Project by Tom Aarts
========================================================================== MCP23008/MCP23S08 8-Bit I/O Expander with Serial Interface
See com.pi4j.devices.tca9548.Tca9548 for details on the connected I2C switch.
Java classes to access the MCP23008 GPIO controller as an application. The MCP23008 is located downstrean of a TCA9548 I2C switch. The Tca9548 I2C switch is automatically configured allowing access to the MCP23008.
The sample application configures MCP23008 pin to drive LEDs, and one pin as an input with interrupts enabled. A Pi BCM GPIO is used to drive this input pin. The application monitors the Pi BCM GPIO connected to the MCP23008 INY pin. When the MCP23008 interrupts, the apllication determines if the pin causing the interrupt is the one monitored, and if so performs the intended action. The example interrupt event handler drives LEDs also connected to the same MCP23008.
Supported functions.
- reset chip
- Configure any/all pins (all configurations options)
- Monitor any specific pin for input interrupts. These interrupts will call the event handler on the event class associated with the pin
- Supports logging facilities implemented by log4_v2
The classes are implemented using the Pi4j_V2 requirements of September 1 2020.
The project uses one addition pom requirement of log4j version 2. The project uses the required slf4j basic logging and this Log4j version 2 to support logging to a file.
Update local repository with this SHA1 id. In the projects base directory execute the following. Note: this project is not listed in the parent pom file, therefore mvn (maven) commands in the parent path will not read this pom file.
Program options -q 9548#1 -r 3 -p pin0 -c 23008#1 -g 27 -i on -z 'pi GPIOs' -m 'MCP23xxx pin configuration' -q first chip in the i2c circuit. In the example this is a TCA9548 mux, If the 23008 chip was the directly on the Pi bus, the the value would be -q 23008#1 -r read this MCP23xxx pin -d drive this MCP23xxx pin based on -o ON or OFF -g Pi gpio connected to MCP23xxx interrupt line -i interrupts monitor is ON or OFF -z Pi gpio configuration -m MCP23xxx pin configuration
1. ./mvnw clean package
2. cd target/distribution
3. Execute command to set configuration data
4. Execute command to reset TCA9548 I2C switch
5. Execute command to perform desired MCP23008 operation
6. Use the following python code to drive signals to the MCP23008 pin confirgured
as input with interrups enabled.
Note: If you prefer less or more logging detail, edit changing the -f parameter VALUE See
Dependent upon the -f parameter value logging details will be stored in /tmp/logs/com.pi4j.devices.mcp23xxxApplication.Mcp23008PinMonitor.log
java program to ensure the application configuration was completed. Second, the java MCP23008 application is invoked, this will remain active monitoring interrupts from the MCP23008. The application configures a DigitalStateChangeListener for each MCP23008 pin. The listener for pin4 will control LEDs also connected to the same MCP23008 and LEDs connected to the BCM gpio. See and
TCA9548 I2C switch, on PI bus 1, address 0x70
MCP23008 on TCA9548 switch bus 0 address 0x20
- Pi BCM I2C bus 1 - -------> - TCA9548 -
_______________________ - 0x70 -
| | | - Bus0 ..... Bus7 -
| | | _______________________
| | | |
| | | | | | | ____________________ | | |> RESET > - MCP23008 0x20 - | | ____________________ | |______ < INT < | | | | | | LEDs |__________________> Drive GPIO >|
BCM gpio16 configured as output connected MCP23008 pin 4 pdip14
BCM gpio13 configured as output connected MCP23008 (bar) RESET pdip6
BCM gpio27 configured as input connected MCP23008 INT pdip8
BCM gpio22 configured as output connected to LED
Red LED (+) connected to pin0 pdip10 Green LED (+) connected to pin1 pdip11 Yellow LED (+) connected to pin2 pdip12
NOTE !!!!! Using the $@ in the module call alows variable number of arguments. But, agruments wrapped by " " cannot contain spaces. So as you can see the -m and -z values wrapped by " " contain no spaces..
