabelo - Sócio Fundador da Bagy | Giga Cast #4
Leaderless Replication In Distributed System
What Is a Graph Database?
Alexandre Dubugras e Renner Lucena - GigaCast #1
Sorting in C: Why the double pointers when sorting pointers? (qsort)
398 - Sênior, Staff e acima: os três pilares do seu trabalho 🚀 | theWiseDev Staff+
Annotating OCaml Variables and Returns with local_ | OCaml Unboxed
machine code for function calls
Como funciona uma plataforma de vídeo para devs
Operate at all levels
Alexandre Dubugras e Renner Lucena - GigaCast #11 [EPISÓDIO ESPECIAL]
Diogo Públio | Founder e CEO da Speedio | Giga Cast #8
How a Machine Becomes a Router | ip_forward
Jota Junior - Founder da Alude | Giga Cast #3
Roberta Antunes - Co-Founder da Hurb e Sócia da Hashdex | Giga Cast #5
Another Amazing Use Case For The FOP Pattern In Go
Enums aren't evil. Conditionals everywhere are
Alexandre Dubugras e Renner Lucena - GigaCast #15
You Suck at Marketing
Sentry: From the Beginning
Funding Sentry
Single Leader Replication
How A Steam Bug Deleted Someone’s Entire PC
Optimizing for Taste
Edsger Dijkstra: The Man Who Carried Computer Science on His Shoulders
Social 175 com Henrique Dubugras, co-criador do
When Optimisations Work, But for the Wrong Reasons
Grit Podcast - Founder and co-CEO Brex, Henrique Dubugras
Catharsis Episode 1: Pedro Franceschi
How to do things if you're not that smart and don't have any talent
Ele saiu da PLANILHA e virou TECH LEAD em 2 anos
How to sort part of an array in C
How Disney Hotstar Captures One Billion Emojis!
Grit Podcast - CEO GitHub, Thomas Dohmke
Como entrar na Y Combinator com Alexandre Dubugras, Alexandre Maluli, e Rodrigo Tognini
Chasing the American Dream - Pedro Franceschi
Tom Blomfield: How I Created Two Billion-Dollar Fintech Startups
Alexandre Zolko | CEO CRM&Bônus | Giga Cast #13
Understanding OCaml Locals as a Mode (with Sub-Moding) | OCaml Unboxed