35 commits
to main
since this release
Scale: 4
Architecture: RGT
Architecture Option: RGT-S
Author: Philip Hofmann
License: CC-BY-0.4
Purpose: Restoration
Subject: Game Textures
Input Type: Images
Release Date: 08.05.2024
Dataset: GTAV_512_Textures
Dataset Size: 7061
OTF (on the fly augmentations): No
Pretrained Model: 4xTextures_GTAV_rgt-s
Iterations: 128'000
Batch Size: 6,4
GT Size: 128,256
Description: A model to upscale game textures, trained on GTAV Textures, handles jpg compression down to 80 and was trained with dithering. Basically the previous 4xTextures_GTAV_rgt-s model but extended to handle dithering.
Slow Pics 25 Examples