sudo ./
Set pin and chip configuration property files sudo ./ sudo ./
Reset TCA9548 mux sudo ./ -b 0x01 -a 0x70 -f 1 -l -r 0x6
Reset MCP23008 sudo ./ -q 9548#1 -r 3 -p pin0 -c 23008#1 -z "{{'gpio27':{'name':'InterruptDetect','dir':' in','pull':up'}},{'gpio13':{'name':'ResetChip','dir':'out,'int_ena':'no','initial':high'}}}" -m "{{'pin0': {'dir':'out','int_ena':'no'}},{'pin1':{'dir':'out','int_ena':'no'}},{'pin2':{'dir':'out','int_ena':'no'}},{'pin3': {'dir':'in','pull':'up','default':'1','do_compare':'yes','int_ena':'yes','act':'low'}},{'pin4':{'dir':'out',' int_ena':'no'}},{'pin5':{'dir':'out','int_ena':'no'}},{'pin6':{'dir':'out','int_ena':'no'}},{'pin7':{'dir':'out',' int_ena':'no'}}}" -x 13 -f 0
Configure pins of MCP23008
All pins sudo ./ -x 13 -q 9548#1 -g 27 -r 3 -p pin0 -c 23008#1 -f 1 -z "{{'gpio27':{'name':' InterruptDetect','dir':'in','pull':up'}},{'gpio13':{'name':'ResetChip','dir':'out,'int_ena':'no','initial':high'}}}" -m "{{'pin0':{'dir':'out','int_ena':'no'}},{'pin1':{'dir':'out','int_ena':'no'}},{'pin2':{'dir':'out','int_ena':' no'}},{'pin3':{'dir':'in','pull':'up','default':'1','do_compare':'yes','int_ena':'yes','act':'low'}},{'pin4':{'dir':' out','int_ena':'no'}},{'pin5':{'dir':'out','int_ena':'no'}},{'pin6':{'dir':'out','int_ena':'no'}},{'pin7':{'dir':'out',' int_ena':'no'}}}"
Drive MCP23008 pin0 hi low Red LED on/off sudo ./ -q 9548#1 -d 0 -o ON -p pin0 -c 23008#1 -m "{{'pin0':{'dir':'out','int_ena':' no'}}}" -f 1 sudo ./ -q 9548#1 -d 0 -o OFF -p pin0 -c 23008#1 -f 1
Read MCP23008 pin4 Read 4 sudo ./ -q 9548#1 -r 4 -p pin0 -c 23008#1 -m "{{'pin0':{'dir':'out','int_ena':'no'}},{'pin1': {'dir':'out','int_ena':'no'}},{'pin2':{'dir':'out','int_ena':'no'}},{'pin4':{'dir':'in','pull':'down','default':'0',' do_compare':'no','int_ena':'yes','act':'low'}}}" -x 13 -f 2 This will set pin4 high or low python3 import RPi.GPIO as GPIO GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(16, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.output(16,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output( 16 , GPIO.HIGH)
Monitor pin 4 (does chip reset) sudo ./ -q 9548#1 -r 4 -p pin0 -c 23008#1 -g 27 -i on -z "{{'gpio27':{'name':' InterruptDetect','dir':'in','pull':up'}},{'gpio22':{'name':'LED-gpio','dir':'out,'int_ena':'no','initial':low'}}}" -m "{{'pin0':{'dir':'out','int_ena':'no'}},{'pin1':{'dir':'out','int_ena':'no'}},{'pin2':{'dir':'out','int_ena':' no'}},{'pin4':{'dir':'in','pull':'down','default':'0','do_compare':'no','int_ena':'yes','act':'low'}}}" -x 13 -f 2
In another terminal i2cdump -y 1 0x20 This will clear existing interrupts in the chip
