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Configuration Steps

Depending on the modules available in the IoT Gateway installation, different configuration steps will be available during initial configuration of the gateway. The following sections lists the steps available in the IoT Gateway itself, as well as some associated projects using the gateway as a host. The sections will be ordered by priority. The priority is used to sort the steps, as they are being presented.


Priority Module Category Class
-100 IoT Gateway Information Introduction
0 IoT Gateway Database DatabaseConfiguration
100 IoT Gateway Information PersonalDataConfiguration
150 IoT Gateway Database RestoreConfiguration
175 IoT Gateway Database BackupConfiguration
190 IoT Broker Internet InternetGatewayConfiguration
200 IoT Gateway Internet DomainConfiguration
250 IoT Broker Internet DnsConfiguration
300 IoT Gateway XMPP XmppConfiguration
320 IoT Gateway XMPP LegalIdentityConfiguration
350 Neuro-Ledger Ledger LedgerConfiguration
380 IoT Broker XMPP PeerReviewConfiguration
400 IoT Gateway XMPP RosterConfiguration
450 IoT Broker Mail RelayConfiguration
460 IoT Broker Push PushConfiguration
500 IoT Gateway GUI ThemeConfiguration
600 IoT Gateway Operation NotificationConfiguration


Configuration step
Priority -100
Module IoT Gateway
Category Information
Class Waher.IoTGateway.Setup.Introduction
Description Selects between simplified and detailed configuration.
Environment Variable Description
GATEWAY_SIMPLE_SETUP true or 1 for simplified setup, false or 0 for detailed setup.

Database Configuration

Configuration step
Priority 0
Module IoT Gateway
Category Database
Class Waher.IoTGateway.Setup.DatabaseConfiguration
Description Configures main database provider to use.
Environment Variable Description
GATEWAY_DB_PROVIDER Fully qualified name of the database provider to use.

Configuration of the specific provider depends on the type of provider selected, as follows:

Local Internal Encrypted Object Database

Environment Variable Description
GATEWAY_DB_PROVIDER Waher.IoTGateway.Setup.Databases.InternalDatabase


Environment Variable Description
GATEWAY_DB_PROVIDER Waher.IoTGateway.Setup.Databases.MongoDBDatabase
MONGO_DB_HOST Host name of MongoDB database service.
MONGO_DB_NAME Name of database to connect to.
MONGO_DB_DEFAULT Optional name of default collection. If not provided, the default collection name will be Default.
MONGO_DB_USER User name to use when connecting to MongoDB database service.
MONGO_DB_PASSWORD Password to authenticate user.
MONGO_DB_PORT Optional port number used in connnection. If not provided, the library default port number will be used.

Personal Data Processing Configuration

Configuration step
Priority 100
Module IoT Gateway
Category Information
Class Waher.IoTGateway.Setup.PersonalDataConfiguration
Description Requests consent for processing of personal information.
Environment Variable Description
GATEWAY_PII_CONSENT true or 1 to give consent for processing personal inforamtion, false or 0 otherwise.

Restore Configuration

Configuration step
Priority 150
Module IoT Gateway
Category Database
Class Waher.IoTGateway.Setup.RestoreConfiguration
Description Allows a previous backup to be restored on the gateway.
Environment Variable Description
GATEWAY_RESTORE true or 1 if a restore should be performed, false or 0 if no restore should be performed. (If not, the following variables can be skipped.)
GATEWAY_RESTORE_BAKFILE File name of backup file to restore.
GATEWAY_RESTORE_KEYFILE Optional file name of key file corresponding to the backup file, if available.
GATEWAY_RESTORE_OVERWRITE If restore should overwrite existing information.
GATEWAY_RESTORE_COLLECTIONS Optional comma-separated list of collections to restore. Empty value represents all collections.
GATEWAY_RESTORE_PARTS Optional comma-separated list of parts to restore. Empty value represents all parts. Available parts include Database, Ledger and Files.

