This example shows how to use stable-baselines, a compilation of state of the art RL algorithms made for OpenAI Gym, in ARLIE.
See detailed information on installing stable-baselines here.
Stabe-Baselines supports Tensorflow versions from 1.8.0 to 1.14.0. Support for Tensorflow 2 API is planned.
pip install tensorflow==1.14
Or with GPU support:
pip install tensorflow-gpu==1.14
Obviously, Stable baselines is required to run this example
pip install stable-baselines
You can include an optional dependency on MPI if you use it, enabling algorithms DDPG, GAIL, PPO1 and TRPO.
pip install stable-baselines[mpi]
Optionally, the example allows to run the same model using the LunarLander-v2 environment from gym. Additional requirements need to be installed to run the gym version:
In windows, you will first need to download and install Build Tools for Visual Studio. Then restart and:
conda install swig
pip install gym[box2d]