This project supports Node v4+ and npm 2+ installed in your development toolchain.
Install and save in your package.json:
npm install @pearson-components/bookmark-list --save
React and ReactDOM (v0.14 or v15) are external dependencies required to use this component. They are npm-installable or available from a third-party CDN.
This component targets the styling in the Pearson Elements SDK.
The following service is recommended for consuming this component cross-browser:
<script src=",Intl.~locale.en,"></script>
The CustomEvent polyfill is for Internet Explorer, and the Intl.js polyfill is for Safari. As you support more languages, add them to the list of features requested.
If your browser already supports a feature, this service automatically optimizes and does not bring down unnecessary code.
See the /demo directory for example usage.
The component's original source code and the transpiled bundle are available in the npm installation. The bundled version is exported as a UMD package supporting AMD, CommonJS2, or a global variable.
##Usage Specifics:
This component uses react-intl for translation and formatting. This component also uses pearson-elements component. The elements.css from the component should be included in the html as shown in the demo html.
The list passed in to the component should be an array of objects with these properties:
npm install
npm run test //runs the test
npm run dev //runs the demo