Note: The list of parts can be extended by modules hosted on the gateway.

Backup Configuration

Configuration step
Priority 175
Module IoT Gateway
Category Database
Class Waher.IoTGateway.Setup.BackupConfiguration
Description Configures when backups are performed, where they are stored, and for how long they are kept.
Environment Variable Description
GATEWAY_BACKUP true or 1 if automatic backups should be performed, false or 0 if no automatic backups should be performed. (If not, the following variables can be skipped.)
GATEWAY_BACKUP_TIME A TimeSpan value representing a time of day, determining when automatic backups are performed.
GATEWAY_BACKUP_DAYS the number of days daily backups are kept.
GATEWAY_BACKUP_MONTHS the number of months monthly backups are kept.
GATEWAY_BACKUP_YEARS the number of years yearly backups are kept.
GATEWAY_BACKUP_FOLDER Optional variable determining the folder backup files are to be stored, if different from the default backup folder.
GATEWAY_KEY_FOLDER Optional variable determining the folder key files are to be stored, if different from the default key folder.
GATEWAY_BACKUP_HOSTS A comma-separated list of secondary backup hosts for redundant storage of backup files.
GATEWAY_KEY_HOSTS A comma-separated list of secondary key hosts for redundant storage of key files.

Internet Gateway Configuration

Configuration step
Priority 190
Module IoT Broker
Category Internet
Class Waher.Service.IoTBroker.Setup.InternetGatewayConfiguration
Description Configures if the broker should register itself in available Internet Gateways in the LAN.
Environment Variable Description
BROKER_INET_GATEWAY_REG true or 1 if the broker should register itself in any Internet Gateway it finds in the Local Area Network, false or 0 if no registration should be made.

Domain Configuration

Configuration step
Priority 200
Module IoT Gateway
Category Internet
Class Waher.IoTGateway.Setup.DomainConfiguration
Description Configures names for the Gateway. This includes domain names, alternative names, dynamic DNS, and human-readable names in different languages.
Environment Variable Description
GATEWAY_DOMAIN_USE true or 1 if gateway uses a domain name, false or 0 if not.
GATEWAY_HR_NAME Default Human-readable name for gateway.
GATEWAY_HR_DESC Default Human-readable description of gateway.
GATEWAY_HR_NAME_LOC Comma-separated list of Language Codes (ISO-639-1) for available localizations of the human-readable name for the gateway.
GATEWAY_HR_NAME_[lang] Localized Human-readable name for the gateway, where [lang] is replaced by any of the ISO-639-1 language codes available in GATEWAY_HR_NAME_LOC.
GATEWAY_HR_DESC_LOC Comma-separated list of Language Codes (ISO-639-1) for available localizations of the human-readable description of the gateway.
GATEWAY_HR_DESC_[lang] Localized Human-readable description of the gateway, where [lang] is replaced by any of the ISO-639-1 language codes available in GATEWAY_HR_DESC_LOC.

If use of a Domain Name is configured (GATEWAY_DOMAIN_USE variable is true or 1), the following variables define its operation:

Environment Variable Description
GATEWAY_DOMAIN_NAME Main Domain Name of the gateway.
GATEWAY_DOMAIN_ALT_NAMES Comma-separated list of alternative domain names for the gateway, if defined.
GATEWAY_DYNDNS true or 1 if gateway should use a Dynamic DNS-service, false or 0 if IP-address of Gateway is static.
GATEWAY_ENCRYPTION true or 1 if gateway should use X.509-based encryption (for example TLS over HTTP, HTTPS), false or 0 if encryption is disabled.

If Encryption is configured (GATEWAY_ENCRYPTION variable), the following variables define its operation:

Environment Variable Description
GATEWAY_CA_CUSTOM true or 1 if gateway should use a custom Certificate Authority (must support ACME), false or 0 if Let's Encrypt should be used to generate certificates for the gateway.
GATEWAY_ACME_EMAIL E-mail address for contact person associated with generated certificates.
GATEWAY_ACME_ACCEPT_TOS If Certificate Authority Terms of Services are accepted.