Trip interrupt GPIO16->p4 (in separate terminal console) pin0 Red LED will reflect state of pin4 when it interrupts sudo python3 import RPi.GPIO as GPIO GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(16, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.output(16,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output( 16 , GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(16,GPIO.LOW)
// pin0 Red LED will reflect state of pin4 when it interrupts
- "{'pin4':{'appName':'input','action':'reflect','chipName':'23008#1','pin':'pin0','pinChip':'23008#1'}} } },"
// pin0 drivenHi then drivenLow when pin4 interrupts
- "{'pin4':{'appName':'input','action':'hilow','chipName':'23008#1','pin':'pin0','pinChip':'23008#1'}} } }," //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // gpio22 drivenHi then drivenLow when pin4 interrupts
- "{'pin4':{'appName':'input','action':'hilow','chipName':'23008#1','gpioNumLED':'dio22'}} } },"
// gpio22 reflects pin4 when it interrupts
- "{'pin4':{'appName':'input','action':'reflect','chipName':'23008#1','gpioNumLED':'dio22'}} } },"
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The current usage of PIGPIO prevents the following test. A single application can access the pigpio libraries at one time Monitor pin 3 sudo ./ -q 9548#1 -r 3 -p pin0 -c 23008#1 -g 27 -i on -z "{{'gpio27':{'name':'InterruptDetect',' dir':'in','pull':up'}}}" -m "{{'pin0':{'dir':'out','int_ena':'no'}},{'pin1':{'dir':'out','int_ena':'no'}},{'pin2': {'dir':'out','int_ena':'no'}},{'pin3':{'dir':'in','pull':'up','default':'1','do_compare':'yes','int_ena':'yes','act':' low'}}}"
Trip interrupt p7->p3 sudo ./ -q 9548#1 -d 7 -o ON -p pin0 -c 23008#1 -m "{{'pin7':{'dir':'out','int_ena':'no'}}}" sudo ./ -q 9548#1 -d 7 -o OFF -p pin0 -c 23008#1
//////////// MCP23017
BCM gpio12 configured as output connected MCP23017 pin 4 spdip25
BCM gpio18 configured as output connected MCP23017 pin 15 spdip8
BCM gpio5 configured as output connected MCP23017 (bar) RESET spdip18
BCM gpio23 configured as input connected MCP23017 INTA spdip20
BCM gpio21 configured as input connected MCP23017 INTB spdip19
BCM gpio22 configured as output connected to LED
Red LED (+) connected to pin0 spdip21 Green LED (+) connected to pin9 spdip2 Yellow LED (+) connected to pin14 spdip7
TCA9548 I2C switch, on PI bus 1, address 0x70
MCP23008 on TCA9548 switch bus 1 address 0x22
- Pi BCM I2C bus 1 - -------> - TCA9548 -
_______________________ - 0x70 -
| | || | - . Bus1 ..... Bus7 -
| | || | _______________________
| | || | |
| | || | | | | || | ____________________ | | || |> RESET > - MCP23017 0x22 - | | ||< INTA < ____________________ | | |___________ < INTB < | | | | | | |> Drive GPIO > | | LEDs |> Drive GPIO >_|
NOTE !!!!! Using the $@ in the module call alows variable number of arguments. But, agruments wrapped by " " cannot contain spaces. So as you can see the -m and -z values wrapped by " " contain no spaces..