If Dynamic DNS is configured (GATEWAY_DYNDNS variable), the following variables define its operation:

Environment Variable Description
GATEWAY_DYNDNS_TEMPLATE Name of template to use for reporting IP address changes to the Dynamic DNS-service.
GATEWAY_DYNDNS_CHECK Script to use to check the current public IP address of the gateway.
GATEWAY_DYNDNS_UPDATE Script to use to update the current public IP address of the gateway in the Dynamic DNS service.
GATEWAY_DYNDNS_ACCOUNT Account of the gateway in the Dynamic DNS service.
GATEWAY_DYNDNS_PASSWORD Password of the Dynamic DNS service account.
GATEWAY_DYNDNS_INTERVAL Interval (in seconds) for checking if the IP address has changed.

If a Custom Certificate Authority is configured (GATEWAY_CA_CUSTOM variable), the following variables define its operation:

Environment Variable Description
GATEWAY_ACME_DIRECTORY URL to the custom ACME directory to use to generate certificates for the gateway if a custom CA has been selected.

DNS Configuration

Configuration step
Priority 250
Module IoT Broker
Category Internet
Class Waher.Service.IoTBroker.Setup.DnsConfiguration
Description Tests the DNS to see if necessary records are available. No configuration is performed.

Note: No configuration is performed in this step. The configuration step allows the installer to review necessary DNS settings. When configuring the system using environment variables, the test will also be performed. Any errors will be logged to the event log, but configuration will not fail.

XMPP Configuration

Configuration step
Priority 300
Module IoT Gateway
Category XMPP
Class Waher.IoTGateway.Setup.XmppConfiguration
Description Configures communication settings for how the gateway connects to the XMPP network.
Environment Variable Description
GATEWAY_XMPP_HOST XMPP broker to connect to.
GATEWAY_XMPP_TRANSPORT XMPP transport method (a.k.a. binding). Can be C2S (default if variable not available), BOSH (Bidirectional HTTP) or WS (Web-socket).
GATEWAY_XMPP_PORT Optional Port number to use when connecting to host. (If C2S binding has been selected.) If not provided, the default port number will be used.
GATEWAY_XMPP_BOSHURL URL to use when connecting to host. (If BOSH binding has been selected).
GATEWAY_XMPP_WSURL URL to use when connecting to host. (If WS binding has been selected).
GATEWAY_XMPP_CREATE If an account is to be created.
GATEWAY_XMPP_CREATE_KEY API-Key to use when creating account, if host is not one of the featured hosts.
GATEWAY_XMPP_CREATE_SECRET API-Key secret to use when creating account, if host is not one of the featured hosts.
GATEWAY_XMPP_PASSWORD Password of account. If creating an account, this variable is optional. If not available, a secure password will be generated.
GATEWAY_XMPP_ACCOUNT_NAME Optional Human-readable name of account.
GATEWAY_XMPP_LOG Optional. true or 1 if gateway should log communication to program data folder, false or 0 if communication should not be logged (default).
GATEWAY_XMPP_TRUST Optional. true or 1 if gateway should trust server certificate, even if it does not validate, false or 0 if server should be distrusted (default).
GATEWAY_XMPP_OBS_AUTH Optional. true or 1 if gateway should be allowed to use obsolete and insecure authentication mechanisms, false or 0 if only secure mechanisms should be allowed (default).
GATEWAY_XMPP_CLEAR_PWD Optional. true or 1 if gateway should store password as-is in the database, false or 0 if only the password hash should be stored (default).