Set pin and chip configuration property files sudo ./ sudo ./
Reset TCA9548 mux sudo ./ -b 0x01 -a 0x70 -f 1 -l -r 0x6
Reset MCP23017 sudo ./ -q 9548#1 -r 4 -p pin0 -c 23017#1 -z "{{'gpio23':{'name':'InterruptADetect','dir':' in','pull':'up'}},{'gpio21':{'name':'InterruptBDetect','dir':'in','pull':'up'}},{'gpio5':{'name':'ResetChip','dir':' out,'int_ena':'no','initial':'high'}}}" -m "{{'pin0':{'dir':'out','int_ena':'no'}},{'pin14':{'dir':'out',' int_ena':'no'}},{'pin4':{'dir':'in','pull':'up','default':'1','do_compare':'yes','int_ena':'yes','act':'low'}},{' pin15':{'dir':'in','pull':'up','default':'1','do_compare':'yes','int_ena':'yes','act':'low'}},{'pin5':{'dir':'out',' int_ena':'no'}},{'pin6':{'dir':'out','int_ena':'no'}},{'pin7':{'dir':'out','int_ena':'no'}}}" -x 5 -f 0
Configure pins of MCP23017
Listen A side sudo ./ -q 9548#1 -g 23 -i on -r 4 -p pin0 -c 23017#1 -z "{{'gpio23':{'name':' InterruptADetect','dir':'in','pull':'up'}},{'gpio27':{'name':'InterruptBDetect','dir':'in','pull':'up'}},{'gpio5': {'name':'ResetChip','dir':'out,'int_ena':'no','initial':'high'}}}" -m "{{'pin0':{'dir':'out','int_ena':'no'}},{' pin14':{'dir':'out','int_ena':'no'}},{'pin4':{'dir':'in','pull':'up','default':'0','do_compare':'no','int_ena':'yes',' act':'low'}},{'pin15':{'dir':'in','pull':'up','default':'0','do_compare':'no','int_ena':'yes','act':'low'}},{'pin14': {'dir':'out','int_ena':'no'}},{'pin5':{'dir':'out','int_ena':'no'}},{'pin6':{'dir':'out','int_ena':'no'}},{'pin7': {'dir':'out','int_ena':'no'}}}" -x 13 -f 0 In another terminal i2cdump -y 1 0x22 This will clear existing interrupts in the chip
Yellow LED will flash on/off once each interrupt Trip interrupt GPIO12->p4 python3 import RPi.GPIO as GPIO GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(6, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.output(6,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output( 6 , GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(6,GPIO.LOW)
Listen B side sudo ./ -q 9548#1 -g 21 -i on -r 14 -p pin0 -c 23017#1 -z "{{'gpio21':{'name':' InterruptADetect','dir':'in','pull':'up'}},{'gpio21':{'name':'InterruptBDetect','dir':'in','pull':'up'}},{'gpio5': {'name':'ResetChip','dir':'out,'int_ena':'no','initial':'high'}}}" -m "{{'pin0':{'dir':'out','int_ena':'no'}},{' pin4':{'dir':'in','pull':'up','default':'0','do_compare':'no','int_ena':'yes','act':'low'}},{'pin14':{'dir':'in',' pull':'up','default':'0','do_compare':'no','int_ena':'yes','act':'low'}},{'pin5':{'dir':'out','int_ena':'no'}},{'pin6': {'dir':'out','int_ena':'no'}},{'pin7':{'dir':'out','int_ena':'no'}}}" -x 5 -f 0 In another terminal i2cdump -y 1 0x22 This will clear existing interruupts in the chip
Trip interrupt GPIO18->p15 Red LED reflects level of pin 15 python3 import RPi.GPIO as GPIO GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(12, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.output(12,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output( 12 , GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(12,GPIO.LOW)
Drive pin0 hi low Red LED
sudo ./ -q 9548#1 -d 0 -o ON -p pin0 -c 23017#1 -m "{{'pin0':{'dir':'out','int_ena':'no'}}}"
sudo ./ -q 9548#1 -d 0 -o OFF -p pin0 -c 23017#1
Drive pin14 hi low Yellow LED
sudo ./ -q 9548#1 -d 14 -o ON -p pin0 -c 23017#1 -m "{{'pin14':{'dir':'out','int_ena':'no'}}}" sudo ./ -q 9548#1 -d 14 -o OFF -p pin0 -c 23017#1
NOTES ~/Pi4j_v2/Pi4J_V2_devices/src/main/python/monitor_py
sudo ./ 27