Legal Identity Configuration

Configuration step
Priority 320
Module IoT Gateway
Category XMPP
Class Waher.IoTGateway.Setup.LegalIdentityConfiguration
Description Configures an optional legal identity of the gateway, and sends an identity application.
Environment Variable Description
GATEWAY_ID_USE If a legal identity is to be used by the gateway. If used, the folllowing optional variables can be used to provide information going into the application.
GATEWAY_ID_FIRST First name of legal identity.
GATEWAY_ID_MIDDLE Middle name of legal identity.
GATEWAY_ID_LAST Last name of legal identity.
GATEWAY_ID_PNR Personal number of legal identity.
GATEWAY_ID_ADDR Address (line 1) of legal identity.
GATEWAY_ID_ADDR2 Address (line 2) of legal identity.
GATEWAY_ID_ZIP Postal code of legal identity.
GATEWAY_ID_AREA Area of legal identity.
GATEWAY_ID_CITY City of legal identity.
GATEWAY_ID_REGION Region of legal identity.
GATEWAY_ID_COUNTRY Country of legal identity.
GATEWAY_ID_NATIONALITY Nationality of legal identity.
GATEWAY_ID_GENDER Gender of legal identity.
GATEWAY_ID_BDATE Birth Date of legal identity.
GATEWAY_ID_ORGNAME Organization name of legal identity.
GATEWAY_ID_ORGDEPT Organization department of legal identity.
GATEWAY_ID_ORGROLE Organization role of legal identity.
GATEWAY_ID_ORGNR Organization number of legal identity.
GATEWAY_ID_ORGADDR Organization address (line 1) of legal identity.
GATEWAY_ID_ORGADDR2 Organization address (line 2) of legal identity.
GATEWAY_ID_ORGZIP Organization postal code of legal identity.
GATEWAY_ID_ORGAREA Organization area of legal identity.
GATEWAY_ID_ORGCITY Organization city of legal identity.
GATEWAY_ID_ORGREGION Organization region of legal identity.
GATEWAY_ID_ORGCOUNTRY Organization country of legal identity.
GATEWAY_ID_ALT Comma-separated list of alternative fields to send in identity application.
GATEWAY_ID_ALT_[field] Value for alternative field [field] to send in the identity application.
GATEWAY_ID_PASSWORD Protect legal identity with this password.

Neuro-Ledger Configuration

Configuration step
Priority 350
Module Neuro-Ledger
Category Ledger
Class Waher.Service.NeuroLedger.Setup.LedgerConfiguration
Description Configures collection parameter for the Neuro-Ledger.
Environment Variable Description
NEURO_LEDGER_COLLECTION Collection time in seconds. If not provided, the default value will be used.
NEURO_LEDGER_MAXSIZE Maximum size of blocks, in bytes. If not provided, the default value will be used.

Peer Review Configuration

Configuration step
Priority 380
Module IoT Broker
Category XMPP
Class Waher.Service.IoTBroker.Setup.PeerReviewConfiguration
Description Configures requirements for peer-review of legal identities on the broker.
Environment Variable Description
BROKER_REVIEW_USE If peer review is allowed on the broker (true or 1), or not (false or 0). If enabled, the following variables control what parameters must be included:
BROKER_REVIEW_NRPEERS Number of peers required to review and approve a legal identity application before it can be approved.
BROKER_REVIEW_NRPHOTOS Number of photos required in a legal identity application for a peer review to be accepted.
BROKER_REVIEW_FIRST If first-name is required in a peer review (true or 1), or not (false or 0).
BROKER_REVIEW_MIDDLE If middle-name is required in a peer review (true or 1), or not (false or 0).
BROKER_REVIEW_LAST If last-name is required in a peer review (true or 1), or not (false or 0).
BROKER_REVIEW_PNR If personal number is required in a peer review (true or 1), or not (false or 0).
BROKER_REVIEW_COUNTRY If country is required in a peer review (true or 1), or not (false or 0).
BROKER_REVIEW_REGION If region is required in a peer review (true or 1), or not (false or 0).
BROKER_REVIEW_CITY If city is required in a peer review (true or 1), or not (false or 0).
BROKER_REVIEW_AREA If area is required in a peer review (true or 1), or not (false or 0).
BROKER_REVIEW_ZIP If postal code is required in a peer review (true or 1), or not (false or 0).
BROKER_REVIEW_ADDR If address is required in a peer review (true or 1), or not (false or 0).
BROKER_REVIEW_ISO3166 If country codes must comply with ISO 3166 in a peer review (true or 1), or not (false or 0).
BROKER_REVIEW_NATIONALITY If nationality is required in a peer review (true or 1), or not (false or 0).
BROKER_REVIEW_GENDER If gender is required in a peer review (true or 1), or not (false or 0).
BROKER_REVIEW_BDATE If birth date is required in a peer review (true or 1), or not (false or 0).

Roster Configuration

Configuration step
Priority 400
Module IoT Gateway
Category XMPP
Class Waher.IoTGateway.Setup.RosterConfiguration
Description Configures contacts that should be added to the XMPP roster.
Environment Variable Description
GATEWAY_ROSTER_ADD Optional Comma-separated list of Bare JIDs to add to the roster.
GATEWAY_ROSTER_SUBSCRIBE Optional Comma-separated list of Bare JIDs to send presence subscription requests to.
GATEWAY_ROSTER_ACCEPT Optional Comma-separated list of Bare JIDs to accept presence subscription requests from.
GATEWAY_ROSTER_GROUPS Optional Comma-separated list of groups to define.
GATEWAY_ROSTER_GRP_[group] Optional Comma-separated list of Bare JIDs in the roster to add to the group [group].
GATEWAY_ROSTER_NAME_[jid] Optional human-readable name of a JID in the roster.

Mail Relay Configuration

Configuration step
Priority 450
Module Broker
Category Mail
Class Waher.Service.IoTBroker.Setup.RelayConfiguration
Description Configures e-mail Relay settings for the broker.
Environment Variable Description
BROKER_RELAY_USE If an SMTP relay server is to be used (true or 1), or if the broker should connect to the recipient mail exchange directly (false or 0).
BROKER_RELAY_DOMAINS Optional Comma-separated list of domain names for which the broker can act as an SMTP relay.
BROKER_RELAY_SENDER Default sender of mail messages from broker.

If you choose to use a relay server to send e-mail (NEURO_RELAY_USE is trueor 1), the following variables configure the connection to the relay server:

Environment Variable Description
BROKER_RELAY_HOST Host (or domain) or the SMTP Relay server.
BROKER_RELAY_PORT Port number to use when connecting relay server.
BROKER_RELAY_USER User account in the relay server.
BROKER_RELAY_PASSWORD Password of account when authenticating access to the relay server.

Push Notification Configuration

Configuration step
Priority 460
Module Broker
Category Push
Class Waher.Service.IoTBroker.Setup.PushNotificationConfiguration
Description Configures Push-Notification settings for the broker.
Environment Variable Description
BROKER_FIREBASE_USE If Firebase should be used to push notifications to clients when they are not connected (true or 1), or not (false or 0).
BROKER_FIREBASE_SERVICEID Firebase Service ID, identifying the service in Firebase.
BROKER_FIREBASE_SERVERKEY Server Key, authenticating access of the service in Firebase.

Theme Configuration

Configuration step
Priority 500
Module IoT Gateway
Category GUI
Class Waher.IoTGateway.Setup.ThemeConfiguration
Description Configures contacts that should be added to the XMPP roster.
Environment Variable Description
GATEWAY_THEME_ID ID of theme to use.

Notification Configuration

Configuration step
Priority 600
Module IoT Gateway
Category Operation
Class Waher.IoTGateway.Setup.NotificationConfiguration
Description Configures who gets notified of important events, and who can administer the gateway.
Environment Variable Description
GATEWAY_NOTIFICATION_JIDS JIDs of operators of gateway.